SAA 04 020. Giving a Princess in Marriage to Bartatua, King of the Scythians (PRT 016) [military and political][via saao/saa04]
Obverse | ||
o 1o 1 | (1) Šamaš, great lord, give me a firm positive answer to what I am asking you! | |
o 22 | mbar-ta-tu-a LUGAL šá KUR.⸢iš⸣-ku-za šá i-na-an-⸢na⸣ DUMU-MEŠ—šip-ri-šú | (2) Bartatua, king of the Scythians, who has now sent his messengers to Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, concerning a royal daughter in marriage — |
o 33 | a-na pa-an mdaš-šur—ŠEŠ—SUM-na LUGAL KUR—aš-šur.⸢KI⸣ [i]-⸢na⸣ UGU DUMU.MÍ—LUGAL | |
o 44 | iš-pu-ra GIM mdaš-šur—ŠEŠ—SUM-na LUGAL KUR—[aš-šur].⸢KI⸣ DUMU.MÍ—LUGAL | (4) if Esarhaddon, king of [Assyria], gives him a royal daughter in marriage, will Bartatua, king of the Scythians, speak with [Esarhaddon, king of Assyria], in good faith, true and honest words of peace? |
o 55 | ||
o 66 | mbar-ta-tu-a LUGAL šá KUR.iš-ku-za it-ti m[d]aš-šur—ŠEŠ—SUM-na LUGAL KUR—aš-šur.KI | |
o 77 | dib-bi ki-nu-ú-tu šá-⸢al⸣-mu-tu šá šu-⸢lum⸣-mé-e i-na kit-ti-šú | |
o 88 | i-dab-bu-ú-bu a-[de]-e šá md[aš-šur—ŠEŠ]—SUM-na LUGAL KUR—aš-šur.KI | (8) Will he keep the treaty of [Esarhaddon, king of Assyria]? Will he do [whatever i]s pleasing to Esarhaddon, king of Assyria? |
o 99 | i-na-aṣ-ṣa-a-ra [mim-ma] ⸢šá⸣ a-na UGU mdaš-šur—ŠEŠ—SUM-na LUGAL KUR—aš-šur ṭa-a-bu | |
o 1010 | ip-pu-ú-šú i-na SILIM-[tim i-na KA DINGIR-ti-ka GAL]-⸢ti⸣ dUTU EN GAL-ú qa-bi-i ku-ni-i | (10) Is it decreed and confirmed in a favorable case, [by the command of your great divinity], Šamaš, great lord? Will he who can see, s[ee it? Will he who can hear], hear it? |
o 1111 | ||
o 1212 | (12) Disregard the (formulation) of [today's case, be it go]od, be it faulty. | |
o 1313 | (13) Disregard that [an unclean man or woman has come near] the place of the extispicy and made it unclean. | |
o 1414 | e-zib šá [UDU.NÍTA DINGIR-ti-ka šá a-na MÁŠ MÁŠ-ú] ⸢LAL⸣-ú ḫa-ṭu-ú | (14) Disregard that [the ram (offered) to your divinity for the performance of the extispicy is defic]ient or faulty. |
Reverse | ||
r 1r 1 | e-zib šá TAG-it ⸢SAG⸣.[KI UDU.NÍTA TÚG gi-né-e-šú ár-šá-a-ti] ⸢lab⸣-šu | (r 1) Disregard that he who touches the fo[rehead of the sheep is dr]essed [in his ordinary soiled garments], (or) has ea[ten, drunk, or anointed himself] with anything unclean, [(or) has alt]ered or changed [the proceedings]. |
r 22 | mim-ma lu-ʾu-ú ⸢KÚ⸣ [NAG-ú ŠÉŠ-šú ú—lu ku-un qa-ti BAL]-ú uš-pe-lu | |
r 33 | e-zib šá i-na KA ⸢DUMU⸣—[LÚ.ḪAL ARAD-ka ta-mit up-tar-ri]-du | (r 3) Disregard that [the oracle query has become jumb]led in the mouth of the [haruspex, your servant]. |
r 44 | (r 4) [I ask you, Šamaš, great lor]d, whether, should Esarhaddo[n, king of Assyria gi]ve [a royal daughter] in marriage [to B]artatua, king of the Scythians, Bartatua will guard and keep the treaty of Esarh[addon, king of Assyria], | |
r 55 | ki-i mdaš-šur—ŠEŠ—SUM-[na LUGAL KUR—aš-šur.KI DUMU.MÍ—LUGAL a-na m]⸢bar⸣-ta-tu-a | |
r 66 | ||
r 77 | mbar-ta-tu-a a-de-e šá mdaš-šur—⸢ŠEŠ⸣—[SUM-na LUGAL KUR—aš-šur].KI i-na-aṣ-ṣa-ru | |
r 88 | ú-šal-la-mu i-na ⸢kit⸣-ti-šú dib-bi ⸢šá⸣-[al-mu-tu šá šu-lum-mé]-⸢e⸣ it-ti mdaš-šur—ŠEŠ—MU | (r 8) (and whether) he will in good faith speak hon[est] words [of peace] with Esarhaddon king of Assyria, and do whatever is pleasing [to Esa]rhaddon, king of Assyria. |
r 99 | LUGAL KUR—aš-šur.KI i-dab-bu-bu ù mim-ma šá a-na [UGU mdaš]-⸢šur⸣—ŠEŠ—SUM-na | |
r 1010 | LUGAL KUR—aš-šur.KI ṭa-a-ba ip-pu-šú i-na ŠÀ-bi UDU.NÍTA [an-ni]-i GUB-za-am-ma | (r 10) Be present in [thi]s ram, place (in it) a firm positive answer, favorable designs, favorable, propitious omens by the oracular command of your great divinity, and may I see (them). |
r 1111 | an-na GI.NA GIŠ.ḪUR-MEŠ SILIM-MEŠ UZU-MEŠ ta-mit SIG₅-MEŠ SILIM-MEŠ šá SILIM-tim | |
r 1212 | ||
r 1313 | UGU DINGIR-ti-ka GAL-ti dUTU EN GAL-ú lil-lik-⸢ma UR₅⸣.ÚŠ li-tap-pal | (r 13) May (this query) go to your great divinity, O Šamaš, great lord, and may an [or]acle be given as an answer. |
r 1414 | BE MURUB₄ NA pa-áš-ṭa BE GÍR 15 u 150 PA TUKU-ši BE KALAG GAR-in BE SILIM 15 u 150 [GAR]-in BE ina 150 ZÉ DU₈ ana GÌR KÉŠ-is EDIN IGI | (r 14) The middle of the 'station' is effaced. The 'path' has a bifurcation on the right and on the left. The 'strength' is present. The 'well-being' is [present] on the right and on the left. In the left of the gall bladder there is a fissure, it is 'bound' to a 'foot'-mark and faces the back. |
r 1515 | BE GÍR 150 ZÉ GAR-in BE ŠUB—AŠ.TE GAR-in BE SAG EDIN 15 ŠU.SI KI.TA-ma DU₈ BE ina EDIN U MURUB₄ UZU zi-ru | (r 15) The 'path' on the left of the gall bladder is present. The 'base of the throne' is present. The top of the right surface of the 'finger' is split below. In the middle surface of the 'finger' a piece of flesh is twisted. |
r 1616 | BE GIŠ.TUKUL MÁŠ ana 150 ZI-bi BE AN.TA-tum DU-ik BE MURUB₄-tum SUḪUŠ-sà BAR BE GAG.ZAG.GA e-bi ŠÀ.NIGIN 16 | (r 16) The 'weapon'-mark of the 'increment' rises toward the left. The upper part is elevated. The base of the middle part is 'loose.' The breast-bone is thick. The coils of the colon are 16 in number. |
r 1717 | (blank) IGI-ti | (r 17) First extispicy. |
r 1818 | BE NA TUKU-ši BE GÍR GAR-in BE KALAG GAR BE SILIM GAR-in BE ŠUB—AŠ.TE GAR-in BE ina SUḪUŠ EDIN [U] ⸢MURUB₄⸣ GÌR GAR-át | (r 18) The 'station' is present. The 'path' is present. The 'strength' is present. The 'well-being' is present. The 'base of the throne' is present. In the base of the middle surface of the 'finger' there is a 'foot'-mark. |
r 1919 | BE AN.TA-tum DU-ik BE ḫa-si-si GAR-in BE MURUB₄-tum SUḪUŠ-sà BAR BE GAG.⸢ZAG⸣.[GA e]-bi | (r 19) The upper part is elevated. The 'ear' is present. The base of the middle part is 'loose.' The bre[ast-bone is th]ick. |
r 2020 | (r 20) The coils of the colon are 14 in number. The heart of the ram is normal. Second extispicy. |
Adapted from Ivan Starr, Queries to the Sungod: Divination and Politics in Sargonid Assyria (State Archives of Assyria, 4), 1990. Lemmatised by Mikko Luukko, 2018, as part of the research programme of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair in the Ancient History of the Near and Middle East at LMU Munich (Karen Radner, Humboldt Professorship 2015). The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as