Answers to cuneiform exercises 8

Here are the answers to Cuneiform exercises 8, with some explanatory notes. You may also find it helpful to look again at the page on II weak, I w, and irregular verbs for more explanations.

  1. π’ˆ— π’ˆΎ 𒀝 π’Š π’„  π’„Ώ 𒁺 π’ŠŒ

    LUGAL na-ak-ra-am i-du-uk
    šarrum nakram idΕ«k
    "The king killed the enemy."

  2. π’Š­ π’…ˆ π’Š’ π’Œ π’ˆΎ 𒀝 π’Š π’„  π’„‘ 𒁀 π’€œ π’ˆ  𒀉 𒁺 π’ŠŒ π’‹—

    ša-ar-ru-um na-ak-ra-am iαΉ£-ba-at-ma id-du-uk-šu
    šarrum nakram iαΉ£batma iddΕ«kšu
    "The king captured the enemy and then killed him."

  3. π’€€ 𒁕 𒀝 π’‹— 𒉑

    "I shall kill them."

  4. π’„Ώ 𒁺 π’ŠŒ π’†ͺ π’‹—

    "They will kill him."

  5. π’€€ π’‰Ώ π’ˆ π’‹— π’Œ‘ 𒀉 𒁕 𒀝

    a-wi-lum šu-u2 id-da-ak
    awΔ«lum šΕ« iddâk
    "That man will be killed."

  6. 𒁁 π’‚– π’„  𒁴 𒍑 𒁲 π’…… π’…†

    be-el am-tim uš-di-ik-ši
    bΔ“l amtim ušdΔ«kši
    "The slave woman's owner had her killed."

  7. π’„Ώ π’…† 𒀉 𒂍 𒃲 π’Œ‘ π’†  π’…”

    i-ši-id E2.GAL u2-ki-in
    išid Δ“kallim ukΔ«n
    "He/she/I made the palace's foundations firm."

  8. π’„Ώ π’…† 𒀉 𒂍 𒃲 π’€€ π’ˆΎ 𒁕 π’Š‘ 𒁴 π’Œ‘ π’…— π’€­

    i-ši-id E2.GAL a-na da-ri-tim u2-ka-an
    išid Δ“kallim ana dārΔ«tim ukân
    "He/she/I will make the palace's foundations firm in perpetuity."

  9. π’‰Ώ π’…ˆ π’…— π’Š π’‹’ π’ŠŒ π’‹Ύ π’…”

    wa-ar-ka-as-su uk-ti-in
    warkassu uktΔ«n
    "He/she/I have established the background facts about him." or "The background facts about him were established."

  10. π’€­ π’ˆ¨π’Œ π’…† 𒆳 π’…— π’„Ώ π’…† π’ˆ¬

    DINGIR-MEŠ ši-mat-ka i-ši-mu
    ilΕ« (or ilānΕ«) šΔ«matka išΔ«mΕ«
    "The gods determine(d) your fate."

  11. π’…† π’…— π’Š π’„  π’„­ π’‚΅ π’„  π’„Ώ π’ˆΎ π’Š© 𒁉𒁷 π’ˆΎ π’€€ π’Š­ π’„ 

    ši-ka-ra-am hi-qa2-am i-na fKURUN.NA a-ša-am
    šikaram hΔ«qam ina sābΔ«tim ašΔm (or ašâm)
    "I buy/bought (or I will buy) diluted beer from the female brewer."

  12. 𒁉 π’€€ π’ˆΎ 𒉛 π’‹— π’ŒŒ π’…– π’‹« π’„ 

    KAŠ a-na ŠAM2-šu ul iš-ta-am
    šikaram ana šΔ«mišu ul ištām
    "He/she has not bought beer for its (full) purchase price."

  13. π’ˆ— π’€€ π’ˆΎ π’„€ π’…• π’Š‘ π’‹— π’…‹ π’‡· π’……

    LUGAL a-na ge-er-ri-šu il-li-ik
    šarrum ana gerrišu illik
    "The king went/goes on his campaign."

  14. π’„― π’Š 𒉆 𒀉 π’‹« π’†· 𒀝

    har-ra-nam it-ta-lak
    harrānam ittalak
    "He/she has travelled the road."

  15. π’€€ π’ˆΎ π’…† π’…Ž π’‹Ύ π’‹— π’…‹ π’†· 𒀝

    a-na ši-im-ti-šu il-la-ak
    ana šΔ«mtišu illak
    "He will die a natural death." (Literally, "He will go to his fate.")

  16. π’„Ώ π’ˆΎ π’Œ· 𒃲 𒍑 π’Š­ π’€Š

    i-na IRI GAL uš-ša-ab
    ina ālim rabîm uššab
    "He/she/I will dwell in a big city."

  17. π’„Ώ π’ˆΎ π’Œ· π’Œ‰ π’Œ‘ π’…† 𒅁

    i-na IRI TUR u2-ši-ib
    ina ālim αΉ£ehrim Ε«šib
    "He/she/I live(d) in a small town."

  18. π’Œ¦ π’„Ώ π’ˆΎ π’Œ· π’ˆ€ π’Œ‘ π’ŠΊ π’…† 𒅁

    UN i-na IRI MAH u2-še-ši-ib
    nišΔ« ina ālim αΉ£Δ“rim ušΔ“šib
    "He/she/I settled the people in a splendid city.

  19. π’…ˆ 𒉆 π’ŒŒ π’Œ‘ 𒁉 π’…‹

    ar-nam ul u2-bi-il
    arnam ul Ε«bil
    "He/she/I does/do (or did) not bear any guilt."

  20. π’…ˆ 𒉆 𒆏 π’Œ“ π’Œ’ 𒁀 π’€ 

    ar-nam kab-tam ub-ba-al
    arnam kabtam ubbal
    "He/she/I will bear heavy guilt."

Content last modified on 07 Jul 2012.

Eleanor Robson

Eleanor Robson, 'Answers to cuneiform exercises 8', Knowledge and Power, Higher Education Academy, 2012 []

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