Answers to cuneiform exercises 7

Here are the answers to Cuneiform exercises 7, with some explanatory notes. You may also find it helpful to look again at the page on I and III weak verbs for more explanations.

  1. 𒂍 π’‹’ π’‚Š 𒁍 𒍑

    E2-su e-pu-uš
    bΔ«ssu Δ“puš
    "I built/build his house."

  2. 𒂍 𒃲 π’„Ώ π’‹Ό 𒅁 π’‹—

    E2.GAL i-te-ep-šu
    Δ“kallam Δ«tepšΕ«
    "They have built the palace."

  3. π’ŒŒ π’„Ώ 𒅁 π’‰Ώ π’‹—

    ul i-ip-pe-šu
    ul ippešΕ«
    "They will not build." or "They are/were not building."

  4. π’€² π’„Ώ π’„₯

    ANŠE i-gur
    imΔ“ram Δ«gur
    "He/she hired/hires a donkey."

  5. π’‹° 𒁀 π’‹— 𒉑 π’„Ώ π’…Ž π’ˆ  π’Š’

    TAB.BA-šu-nu i-im-ma-ru
    tappûšunu immarΕ« or tappîšunu immarΕ«
    "Their friends will see." or "They will see their friends."

  6. 𒀀𒇉 π’„Ώ π’„― π’ˆ  π’„Ώ π’‹Ό 𒁉 π’…•

    ID2 i-mur-ma i-te-bi-ir
    nāram īmurma ītebir
    "He/she saw the river and then crossed (it).

  7. 𒇽 π’Š© π’„Ώ π’„· π’Š»

    LU2 MUNUS i-hu-uz
    awΔ«lum sinništam Δ«huz
    "The man marries/married the woman."

  8. 𒂍 π’…— π’Š­ 𒀉 π’‹Ό π’‰Ώ π’‹—

    E2-ka ša it-te-pe-šu
    bΔ«tka ša ittΔ“pešu
    "Your house that has been built."

    Note: the N-stem n and perfect-tense t elide to tt here (as explained on the Sound rules page).

  9. π’„Ώ π’‹« π’ˆΎ π’„  π’ˆ  π’Š’ π’‹— 𒉑 π’‹Ύ

    "They will always see them."

  10. π’ˆ— 𒂍 𒃲 π’‹— π’Œ‘ π’ŠΊ π’‰Ώ π’…–

    LUGAL E2.GAL-šu u2-še-pi-iš
    šarrum Δ“kalšu ušΔ“piš
    "The king had his palace built."

  11. π’€€ π’ˆΎ π’‚— π’ˆ€ π’‹« 𒀝 𒁉

    a-na EN MAH ta-aq-bi
    ana bΔ“lim αΉ£Δ“rim taqbi
    "You speak/spoke to the exalted lord."

  12. π’‚— π’ˆ¨π’Œ 𒆏 π’Œ… π’Œˆ π’„Ώ π’‹‘ π’€Š 𒁍

    EN-MEŠ kab-tu-tum i-qa-ab-bu
    bΔ“lΕ« kabtΕ«tum iqabbû
    "The important lords will speak."

  13. π’€€ π’ˆΎ π’†ͺ π’€Έ π’Š­ π’€œ π’…— π’ŒŒ π’…… π’‹« 𒁉

    a-na-ku aš-ša-at-ka ul iq-ta-bi
    anāku aššatka ul iqtabi
    "She has not said, 'I am your wife'."

    Note: "He has not said, ..." is also a grammatically correct, if nonsensical, translation.

  14. π’Œ¨ π’ˆ€ π’„Ώ π’ˆΎ 𒆳 π’„Ώ 𒁀 π’€Έ π’…†

    UR.MAH i-na KUR i-ba-aš-ši
    nΔ“šum ina mātim ibašši
    "There is/will be a lion in the land."

  15. π’ˆ  π’†· 𒁀 π’‹— π’Œ‘

    ma-la ba-šu-u2
    mala bašû
    "as much as there is/was"

    Note: this is the stative subjunctive, used to describe a more permanent state of affairs than the durative.

  16. π’€€ π’‰Ώ π’Œˆ π’…… π’‹‘ 𒁉

    a-wa-tum iq-qa-bi
    awātum iqqabi
    "A word was spoken."

  17. 𒍣 π’†  π’…• π’‹— 𒀉 π’‹« 𒀝 𒁉

    zi-ki-ir-šu it-ta-aq-bi
    zikiršu ittaqbi
    "His name has been spoken."

  18. π’‹› π’…” π’‰Œ π’…– π’Œˆ π’Œ‰ π’Š­ π’Œ‘ π’Š π’€Š 𒁉

    si-in-ni-iš-tum DUMU-ša u2-ra-ab-bi
    sinništum māraša urabbi
    "The woman raised her son."

    Note: Like other nouns for close male relatives, mārum keeps its case vowel before possessive suffixes.

  19. π’‹› π’…” π’‰Œ π’Š­ π’Œˆ π’Œ‰ π’ˆ¨π’Œ π’…† π’ˆΎ π’Œ¨ π’‹« π’€Š 𒁍

    si-in-ni-ša-tum DUMU-MEŠ-ši-na ur-ta-ab-bu
    sinnišΔtum mārΔ«šina urtabbû
    "The women have raised their sons."

  20. π’€­ π’ˆ¨π’Œ π’€€ π’‰Ώ 𒇻 π’Œ“ π’Œ‘ π’Š­ π’€Š π’…†

    DINGIR-MEŠ a-wi-lu-tam u2-ša-ab-ši
    ilΕ« (or ilānΕ«) awΔ«lΕ«tam ušabši
    "The gods caused humanity to exist."

Content last modified on 07 Jul 2012

Eleanor Robson

Eleanor Robson, 'Answers to cuneiform exercises 7', Knowledge and Power, Higher Education Academy, 2012 []

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