In his book The Nimrud Letters, 1952 (= Cuneiform Texts from Nimrud 5, 2001), H. W. F. Saggs offered improved cuneiform hand copies of most of the letters that he had already previously published in a series of articles. Those texts that could be attributed to the reign of Sargon II had been edited on the basis of these earlier copies in SAA 1 (1987; nos. 1, 26, 32, 171), SAA 5 (1990; nos. 74 and 215) and SAA 15 (2001; nos. 83 and 84).
Updated editions of these letters, by Mikko Luukko, are available
on State Archives of
Assyria online [/saao/corpus]. A document that details how they differ
from the print editions in SAA 1, 5 and 15 can be downloaded here [/saao/aebp/downloads/saa19_updates.pdf]
(requires free Adobe Acrobat reader).
Reviews of the print editions of the royal correspondence
Parpola, The Correspondence of Sargon II, Part I (SAA 1), 1987
Reviewed by:
- Biggs, R. D., in Journal of Near Eastern Studies 50 (1991), 62-63. View article on JSTOR (requires subscription) [].
- Dalley, S., in Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 80 (1990), 259-262.
- George, A. R., in Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 52 (1989), 118-120. View article on JSTOR (requires subscription) []
- Kaiser, O., in Zeitschrift für alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 100 (1988), 321.
- Livingstone, A., in Journal of Semitic Studies 39 (1994), 97-100.
- Oates, D., in Antiquity 61 (1987), 506-508.
- Oelsner, J., in Zeitschrift für
Assyriologie 88 (1998), 151-152.
View article online (requires subscription).
- Porter, B. N., in Journal of the American Oriental Society 110 (1990), 567-568. View article on JSTOR (requires subscription) [].
- Sanmartín, S., in Aula Orientalis 11 (1993), 257-263.
- von Soden, W., in Die Welt des
Orients 20/21 (1989/90),
270-273. View article on JSTOR (requires subscription).
- Watanabe, K., in Bibliotheca Orientalis 48 (1991), 183-202.
- Wiseman, D. J., in Book List: The Society for Old Testament Study 1988, 33-34.
Lanfranchi and Parpola, The Correspondence of Sargon II, Part II (SAA 5), 1990
Reviewed by:
- Sanmartín, S., in Aula Orientalis 11 (1993), 257-263.
- von Soden, W., in Die Welt des
Orients 25 (1994),
134-135. View article on JSTOR (requires subscription).
- Wiseman, D. J., in Book List: The Society for Old Testament Study 1993, 126.
Fuchs and Parpola, Correspondence of Sargon II, Part III (SAA 15), 2001
Reviewed by:
- Dalley, S., in Archiv für Orientforschung 50 (2003/4), 400-402.
- Köckert, M., in Zeitschrift für alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 116 (2004), 135.
- Novotny, J. R., in Bibliotheca Orientalis 61 (2004), 339-341.
- Pečírková, J., in Archiv orientální 70 (2002), 85-86.
- Ponchia, S., in Orientalia 72 (2003), 333-338.
- Porter, B. N., in Journal of the
American Oriental Society 124
(2004), 341-342. View article on JSTOR (requires subscription).
- Sigrist, M., in Revue Biblique 111 (2004), 116-118.
Dietrich, The Neo-Babylonian Correspondence of Sargon and Sennacherib (SAA 17), 2003
Reviewed by:
- Biggs, R. D., in Journal of Near
Eastern Studies 66 (2007), 72-73.
View article on JSTOR (requires subscription).
- Dalley, S., in Zeitschrift für
Assyriologie und vorderasiatische
Archäologie 96 (2006),
141-142. View article online (requires subscription).
- Kravitz, K. F., in Journal of the
American Oriental Society 125
(2005), 294-295. View article on JSTOR (requires subscription).
- Novotny, J. R., in Bibliotheca Orientalis 62 (2005), 82-86.
- Pečírková, J., in Archiv orientální 72 (2004), 529.
- Tomes, R., in Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 29 (2005), 167.
Content last modified: 12 Oct 2024.