These are the names that appear in the translations of the royal correspondence. Unless otherwise noted, all the people's names are of Akkadian origin.
The identification of ancient places with modern sites is not always certain. We have followed the certainty codes 1-4 in Parpola and Porter, Helsinki atlas (2001), and coloured the pins in the Google Earth (KMZ) files accordingly:
- Yellow: definitely known location (no "probably/perhaps/possibly" in People, gods & places).
- Green: "probably" known to be a modern location.
- Aqua: "perhaps" known to be a modern location.
- White: "possibly" known to be a modern location.
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The cities of known location as mentioned in the correspondence of Sargon II (721-705 BC). Note that not all place names in the Assyrian heartland can be displayed at this resolution. Map by Karen Radner. View large image.
- Aba (place)
- Settlement in the Taurus PGP mountains in the region of the Assyrian province of Tušhan PGP .
- Abaliuqunu (person)
- An Urarṭian name of unknown meaning: governor TT of the Urarṭian PGP province bordering on the kingdom of Muṣaṣir PGP and brother of the Urarṭian deputy commander-in-chief Urṣene PGP ; a contemporary of Sargon II PGP .
- Abani (place)
- River in the region of Araši PGP and Bit-Imbi PGP .
- Abat-šarri-uṣur (person)
- "Obey the word of the king": emissary from the kingdom of Mannea PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Abattu (person)
- "Stone": chariot-maker visiting the Assyrian province of Ṣupat PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Abdudu (place)
- City in the region of the Jebel Hamrin.
View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/abdudu.kmz].
- Abi-hari (person)
- "The father has roused himself", a West Semitic name: notable of the Bit-Dakkuri PGP tribe in southern Babylonia PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP or Sennacherib PGP . See also Dur-Abihara PGP .
- Abi-hasa (person)
- "The father has consecrated", a West Semitic name: tribal leader, possibly of the Gambulu PGP tribe; reign of Sennacherib PGP .
- Abile (person)
- An Urarṭian name of unknown meaning: high Urarṭian PGP military official and Assyrian contact; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Abi-lešir (person)
- See Abu-lešir PGP .
- Abi-ramu (person)
- "The father is exalted", a West Semitic name: criminal suspect from Arzuhina PGP , sent to the palace for questioning; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Abi-Se' (person)
- "Se' is father", a West Semitic name: royal messenger in the service of Sargon II PGP .
- Abi-yadi' (person)
- "The father is knowing", a West Semitic name: sheikh from the region of the river Tubliaš PGP in southern Mesopotamia and correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Abi-yaqa (person)
- "The father has guarded", a West Semitic name: emissary from the kingdom of Šubria PGP sent to the Assyrian city of Šabirešu PGP during the reign of Sargon II PGP to broker an exchange of hostages and refugees.
- Abi-yaqar (person)
- "The father is esteemed", an Aramaic name: leader, or one of the leaders, of the Puqudu PGP tribe in southern Mesopotamia; an enemy of Assyria and Sargon II PGP .
- Abi-yaqiya (person)
- "The father is guarding", a West Semitic name: sheikh from the region of the river Tubliaš PGP in southern Mesopotamia; an Assyrian vassal and correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Abliuqnu (person)
- See Abaliuqunu PGP .
- Abu-eriba (person)
- "The father has replaced": member of the Assyrian royal family who receives lavish gifts during a visit to Gambulu PGP with his wife; relative and contemporary of Sennacherib PGP .
- Abu-ila'i (person)
- "The father is my god": Assyrian fighting for his share in the paternal inheritance, championed by Sargon II PGP who orders his officials to do him justice.
- Abu-lešir (person)
- "May the father prosper": Assyrian governor TT of an unidentified western province under Sargon II PGP .
- Abu-ul-idi (person)
- "I do not know (my) father": Chaldean PGP dignitary; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Ada (person)
- A name of unknown origin and meaning: ruler of a small state in the Taurus PGP mountain range, in the buffer zone between Assyria and Urarṭu PGP ; an Assyrian vassal during the reign of Sargon II PGP , he corresponds with the Assyrian vizier TT , whom he addresses as "my lord".
- Adad (deity)
- Weather god, patron of storms and beneficial rains.
- Adad-abu'a (person)
- "Adad is my father": man from Carchemish PGP whose sons are contemporaries of Sargon II PGP .
- Adad-aplu-iddina (person)
- "Adad has given an heir": royal confidant of Sargon II PGP who is sent by the king as his messenger to the vassal kingdom of Kumme PGP .
- Adad-belu-ka''in (person)
- "O Adad, establish the lord!": governor TT of the province of Assur PGP under Aššur-nerari V and Tiglatpileser III PGP ; eponym TT of the years 748 and 738 BC.
- Adad-ibni (person)
- "Adad has created": [1] Possibly the governor TT of the Assyrian province of Til-Barsip PGP and a correspondent of Sargon II PGP . [2] Assyrian official active in Babylonia PGP and a correspondent of Sargon II.
- Adad-iriba (person)
- "Adad has replaced": individual mentioned in a letter from the middle Euphrates PGP region; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Adad-isse'a (person)
- "Adad is with me": governor TT of the Assyrian province of Mazamua PGP and, at some point in his career, possibly also of the province of Til-Barsip PGP ; frequent correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Adad-issiya (person)
- See Adad-isse'a PGP .
- Adad-nuri (person)
- "Adad is my light": official active in the Assyrian province of Laqe PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Adad-remanni (person)
- "O Adad, have mercy on me!": [1] High Assyrian official active on the Assyro-Babylonian border during the reign of Sargon II PGP . [2] eponym of the city Birtu-ša-Adad-remanni, meaning "Adad-remanni's fortess".
- Adad-šumu-uṣur (person)
- "O Adad, protect the name!": man connected to Marduk-apla-iddina PGP , king of the Sealand PGP , in a letter from Nemed-Lagudu PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Adda-hati (person)
- "Adda is a smiter", a Canaanite name: governor TT of the Assyrian province of Manṣuaṭ, part of the former kingdom of Hamat PGP , and correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Adda-imme (person)
- "Adda is with me", an Aramaic name: probably a dependent individual mentioned in a broken letter, most likely from the reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Adda-ramu (person)
- "Adda is exalted", an Aramaic name: individual mentioned in a broken letter to Sargon II PGP .
- Adda-šumki (person)
- "Adda is my support", an Aramaic name: father of Akburu PGP , from Sinnu PGP . Sargon II PGP ordered Nabu-de'iq PGP to send Akburu PGP to him with two other persons.
- Adgi-hinna (person)
- A West Semitic name of uncertain meaning: sheikh from the region of the river Tubliaš PGP in southern Mesopotamia and a correspondent of the officials of Sargon II PGP .
- Adgi-hi'il (person)
- See Adgi-hinna PGP .
- Adia (place)
- See Adian PGP .
- Adian (place)
- A town in central Assyria, possibly to be identified with Eski Kalak. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/adian_eski_kalak.kmz].
- Adinni (place)
- City in northern Babylonia PGP .
- Ahat-abiša (person)
- "Her father's sister": daughter of Sargon II PGP and wife and queen of Ambariṣ, king of Tabal PGP and an Asyrian vassal.
- Ahhešaya (person)
- Abbreviation of a name containing the element "his brothers": an individual concerned with the royal wine cellars; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Ahhutun (person)
- "Our brotherhood": one of six deportees to be resettled in the Assyrian province of Amidi PGP who refused to cultivate their fields; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Ahi-bi-gayanu (person)
- "The brother is under protection", an Aramaic name: sheikh from the region of the river Tubliaš PGP and a correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Ahi-yaqar (person)
- "The brother is esteemed", a West Semitic name: individual from Bit-Sin-ibni PGP who, together with Lu-ahu'a PGP , tries to persuade Nabu-duru-uṣur PGP and Bel-emuranni PGP to go and retake with them the conquered town of Bit-Ha'ir PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Ahu-bani (person)
- "The brother has been created": royal confidant of Sargon II PGP , in charge of resettling Urarṭian PGP deportees in Sippar PGP .
- Ahu-ila'i (person)
- "The brother is my god": recruitment officer TT active in Bit-Dakkuri PGP and, according to a letter to Sargon II PGP , separated from his brothers because he was more reliable than them.
- Ahu-illika (person)
- "A brother has come": official, possibly from the middle Euphrates PGP , collecting and shipping saplings of fruit trees to Dur-Šarruken PGP .
- Ahu-le'i (person)
- "The brother is almighty": official or a tribal leader active in the area around Meturna PGP and in charge of town(s), according to a letter to Sargon II PGP .
- Ahu-lurši (person)
- "May I have a brother": priest of the temple of Nabu PGP in Dur-Šarruken PGP and correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Ahu-nuri (person)
- "The brother is my light", an Akkadian or West Semitic name: northern Babylonian PGP tribal leader and correspondent of the treasurer TT ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Ahutun (person)
- See Ahhutun PGP .
- Aiakku (place)
- The Akkadian name of the Eanna temple at Uruk PGP , dedicated to the goddess Ištar PGP .
- Aia-mahir (person)
- Individual mentioned in a fragmentary letter from Babylonia PGP dealing with the Damunu PGP tribe.
- Aira (place)
- Town near Kumme PGP .
- Akburu (person)
- "Jerboa", a Phoenician-Canaanite name: son of Adda-šumki PGP , from Sinnu PGP , summoned to the court by Sargon II PGP .
- Akkad (place)
- A city in northern Babylonia PGP , exact location unknown; possibly now Tell Muhammad. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/akkad_tell_muhammad.kmz].
- Akkadayu (person)
- "The Akkadian": individual appealing to the king, possibly Sargon II PGP , because of a lawsuit.
- Akkuddu (place)
- Royal city in Ellipi PGP ; modern Ilam?
- Al Adad (place)
- "Town of Adad" PGP , probably on the river or on the Khabur PGP or on the Euphrates PGP .
- Alamu (place)
- Town near Muṣaṣir PGP .
- Al Aššur (place)
- See Assur PGP .
- Al Aššur-nirka-uṣur (place)
- Town in central Assyria, presumably near Kilizi PGP .
- Al Bar-uri (place)
- Town, possibly in western Syria or southeastern Turkey.
- Allabria (place)
- Kingdom in the Zagros PGP mountain range, situated between Mannea PGP and Parsua PGP .
- Al šukkalli (place)
- "Town of the vizier", location unknown.
- Alu ša Nashir-Bel (place)
- ""Town of Nashir-Bel", possibly in the province of the Chief Cupbearer TT or elsewhere on the Assyro-Urarṭian border.
- Alu ša tamkari (place)
- "Merchant town", village near Kalhu PGP .
- Alu ša Turmiš (place)
- Town on the (Lower) Zab PGP .
- Alu ša Uqimutu (place)
- Town near Suhu PGP on the middle Euphrates PGP .
- Alzi (place)
- Province of Urarṭu PGP .
- Alzunu (place)
- Province of Urarṭu PGP .
- Amakani (person)
- An Iranian name: Median PGP city lord whose messengers Mannu-ki-Ninua PGP is to treat well, according to a letter to Sargon II PGP .
- Amantu (place)
- Village near Kasappa PGP .
- Amanus (place)
- Mountain range to the east of Iskanderun in modern Turkey, running parallel to the northern Mediterranean coast.
- Amar-ili (person)
- Either "Chosen of the god", an Akkadian name, or "The god (or: 'El) has said", a West Semitic name: high official or scholar active in Arbela PGP , and correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Amat-Bel-uṣur (person)
- "Obey the word of Bel": Babylonian PGP father and subordinate of Hazanu PGP , sent by Aššur-belu-taqqin PGP to Sargon II PGP . Amat-Bel-uṣur's family consists of one son and three women.
- Amel-Enlil (person)
- "Man of Enlil": man from Hindaru PGP who defected to the vizier TT ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Amel-Nabu (person)
- "Man of Nabu": Babylonian correspondent of Sargon II PGP , more likely to have been located in southern or eastern Babylonia PGP than in Babylon PGP , since he informs the king about Bit-Yakin PGP and Elam PGP . He is harassed by Mannu-ki-Arbail PGP .
- Amidi (place)
- Assyrian province in the upper Tigris PGP region and its capital of the same name; modern Diyarbakir, classical Amida. The province is also known as Bit-Zamani PGP , the name of the kingdom out of which it was created in 856 BC. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/amidi.kmz].
- Amiru (person)
- "Commander", an Arabic name: Arab leader who is mentioned as father of Ammi-leti PGP in three letters to Sargon II PGP .
- Ammi-hati (person)
- See Mahde PGP .
- Ammi-leti (person)
- "The paternal uncle is my strength", a West Semitic name: son of Amiru PGP , an Arab leader active in western Syria. Nominally an Assyrian vassal, he frequently encroaches upon the territories of the Assyrian provinces of Ṣupat PGP , Manṣuate and Damascus PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Ammi-li'ti (person)
- See Ammi-leti PGP .
- Ammi-ra'i (person)
- "The paternal uncle is shepherd", an Aramaic name: possibly the "city lord" of one of the small Assyrian vassal states in the Taurus PGP region; a contemporary of Sargon II PGP .
- Ammi-yata' or Ammi-Yata' (person)
- Either "The paternal uncle has delivered", an Aramaic name, or "(The god) Yata' is the paternal uncle", an Arabic name: deputy governor of an unknown province; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Ampihabi (place)
- Town in the Assyrian province of Arzuhina PGP .
- Amqarruna (place)
- See Ekron PGP .
- Ana-Nabu-taklak (person)
- See Nabu-taklak PGP .
- Anat (place)
- Island city on the river Euphrates PGP , modern Anah in the border region between Syria and Iraq.
- Andia (place)
- Kingdom on the eastern slopes of the Zagros PGP mountains to the southeast of Lake Urmia.
- Anisu (place)
- A city in the Zagros PGP mountain range, to the east of Arbela PGP ; perhaps Qalaat Diza in modern Iraq. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/anisu_qalaat_diza.kmz].
- Anqarruna (place)
- See Ekron PGP .
- Anu (deity)
- The sky god, worshipped especially in Uruk PGP .
- Anu-ereš (person)
- "Anu has desired": Babylonian PGP , brother and dependent of Bel-lamur PGP and subordinate of Hazanu PGP , sent by Aššur-belu-taqqin PGP to Sargon II PGP . Anu-ereš belongs to the family of his with one woman.
- Apalla (place)
- Town on the lower Euphrates PGP in northern Babylonia PGP .
- Aparu (place)
- Town, possibly in central Assyria.
- Apinunu (place)
- Town in the Zagros PGP mountains.
- Apku (place)
- Town in western Assyria, modern Tell Abu Marya.
View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/apku.kmz].
- Aplaya (person)
- Abbreviation of a name containing the element "heir": [1] Leader of deported Babylonians in Que PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP . [2] Official active in the province of Laqe PGP and, together with Šarru-lu-dari PGP , correspondent of Sargon II PGP on deportees and pack animals. [3] Possibly a dependent gardener from Kalhu PGP who is connected to the captives from Arrapha PGP in a letter to Sargon II.
- Appa (person)
- Name of unknown origin and meaning: father of Labarmu PGP from Sinnu PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Appina (place)
- Fortress, location unknown; possibly in Media PGP .
- Aqaba (person)
- West Semitic name based on the verb "to protect/watch": man from the town of Darati PGP turning to the Assyrian prefect Marduk-šarru-uṣur PGP for help in (re)capturing Darati PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Aqara (person)
- Abbreviation of a name containing the element "precious": Babylonian PGP , possibly from Bit-Dakkuri PGP , son of the woman Haba[...]; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Aqar-Bel-lumur (person)
- "May I see the preciousness of Bel!": commander of troops in Gambulu PGP under SennacheribII PGP ; frequent correspondent of the king, Bel-ibni PGP , the vizier TT and other high officials, either alone or together with Nabu-šumu-lešir PGP , another high-ranking official in Gambulu (probably the governor TT ).
- Aqar-Nabu (person)
- "Nabu is precious": Babylonian PGP scholar in Dur-Šarruken PGP , possibly a diviner like Šula PGP , with whom he is mentioned in a letter to Sargon II PGP .
- Aqqarruna (place)
- See Ekron PGP .
- Arabia (place)
- In Assyrian times, the desert to the south and west of Mesopotamia.
- Aradat (people/place)
- Aramean PGP tribe mentioned together with the tribes of Damunu PGP and Urhula PGP .
- Arad-Ea (person)
- "Servant of the god Ea": Babylonian PGP correspondent of Sargon II PGP whose only extant letter is badly broken and may concern the affairs in Bit-Dakkuri PGP .
- Aram (place)
- Area around modern Damascus PGP in Syria. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/damascus.kmz]. | View location using Google Maps [].
- Aramean (people)
- The people and Semitic language from the area of Aram PGP .
- Aramu (people)
- See Aramean PGP .
- Arantu (place)
- See Orontes PGP .
- Araši (place)
- Region in the Zagros PGP mountains around modern Ilam in Iran. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/ilam.kmz].
- Araza (place)
- City in Urarṭu PGP .
- Arbail (place)
- See Arbela PGP .
- Arbailaya (person)
- "The one from Arbela": "Third Man" TT of a chariot team who is in charge of moving a military camp and acts as royal messenger in the eastern provinces of Assyria; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Arbaya (person)
- "The Arab": Assyrian military official, active in or near Harran PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Arbela (place)
- Major Assyrian city and the capital of a province of the same name; modern Erbil. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/arbela.kmz].
- Argada (place)
- Town in the Zagros PGP mountains.
- Argisti (person)
- An Urarṭian name: Argišti II, king of Urarṭu PGP , a contemporary of Sargon II PGP . His crown prince is Melarṭua PGP but it is unclear whether he eventually succeeded his father to the throne.
- Argistiani (place)
- City in Urarṭu PGP .
- Argite (place)
- Town near Ṣupat PGP .
- Argue (place)
- Town, probably in Šubria PGP .
- Arhi (place)
- City in Urarṭu PGP .
- Ariawati (place)
- Town in the province of Guzana PGP .
- Ariaza (person)
- Name of unknown origin and meaning: co-ruler of the Assyrian vassal state Kumme PGP , together with Ariye PGP , probably his father; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Aridu (place)
- Town in the province of Guzana PGP , Tell Aruda.
- Arihu (person)
- A Semitic name: official in Laqe PGP and correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Ariṣa (person)
- See Ariaza PGP .
- Ariye (person)
- An Iranian name: co-ruler of the Assyrian vassal state Kumme PGP , together with Ariye, possibly his son; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Armaya (people)
- See Aramean PGP .
- Armiraliu (place)
- Province of Urarṭu PGP .
- Arpadda (place)
- Assyrian province and its capital of the same name; probably modern Tell Rifat. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/arpadda_tell_rifat.kmz].
- Arrabatu (person)
- "Female dormouse": dependent Babylonian PGP woman; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Arrakdi (place)
- Town in Mazamua PGP .
- Arranu (place)
- Town in the vicinity of Dur-Šarrukku PGP .
- Arrapha (place)
- Assyrian province and its capital of the same name; modern Kirkuk. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/arrapha_kirkuk.kmz]. | View location using Google Maps [].
- Arsazu (place)
- Territory or country whose reading is uncertain and location unknown.
- Arṣua (place)
- Town on the Assyro-Urarṭian border, possibly identical with Arṣuain/Arṣania, in the Taurus PGP mountain region.
- Arubu (place)
- Arabia.
- Arumu (people)
- See Aramean PGP .
- Arwad (place)
- Island city in Phoenicia; classical Aradus off modern Tartus in Syria. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/arwad.kmz]. | View location using Google Maps [].
- Arza (place)
- City in southern Philistia PGP in the proximity of the Brook of Egypt; modern Wadi El-Arish.
- Arzabia (place)
- Town near Ukku PGP and Kumme PGP .
- Arzaya (person)
- "The one from Arza" or an abbreviation of an Aramaic name containing the element "cedar": local ruler, some of whose people were assigned to an Assyrian cohort under Gabbu-ana-Aššur PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Arzizu (place)
- City in the Assyrian province of Mazamua PGP .
- Arzuhina (place)
- Assyrian province, south of the Lower Zab PGP river and between the provinces of Arrapha PGP and Arbela PGP , and its capital city of the same name; perhaps Gök Tepe. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/arzuhina.kmz].
- Ašapi (person)
- A West Semitic name: Arab chieftain active in the Assyrian province of Ṣupat PGP , whose son is an Assyrian informant; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Ašaredu (person)
- "The foremost one": Babylonian PGP , son of Ṭabiya PGP , possibly from Uruk PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Asdudu (place)
- See Ashdod PGP .
- Ashdod (place)
- Philistine PGP city; following Sargon II PGP 's conquest in 711, it became the centre of a province of the same name, the southernmost Assyrian holding on the Mediterranean coast.
View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/ashdod.kmz]. | View location using Google Maps []
- Ašipa (person)
- A name of unknown origin and meaning: governor TT of the Assyrian province of Tušhan PGP and correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Ašpa-bara (person)
- "Horseman", an Iranian name: king of Ellipi PGP , successor of his uncle Dalta PGP ; a contemporary of Sargon II PGP and Sennacherib PGP .
- Asrukanu (person)
- An Iranian name: Median PGP city lord whose son is placed as an Assyrian hostage; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Aššur (deity)
- The national god of Assyria whose temple at the city of Assur PGP is the most important Assyrian sanctuary.
- Assur (place)
- Assyrian city on the Tigris PGP , the original capital and ancestral home of the royal family and many Assyrian nobles; now Qalaat Sherqat. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/assur_qalaat_sherqat.kmz].
- Aššur-alik-pani (person)
- "Aššur is the leader", i.e. "Aššur is the one who goes in front": Assyrian governor TT , active on Assyria's northeastern frontier, whose province is unknown; correspondent of Sargon II PGP , often together with Nergal-šarrani PGP .
- Aššur-ašared (person)
- "Aššur is foremost": bearded courtier TT mentioned in a broken letter concerning barley for captives.
- Aššur-balti-niše (person)
- "Aššur is the pride of the people": palace supervisor actively involved in transferring and resettling deportees, including Urarṭian PGP women; correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Aššur-bani (person)
- "Aššur is the creator": governor TT of the province of Kalhu PGP and correspondent of Sargon II PGP ; eponym TT of the year 713 BC.
- Aššur-bel-šarrani (person)
- "Aššur is the lord of kings": military official active in Babylonia PGP and correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Aššur-belu-da''in (person)
- "O Aššur, strengthen the lord!": possibly governor TT of the province of Halzi-atbari PGP ; correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Aššur-belu-taqqin (person)
- "O Aššur, safeguard the lord!": [1] Assyrian prefect in Babylonia PGP , the successor of Šamaš-bunaya PGP and predecessor of Marduk-šarru-uṣur PGP , and correspondent of Sargon II PGP . [2] Official providing horses and mules to the village manager of Til-Barsip PGP .
- Aššur-belu-uda''an (person)
- "Aššur strengthens the lord": possibly an Assyrian governor TT , active on the northern border of Assyria.
- Aššur-belu-uṣur (person)
- "O Aššur, protect the lord!": Assyrian governor TT in an eastern province and correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Aššur-bessunu (person)
- "Aššur is their lord!": official in the service of Sargon's PGP treasurer Ṭab-šar-Aššur PGP , active in the Province of the Treasurer.
- Aššur-dalal (person)
- "[To] Aššur is [my] praise!": high military official of the chariot troops active in the province of Ṣupat PGP , who opened the royal silos without permission and fed his horses with the fodder of the governor Bel-liqbi PGP .
- Aššur-da''inanni (person)
- "O Aššur, strengthen me!": governor TT of the province of Mazamua PGP and correspondent of Tiglath-Pileser III PGP ; eponym TT of the year 733 BC but still in office early in the reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Aššur-dur-paniya (person)
- "Aššur is the protective wall in front of me": governor TT of the Assyrian province of Til-Barsip PGP ; correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Aššur-ereš (person)
- "Aššur has desired": high official, probably from Kalhu PGP , who has at his disposal Nabu-šezib PGP , the scribe of Bel-duri PGP , according to a letter to Sargon II PGP .
- Aššur-iddin (person)
- "Aššur has given": prefect, possibly active in Babylonia PGP ; according to a broken letter, probably from the reign of Sargon II PGP , Aššur-iddin is said to be "their prefect".
- Aššur-ila'i (person)
- "Aššur is my god": high official from Til-Barsip PGP , whose eunuchs Sargon II PGP ordered Adad-ibni PGP to send to him.
- Aššur-le'i (person)
- "Aššur is almighty": ruler of Karalla PGP in the Zagros PGP mountains and an ally of Ullusunu PGP , ruler of Mannea PGP , and an enemy of Assyria according to Sargon's PGP royal inscriptions.
- Aššur-nadin-ahhe (person)
- "Aššur is the giver of the brothers": royal confidant and messenger of Sargon II PGP .
- Aššur-na'di (person)
- "Aššur is praised": deputy priest of the Aššur PGP temple; his cousin Simanaya PGP is a candidate for the office of the household overseer of the Aššur PGP temple following the death of the previous officeholder along with the latter's son and nephew, according to a letter from Ṭab-ṣill-Ešarra PGP to Sargon II PGP .
- Aššur neši (deity)
- "Aššur of the lions": statue of the god Aššur PGP .
- Aššur-nirka-da''in (person)
- "O Aššur, strengthen your yoke!": governor TT of the province of Assur PGP and correspondent of Sargon II PGP ; eponym TT of the year 720 BC.
- Aššur-patinu (person)
- "Aššur is a strengthener": high official active in Bit-Zamani PGP and correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Aššur-remanni (person)
- "O Aššur, have mercy on me!": [1] High official active in northern Assyria; reign of Sargon II PGP . [2] Landowner in the province of Amidi PGP ; possibly identical with [1]. [3] Cavalry commander in the service of a deputy governor in eastern Babylonia PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Aššur-reṣiwa (person)
- "Aššur is my helper": subordinate of the deputy governor of an unknown province; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Aššur-rešu-išši (person)
- "Aššur has lifted my head": royal confidant TT of Sargon II PGP active in the Zagros PGP region, negotiating with the dignitaries of Bit-Barru PGP and Kibabiše PGP in Ellipi PGP , and dealing with the people of Kuluman PGP .
- Aššur-reṣuwa (person)
- "Aššur is my helper": royal delegate TT in Kumme PGP and frequent correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Aššur-ṣabtanni (person)
- "O Aššur, seize me!": possibly a royal confidant TT , unless he is a cohort commander from Arrapha who brings Ramati PGP , appointed as city lord by Sargon II PGP , to Uriakka PGP against the will of the locals.
- Aššur-šallimanni (person)
- "O Aššur, keep me safe!": governor TT of the province of Arrapha PGP and correspondent of Tiglath-pileser III PGP ; eponym TT of the year 735 BC.
- Aššur-šarrani (person)
- "Aššur is our king": messenger or royal confidant TT active in the Urarṭian PGP border region around Ukku PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Aššur-šarru-ibni (person)
- "Aššur has created the king": official involved in public works and correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Aššur-šarru-uṣur (person)
- "O Aššur, protect the king!": [1] Governor TT of the Assyrian province of Que PGP (Cilicia) under Sargon II PGP . [2] High administrative official in the Assyrian province of Mazamua PGP under Sargon II; perhaps the same man as [1] but at a different stage of his career.
- Aššur-šimanni (person)
- "O Aššur, hear me!": probably governor TT of the province of Kilizi PGP ; correspondent of Tiglath-pileser III PGP and eponym TT of the year 724 BC.
- Aššur-šumu-ka''in (person)
- "O Aššur, establish the name!": official in charge of the bull colossi for Dur-Šarruken PGP and correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Aššur-zeru-ibni (person)
- "Aššur has created offspring": high official involved in a dispute with the governor of Halzi-atbari PGP about the people of Ehiman PGP , whom he claimed as his servants; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Assyria (place)
- The empire ruled by kings Tiglath-pileser III PGP , Shalmaneser V PGP and Sargon II PGP , and their predecessors and successors.
- Ata (person)
- A name of unknown origin and meaning: Babylonian PGP in charge of the town of Darati PGP , said by his opponents to be loyal to Marduk-apla-iddina PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Ata (place)
- Region in Syria.
- Atanha-Šamaš (person)
- "I am exhausted, O Šamaš": high administrative official and correspondent of Sargon II PGP ; active in the Taurus PGP mountain region, probably as a provincial governor TT .
- Atta-idri (person)
- "Atta is my help", a West Semitic name: possibly an individual from Hubuškia PGP mentioned in a broken letter to Sargon II PGP .
- Attar-ham (person)
- "Attar is the father-in-law", a West Semitic name: merchant active in Habruri PGP and Hargu PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Atunna (place)
- Also known as Tunna. Anatolian city in the region of Tabal PGP (classical Tynna); today Zeyve Höyük at the village of Porsuk near the town of Ulukışla in the province of Niğde. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/atunna.kmz].
- Aya-barakka (person)
- "Ea has blessed", an Aramaic name: individual mentioned in connection with some Median PGP city lords and their contribution to the building works at Kar-Šarruken PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Aya-hari (person)
- "Ea has roused himself", an Aramaic name: father of one Nabu-[...]; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Ayakku (place)
- The Eanna temple of the goddess Ištar PGP in Uruk PGP .
- Aya-mahir (person)
- "Ea has received": Aramean PGP or Babylonian PGP mentioned in a fragmentary letter, probably by Lanše PGP ; reign of Sennacherib PGP .
- Aya-saggi (person)
- "Ea is grand", a West Semitic name: messenger sent by Šama'gunu PGP to Ummaniša PGP in the border area between Babylonia PGP and Elam PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Aza (person)
- Name of unknown origin and meaning: king of Mannea PGP ; contemporary of Sargon II PGP .
- Azari (place)
- City in the Assyrian province of Mazamua PGP .
- Bab-bitqi (place)
- Town on the lower Euphrates PGP near Upi PGP .
- Babili (place)
- See Babylon PGP .
- Babiti (place)
- Mountain and pass in the province of Mazamua PGP ; modern Bazian.
- Babu (person)
- Name of unknown origin and meaning: city lord in the Zagros PGP mountains; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Babutta (place)
- City state in the Taurus PGP mountain region, near Ukku PGP and Kumme PGP .
- Babylon (place)
- The most important city of Babylonia PGP , near the modern city of Hilla. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/babylon.kmz].
- Babylonia (place)
- The politically fragmented territory to the south of the Assyrian heartland, formerly an independent polity and constantly reclaiming that independence from Assyria. See the essay on Babylonia.
- Bada (person)
- See Badaya PGP .
- Badaya (person)
- An abbreviated West Semitic name: commander of the troops at Dur-Abihara PGP in Gambulu PGP , father of Teši-eṭir PGP and correspondent of Sargon II PGP ; probably still active during the reign of Sennacherib PGP .
- Baga-parna (person)
- "With the gods' splendour of fortune", an Iranian name: city lord of Zakruti PGP .
- Bahianu (person)
- "The desired one", an Aramaic name: individual active in the province of Naṣibina PGP , robbed and killed along with his attendants in an ambush by Belu-lu-balaṭ PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Balassu (person)
- "His life": [1] Leader of the Bit-Dakkuri PGP tribe, who went into Assyrian exile in 722 BC and whose death is reported in a royal letter; a correspondent of Tiglath-pileser III PGP and Sargon II PGP . [2] Prefect of the Aramean PGP tribe of Labdudu PGP and a royal scribe; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Balaṭi (person)
- An abbreviated name containing either the element "alive" or "life": official active in Dur-Bel-ila'i PGP on Assyria's southeastern border; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Balaṭu-iqbi (person)
- "He has promised life": notable from northern Babylonia PGP who is summoned by Sargon II PGP .
- Balṭi-iqbi (person)
- See Balaṭu-iqbi PGP .
- Banitu (deity)
- A goddess of creation.
- Baqarru (place)
- Town in Arzuhina PGP .
- Barhalzi (place)
- Central Assyrian province, perhaps the region between the rivers Rubar Atruš and Hosr north of the Jabal Maqlub mountains. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/barhalzi.kmz].
- Barik-il (person)
- "Blessed by god", a West Semitic name: high-ranking individual, probably a tribal leader, from Larak PGP who appealed to Sargon II PGP after he and his people were arrested. Barik-il may still have been active during the reign of Sennacherib PGP .
- Bar-Ṣaruri (person)
- "Son of Ṣaruru", a West Semitic name: royal confidant TT of Sargon II PGP , escorting captives sent by Nabu-belu-uṣur PGP and Dinanu PGP .
- Barsip (place)
- See Borsippa PGP .
- Barsipitu (person)
- "The woman from Barsip [= Borsippa]": Babylonian PGP correspondent of Sargon II PGP and daughter of Balassu PGP , the leader of the Bit-Dakkuri PGP tribe.
- Barzaništa (place)
- Town in Bit-Zamani PGP .
- Batulu (person)
- "Young man": subordinate of the governor TT , who slandered, robbed and kidnapped the deputy governor Ammi-yata' PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Baziya (person)
- Name of unknown origin and meaning: probably a son of the ruler of Ukku PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Bel (deity)
- "Lord", a name of Marduk PGP .
- Bel-abu-uṣur (person)
- "O Bel, protect the father!": official, possibly from the reign of Sargon II PGP , who received a letter from his "brother".
- Bel age (deity)
- "Lord-of-the-Crown", the name of the god Aššur PGP 's crown.
- Bel-ahhe (person)
- "Lord of the brothers", an abbreviated name: merchant active in Mazamua PGP who is to be arrested and sent to Sargon II PGP .
- Bel-ahhe-riba (person)
- "Bel has replaced the brothers": official in Arrapha PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Bel-ahu-iddina (person)
- "Bel has given a brother": individual mentioned in a broken letter, probably addressed to Sargon II PGP .
- Belayu (person)
- "The one belonging to Bel": father of Ṣillaya PGP , a Babylonian PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Bel-dan (person)
- "Bel is strong": governor TT of the Assyrian province of Kalhu PGP under Tiglath-pileser III PGP ; eponym TT of the years 744 and 734 BC.
- Bel-deni-amur (person)
- "O Bel, examine my case!": eunuch TT from Til-Barsip PGP , a cook from the household of Aššur-ila'i PGP who is sent to Sargon II PGP at the king's request.
- Bel-duri (person)
- "Bel is my protective wall": governor TT of the Assyrian province of Damascus PGP and correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Bel-emuranni (person)
- "Bel has chosen me": [1] Governor TT of the Assyrian province of Raṣappa PGP and eponym TT of the year 737 BC. [2] Intelligence officer active on the northeastern frontier of Assyria and correspondent of Sargon II PGP . [3] Official connected to Nabu-duru-uṣur PGP at Der PGP ; reign of Sargon II. [4] Superior of a runaway baker from Hatarikka PGP ; reign of Sargon II.
- Bel-epuš (person)
- "Bel has made": sheikh from the region of the river Tubliaš PGP and correspondent of the magnates TT of Sargon II PGP .
- Bel-eriba (person)
- "Bel has replaced": possibly a provincial governor TT active on the southeastern frontier; correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Belet (deity)
- "Lady": an appellative of Ištar PGP .
- Belet-ekalli (deity)
- "Lady of the Palace": wife of Uraš PGP .
- Bel-eṭir (person)
- "Bel has saved": individual, probably from Kalhu PGP , who is mentioned in a letter from Sennacherib PGP to Sargon II PGP .
- Belet-taddina (person)
- "Belet [= the Lady] has given": presumably a harem TT woman and possibly a daughter of Nabu-ereš PGP , mentioned by Aqar-Bel-lumur PGP , Sennacherib's PGP commander of troops in Gambulu PGP , in a letter to his king.
- Bel-Harran-belu-uṣur (person)
- "O Lord of Harran, protect the lord!": [1] Palace herald TT under Shalmaneser IV and Tiglath-pileser III PGP , founder of the city Dur-Bel-Harran-belu-uṣur and eponym TT of the year 741 BC. [2] Governor TT of the province of Guzana PGP and eponym TT of the year 727 BC.
- Bel-ibni (person)
- "Bel has created": Babylonian nobleman growing up as a hostage at the court of Sargon II PGP , appointed king of Babylonia PGP (702-700 BC) by Sennacherib PGP .
- Bel-iddina (person)
- "Bel has given": [1] King of Allabria PGP , a vassal and correspondent of Sargon II PGP . [2] Babylonian scholar or priest inspecting work on various temples in Babylonia PGP and correspondent of Sargon II. [3] Uncle of the informant Ra'iwanu PGP from the town of Nagiati PGP ; reign of Sargon II.
- Bel-ila'i (person)
- "Bel is my god": palace supervisor from Kalhu PGP connected to some captives from Arrapha PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Bel-iqbi (person)
- See Bel-liqbi PGP .
- Bel-iqiša (person)
- "Bel has granted": [1] Chief temple administrator of the Esaggil PGP temple in Babylon PGP and correspondent of Sargon II PGP , the vizier TT and Nabu-šarru-uṣur PGP . [2] Possibly an Assyrian official to be provided with barley and animals in Arrapha PGP .
- Bel-išdi'ia-kini (person)
- "O Bel, establish my foundation!": chief strategist (rab mūgi TT ) active in the Assyrian campaign against Marduk-apla-iddina PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Bel-iṣṣur (person)
- See Bel-naṣir PGP .
- Bel-lamur (person)
- "May I see Bel!": Babylonian PGP , brother of Anu-ereš PGP and subordinate of Hazanu PGP , sent by Ašur-belu-taqqin PGP to Sargon II PGP .
- Bel-lešir (person)
- "O Bel, may he prosper!": [1] Governor TT of an unknown western Assyrian province; reign of Sargon II PGP . [2] Sheikh from the region of the river Tubliaš PGP and correspondent of the king's magnates TT ; reign of Sargon II.
- Bel-le'ani (person)
- "Bel is our almighty one": Babylonian PGP mentioned in connection with Qibi-Bel PGP , Esaggil PGP and Marduk-apla-iddina PGP in a broken letter, probably from the reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Bel-le'i (person)
- "Bel is almighty": [1] Military official active in Arrapha PGP and correspondent of Sargon II PGP . [2] Man from the town of Darati PGP asking the Assyrian prefect Marduk-šarru-uṣur PGP to (re)capture his home town; reign of Sargon II.
- Bel-liqbi (person)
- "May Bel command!": governor TT of the Assyrian province of Ṣupat PGP and correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Bel-naṣir (person)
- "Bel is protector": [1] Babylonian PGP nobleman and investor from Uruk PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP . [2] Individual mentioned in a fragmentary letter by Marduk-šarru-uṣur PGP , the governor TT of the province of Šingibutu PGP .
- Bel-nuri (person)
- "Bel is my light": major-domo TT sacked because of his difficult character, possibly originally from Calah PGP ; following his dismissal, he settles first in Arrapha PGP and thereafter is appointed in Lubda PGP , but causes trouble everywhere during the reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Bel-qatika-ṣabat (person)
- "O Bel, take care of!", lit. "O Bel, take into your hands!": possibly a Babylonian PGP , mentioned in a broken letter, probably from the reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Bel-qati-ṣabat (person)
- See Bel-qatika-ṣabat PGP .
- Bel-qatu'a (person)
- "Bel is in my hands": possibly an Assyrian official or an individual from Hubuškia PGP , mentioned in a broken letter to Sargon II PGP .
- Bel-šarru-uṣur (person)
- "O Bel, protect the king!": royal confidant TT of Sargon II PGP who visits Mušezibu PGP , the ruler of Lahiru PGP , together with Nabu-šumu-iddina PGP , and informs the locals about the Assyrian military plans in the area.
- Belšunu (person)
- "Their lord": [1] Priest or nobleman from Babylon PGP and correspondent of the vizier TT during the reign of Sargon II PGP . [2] Member of the Puqudu PGP tribe.
- Beltia (deity)
- "My Lady", an appellative of Zarpanitu PGP .
- Bel-udu'a (person)
- "Bel - evil", shortened name from Bel-mušetiq-udu, "Bel is the one who averts evil": messenger of Eṭiru PGP , the chief temple administrator of Esaggil PGP in Babylon PGP , who tells Il-yada' PGP that he has been sent to the palace, according to a letter to Sargon II PGP .
- Belu-lu-balaṭ (person)
- "May the lord live!": probably an official turned criminal, active in the province of Naṣibina PGP , who killed Bahianu PGP and his attendants and extorted oxen from exempts.
- Belu-lu-dari (person)
- "May the lord be everlasting!": governor TT of the province of Tille PGP and correspondent of Tiglath-pileser III PGP ; eponym TT of the year 730 BC.
- Bel-usati (person)
- "Bel is [my] help": high-ranking Babylonian PGP , probably a brother of Nabu-šarru-uṣur PGP , who seems to have been mentioned in three fragmentary letters from the reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Bel-uṣur (person)
- See Bel-naṣir PGP .
- Bet-Ammana (place)
- Kingdom to the east of the river Jordan, Gilead and the Dead Sea; Biblical Ammon, modern Amman.
View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/bet-ammana.kmz].
- Bet-Eria (place)
- Estate in central Assyria, probably near Kilizi PGP .
- Bet-ili (place)
- [or Bit-ili, the people of Bit-ila'i(?) mentioned in Babylonian context] "House of God", possibly the Biblical town Bethel.
- Bet Kidmuri (place)
- The temple of Ištar PGP in Kalhu PGP . View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/bet_kidmuri_kalhu.kmz].
- Bienši (place)
- Town in the southeast from Assyria; location unknown.
- Binitu (person)
- "Creature": dependent Babylonian PGP woman who is said, in a letter from Šumu-ukin PGP to Nergal-naṣir PGP , to be under Qallatu PGP together with three other women; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Birati (place)
- [1] Also known as Hararati, city on the Euphrates PGP river. [2] Town in Habhu PGP . [3] Territory in northern Babylonia PGP , not far from Sippar PGP ; exact location unknown.
- Birdunu (place)
- City in Urarṭu PGP .
- Biriaun (person)
- Perhaps an Urarṭian PGP name: smuggler from Kumme PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Birtu (place)
- Formerly the kingdom of Ullubu, conquered by Tiglath-pileser III PGP in 739 BC and transformed into an Assyrian province; situated on the Lesser Khabur, north of the modern Iraqi town of Dohuk. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/birtu.kmz].
- Bit-Abdadani (place)
- Median PGP city-state in the Zagros PGP mountain range.
- Bit-Adini (place)
- Aramean PGP kingdom with the capital Til-Barsip PGP , situated in northern Syria to the east of the Euphrates PGP ; conquered and integrated into Assyria under Shalmaneser III (858-824 BC) as the province of the Commander-in-Chief TT .
- Bit-Amukani (people/place)
- Chaldean PGP tribe occupying the area north of Uruk PGP in Babylonia PGP .
- Bit-Barru (place)
- Territory in Ellipi PGP .
- Bit-Bunakki (place)
- Babylonian PGP city on the border of Elam PGP .
- Bit-Dakkuri (people/place)
- Chaldean PGP tribe who occupied the area south of Borsippa PGP in Babylonia PGP .
- Bit-Hamban (place)
- Region and Assyrian province in western Iran, situated where the Diyala PGP river leaves the Zagros PGP mountains.
- Bit-Ha'ir (place)
- Town and fort in Araši PGP on the Elamite PGP border.
- Bit-Imbi (place)
- City in Araši PGP .
- Bit-Imbiya (place)
- See Bit-Imbi PGP .
- Bit-Kapsi (place)
- Region in western Iran.
- Bit-kari (place)
- "Trading colony", Assyrian province in Media PGP .
- Bit-Parasi-ili (place)
- Possibly a town in Bit-Dakkuri PGP .
- Bit-Purutaš (place)
- See Tabal PGP .
- Bit-Ša'alli (people)
- Aramean PGP tribe in central Babylonia PGP .
- Bit-Šilani (place)
- Chaldean PGP tribe active in Babylonia PGP .
- Bit-Sin-ibni (place)
- Probably a town in Araši PGP on the border of Elam PGP .
- Bit-Tammeš-šama' (place)
- Probably a town in Bit-Dakkuri PGP .
- Bit-Uqata (place)
- Village near Babylon PGP .
- Bit-Yakin (people/place)
- Chaldean PGP tribe who occupied the area north of Ur PGP in Babylonia PGP .
- Bit-Zabidi/Zabidaya (place)
- Part of the area of the Bit-Yakin PGP .
- Bit-Zamani (place)
- See Amidi PGP .
- Bit-Zeri (place)
- Chaldean PGP tribe active in Babylonia PGP .
- Bit-Zualza (place)
- Territory in western Iran, north of the kingdom of Ellipi PGP .
- Borsippa (place)
- Babylonian city southwest of Babylon PGP ; now Birs Nimrud. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/borsippa_birs_nimrud.kmz].
- Bubilu (place)
- City in Elam PGP .
- Buharru (place)
- Town of the Bit-Amukani PGP tribe in southern Babylonia.
- Bulluṭu (person)
- Either "To keep alive/in good health" or "Kept alive": official attached to the Eanna PGP temple in Uruk PGP . Babylonian PGP correspondent of the vizier TT who may also have received a royal letter.
- Burati (place)
- Elamite PGP fort.
- Bure (person)
- A name of unknown origin and meaning: smuggler from Kumme PGP in the service of the local ruler Ariaza PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Bur-šarri (place)
- Town in the district of Guzana PGP .
- Bur-ṣaruru (person)
- See Bar-Ṣaruri PGP .
- Bur-Sila (person)
- "Son of Sila", an Aramaic name: probably a high Elamite PGP official, said to raise provisions, probably for a military campaign, with Umman-mina PGP in Bit-Bunakki PGP and to be involved in the affairs of Ellipi PGP , according to a letter from Der PGP to Sargon II PGP .
- Bursipitu (person)
- See Barsipitu PGP .
- Burtu (place)
- Town in the region of Hubuškia PGP , near Harraniya PGP .
- Buru (deity)
- Calf of Adad PGP .
- Bususu (place)
- Town near Kumme PGP in the province of the Chief Cupbearer TT .
- Calah/Kalhu (place)
- Royal city of Assyria, between Assur PGP and Nineveh PGP on the Tigris PGP river; Biblical Calah, modern Nimrud. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/kalhu_nimrud.kmz]. See the essay on Kalhu
- Carchemish (place)
- Major city and provincial capital, situated on the Euphrates PGP river. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/carchemish.kmz].
- Chaldea (place)
- The south of Babylonia PGP ; the areas occupied by the tribes of Bit-Amukani PGP , Bit-Dakkuri PGP and Bit-Yakin PGP .
- Cilicia (place)
- Area around the southeast coast of modern Turkey, bordered by the Taurus PGP and Amanus PGP mountains; Assyrian Que PGP .
- Cimmerians (people)
- Horse nomads who, by the late 8th century BC, had migrated into Anatolia and northern Iran from the Caucasus region. At that time, there were not yet any direct contacts with Assyria but the Cimmerians threatened the territory of Urarṭu PGP , resulting in an unsuccessful Urarṭian offensive in 709 BC.
- Commagene (place)
- Capital of the Province of the Commander-in-Chief of the Left; Assyrian Kummuhi, modern Samsat in Turkey (now flooded by the Ataturk Dam). View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/commagene_kummuhi.kmz].
- Cush/Kush (place)
- Nubia, a kingdom to the south of Egypt PGP in modern Sudan. See essay on Kush.
- Cutha/Kutha (place)
- City in northern Babylonia PGP , now Tell Ibrahim. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/kutha_tell_ibrahim.kmz].
- Cyprus (place)
- Island in the northeastern Mediterranean, split into several kingdoms whose rulers were Assyrian vassals. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/cyprus.kmz]. See the essay on Cyprus.
- Dabibi (person)
- "The one who pleads my case": Babylonian PGP from Uruk PGP , father of Erešu PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Dabinu (place)
- Capital city of Moab; Biblical Dibon, modern Dhiban.
- Dada (person)
- An abbreviated name: [1] Royal messenger of Sargon II PGP . [2] Ruler of Arzizu PGP who accuses Šarru-emuranni PGP , the city lord of Qumbuna PGP , of slandering him in the presence of Sargon II.
- Dadi-ibni (person)
- "Dadi has created": subordinate of the governor TT of the Assyrian province of Arpadda PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Dadi-suri (person)
- "Dadi is my bulwark", an Aramaic name: son of Ra'sunu PGP from Til-Barsip PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Dadunu (place)
- Possibly a territory near Zabban PGP .
- Dahinu (place)
- Town, probably in northern Syria or southern Anatolia.
- Dakkuru (person)
- A West Semitic name: ancestral founder of the Chaldean PGP Bit-Dakkuri PGP tribe.
- Dakuru (person)
- See Dakkuru PGP .
- Dala-il (person)
- "The god has saved", an Aramaic name: criminal from Arzuhina PGP , sent to the palace for questioning; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Dalta (person)
- A name of unknown origin and meaning: king of Ellipi PGP and vassal of Tiglatpileser III PGP and Sargon II PGP .
- Damascus (place)
- Assyrian province and its centre of the same name, formerly the capital of an independent kingdom. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/damascus.kmz]. | View location using Google Maps [].
- Damkina (deity)
- Consort of the god Ea PGP , worshipped especially at Kalhu PGP .
- Damunu (people/place)
- Aramean PGP tribe in Babylonia PGP .
- Danabu (place)
- An inland city close to the eastern Mediterranean coast, possibly situated betweenTyre PGP and Damascus PGP , but exact location is uncertain.
- Danibanu (place)
- Pass through the Taurus PGP range near the modern Turkish towns of Lice und Genç, leading north to the Euphrates PGP and a nearby settlement of the same name under Urarṭian PGP control; attested in Assyrian sources from the 9th century BC as Ṭunibunu.
- Dannaya (place/people)
- Possibly a town near Arza PGP in southern Philistia PGP but the interpretaion is unceratin.
- Dannaya or Dan-Aia (person)
- Either an abbreviation of a name containing the element "strong" or "Ea is strong": high military official active in the Assyrian province of Manṣuate; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Dannayu (person)
- See Dannaya PGP .
- Darati (place)
- Town in southern Babylonia PGP .
- Dasukku (person)
- An Iranian name: local ruler in the Zagros PGP mountain range in the vicinity of Ellipi PGP ; contemporary of Sargon II PGP , and of Dalta PGP and Ašpa-bara PGP of Ellipi.
- Da'ini (person)
- A name of unknown origin and meaning: high military official from Larak PGP and, together with Nabu-le'i PGP , a Babylonian PGP correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Denia (place)
- Settlement in the Zagros PGP mountain region. The reading of the name is uncertain; perhaps Šulmu-beliya is preferable?
- Der (place)
- City in northeastern Babylonia PGP , now Tell Aqar. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/der_tell_aqar.kmz].
- Digirina (place)
- Town in Babylonia PGP whose location is unknown.
- Diglat (place)
- See Tigris PGP .
- Dilbat (place)
- Babylonian city south of Babylon PGP , now Deilam. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/dilbat_deilam.kmz].
- Dimašqa (place)
- See Damascus PGP .
- Dinanu (person)
- A West Semitic name based on the element "law": military official active on the northeastern Assyrian frontier and alone, and a correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Diyala (place)
- Assyrian Turna. A tributary of the Tigris PGP river, whose headwaters lie in the Zagros PGP mountains of western Iran, flowing southwestward in order to join the Tigris below Baghdad.
- Dugul-pan-ili (person)
- "Serve the god!" or "Wait for the god!": palace official from Kalhu PGP , responsible for the shearing of sheep; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Dummal (place)
- Town near Nippur PGP in Babylonia PGP ; exact location unknown.
- Dummuqa (person)
- Abbreviation of a name containing the verb "to make good": Babylonian PGP and the son of Ir'anni PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Dur-Abihara (place)
- Capital city of the Assyrian province of Gambulu PGP , created on the Elamite-Babylonian border by Sargon II PGP in 710 BC.
- Dur-Ammi-yababa (place)
- Town, possibly in northern or northeastern Babylonia PGP .
- Dur-Anuniti (place)
- Town near Meturna PGP on the Diyala PGP river.
- Dur-Atanati (place)
- Town in the Assyrian province of Mazamua PGP .
- Dur-Ayuma (place)
- A town of unknown location.
- Dur-Balihaya (place)
- City in southern Babylonia PGP , centre of the Chaldean PGP tribe of Bit-Ša'alli PGP .
- Dur-Bel-ila'i (place)
- Town near Meturna PGP on the Diyala PGP river.
- Duri-Adad (person)
- "My protective wall is Adad": [1] Royal confidant TT dispatched by Sargon II PGP to the Assyrian province of Tušhan PGP . [2] Father of a man from Carchemish PGP whose servants are mentioned together with those of the sons of Adad-abu'a PGP and Ubru-Libbali PGP in a letter to Sargon II.
- Duri-Aššur (person)
- "My protective wall is Aššur": governor TT of the Assyrian province of Tušhan PGP and correspondent of Tiglath-pileser III PGP ; eponym TT of the year 728 BC.
- Dur-Illil (place)
- Assyrian stronghold on the Assyrian border with Mannea PGP .
- Dur-Kurigalzu (place)
- Babylonian city, founded during Kassite PGP rule over Babylonia PGP ; now Aqar Quf on the northeastern outskirts of modern Baghdad. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/dur-kurigalzu_aqar_quf.kmz].
- Dur-Ladini (place)
- City near Borsippa PGP and Babylon PGP under the control of the Bit-Dakkuri PGP tribe.
- Dur-Šamaš (place)
- Assyrian garrison city.
- Dur-Šarruken (place)
- Founded and built by Sargon II PGP , it replaced Kalhu PGP as the Assyrian king's main residence. While it lost this function to Nineveh PGP already under Sennacherib PGP , Dur-Šarruken remained a provincial capital. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/dur-sarruken_khorsabad.kmz]. See the essay on Dur-Šarruken.
- Dur-Šarrukku (place)
- Assyrian province in northeastern Babylonia PGP and its capital of the same name; close to Opis PGP and probably to be identified with Mujaili'aṭ 15 km northeast of Ktesiphon. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/dur-sarrukku.kmz].
- Dur-talitti (place)
- Town in the Assyrian province of Arzuhina PGP , near the Babiti PGP pass.
- Dur-Tinuta (place)
- A town of unknown location in Babylonia PGP .
- Durtunu (place)
- Town, possibly in the province of Kar-Šarruken PGP .
- Duru (place)
- Town in the Assyrian province of Harran PGP ; now Anaz in Turkey. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/duru.kmz].
- Dur-Yakin (place)
- Centre and stronghold of the Bit-Yakin PGP tribe.
- Duyanusi (person)
- A name of unknown origin and meaning: sculptor working on the bull colossi for Dur-Šarruken PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Du'ani-Issar (person)
- A name of unclear meaning with the divine element Ištar: individual during the reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Ea (deity)
- The god of wisdom, magic and incantations.
- Ea-mahir (person)
- See Aia-mahir PGP .
- Eanna (place)
- See Aiakku PGP .
- Ea-šarru-ibni (person)
- "Ea has created the king": military official escorting the magnates TT from Yeri PGP to Fort Adad-remanni; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Ebir-nari (place)
- "The other side of the river": designation referring to the regions west of the Euphrates PGP , i.e. western Syria. See Trans-Euphrates PGP .
- Edom (place)
- Kingdom to the south of the Dead Sea.
- Egypt (place)
- In the second half of the 8th century BC, Egypt was politically fragmented, with the rulers of Cush PGP and various local dynasts in the Delta region trying to claim sovereignty over the region. From the reign of Tiglath-pileser III PGP onwards, Assyria started to maintain diplomatic contacts with some of the Egyptian rulers in the Delta and, from Sargon II PGP onwards, also with the kings of Cush.
- Ehiman (place)
- Town in the Ṭur Abdin mountain range, in the general vicinity of modern Mardin.
- Ehiye (person)
- Perhaps an abbreviation of a name containing the West Semitic element "brother": smuggler from Kumme PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Ekallati (place)
- City near Assur PGP on the Tigris PGP river, perhaps Tulul Haikal. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/ekallati.kmz].
- Ekron (place)
- One of the major Philistine PGP cities; modern Tel Miqne.
View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/ekron.kmz].
- Ekur (place)
- "Mountain house": temple of the god Illil PGP (Enlil PGP ) in Nippur PGP .
- Elam (place)
- Kingdom in southwestern Iran, centred on the city of Susa, often in conflict with Assyria. View location of Susa using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/susa.kmz].
- Elizki (place)
- Town on the border between the kingdoms of Ukku PGP and Kumme PGP in the Taurus PGP mountain region.
- Elizzadu (place)
- City in Urarṭu PGP .
- Ellipi (place)
- Kingdom in the Zagros PGP mountains of western Iran, north of Elam PGP and northeast of Der PGP .
- Eni-il (person)
- "God's eyes", a West Semitic name: individual, active in western Iran, mentioned in a broken letter, probably from Aššur-belu-uṣur PGP to Sargon II PGP , concerning some traitors who fled to Lutu PGP from Ellipi PGP .
- Enlil (deity)
- Head of the Sumerian PGP pantheon, and one of the most important gods still in Neo-Assyrian times; called Illil PGP in the Assyrian dialect.
- Ennet-Aššur (person)
- "Punishment of Aššur": individual mentioned in connection with corn rations and camels in a fragmentary letter, probably from the reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Epa (person)
- Name of unknown origin and meaning: military official, active in Til-Barsip PGP , whose men have been provided with cloaks by Nabu-pašir PGP , according to his letter to Sargon II PGP .
- Epahu (person)
- See Epa PGP .
- Ereš-ilu (person)
- "The god has desired": eunuch TT , active in northern Babylonia PGP , who was urged by Aššur-belu-taqqin PGP and Il-yada' PGP to bring out a man and deliver him into the hands of the royal confidant TT , according to a broken letter to Sargon II PGP .
- Eriba (person)
- "He has replaced", an abbreviated name: owner of a house in the Babylonian PGP town of Darati PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Erimziqu (place)
- Town with a fort in the Zagros PGP mountains.
- Erištana (place)
- City in Ba'it-ili, near Ellipi PGP .
- Erišu or Erešu (person)
- "Desired": [1] Temple-enterer TT (i.e. high-ranking clergy member) from Nemed-Lagudu PGP and, together with Kina PGP , Babylonian PGP correspondent of Sargon II PGP . [2] Babylonian from Uruk PGP , son of Dabibi PGP and the supervisor of Bel-naṣir PGP ; reign of Sargon II. [3] Messenger of the king of Elam PGP in Babylonia PGP ; reign of Sargon II.
- Erra-dala (person)
- "Erra has saved", an Aramaic name: individual, possibly a son of a city lord from the Zagros PGP mountains, mentioned in a broken letter from Marduk-šarru-uṣur PGP to Sargon II PGP .
- Erra-gamil (person)
- "Erra spares": scribe TT from Nineveh PGP , active in Nemed-Issar PGP and Laqe PGP ; Sargon II PGP may have wanted to employ Erra-gamil in Kalhu PGP , but he may have been deported to the "Land beyond the River" by a tracker after serving Ila'i-Bel PGP until the latter's death, according to a letter from Zeru-ibni PGP to Sargon II.
- Eru'a (deity)
- A name of Zarpanitu PGP .
- Esaggil (place)
- "House that lifts its head": the main shrine of Marduk PGP in Babylon PGP . View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/esaggil_babylon.kmz].
- Ešarra (place)
- "House of the Universe": the temple of the supreme god Aššur PGP in the city of Assur PGP . View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/esarra_assur.kmz].
- Etini (place)
- Country neighbouring with Urarṭu PGP ; exact location unknown.
- Eṭiru (person)
- "Saviour", an abbreviated name: [1] Official at Sippar PGP , mentioned together with Nadin-ahhe PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP . [2] Chief temple administrator in the town of Ganata PGP ; reign of Sargon II. [3] Chief temple administrator of Esaggil PGP ; reigns of Sargon II, Sennacherib PGP and Esarhaddon. [4] Babylonian PGP priest of the Esaggil PGP temple and, together with the priest Nabu-šumu-lešir PGP , correspondent of Sennacherib; possibly identical with [3].
- Euphrates (place)
- Major river running through the western part of Mesopotamia, some 2,800 km long, which rises in the Taurus PGP mountains and in Assyrian times flowed directly into the Persian Gulf.
- Ezi (person)
- Name of unknown origin and meaning: probably the city lord of a small Zagros PGP state, perhaps Gizilbunda PGP or Bit-Kapsi PGP ; contemporary of Sargon II PGP .
- Eziat (place)
- City on the river Tigris PGP , near Amedi/Diyarbakir.
- Ezida (place)
- "True house": the temples of Nabu PGP in Borsippa PGP and Kalhu PGP . View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/ezida_kalhu.kmz].
- Eziye (person)
- Name of unknown origin and meaning: smuggler from Kumme PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Gabbaru (person)
- A West Semitic name based on the verb "to be strong": probably a military official in Babylonia PGP and correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Gabbu-amur (person)
- "I have seen everything": individual from Til-Barsip PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Gabbu-ana-Aššur (person)
- "All belongs to Aššur": herald active all over Assyria, including the provinces of Kurbail PGP and Ṣupat PGP , and the Urarṭian PGP border region; frequent correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Gabe (place)
- Town, possibly in the vicinity of Meturna PGP .
- Gaddiya (person)
- Abbreviation of a name containing the West Semitic expression "good fortune": military official and correspondent of "his brother" Nabu-taklak PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Gadya (person)
- "Lamb", an Aramaic name: military official mentioned in a broken letter in connection with the city of Kar-Šarruken PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Galṣabri (place)
- Town (reading uncertain) in the northern Babylonian PGP territory of Birati PGP .
- Gamalu (person)
- "Divine kindness": smuggler from Kumme PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Gambulu (place)
- Aramean PGP tribe active in the area to the east of Nippur PGP in Babylonia PGP .
- Ganata (place)
- Town in the Hamrin mountain range in northern Babylonia PGP .
- Gargamis (place)
- See Carchemish PGP .
- Gaza (place)
- Philistine city on the Mediterranean coast.
View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/gaza.kmz]. | View location using Google Maps [].
- Gidgiddanu (person)
- Name of unknown origin and meaning: craftsman working in Dur-Šarruken PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Gidira (place/people)
- Settlement in uncertain (disputed) location, probably not far from Moab PGP .
- Gilgime (place)
- Town, probably in the province of Arpadda PGP .
- Gimir (place)
- See Cimmerians PGP .
- Gir-Dadi (person)
- "Client of Dadi", a Canaanite name: city ruler of Til-Turi PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Giri-Dadi (person)
- See Gir-Dadi PGP .
- Gizilbunda (place)
- State in the Zagros PGP mountain range, situated between Mannea PGP and the territories of the Medes PGP .
- Gubla (place)
- [1] Town near Siannu PGP in Hamat PGP , modern Ğabla. [2] Phoenician city on the eastern Mediterranean coast (classical Byblos, modern Ğubail). [In SAA 19, more likely [1] in no. 48.]
- Guhuru (person)
- "Red-spotted", a Hebrew name: royal confidant accompanying captives from Arrapha PGP to Dur-Šarruken PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Gurdi (person)
- An Anatolian name: Anatolian vassal king, presumably either from Kulummu or Til-Garimme (unless these two cities were ruled by the same person) whose treaty tablet was brought to Assur PGP and introduced into the courtyard of the temple for the ceremonies after which it was returned to Gurdi(?), according to a letter from Ṭab-ṣill-Ešarra PGP to Sargon II PGP .
- Guriania (place)
- Vassal country of Urarṭu PGP , situated at its northern border and adjoining the territories under Cimmerian PGP control. After the Urarṭian defeat by the Cimmerians PGP in 709 BC, the Gurianian ruler turned against the Urarṭians as the remainder of the army crossed Guriania in order to return home, and caused a massacre.
- Gurru (place)
- Aramean PGP tribe, many of whose members served as regular auxiliary troops in the Assyrian army of the late 8th century BC.
- Guzana (place)
- Assyrian province and its capital of the same name: Biblical Gozan, classical Giziana, now Tell Halaf on the Syrian-Turkish border. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/guzana_tell_halaf.kmz]. | View location using Google Maps [].
- Guzummanu (place)
- Region in the territory of the Bit-Dakkuri PGP tribe.
- Habhu (place)
- District north of Assyria.
- Habruri (place)
- Assyrian province northeast of Arbela PGP , corresponding to the Harir plain.
View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/habruri.kmz].
- Habsu (person)
- Name of unknown origin and meaning: merchant; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Hadalpa (place)
- Town in the kingdom of Ellipi PGP .
- Hadattu (place)
- Syrian city in the Assyrian province of Til-Barsip PGP ; modern Arslan Tash.
View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/hadattu.kmz].
- Hadina (place)
- River near Ṣupat PGP ; reading of the name is uncertain.
- Hagaranu (place/people)
- Arab or Aramean PGP tribe.
- Halahhu (place)
- District in the northwest of the province of Nineveh PGP .
- Halama (person)
- A West Semitic name based on the root "to be strong, healthy": father of a son who may have been a pro-Assyrian local potentate of the town of Marpada PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Haldi (deity)
- Main deity of Muṣaṣir PGP , which housed his most important sanctuary, and from the reign of king Išpuini in the late 9th century BC also the head of Urarṭu's PGP state pantheon; from that time onwards, numerous temples dedicated to Haldi were built on Urarṭian territory.
- Haldi-abu-uṣur (person)
- "O Haldi, protect the father!": one of six deportees to be resettled in the Assyrian province of Amidi PGP who refused to cultivate their fields; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Haldi-naṣir (person)
- "Haldi is protector": [1] Recruit who acts as messenger for the governor Ṭab-ṣill-Ešarra PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP . [2] High official active in Babylonia PGP ; reign of Sargon II.
- Hallat (people/place)
- Aramean PGP tribe in southern Mesopotamia.
- Halzi (place)
- District southeast of Nineveh PGP .
- Halzi-atbari (place)
- Assyrian province on the east bank of the Khabur PGP river in modern Syria, probably just south of the Khabur triangle in the region of Jabal Jabisah. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/halzi-atbari.kmz].
- Hamarayu (place/people)
- Possibly the same as the Arab or Aramean PGP tribe Hamaranu.
- Hamat (place)
- Former capital of the Syrian kingdom of the same name and, following its integration into Assyria under Tiglath-pileser III PGP , part of the Assyrian province of Manṣuate; Biblical Hamath, modern Hama. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/hamat.kmz].
- Hamban (place)
- See Bit-Hamban PGP .
- Hamete (place)
- Town, possibly in eastern Babylonia PGP .
- Hamranu (people/place)
- Aramean PGP tribe in southern Mesopotamia.
- Hamu (place)
- Town in the border region between Babylonia PGP and Elam PGP .
- Hamudu (place)
- District subject to the Assyrian provincial governor of Kalhu PGP .
- Hamuru (people/place)
- Aramean PGP tribe in the region of Borsippa PGP .
- Hanana (person)
- "Merciful", a West Semitic name: a Babylonian PGP ; reign of Sennacherib PGP .
- HAR (place)
- City on Elamite PGP border area; reading of the city is uncertain.
- Harda (place)
- City in Urarṭu PGP , north of Diyarbakir.
- Hargu (place)
- Small state on the northwestern fringes of the Zagros PGP mountains, near the Assyrian province of the Palace Herald TT ; allied with Assyria under Sargon II PGP .
- Harhar (place)
- City and district in the Zagros PGP mountains, near modern Kermanshah, also called Kar-Šarruken; possibly modern Malayer. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/harhar_malayer.kmz]. | View location using Google Maps [].
- Hariṣu (place)
- Phoenician town, near Samsimuruna PGP , possibly modern Hariṣṣa.
- Harmasu (place)
- City near Hargu PGP ; modern Harmashe?
- Harran (place)
- Provincial capital of western Assyria; classical Carrhae, modern Harran. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/harran.kmz]. | View location using Google Maps [].
- Harraniya (place)
- Settlement in the northeastern regions of Assyria and in the vicinity of Hubuškia PGP ; perhaps modern Raniya in northern Iraq. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/harraniya_raniya.kmz].
- Harranu (person)
- "Harranian": Babylonian PGP subordinate of Hazanu PGP , sent by Aššur-belu-taqqin PGP to Sargon II PGP .
- Harriru (person)
- "Digger (i.e. mouse)": influential Babylonian PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Haršu (place)
- Median PGP territory.
- Hasa (place)
- Mountain in western Syria.
- Hasinu (person)
- "Strong", a West Semitic name: son of Ya-šumu PGP and leader of a group of Arameans PGP whom Marduk-apla-iddina PGP intends to settle in Larak PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Hasuatti (place)
- Mountain or country in northern Syria; exact location unknown.
- Hatallu (place)
- Aramean PGP tribe in northern Babylonia PGP .
- Hatarikka (place)
- Assyrian province, carved out of the northwestern part of the former kingdom of Hamat PGP , and its centre of the same name, possibly Tell Ašarna on the Orontes river.
- Hatti (place)
- An archaic name for northern Syria and Anatolia. See the essay on Hatti.
- Hau (place)
- District in the province of Arzuhina PGP .
- Haza-il (person)
- "God has seen", a West Semitic name: possibly a Gambulean PGP sheikh who submitted to Sargon II PGP in 710 BC and who was to be captured, according to a letter from Kina PGP to his "brother" from the reign of Sargon II.
- Hazanu (person)
- "Headman": Babylonian PGP notable whose dependents are sent by Aššur-belu-taqqin PGP to Sargon II PGP .
- Hazzat (place)
- See Gaza PGP .
- Ha'il-il (person)
- "The god is [my] strength", a West Semitic name: Babylonian PGP commander of the fortress at Šabhanu PGP and correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Ha'ir (person)
- A West Semitic name: individual dealing with hostages in Babylonia PGP ; reign of Tiglath-pileser III. PGP .
- Hesa (place)
- Town in the province of Ṣupat PGP .
- Hidalu (place)
- Elamite PGP royal city, modern Ardjan.
- Hindanu (place)
- Assyrian province and its capital of the same name on the middle Euphrates PGP , near the modern Iraqi border with Syria. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/hindanu.kmz].
- Hindaru (people/place)
- Aramean PGP tribe.
- Hiptunu (place)
- Town in the vicinity of Alamu PGP and Muši PGP ; modern Tell Haftun in the region of the Harir plain.
View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/hiptunu.kmz].
- Hiritu (place)
- [1] Town in the Diyala PGP valley. [2] River in Gambulu PGP .
- Hiuru (place)
- Town under the control of the Puqudu PGP tribe.
- Hubuškia (place)
- Small independent state in the northeast of Assyria, allied with Assyria under Sargon II PGP . Its location is debated but the region of the Dohan plain on the western fringes of the Zagros PGP mountains seems most likely. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/hubuskia_hane.kmz].
- Huhhu (person)
- A name of unknown origin and meaning: nobleman from Tabal PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Hulalu (person)
- "Precious stone": temple-enterer TT , i.e. high-ranking clergy member, of the temple of Šamaš PGP at Sippar PGP , said to have taken with him part of the temple treasure of Esaggil PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Hulbunu (place)
- Town or mountain to the north of Damascus PGP (Biblical Helbon); famous for its wine.
- Huli (person)
- "My shrew": farmer from Guzana PGP gone missing en route to Dur-Šarruken PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Hulli (person)
- A Luwian name: king of Tabal PGP , father of Ambariṣ; reigns of Tiglath-pileser III PGP , Shalmaneser V PGP and Sargon II PGP .
- Hulutti (person)
- "My little shrew": dependent Babylonian PGP woman; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Hu-mamati (Ahu-mamati) (person)
- "The brother is my oath" (referring to an oath sworn during pregnancy): one of six deportees to be resettled in the Assyrian province of Amidi PGP who refused to cultivate their fields; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Humamatu (person)
- See Hu-mamati PGP .
- Humbe (person)
- An Elamite name: ruler of Bit-Zualza PGP in western Iran; contemporary of Sargon II PGP .
- Humhummu (deity)
- A vegetation god.
- Hunaba (place)
- Town, probably in the province of the Chief Cupbearer TT .
- Hunanu (person)
- "Merciful", a West Semitic name: individual from western Iran whose looted house is mentioned in connection with the construction works of Kar-Šarruken PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Hunni (person)
- "(My) grace", a West Semitic name: priest or scholar from Nineveh PGP and correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Hunnur (place)
- City in Elam PGP .
- Hupapanu (place)
- City in Elam PGP , on the coast of the Persian Gulf.
- Hu-Teššub (person)
- A Hurrian name: king of Šubria PGP , vassal and correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Huzaza (place)
- Syrian town in the province of Ṣupat PGP .
- Huzirina (place)
- Town in the province of Harran PGP ; modern Sultantepe.
- Huziru (person)
- "Pig": financier involved with the raising of the capital to fund the construction of Dur-Šarruken PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Hu'didae (place)
- Town in Urarṭu PGP .
- Iauna (place)
- See Iawan PGP .
- Iawan (place)
- In Assyrian sources, probably a region in central coastal Anatolia (classical Ionia) and a town of the same name in the Levant (location unknown) are to be separated from one another.
- Iddin-ahhe (person)
- See Nadin-ahhe PGP .
- Iddin-ahi (person)
- "He has given a brother": sheikh from the region of the river Tubliaš PGP and correspondent of the chief tailor (a military title) during the reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Igli (person)
- "His calf", a West Semitic name: official responsible for building works in Dur-Šarruken PGP , in charge of the people from 'Ata PGP ; together with Nabu-ušabši PGP , a correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Ilanasa (place)
- Town, possibly in the province of Arpadda PGP .
- Ila'i-Bel (person)
- "My god is Bel": probably a high-ranking Assyrian official either in Nemed-Ištar PGP or in Laqe PGP , correspondent of Sargon II PGP and Nabu-duru-uṣur PGP .
- Il-dala (person)
- "God has drawn out (the family from distress)", a West Semitic name: Commander-of-fifty of the Gurrean troops in Assyrian service at Meturna PGP under Sargon II PGP . Fled to Šubria PGP after killing the mayor of Meturna PGP .
- Ilhini (place)
- Town in the province of Guzana PGP .
- Illabani (place)
- Probably a territory in modern Syria; reading of the name is uncertain.
- Illil (deity)
- The Assyrian name for Enlil PGP , head of the Sumerian PGP pantheon and one of the most important gods still in Neo-Assyrian times.
- Il-padi (person)
- "God is a redeemer", an Aramaic name: individual, active in northern Babylonia PGP , who is mentioned in connection with Opis PGP in a broken letter, probably from the reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Il-palṭi (person)
- "God is my refuge", a West Semitic name: defector from Hindaru PGP who went over to the vizier TT during the reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Ilu-bani (person)
- "God is the creator": Chaldean PGP defector who went over to the vizier TT during the reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Ilu-bi'di (person)
- "God is behind me", an Aramaic name: cohort commander from the Assyrian province of Hatarikka PGP or Damascus PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Ilu-illika (person)
- "God has come": mule stable attendant TT who brought mules TT , donkeys, camels, sheep, carts and wagons to Aššur-patinu PGP but whose servants had run away, according to a letter to Sargon II PGP .
- Ilu-ipuš (person)
- "God made": correspondent of Sargon II PGP , probably from Babylon PGP .
- Ilu-iqbi (person)
- "God commanded": [1] Member of the temple personnel, possibly from Dur-Šarruken PGP , and correspondent of Sargon II PGP . [2] Official who, together with Remutu PGP , kills locusts in the west during the reign of Sargon II.
- Ilumma-taklak (person)
- "In God indeed I trust": Babylonian PGP from Abdudu PGP whose house(hold) should be deported in order that they fear the king, according to a letter from Nabu-belu-ka''in PGP to Sargon II PGP .
- Ilu-mušezib (person)
- "God is the saviour": runaway baker of Bel-emuranni PGP whom Sargon II PGP installed in Hatarikka PGP , and whom Kubaba-ereš PGP and other locals made run away. In his letter to Sargon II, Bel-duri PGP asks the king to return Ilu-mušezib PGP to him.
- Ilu-piya-uṣur (person)
- "O God, protect my word!": shepherd and cohort commander working in Dur-Šarruken PGP . Sargon II PGP reprimands Taklak-ana-Bel PGP for sacking Ilu-piya-uṣur PGP but he is not sacked, even if he has neglected his duties.
- Il-yada' (person)
- "God has known", an Aramaic name: governor TT of Der PGP , later possibly of Dur-Šarrukku PGP ; a frequent correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Il-yadini (person)
- "God will judge", an Aramaic name: individual mentioned in a small fragment of a letter, probably from the reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Il-yatanu (person)
- A West Semitic name: sheikh from the region of the river Tubliaš PGP , corresponding with Sargon's PGP officials.
- I-ma'in (person)
- "Where is Ma'in?", a West Semitic name: Babylonian PGP eunuch TT ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Imba (place)
- Town, possibly in the territory of the Bit-Dakkuri PGP tribe.
- Immaštašu (person)
- An Elamite name: royal delegate of the town of Hamu PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Immiha (place)
- See Immiu PGP .
- Immiu (place)
- Town near Kašpuna PGP .
- Imra (person)
- "Lamb", a West Semitic name: possibly a Babylonian PGP mentioned in a broken context in a letter from Bel-iqiša PGP to Sargon II PGP .
- Ina-qibi-Bel (person)
- "Through the word of Bel": Babylonian PGP who, together with Nabu-ušallim PGP , gives silver to the people of Cutha PGP in the second year of king Marduk-apla-iddina PGP , according to a letter from Šumu-ukin PGP to Nergal-naṣir PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Ina-qibi-Bel-abluṭ (person)
- "I recovered through the word of Bel": military official who went with Nabu-hamatu'a PGP to Puqudu PGP and ordered the tribe to summon their king's men; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Ina-šar-Bel-allak (person)
- "I walk in the spirit of Bel [or: lord]": treasurer of Dur-Šarruken PGP and correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Ina-teši-eṭir (person)
- "He has saved from confusion": [1] Probably a Babylonian PGP priest or temple administrator and correspondent of Sennacherib PGP . [2] Babylonian PGP , son of Ṣululu PGP ; his sons bring wool from Bit-Imbi PGP to Lahiru PGP and inform Marduk-naṣir PGP of the movements of the Elamite PGP troops during the reign of Sennacherib PGP .
- Indabiya (person)
- An Elamite name: presumably the commander-of-one-thousand men of the Puqudean leader Abi-yaqar PGP , both of whom are said to be "trodden down", causing trouble in the land, according to a letter from the sheikhs of Tubliaš PGP to Sargon II PGP .
- Inner City (place)
- A name for the city of Assur PGP .
- Inṣabru (person)
- A name of unknown origin and meaning: Mannean PGP , probably from Izirtu PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Inurta (deity)
- The Assyrian name of Ninurta PGP , god of victory.
- Inurta-alik-pani (person)
- "Ninurta is the one who goes in front": governor TT of the Assyrian province of Si'imme PGP ; eponym TT of the year 711 BC.
- Inurta-belu-uṣur (person)
- "O Ninurta, protect the lord!": father of a high Assyrian official who defected to Urarṭu PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Inurta-ila'i (person)
- "Ninurta is my god": [1] Governor TT of the province of Naṣibina PGP ; eponym TT of the year 736 BC and correspondent of Tiglatpileser III PGP . The same individual may later have been the governor of the province of Kar-Shalmaneser/Til-Barsip PGP and correspondent of Sargon II PGP ; eponym TT of the year 722 BC.
- Inurta-naṣir (person)
- "Ninurta is protector": high priest from Babylon PGP , perhaps the same individual also attested visiting Ekur PGP in Nippur PGP , who is mentioned together with Belšunu PGP in a letter from Remutu PGP to Sargon II PGP .
- Ionians (people)
- Encountered by the Assyrians as pirates on the Eastern Mediterranean coast; probably the blanket designation for Greeks in general.
- Iqbi-Bel (place)
- Town in Bit-Yakin PGP .
- Iqiša-Marduk (person)
- "Marduk has granted": possibly a subordinate of Šarru-emuranni PGP working on the city wall of Dur-Šarruken PGP , according to a letter to Sargon II PGP .
- Iqišaya (person)
- An abbreviation of a name of the type Iqiša-DN, "DN has granted": Babylonian PGP fowler and subordinate of Hazanu PGP , who is sent with his family by Aššur-belu-taqqin PGP to Sargon II PGP .
- Irmuna (place)
- A town in the Taurus PGP mountain kingdom of Ukku PGP .
- Irreya (place)
- Babylonian PGP region of unknown location.
- Iršumu (place)
- Median PGP city.
- Irtiašu (place)
- City in the Zagros PGP kingdom of Ellipi PGP .
- Irtukkanu (person)
- An Iranian name of unknown meaning: father of Ramati PGP , ruler of the Median PGP city of Uriakka PGP during the reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Ir'anni (person)
- "He has shepherded me": Babylonian PGP , father of Dummuqa PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Isana (place)
- Assyrian province on the western bank of the Tigris PGP and its centre of the same name; probably situated opposite the confluence with the Great Zab. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/isana.kmz].
- Iṣiye (person)
- A name of unknown origin and meaning: possibly the ruler of the Taurus PGP mountain kingdom of Ukku PGP ; believed to have been involved in a conspirancy against the king of Urarṭu PGP by Aššur-reṣuwa PGP , the representative of Sargon II PGP in Ukku's neighbour state Kumme PGP .
- Išmanni-Aššur (person)
- "Aššur has heard me": official in the Assyrian province of Laqe PGP and, together with Aplaya PGP and Šarru-lu-dari PGP , correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Išme-ilu (person)
- "The god has heard": cohort commander TT and messenger of Sargon II PGP .
- Issar (deity)
- The Assyrian name for Ištar PGP , the goddess of war and sex.
- Issar-duri (person)
- "Ištar is my protective wall": [1] Governor TT of the province of Arrapha PGP and frequent correspondent of Sargon II PGP ; eponym TT of the year 714 BC. [2] Royal confidant TT of Sargon II, dispatched to Kumme PGP . [3] An Assyrianising way of writing the Urarṭian PGP royal name Sarduri PGP .
- Issar-na'di (person)
- "Ištar is praised": Assyrian official, active in the Zagros PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Issar-šumu-iqiša (person)
- "Ištar has granted a name": either an Assyrian official or vassal ruler on Assyria's northeastern frontier and correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Issar tašme (deity)
- "Ištar-of-Hearing": the name of a statue of the goddess Ištar PGP .
- Issete (place)
- Assyrian city of unknown location; perhaps to be read Anate.
- Ištahup (place)
- City in the Urarṭian PGP sphere of influence.
- Ištar (deity)
- Goddess of war and sex, also called Issar PGP in the Assyrian dialect, and worshipped in many Assyrian cities, most importantly Nineveh PGP and Arbela PGP .
- Istuanda (place)
- Also known as Ištunda. Anatolian city in the region of Tabal PGP , corresponding to Hittite Wasutuwanda.
- Isuqu (people/place)
- Aramean PGP tribe in Babylonia PGP .
- Itu'u (place)
- [1] Town on the Middle Euphrates PGP in the border region between Syria and Iraq, modern Hit. [2] Aramean PGP tribe originating in this area whose members serve as regular auxiliary troops in the Assyrian army of the late 8th century BC.
- Izalla (place)
- Eastern part of the Ṭur Abdin mountain range on the border between Syria and Turkey; classical Izala.
View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/izalla.kmz].
- Izirtu (place)
- Capital city of the kingdom of Mannea PGP .
- Izuzi (place)
- Town in Assyria's southeast; precise location unknown.
- Judah (place)
- Kingdom with Jerusalem as its centre; an Assyrian vassal state.
- Jupiter (heavenly body)
- Planet known as "the heroic one" and "the white star", often identified with the moon, the Babylonian god Marduk PGP , and with Babylonia PGP (Land of Akkad PGP ) more generally. Its periodicity was not known accurately in the Neo-Assyrian period. View in YourSky [].
- Kakkullanu (person)
- A name of unknown meaning: royal confidant TT and messenger of Sargon II PGP .
- Kalbi-Uku (person)
- "Dog/servant of Uku": possibly a military commander of the Gambulu PGP tribe in southern Babylonia PGP ; a correspondent of Sennacherib PGP .
- Kaldu (place)
- See Chaldea PGP .
- Kalhu (place)
- See Calah/Kalhu PGP .
- Kali (person)
- A name of unknown origin and meaning: woman from Lahiru PGP who escaped to Elam PGP together with her husband Natannu PGP and their children.
- Kalumu (person)
- "Lamb": military official in charge of guarding the border to Elam PGP during the reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Kannu' (place)
- City in Assyria, of unknown location; probably identical with Biblical Kanneh.
- Kanunayu (person)
- "Born in Kanunu [i.e. the 10th month]": one of six deportees to be resettled in the Assyrian province of Amidi PGP who refused to cultivate their fields; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Kapar-Amdanu (place)
- Village in the Assyrian province of Guzana PGP .
- Kapar-diqarati (place)
- "Village of pots": settlement in the Babylonian PGP desert region.
- Kapar-Ilu-bani (place)
- Village, possibly in the province of the Chief Cupbearer TT .
- Kapar-Mariyaba (place)
- Villlage in the Assyrian province of Guzana PGP .
- Kaqqadanu (person)
- "The one with a large head": Urarṭian PGP commander-in-chief and governor of the province adjoining the buffer states Ukku PGP and Kumme PGP ; a contemporary of Sargon II PGP .
- Karakku (person)
- An abbreviated Iranian name containing the element "army, people": father of the Median PGP city lord, Uppite PGP of Uriakka PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Karalla (place)
- Kingdom in the Zagros PGP mountain range, in western Iran.
- Kar-Aššur (place)
- City in Assyria's east, on the way to Elam PGP .
- Karkarhundir (place)
- Median PGP city in the Zagros PGP mountains.
- Kar-Nergal (place)
- City in Babylonia PGP , near Cutha PGP .
- Kar-Šamaš (place)
- Town on the river Tigris PGP , south of Surmarrati PGP .
- Kar-Šarruken (place)
- See Harhar PGP .
- Kar-Shalmaneser (place)
- See Til-Barsip PGP .
- Kar-siparri (place)
- Province of Urarṭu PGP .
- Kasappa (place)
- An Assyrian town south of Kalhu PGP , now Tell Kashaf. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/kasappa.kmz].
- Kašpuna (place)
- Phoenician town in Hamat PGP ; exact location uncertain (disputed).
- Kassites (people)
- [1] In the first millennium BC, a population group in the Zagros PGP mountains. [2] Royal dynasty ruling Babylonia PGP for most of the second half of the second millennium BC.
- Keni (person)
- "My true one": [1] Temple scribe TT from Assur PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP . [2] Son of Keni, an administrative functionary at Assur PGP working with the treasurer TT Ṭab-šar-Aššur PGP ; reign of Sargon II.
- Khabur (place)
- Tributary river of the Euphrates PGP , joining it downstream of the modern Syrian city of Deir ez-Zor; its headwaters are located in the Ṭur Abdin mountain range in southeastern Turkey.
- Khorsabad (place)
- See Dur-Šarruken PGP .
- Kibabiše (person)
- An Elamite name: Median PGP city ruler or a vassal of the king of Ellipi PGP , whose position may have weakened following Sargon II's PGP appointment of Ašpa-bara PGP as the successor of Dalta PGP in Ellipi PGP .
- Kibatki (place)
- Town in or near the province of Mazamua PGP , location unknown.
- Kiburti (person)
- Possibly a West Semitic name based on the verb "to be great": Babylonian PGP reported by Šama'gunu PGP to be in the presence of the king of Elam PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Kiguhtu (place)
- Fortress in Parsua PGP .
- Kihudaksi (place)
- Town in Babylonia PGP , possibly near Nippur PGP .
- Kilar (person)
- An Anatolian name of unknown meaning: local ruler in the border region between the Assyrian province of Que PGP (Cilicia) and the kingdom of Phrygia PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Kilizi (place)
- Assyrian province and its capital of the same name; now Qasr Shamamok. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/kilizi_qasr_shamamok.kmz].
- Kimar (place)
- Town in the Zagros PGP mountain range in western Iran.
- Kimumaya (person)
- "Man from Kimumu": influential member of a local community in Syria; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Kina (person)
- An abbreviated name: [1] Raft man from Guzana PGP who went missing en route to Dur-Šarruken PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP . [2] Babylonian PGP temple-enterer TT , i.e. high-ranking member of the clergy, from Nemed-Lagudu PGP and a correspondent of Sargon II.
- Kinna (person)
- See Kina PGP .
- Kinnili (place)
- Town, probably in Šubria PGP .
- Kipputu (heavenly body)
- "Circle": Assyrian name of the constellation Corona Borealis.
- Kipre (people/place)
- Aramean PGP tribe in Babylonia PGP .
- Kipšuna (place)
- The capital of the Land of the Treasurer PGP , an Assyrian province in the mountain region north and east of the Alqoš plain.
- Kirmesi (place)
- Mountain of unknown location, either in the Taurus PGP or the Zagros PGP range.
- Kiš (place)
- Babylonian PGP city; modern Tell Ingharra. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/kish_tell_ingharra.kmz].
- Kišesim (place)
- Vassal city in western Iran.
- Kiṣir-Aššur (person)
- "Host of Aššur": governor TT of the Assyrian province of Dur-Šarruken PGP and correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Kiṣirtu (place)
- Town, probably in the province of Arzuhina PGP .
- Kissik (place)
- City in southern Babylonia PGP , modern Tell Lahm.
- Kizahasi (place)
- Fortress in the Assyrian province of Parsua PGP .
- Kubaba-ereš (person)
- "Kubaba has desired": local notable in Hatarikka PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Kubaba-ila'i (person)
- "Kubaba is my deity": Assyrian military official with a command of the Mannean PGP language and consequently sent to Tikriš PGP in order to report on local affairs; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Kubaba-satar (person)
- "Kubaba protects": Median PGP city lord with whom Šarru-emuranni PGP is to speak nicely, according to an order of Sargon's PGP .
- Kubanaše (place)
- Town in the province of Guzana PGP .
- Kudurru (person)
- "Son/heir": sheikh from the region of the river Tubliaš PGP and correspondent of the magnates TT of Sargon II PGP .
- Kukubu (place)
- Hill near the confluence of the rivers Khabur PGP and Harmiš (Jaghjagh) in northeastern Syria; modern Tell Kawkab.
View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/kukubu.kmz].
- Kulimmeri (place)
- Royal city in the kingdom of Šubria PGP ; Byzantine Chlomaron, now probably Gre Migro in modern Turkey. After the integration of Šubria into Assyria in 673 BC, name of the Assyrian province created out of the eastern half of the kingdom. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/kulimmeri.kmz].
- Kullania (place)
- Assyrian province situated between the northern stretches of the Orontes river and the Mediterranean coast. The capital city of the same name corresponds to modern Tell Tayinat (Biblical Calneh). View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/kullania_tell_tayinat.kmz].
- Kuluman (place)
- Median PGP city in western Iran.
- Kumisu (place)
- Territory or country in Assyria's southeast, mentioned in a letter from Mazamua PGP .
- Kummaya (person)
- "Man from Kumme", quite possibly not a name but only an appellative: smuggler from Kumme PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Kumme (place)
- Assyrian vassal state in the Taurus PGP mountain range, in the buffer zone between Assyria and Urarṭu PGP . Located in the upper reaches of the Lesser Khabur on the Turkish-Iraqi border, perhaps near the Turkish town of Beytüşşebap. See the essay on Representing Assyrian interests.
- Kummuhaya (person)
- "Man from Kummuhi (i.e. Commagene)": Kummuhaya is not a personal name but an appellative referring to the ruler of Commagene PGP , a vassal of Sargon II PGP .
- Kummuhi (place)
- See Commagene PGP .
- Kuna (person)
- See Kunaya PGP .
- Kunane (place)
- Town, probably in the province of Arpadda PGP .
- Kunaya (person)
- An abbreviation of a name containing the element "firm, established": military official involved in mobilising troops in southern Babylonia PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Kurbail (place)
- Central Assyrian province, with a capital city of the same name, close to Kalhu PGP but whose exact location is unknown; perhaps the region between the rivers Hazir and Great Zab, south of Jabal Zirk Bardarash. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/kurbail.kmz].
- KUR-BE (place)
- Town, probably in southern Babylonia PGP ; reading of the name is uncertain.
- Kurigalzu (person)
- Kassite PGP name of unclear meaning: Babylonian PGP , probably a subordinate of Bel-iqiša PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Kur-ila'i (person)
- "Kur is my god": Babylonian PGP who meets with the delegates of the land of Araši PGP in an act of treachery against Assyria; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Kur'e-uballiṭ (person)
- "The Herd-god has called into life": Babylonian PGP administrative official; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Kuškayu (person)
- "Man from Kušku": municipial official who asks Nabu-hamatu'a PGP , the deputy governor of Mazamua PGP , to represent his town's interests to the higher authorities; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Kutaya (person)
- "Man of Kutha": son of Se'-salamu PGP , a leader of the Isuqu PGP tribe; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Kutha (place)
- See Cutha PGP .
- Kuttiya (person)
- A name of uncertain reading and meaning: possibly a Babylonian PGP , son of Šarrani PGP , who is mentioned in connection with Marduk-apla-iddina PGP and the New Year festival TT in Babylon PGP in a letter from Aqar-Bel-lumur PGP , Sennacherib's PGP troop commander in Gambulu PGP , to his king.
- Kuyaka (person)
- A name of unknown origin and meaning: individual from Hargu PGP mentioned in a broken letter to Sargon II PGP as dealing with the oppressive acts of the deputy of the palace herald TT .
- Kuza (person)
- An Aramaic name based on the element "jug": belt-maker from Guzana PGP who went missing en route to Dur-Šarruken PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Labarmu (person)
- An Anatolian name: son of Appa PGP , from Sinnu PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- La-baši or La-abaši (person)
- "May I not come to shame!": man from the town of Darati PGP who asks the Assyrian prefect Marduk-šarru-uṣur PGP for help in (re)capturing his home town; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Laba'u (place)
- Syrian town near Ṣupat PGP ; Biblical Lebo, modern Labwa.
View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/laba_u.kmz].
- Labbanat (place)
- Babylonian PGP town near modern Baghdad; exact location unknown.
- Labdudu (place)
- Aramean PGP tribe active in the region northwest of the northern Babylonian PGP city of Der PGP .
- Labir (place)
- Possibly a town in the kingdom of Šubria PGP .
- Labnana (place)
- See Lebanon PGP .
- Laguda (deity)
- God of Nemed-Lagudu PGP .
- Lahiru (place)
- [1] Assyrian province between the Lower Zab PGP and Diyala PGP rivers and the capital city of the same name; perhaps modern Eski Kifri. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/lahiru_eski_kifri.kmz]. | View location using Google Maps [].
[2] City in Yabduru/Tubliaš PGP on the border of Elam PGP .
- Land of Akkad (place)
- Literary name for Babylonia PGP , after its ancient capital, Akkad PGP .
- Land of the Chief Cupbearer (place)
- Assyrian province on the northwestern fringes of the Zagros PGP mountain range in the region of Aqrah; under the control of the Chief Cupbearer TT . View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/land-of-the-chief-cupbearer.kmz].
- Land of the Treasurer (place)
- Assyrian province in the mountain region north and east of the Alqoš plain; under the control of the Treasurer TT . Its centre is Kipšuna PGP . View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/land-of-the-treasurer.kmz].
- Lanše (Lansi) (person)
- "Let me not forget!", an abbreviated name: high military official based in western Gambulu PGP in Babylonia PGP ; correspondent of Sennacherib PGP . The same man may have been active in eastern Assyria and Babylonia already during the reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Lansi (person)
- See Lanše PGP .
- Lapsia (place)
- Town in the province of Naṣibina PGP .
- Laqe (place)
- Assyrian province on the river Khabur PGP .
- Larak (place)
- City in Babylonia PGP ; perhaps Tell al-Hayyad?
View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/larak.kmz].
- Larsa (place)
- City in southern Babylonia PGP ; now Sinkara. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/larsa_sinkara.kmz].
- Laruba (place)
- Town in the Assyrian province of Amidi PGP .
- Laṣ (deity)
- The divine consort of Nergal PGP , god of the underworld and death.
- Lebanon (place)
- Mountain range near the east coast of the Mediterranean, famous for its cedar forests.
- Libbi-ali (place)
- See Inner City PGP .
- Lidu (place)
- [1] Town of unknown location on or close to the eastern Mediterranean coast. [2] Country, region or mountain in the west; location unknown.
- Lihuati (people/place)
- See Luhuatu PGP .
- Lili (person)
- "My charm": probably an Assyrian officer and superior of Šauzska-[...]; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Liphur-Bel (person)
- See Nashir-Bel PGP .
- Liphur-ilu (person)
- "May the god gather together": governor TT of the province of Habruri PGP ; eponym TT of the year 729 BC.
- Litamu (people/place)
- Aramean PGP tribe.
- Lower Zab (place)
- Tributary of the Tigris PGP river, whose source is in northwest Iran and which flows southwestwards, joining the Tigris about 30 km south of Assur PGP .
- Lu-ahu'a (person)
- "May I have a brother!": individual from Bit-Ha'ir PGP who, together with Ahi-yaqar PGP , tries to persuade Nabu-duru-uṣur PGP and Bel-emuranni PGP to go and retake with them the conquered town of Bit-Ha'ir PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Lubda (place)
- City south of Arrapha PGP ; modern Tawuq?
- Lu-ha'il or Luha'-il (person)
- "Luḥay is (my) god", an Arabic name: Babylonian PGP notable from Uruk PGP who, together with Bel-naṣir PGP , gives out silver to various people, possibly as interest-free loans; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Luhuatu (people/place)
- Aramean PGP tribe in Babylonia PGP .
- Lulla-Bel (person)
- "Let me extol Bel!": Babylonian PGP official active in Gambulu PGP , who may have panicked because of the Elamite PGP offensive in the area, according to a letter from Nabu-šumu-lešir PGP , a high-ranking official (probably the governor TT ) in Gambulu, and Aqar-Bel-lumur PGP , Sennacherib's PGP troop commander in Gambulu PGP , to their king.
- Lullupayu (person)
- "Man from the country of Lullubu": contemporary of Sargon II PGP and possibly the ruler of a small Assyrian vassal state in the Zagros PGP region.
- Lulubani (place)
- Town in a western Assyrian province, possibly in Tu'immu.
- Luqaše (place)
- Village in the Assyrian province of Arbela PGP .
- Luqu (person)
- An Aramaic name: merchant who should bear witness against Attar-ham PGP , according to a letter from Atanha-Šamaš PGP to Sargon II PGP .
- Lurisite (place)
- Town south of Assur PGP .
- Lutu (person)
- A name of unknown origin and meaning: son of Dalta PGP , king of Ellipi PGP , who seems to have helped his cousin Ašpa-bara PGP to succeed Dalta PGP .
- Mada (place)
- See Media PGP .
- Madaktu (place)
- Elamite PGP royal city; perhaps modern Tepe Patak, 40 km west of Susa.
- Madayu (person)
- "The Mede": royal confidant TT of Sargon II PGP , active in northern Babylonia PGP .
- Madunu (person)
- A name of unknown origin and meaning: individual mentioned in a broken letter by Šama'gunu PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Magidu (place)
- See Megiddo PGP .
- Mahde (Ammi-hati) (person)
- "The paternal uncle is a smiter", a West Semitic name: governor TT of the province of Nineveh PGP and correspondent of Tiglath-pileser III PGP and Sargon II PGP ; eponym TT of the year 725 BC.
- Mahumaya (person)
- "Man from Mahum": tribal leader from Babylonia PGP during the reigns of Sargon II PGP and Sennacherib PGP .
- Makkame (person)
- An Aramaic name: official who appeals to Marduk-šarrani PGP regarding gardeners; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Malahu (place)
- Aramean PGP tribe.
- Malaku (place)
- Town at the border of Elam PGP .
- Maliasu (place)
- Name of a section of the river Tigris PGP .
- Malilatu (place)
- Town of the tribe Bit-Ša'alli PGP in central Babylonia PGP location unknown.
- Mandiru (place)
- Town at the border of Elam PGP .
- Manisu (place/people)
- Country, region or mountain of unknown location.
- Mani' (place)
- Place or tribe in Syria; perhaps to be read Masa'.
- Manna (place)
- See Mannea PGP .
- Mannea (place)
- Kingdom on the eastern slopes of the Zagros PGP mountain range to the south of Lake Urmia; Urarṭu PGP 's southern neighbour. See the essay on Mannea.
- Mannu-iri (person)
- "Who is god-fearing?", a West Semitic name: possibly one of the leaders of Lahiru PGP , e.g. a son of Natannu PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Mannu-ki-Adad (person)
- "Who is like Adad?": governor TT of an eastern Assyrian province and correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Mannu-ki-ahhe (person)
- "Who is like the brothers?": royal confidant TT of Sargon II PGP .
- Mannu-ki-Arbail (person)
- "Who is like Arbela?": [1] Official active in Assyria's northeast, reporting on Hubuškia PGP and the emissaries of Labdudu PGP ; a correspondent of Sargon II PGP . [2] Official active in Babylonia PGP and enemy of Amel-Nabu PGP ; reign of Sargon II.
- Mannu-ki-Aššur (person)
- "Who is like Aššur?": royal confidant TT escorting Urarṭian PGP emissaries from Arrapha PGP to Arzuhina PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Mannu-ki-Aššur-le'i (person)
- "Who is as powerful as Aššur?": governor TT of the province of Guzana PGP or Tille PGP and correspondent of Sargon II PGP ; eponym TT of the year 709 BC.
- Mannu-ki-mat-Aššur (person)
- "Who is like Assyria?": official, possibly a subordinate of Il-yada' PGP and active in northern Babylonia PGP , who is connected to a team (of equids), according to a broken letter to Sargon II PGP .
- Mannu-ki-Ninua (person)
- "Who is like Nineveh?": governor TT of the province of Kar-Šarruken PGP and frequent correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Manṣuati (place)
- Assyrian province and its capital of the same name in northern Syria that was founded after the conquest of Hamat PGP by Tiglath-pileser III PGP in 732 BC; probably modern Masyaf.
- Marad (place)
- City in Babylonia PGP ; modern Wanna-wa-Sadum.
View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/marad.kmz].
- Mar-biti (deity)
- Babylonian god with a sanctuary at Borsippa PGP .
- Mardi (person)
- "My successor": eunuch TT , possibly also an assistant priest, who is eager to go to Dur-Šarruken PGP to organise the cult there, or at least to carry out preparatory works related to this, according to a letter from Ahu-lurši PGP to Sargon II PGP .
- Mardu (person)
- An abreviation of a name containing the element "successor": deceased official, probably from Arbela PGP , whose inheritance Sargon II PGP ordered to be evenly divided between Mardu's sons by the letter-sender Amar-ili PGP and the governor of the province of Arbela PGP .
- Marduk (deity)
- The supreme god of Babylon PGP , where he was worshipped at the temple Esaggil PGP ; father of the god Nabu PGP and consort of the goddess Zarpanitu PGP .
- Marduk (person)
- An abbreviated name containing the divine name Marduk: [1] Priest of the Ezida PGP temple in Borsippa PGP and correspondent of Sargon II PGP and the vizier TT . [2] Official mentioned in a broken letter; reign of Sargon II.
- Marduk-ahu-eriba (person)
- "Marduk has replaced the brother": Babylonian PGP mentioned in connection with Marduk-apla-iddina PGP in a badly broken letter from Arad-Ea PGP to Sargon II PGP .
- Marduk-apla-iddina (person)
- "Marduk has given an heir"; also known as "Son of Yakin" and possibly "Son of Zeri": the Biblical Merodach-baladan was king of the Sealand PGP , ruler of the Bit-Yakin PGP tribe and twice proclaimed himself king of Babylon PGP (721-710 BC and again in 703 BC); an archenemy and contemporary of Tiglath-pileser III PGP , Sargon II PGP and Sennacherib PGP .
- Marduk-belu-uṣur (person)
- "O Marduk, protect the lord!": high Assyrian official serving under Sargon II PGP ; eponym TT of the year 726 BC.
- Marduk-eriba (person)
- "Marduk has replaced": Assyrian chariot fighter; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Marduk-iddina (person)
- "Marduk has given", an abbreviated name: [1] Recruit mentioned in a letter from Arrapha PGP to Sargon II PGP . [2] Official active in one of the western Assyrian provinces; reign of Sargon II. [3] Babylonian PGP with a connection to Marduk-apla-iddina PGP ; reign of Sargon II.
- Marduk-le'i (person)
- "Marduk is almighty": Babylonian PGP scholar; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Marduk-naṣir (person)
- "Marduk is protector": Babylonian informer active in eastern Babylonia PGP and a correspondent of the vizier TT ; reign of Sennacherib PGP .
- Marduk-remanni (person)
- "O Marduk, have mercy on me!": governor TT of the province of Kalhu PGP and a correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Marduk-šallim (person)
- "O Marduk, keep safe!": official or Babylonian PGP , active in Der PGP , mentioned in a broken context in a letter, probably from Nabu-belu-ka''in PGP to Sargon II PGP .
- Marduk-šarrani (person)
- "Marduk is our king": official active in northern Babylonia PGP , who is accused of conspiring with Marduk-apla-iddina PGP ; correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Marduk-šarru-uṣur (person)
- "O Marduk, protect the king!": [1] Assyrian prefect in Babylonia PGP and a correspondent of Sargon II PGP ; he may still have been in office under Sennacherib PGP . [2] Babylonian who defected to the vizier TT ; reign of Sargon II.
- Marduk-šumu-iddina (person)
- "Marduk has given a name": [1] High administrative official active in the area northeast of Babylon PGP , probably located in Sippar PGP , and a correspondent of Sargon II PGP . [2] Messenger or royal confidant TT of Sargon II returning from a mission to Birati PGP .
- Marduk-zeru-ibni (person)
- "Marduk has created the seed": member of the Bit-Dakkuri PGP tribe; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Marhuha (place)
- Town in Šubria PGP .
- Mar-Issar (person)
- "Son of Ištar": royal confidant TT who liaises with the notables of Kumme PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Marpada (place)
- Town at the border of Elam PGP .
- Marqasa (place)
- Capital of the kingdom of Gurgum in southeastern Turkey which Sargon II PGP conquered in 711 BC; the city then became the capital of an Assyrian province of the same name. Modern Kahramanmaraş.
View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/marqasa.kmz].
- Marratu (place)
- "The Bitter Sea": the Mesopotamian name for the Persian Gulf.
- Mar-suri (person)
- "The lord is my bulwark", an Aramaic name: dependent individual; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Marubištu (place)
- Capital of Ellipi PGP .
- Maruru (place)
- Town, probably in Bit-Yakin PGP .
- Mar-Yakin (person)
- "Son of Yakin": nickname of Marduk-apla-iddina PGP .
- Mar-Zeri (person)
- "Son of Zeri": probably an appelative for Marduk-apla-iddina PGP .
- Maš'a (place/people)
- Arab tribe.
- Masa' (place)
- See Mani' PGP .
- Mat Aššur (place)
- Assyria.
- Mazamua (place)
- Assyrian province on the northwestern slopes of the Zagros PGP mountain range and its capital city of the same name; modern Suleimaniya. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/mazamua_suleimaniya.kmz]. | View location using Google Maps [].
- Ma'ab (place)
- See Moab PGP .
- Medes (people)
- Designation used by the Assyrians to specify various peoples, regions and small city-states in the Zagros PGP mountains of western Iran. In the 8th century BC, there is no unified country of "Media". See the essay on The Medes.
- Media (place)
- See Medes PGP .
- Megiddo (place)
- Assyrian province and its capital of the same name; the northern part of the kingdom of Israel which was integrated into Assyria under Tiglath-pileser III PGP .
View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/megiddo.kmz].
- Melarṭua (person)
- An Urarṭian name: son of Argisti II PGP and crown prince of Urarṭu PGP ; a contemporary of Sargon II PGP . In 709 BC, briefly pronounced king by the Urarṭian troops on the battlefield in the turmoil which followed a defeat by the Cimmerians PGP , when Argishti was thought dead. It is unknown whether Melarṭua eventually ascended to the throne or not.
- Melid (place)
- City on the Euphrates; classical Melitene, now Arslantepe near modern Malatya in Turkey. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/melid_arslantepe.kmz].
- Menaga (place)
- Assyrian fort in northern Babylonia PGP .
- Merodach-baladan (person)
- See Marduk-apla-iddina PGP .
- Meṣate-ibni (person)
- "Meṣate has created": individual mentioned in a small fragment of a letter from Nanu PGP , probably to Sargon II PGP .
- Meṣi (place)
- Small Assyrian vassal state under the control of a "city lord" in the Taurus PGP mountain range, part of the buffer region between Assyria and Urarṭu PGP .
- Mesu (place)
- Region in the Zagros PGP mountain range, famous for its horses.
- Me-ṭabuti (place)
- Village near Assur PGP .
- Metunu (person)
- See Mitunu PGP .
- Meturna (place)
- City on the river Diyala PGP ; modern Tell Haddad.
- Mila (place)
- Town in a western Assyrian province, possibly in Tu'immu
- Milqia (place)
- Site in the close vicinity of Arbela PGP , housing the Palace of the Steppe PGP , the New Year festival TT house of Ištar PGP of Arbela.
- Minu' (place)
- Town in northern Babylonia PGP .
- Mita (person)
- An Anatolian name: king of Mushki = Phrygia PGP (i.e. the legendary Midas of the Greek sources); a contemporary of Sargon II PGP .
- Mitunu (person)
- An abbreviated Phoenician name containing the divine name Miton: governor TT of the province of Isana PGP ; eponym TT of the year 700 BC. Attested under Sargon II PGP and Sennacherib PGP .
- Moab (place)
- Country between today's Jordan and the Dead Sea.
- Mukin-Aššur (person)
- "The one who establishes is Aššur": official active in Gambulu PGP ; mentioned in connection with Lulla-Bel PGP in a letter from Nabu-šumu-lešir PGP , a high-ranking official (probably the governor TT ) in Gambulu PGP , and Aqar-Bel-lumur PGP , Sennacherib's PGP troop commander in Gambulu, to their king reporting on an Elamite attack.
- Mullissu (deity)
- The divine consort of the supreme god Aššur PGP .
- Mumu (place)
- Town in Kurdistan, on the slopes of Judi Dagh.
- Munu' (place)
- Town on the Patti-Illil PGP canal.
- Mušallim-Adad (person)
- "The one who keeps safe is Adad": high military and/or administrative official under Sargon II PGP with whom he corresponds in regard to some forts.
- Musani or Musanni-[...] (person)
- A West Semitic name based on the verb "to feel": royal delegate TT of an unknown city, possibly located in the province of Ṣupat PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Muṣaṣir (place)
- Small independent state in the Zagros PGP region, under the rule of king Urzana PGP , a contemporary and sometime ally of Sargon II PGP ; home of the temple of Haldi PGP , a religious centre of great influence from at least the early second millennium BC and one of the most important temples for the rulers of Urarṭu PGP . Corresponds to modern Mudjesir near Rowanduz.
View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/musasir.kmz].
- Mušezib (person)
- See Mušezibu PGP .
- Mušezib-Marduk (person)
- "The one who saves is Marduk": king of Babylon PGP (692-689 BC) who escaped to Elam PGP during the reign of Sennacherib PGP . See Šuzubu PGP .
- Mušezibu (person)
- "Saviour": ruler of Lahiru PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Muši (place)
- Assyrian town on the western fringes of the Zagros PGP mountain range, on the route from Muṣaṣir PGP to Arbela PGP .
- Muški (place)
- See Phrygia PGP .
- Muṣur (place)
- See Egypt PGP .
- Mutakkil-Aššur (person)
- "The one who inspires trust is Aššur": governor TT of the province of Guzana PGP under Sargon II PGP ; eponym TT of the year 706 BC.
- Mutianni (place)
- Town in the province of Barhalzi PGP .
- Nabatea (people)
- Arab tribe, in Assyrian times active in northeastern Arabia PGP .
- Nabu (deity)
- God of wisdom and patron of scribes; son of the great Babylonian PGP deity Marduk PGP .
- Nabu-ahhe-bulliṭ (person)
- "O Nabu, keep the brothers alive!": delegate of the Esaggil PGP temple to whom Bel-iddina PGP entrusted the writing-boards with the results of his inspection of Babylonian PGP temples from Zabban PGP to Sippar PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Nabu-ahhe-eriba (person)
- "Nabu has replaced the brothers": nobleman from Babylon PGP who may have been collaborating with Marduk-apla-iddina PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Nabu-ahhe-iddina (person)
- "Nabu has given brothers": [1] Babylonian PGP defector from Bit-Uqata PGP who went over to the Assyrian vizier TT ; reign of Sargon II PGP . [2] Individual from Arrapha PGP ; reign of Sargon II.
- Nabu-ahhe-lumur (person)
- "O Nabu, may I see the brothers!": Babylonian PGP correspondent of Sargon II PGP , probably from Sippar PGP .
- Nabu-ahu-ereš (person)
- "Nabu has desired a brother": Babylonian PGP father and subordinate of Hazanu PGP , sent by Aššur-belu-taqqin PGP to Sargon II PGP . Nabu-ahu-ereš's family consists of his brother, one son and two women.
- Nabu-ahu-uṣur (person)
- "O Nabu, protect the brother!": royal confidant TT active in Mazamua PGP and Šingibutu PGP ; a correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Nabu-ašared (person)
- "Nabu is foremost": Babylonian PGP mentioned in a small fragment of a letter to Sargon II PGP .
- Nabu-balliṭ (person)
- "O Nabu, keep alive!": [1] Father of Simanaya PGP , paternal uncle of Aššur-na'di PGP , whose son is one the three candidates for the office of the household overseer of the Aššur PGP temple following the death of the previous officeholder, according to a letter from Ṭab-ṣill-Ešarra PGP to Sargon II PGP . [2] Wine master mentioned in a fragmentary letter, possibly from the reign of Sargon II.
- Nabu-balliṭanni (person)
- "O Nabu, keep me alive!": Assyrian official active at Lahiru PGP , and a correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Nabu-bani (person)
- "Nabu is the creator": Babylonian PGP , brother of Ubaru PGP and subordinate of Hazanu PGP , sent by Aššur-belu-taqqin PGP to Sargon II PGP . The family of the two brothers consists of one suckling son and two women.
- Nabu-bel-šumati (person)
- "Nabu is the lord of names": royal delegate TT of the northern Babylonian PGP territory of Birati PGP and correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Nabu-belu-ka''in (person)
- "O Nabu, establish the lord!": governor TT of the province of Kar-Šarruken PGP , later governor of the province of Lubda PGP ; frequent correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Nabu-belu-uṣur (person)
- "O Nabu, protect the lord!": [1] Governor TT of the province of Arrapha PGP and eponym TT of the year 745 BC. [2] Governor of the province of Si'imme PGP and eponym TT of the year 732 BC. [3] Official active in the northeast and, together with Dinanu PGP , correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Nabu-dammiq (person)
- See Nabu-de'iq PGP .
- Nabu-dan (person)
- "Nabu is strong": presumably a fortress commander of Uruk PGP who demands in his letter that the local commander Nabu-šumu-iškun PGP pay the tribute of the past two years.
- Nabu-da''inanni (person)
- "O Nabu, strengthen me!": commander-in-chief TT and eponym TT of the year 742 BC.
- Nabu-deni-epuš (person)
- "O Nabu, try my case!": governor TT of the province of Nineveh PGP and correspondent of Sargon II PGP ; eponym TT of the year 704 BC.
- Nabu-de'iq (person)
- "Nabu is good": possibly a provincial governor TT in western Assyria; correspondent of Sargon II PGP and his officials.
- Nabu-dur-maki (person)
- "Nabu is the protective wall of the frail": official in Hindanu PGP and correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Nabu-duru-uṣur (person)
- "O Nabu, protect the city wall!": deputy governor of the province of Der PGP and correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Nabu-epuš (person)
- "Nabu has made": eunuch TT active in northern Babylonia PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Nabu-ereš (person)
- "Nabu has desired": [1] Military official at Borsippa PGP , son of Nabu-taklak PGP and brother of Nabu-le'i PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP . [2] Chaldean PGP under the surveillance of Abat-šarri-uṣur PGP ; reign of Sargon II. [3] Babylonian PGP nobleman, sent to the king together with his family and servants by Aqar-Bel-lumur PGP , Sennacherib's PGP commander of troops in Gambulu PGP .
- Nabu-eriba (person)
- "Nabu has replaced": [1] Horse trader from Kalhu PGP active in Arzuhina PGP , a subordinate of Saniye PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP . [2] Physician sent from Arrapha PGP to Sargon II.
- Nabu-eṭir (person)
- "Nabu has saved": Babylonian PGP with a connection to Marduk-apla-iddina PGP , Sargon II's PGP archrival for the Babylonian crown.
- Nabu-eṭiranni (person)
- "Nabu has saved me": Chief Cupbearer TT and eponym TT of the year 740 BC; correspondent of Tiglath-pileser III PGP .
- Nabu-eṭir-napšati (person)
- "Nabu is the one who saves lives": probably an official from Kalhu PGP whose presence or words with some other men may have caused Nabu-mušallim PGP to disappear from Kalhu PGP , according to a letter from crown prince Sennacherib PGP to Sargon II PGP .
- Nabu-hamatu'a (person)
- "Nabu is my rescue": [1] Deputy governor of the province of Mazamua PGP and correspondent of Sargon II PGP . [2] High military official, active in Babylonia PGP , who attacks the Litamu PGP tribe; reign of Sennacherib PGP .
- Nabu-ili (person)
- "Nabu is my god": Babylonian PGP correspondent of Sargon II PGP who sends people from Tyre PGP to the king.
- Nabu-iqiša (person)
- "Nabu has granted": official, active in eastern Babylonia PGP , who reports about Elamite PGP affairs to Sargon II PGP through Nabu-belu-ka''in PGP .
- Nabu-killanni (person)
- "O Nabu, hold me!": individual, possibly an official, mentioned in a letter to the king, perhaps Sargon II PGP , concerning the lawsuit of Akkadayu PGP .
- Nabu-le'i (person)
- "Nabu is almighty": [1] Governor TT of the province of Birtu PGP and correspondent of Sargon II PGP . [2] Commander of Bit-Dakkuri PGP residing in Borsippa PGP , son of Nabu-taklak PGP and a brother of Nabu-ereš PGP ; together with Da'ini PGP , a Babylonian PGP correspondent of Sargon II. Evidently he was also the major-domo TT of Sargon II's daughter Ahat-abiša PGP when the rebellious men of Bit-Dakkuri PGP were, perhaps only temporarily, deported to Tabal PGP .
- Nabu-mušallim (person)
- "Nabu is the one who preserves": official who disappears from Kalhu PGP after receiving news about Nabu-eṭir-napšati PGP , according to a letter from crown prince Sennacherib PGP to Sargon II PGP .
- Nabu-nadin-ahi (person)
- "Nabu is the giver of the brother": Babylonian PGP , brother of Na'id-Ešeriga PGP and subordinate of Hazanu PGP , sent by Aššur-belu-taqqin PGP to Sargon II PGP .
- Nabu-na'id (person)
- "Nabu is praised": Babylonian PGP temple-enterer TT , i.e. high-ranking member of the clergy, of the temple of Šamaš PGP at Sippar PGP who conspired against Sargon II's PGP rule.
- Nabu-pašir (person)
- "Nabu is the one who releases": governor TT of the province of Harran PGP and correspondent of Sargon II PGP and the vizier TT .
- Nabu-remanni (person)
- "O Nabu, have mercy on me!": governor TT of the province of Parsua PGP (with its capital in Nikkur) and correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Nabu-re'u'a (person)
- "Nabu is my shepherd": military official active at Dur-Bel-ila'i PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Nabu-riba-ahhe (person)
- "O Nabu, replace the brothers!": commander of crown prince Sennacherib's PGP guard at Nineveh PGP .
- Nabu-šallim (person)
- "O Nabu, keep safe!": see Nabu-ušallim PGP .
- Nabu-šar-ahhešu (person)
- "Nabu is the king of his brothers": official in charge of the mule stable of the house of Nabu-le'i PGP in Borsippa PGP ; correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Nabu-šarru-ibni (person)
- "Nabu has created the king": administrative official concerned with gardeners; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Nabu-šarru-uṣur (person)
- "O Nabu, protect the king!": [1] Military official active in the north of Assyria and correspondent of Sargon II PGP . [2] High-ranking official active in Babylonia PGP , brother of Bel-usati PGP and correspondent of Bel-iqiša PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Nabu-šezib (person)
- "O Nabu, save!": scribe TT of Bel-duri PGP , temporarily seconded to Aššur-ereš PGP ; reign of Sargon II.
- Nabu-šezibanni (person)
- "O Nabu, save me!": individual active in the province of Tušhan PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Nabu-šumu-ereš (person)
- "Nabu has desired the name": sheikh from the region of the river Tubliaš PGP and correspondent of the king's magnates TT ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Nabu-šumu-iddina (person)
- "Nabu has given a name": [1] Fort commander of Lahiru PGP and correspondent of Sargon II PGP . [2] Physician whom Issar-duri PGP sent from Arrapha PGP to Sargon II. [3] Probably a high-ranking individual in Bit-Dakkuri PGP , associated with Barsipitu PGP ; reign of Sargon II. [4] Official whose clothes were stolen by a runaway servant; reign of Sargon II.
- Nabu-šumu-iškun (person)
- "Nabu has provided a name": Babylonian PGP commander of Uruk PGP and correspondent of Sargon II PGP ; recipient of a letter from Nabu-dan PGP .
- Nabu-šumu-lešir (person)
- "O Nabu, may the name prosper!": [1] High-ranking official in Gambulu PGP , probably the governor TT , who authors letters to the king together with Aqar-Bel-lumur PGP , Sennacherib's PGP troop commander in Gambulu PGP . [2] Priest of the Esaggil PGP temple at Babylon PGP and correspondent of Sennacherib PGP .
- Nabu-šumu-uṣur (person)
- "O Nabu, protect the name!": senior scribe TT from Nemed-Issar PGP or Laqe PGP , questioned during the search for the missing scribe Erra-gamil PGP from Nineveh PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Nabu-taklak (person)
- "In Nabu I trust": commander of Bit-Dakkuri PGP residing in Borsippa PGP , father of Nabu-ereš PGP , Nabu-le'i PGP and Nergal-[...]. He is also known as Ana-Nabu-taklak and is a frequent correspondent of Sargon II PGP and his officials.
- Nabu-taqqinanni (person)
- "O Nabu, safeguard me!": possibly the deputy governor of the province of Kar-Šarruken PGP , serving under governor Mannu-ki-Ninua PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Nabu-tariṣ (person)
- "Nabu is in order": provincial governor TT (name of province unknown) under Sargon II PGP ; eponym TT of the year 721 BC.
- Nabu-ušabši (person)
- "Nabu has brought into being": [1] Official responsible for building works in Dur-Šarruken PGP and, together with Igli PGP , a correspondent of Sargon II PGP . [2] Royal [...], active on the Elamite-Babylonian border, mentioned in two broken letters from Šamaš-belu-uṣur PGP to Sargon II. [3] Babylonian PGP subordinate of the vizier TT ; reign of Sennacherib PGP .
- Nabu-uṣalla (person)
- "I pray to Nabu": governor TT of the province of Tamnuna PGP and correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Nabu-ušallim (person)
- "Nabu has kept in good health"). [1] Sheikh from the region of the river Tubliaš PGP and correspondent of the king's magnates TT ; reign of Sargon II PGP . [2] High-ranking Babylonian PGP from Larak PGP who arrested the people of Barik-il PGP and gave them to Umadi PGP ; reign of Sargon II. [3] Babylonian official from Uruk PGP and correspondent of Sennacherib PGP and the vizier TT , informing them about the Arameans PGP and Marduk-apla-iddina PGP .
- Nabu-zer-ketti-lešir (person)
- "O Nabu, let the seed of truth prosper!": official working in Dur-Šarruken PGP and correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Nabu-zeru-ibni (person)
- "Nabu has created the seed": influential Ru'uean PGP eunuch TT , active in Damascus PGP , Abdudu PGP and Arrapha PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Nabu-zeru-iddina (person)
- "Nabu has given the seed": [1] Babylonian PGP correspondent of Sargon II PGP , from Ur PGP , who stands accused of collaborating with Marduk-apla-iddina PGP . [2] Official involved in a dispute with Ša-ili-dubbu PGP concerning the grazing of sheep; reign of Sargon II.
- Nabu-zeru-ušabši (person)
- "Nabu has created the seed": sheikh from the region of the river Tubliaš PGP and correspondent of the king's magnates TT ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Nabu-zeru-uṣur (person)
- "O Nabu, protect the seed!": possibly a clergyman, active in Babylon PGP , mentioned in a letter from the priest Nabu-šumu-lešir PGP to Sennacherib PGP .
- Nabu'a (person)
- "My Nabu": [1] Mule stable attendant TT in charge of deported Chaldeans PGP in Yasumu PGP and Bit-Zamani PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP . [2] Royal confidant TT on a mission to Šabirešu PGP ; reign of Sargon II.
- Nadin (person)
- See Nadinu PGP .
- Nadin-ahhe (person)
- "Giver of the brother": possibly an official, mentioned in a broken letter together with Eṭiru PGP in connection with the city of Sippar PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Nadinu (person)
- "The one who gives", an abbreviated name: high-ranking Babylonian PGP whose son is mentioned in connection with Uruk PGP and the house of Harriru PGP in a letter from Issar-duri PGP to Sargon II PGP .
- Nagaha (person)
- An abbreviated name containing the West Semitic verb "to shine": cohort commander from the province of Naṣibina PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Naga'a (person)
- See Nagaha PGP .
- Nagiati (place)
- Region in Elam PGP on the coast of the Persian Gulf.
- Nakkia (person)
- See Naqqia PGP .
- Nalhiti (place)
- Town in the Zagros PGP mountain range in western Iran.
- Namirtu (person)
- "Brightness": high-ranking Babylonian PGP lady; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Nampigi (place)
- City in Syria, south of Carchemish PGP : classical Bambyke, modern Manbij.
View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/nampigi.kmz]. | View location using Google Maps [].
- Nanaya (deity)
- A name of the goddess Ištar PGP in her aspect as goddess of love.
- Nani (person)
- A name of unknown origin and meaning: [1] Military official active in Harran PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP . [2] Probably an official (whose name is partly restored) from the middle Euphrates PGP region, associated with the ruler of Suhu PGP , collecting and shipping saplings of fruit trees to Dur-Šarruken PGP . [3] Possibly a Babylonian PGP mentioned in a badly broken letter; reign of Sargon II.
- Nanu (person)
- A name of unknown origin and meaning: possibly a eunuch TT , active in Hiptunu PGP ; the same person who wrote a letter to Sargon II PGP , assuming that the partly restored name of the eunuch is correct.
- Naqqia (person)
- "Pure", an Aramaic name: sheikh from the region of the river Tubliaš PGP in southern Mesopotamia and correspondent of the officials of Sargon II PGP .
- Narage (person)
- An Urarṭian name: chief tailor of the king of Urarṭu PGP , involved in a failed revolt against his master; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Nar-Baniti (place)
- Canal near Nippur PGP .
- Nargi (person)
- An abbreviated name containing the Aramaic element "axe": individual, probably from northern Babylonia PGP , mentioned in a broken context.
- Nartu (place)
- Territory in the Zagros PGP mountains, around the city of Harhar PGP .
- Naru ša Bit-Deraya (place)
- River in the vicinity of Der PGP ; modern Galal Badra.
- Naru ṣalmu (place)
- "Black river", probably Gadar Chai, southwest of Lake Urmia.
- Naru ša Nergal (place)
- Canal near Nippur PGP .
- Nashir-Bel or Nashur-Bel (person)
- "Turn (to me), O Bel" or "Favourable attention of Bel": governor TT of the province of Amidu and frequent correspondent of Sargon II PGP ; eponym TT of the year 705 BC.
- Naṣibi (person)
- A West Semitic name based on the verb "to place, set up": official, active either in eastern Babylonia PGP or in Elam PGP , who reports about Elamite affairs to Sargon II PGP through Nabu-iqiša PGP and Nabu-belu-ka''in PGP .
- Naṣib-il (person)
- "Placed/set up by the god/El", a West Semitic name: [1] Military official or tribal leader in Babylonia PGP and correspondent of Sargon II PGP . [2] Military official serving under the Chief Cupbearer TT and in charge of the Bit-Amukani PGP .
- Naṣibina (place)
- Assyrian province and its capital of the same name, situated in the Khabur triangle; classical Nisibis, modern Nusaibin.
View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/nasibina.kmz].
- Našmedi (place)
- Town, probably in the province of the Chief Cupbearer TT .
- Natan (person)
- See Natannu PGP .
- Natannu (person)
- "He has given", an abbreviated West Semitic name: ruler of Lahiru PGP who fled to Elam PGP with his family; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Natanu (person)
- See Natannu PGP .
- Na'di-ilu (person)
- "Exalted is the god": Chief Cupbearer TT and frequent correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Na'id-bit-Šeriga (person)
- See Na'id-Ešeriga PGP .
- Na'id-Ešeriga (person)
- "Praised is Ešeriga": Babylonian PGP subordinate of Hazanu PGP , sent by Aššur-belu-taqqin PGP to Sargon II PGP . His family consists of his brother Nabu-nadin-ahi and three women.
- Na'iri (place)
- An archaic Mesopotamian term for "mountain land", used for various regions in Anatolia and in the Zagros PGP mountain range.
- Nemed-Issar (place)
- Assyrian city in the region between the rivers Tigris PGP and Khabur PGP , precise location unknown; from the early 8th century BC, part of the province of Raṣappa PGP .
- Nemed-Ištar (place)
- See Nemed-Issar PGP .
- Nemed-Lagudu (place)
- City in southern Babylonia PGP , exact location unknown.
- Nene (person)
- A name of unknown origin and meaning: Babylonian PGP , possibly from Bit-Dakkuri PGP , mentioned as the father of Šumaya PGP in two letters from the reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Nergal (deity)
- The god of destructive force and animal instincts; lord of the underworld and death, often identified with the planet Mars.
- Nergal-balliṭ (person)
- "O Nergal, keep alive!": military official active in Arbela PGP and correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Nergal-belu-uṣur (person)
- "O Nergal, protect the lord!": royal confidant TT active in the Zagros PGP states, including Andia PGP and Mannea PGP ; correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Nergal-eṭir (person)
- "Nergal has saved": [1] Possibly a provincial governor TT on the eastern border of Assyria who sends horses to Sargon II PGP . [2] High official who receives a letter from his "brother" Aššur-zeru-ibni PGP on account of the claim by the governor of Halzi-atbari PGP that the people of Ehiman PGP were his servants during the reign of Sargon II. [3] City lord of Paddanu PGP who is sent to Sargon II by Naṣib-il PGP .
- Nergal-naṣir (person)
- "Nergal protects": [1] Governor TT of the province of Naṣibina PGP during the reign of Tiglatpileser III PGP ; eponym TT of the year 746 BC. [2] High-ranking Babylonian PGP and business partner of Šumu-ukin PGP and Kina PGP ; reigns of Sargon II PGP and Sennacherib PGP .
- Nergal-šarrani (person)
- "Nergal is our king": official active on the northeastern frontier, presumably the deputy of the governor Aššur-alik-pani PGP , with whom he co-authored letters to Sargon II PGP . But cf. Pihame PGP .
- Nergal-uballiṭ (person)
- "Nergal has kept alive": governor TT of the province of Arzuhina PGP and correspondent of Tiglath-pileser III PGP ; eponym TT of the year 731 BC.
- Nerubu (place)
- Syrian town with an important temple dedicated to the moon god Sin PGP ; modern Nerab.
View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/nerubu.kmz].
- Ni'u (place)
- Town close to the Orontes PGP river to the northwest of Hamat PGP in Syria (classical Apamea).
- Nia (person)
- A name of unknown origin and meaning: individual active in Kar-Šarruken PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Nibe (person)
- A name of unknown origin and meaning: pro-Elamite king of Ellipi PGP , the successor of his maternal uncle Dalta PGP , who was supplanted by Ašpa-bara PGP following an Assyrian invasion.
- Nikkal (deity)
- The divine consort of the moon god Sin PGP .
- Nikkur (place)
- Capital of the Assyrian province of Parsua PGP in the Zagros PGP mountains.
- Nimarkayu (person)
- A name of unknown origin and meaning: subordinate of crown prince Sennacherib PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Nimrud (place)
- See Calah/Kalhu PGP .
- Nineveh (place)
- Assyrian province and its capital city of the same name, on the banks of the river Tigris PGP , opposite the modern-day city of Mosul in northern Iraq. One of the most important cities of northern Mesopotamia from the 3rd millennium BC, it was the main residence of the Assyrian kings from the reign of Sennacherib PGP onwards. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/nineveh.kmz].
- Ninurta (deity)
- The god of victory, called Inurta PGP in the Assyrian dialect.
- Nippur (place)
- City of central Babylonia PGP , near modern Nuffar. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/nippur.kmz].
- Nipuru (place)
- Mountain near Ṣupat PGP ' Anti-Lebanon?
- Niqi-Tubliš (place)
- City in Namri, at the border of Ellipi PGP .
- Nirgi (person)
- See Nargi PGP .
- Nugul (place)
- Town in Babylonia PGP ; Neo-Babylonian Nugu' or Nuguh?
- Nunak (place)
- Town in northern Babylonia PGP , near Bab-bitqi PGP .
- Nuraya or Nur-Aya (person)
- An abbreviation of a name containing the element "light" or "light of Ea".
- Nur-Sin (person)
- "Light of Sin": prefect who is mentioned together with Se'-gabbari PGP and Dadi-ibni PGP in a letter from Nabu-pašir PGP to Sargon II PGP .
- Nuru (place)
- Settlement in the Zagros PGP mountain region.
- Nusku/Nušku (deity)
- The god of light and hope, son of the moon god Sin PGP , worshipped especially at Harran PGP .
- Opis (place)
- City in northern Babylonia PGP ; modern Tell at-Mujailat.
View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/opis.kmz].
- Orontes (place)
- Major river in the Levant, running from the springs in the Beqaa Valley between Lebanon and Anti-Lebanon to the north through Syria into Turkey.
- Paddanu (place)
- Town in Babylonia PGP .
- Palace of the Steppe (place)
- Name of the New Year festival TT house of Ištar PGP of Arbela PGP in nearby Milqia PGP .
- Palihka-libluṭ (person)
- "May your worshipper live!": Babylonian PGP subordinate of Hazanu PGP , sent by Aššur-belu-taqqin PGP to Sargon II PGP .
- Paltaṣi or Baltaṣi (person)
- A name of unknown origin and meaning: daughter of Hazanu PGP , sent by Aššur-belu-taqqin PGP to Sargon II PGP with another daughter of Hazanu PGP and his subordinates.
- Pan-Aššur-lamur (person)
- "May I see the face of Aššur!": eunuch TT and correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Paqaha (person)
- A Hebrew name: master-builder in charge of constructing the ditch surrounding Dur-Šarruken PGP , whose complaints are recorded in a letter from the treasurer Ṭab-šar-Aššur PGP to Sargon II PGP .
- Parak-mari (place)
- Town under the control of the Bit-Amukani PGP tribe, probably to the south of Nippur PGP .
- Parnaka (place)
- Town in western Iran.
- Parsua (place)
- Assyrian province in the Zagros PGP range, in the region of the modern Iranian city of Sanandaj, with the capital Nikkur PGP .
View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/parsua.kmz].
- Parsumaš (place)
- State in western Iran; probably corresponding to the modern region of Fars.
View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/parsumasz.kmz].
- Paššate (place)
- Town in the Zagros PGP kingdom of Mannea PGP .
- Patamu (person)
- A name of unknown origin and meaning: eunuch TT from the household of Aššur-ila'i PGP of Til-Barsip PGP , sent to Sargon II PGP at the king's request.
- Patibiri (place)
- Town in southern Babylonia PGP (Sumerian Bad-tibira).
- Patti-Illil (place)
- Canal connecting the Euphrates PGP with the Tigris PGP .
- Paukku (person)
- See Payukku PGP .
- Paye (place)
- Town in the Taurus PGP mountains, probably near Ukku PGP .
- Payukku (person)
- An abbreviation of a name containing the Iranian element "protector": city lord of Bit-Kapsi PGP in the Zagros PGP mountain range; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Penza (place)
- City in the kingdom of Šubria PGP .
- Philistia (place)
- Region on the eastern Mediterranean coast, just north of the modern Gaza PGP Strip. See the essay on Philistia.
- Philistines (people)
- See Philistia PGP .
- Phrygia (place)
- Assyrian Muški: kingdom in central Anatolia, adjoining the Assyrian province of Que PGP ; ruled by king Mita PGP during the reign of Sargon II PGP . See the essay on Tabal and Phrygia.
- Pigat (person)
- A name of unknown origin and meaning: administrative official; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Pihame (person)
- A name of unknown origin and meaning: deputy governor, possibly of Aššur-alik-pani PGP who held a province on Assyria's northeastern frontier; reign of Sargon II PGP . Cf. Nergal-šarrani PGP .
- Pillat (place)
- Elamite PGP town and region on the Gulf coast.
- Pirria (place)
- Region or territory in a western Assyrian province, perhaps in Tu'immu.
- Pišermu (person)
- An Anatolian name: local ruler from Tabal PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Piusi (place)
- Town in the Zagros PGP mountains in western Iran.
- Pulua (place)
- City in Urarṭu PGP .
- Puqudu (people)
- Aramean PGP tribe in Babylonia PGP , occupying the area east of the Bit-Amukani PGP tribe and north of the Bit-Yakin PGP tribe; Biblical Pekod.
- Purattu (place)
- See Euphrates PGP .
- Qabaya (person)
- A West Semitic name: individual active in Dur-Kurigalzu PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Qadarua (place)
- Town of unknown location on or close to the eastern Mediterranean coast.
- Qadeš (place)
- Town on the Orontes PGP river, presumably in the province of Ṣupat PGP at the moment, Ṣupat is said to be an "Assyrian provincial capital" but not the name of a province].
- Qadisu (place)
- See Qadeš PGP .
- Qaiš-šumati (place)
- Aramean PGP tribe in Babylonia PGP .
- Qallatu (person)
- "Servant girl": high-ranking Babylonian PGP woman; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Qane (person)
- See Qanni PGP .
- Qaniun (place)
- Province of Urarṭu PGP .
- Qanni (person)
- A name of unknown origin and meaning: smith under the authority of Bel-šarru-uṣur PGP , active in the Assyrian province of Ṣupat PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Qappat (place)
- Town in the Assyrian province of Naṣibina PGP .
- Qarnina (place)
- Assyrian province and its capital of the same name in southwestern Syria; modern Sheikh Saad, Biblical Qarnaim.
- Qarradu (place)
- Town in Babylonia PGP , location unknown.
- Qatannu (place)
- Marsh near the city of Uruk PGP .
- Qibi-Bel (place)
- Town in the territory of the Bit-Yakin PGP tribe.
- Qidisu (place)
- See Qadeš PGP .
- Qipanu (place)
- Region in northern Syria.
- Qirbit (place)
- Town in the mountains north of Der PGP .
- Qišti-Marduk (person)
- "Gift of Marduk": chief temple administrator of the Esaggil PGP temple in Babylon PGP and Babylonian PGP correspondent of Sargon II PGP . He is also known by the abbreviated form of his name, Qištiya.
- Qištiya (person)
- See Qišti-Marduk PGP .
- Quda (place)
- City-state in the Taurus PGP mountain region, part of the belt of buffer states between Assyria and Urarṭu PGP ; enters into a treaty of vassalage with Sargon II PGP .
- Qudanati (place)
- Town in Babylonia PGP .
- Que (place)
- Assyrian province and its capital of the same name, encompassing the southeastern corner of the Turkish coast around the modern city of Adana (classical Cilicia). View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/que_adana.kmz]. | View location using Google Maps [].
- Qumbuna (place)
- City in the Assyrian province of Mazamua PGP .
- Qunbuna (place)
- See Qumbuna PGP .
- Qurani (place)
- Village in Halahhu PGP .
- Qurdi-Issar (person)
- "Heroism of Ištar": archer(?) mentioned in a broken letter, probably from the reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Quruba (place)
- City-state in the Taurus PGP mountain region, part of the belt of buffer states between Assyria and Urarṭu PGP ; under the control of a "city lord" and allied with Assyria under Sargon II PGP .
- Rabilu (place)
- Aramean PGP tribe in Babylonia PGP .
- Rabla (place)
- Syrian city near Ṣupat PGP ; modern Riblah.
View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/rabla.kmz].
- Radanu (place)
- A tributary of the Tigris PGP river between the Lower Zab PGP and the Diyala PGP (modern Adhaim and its tributaries).
- Radmanu (person)
- Either an Aramaic or Arabic name based on the element "sleeping" or "shabby": sheikh of Opis PGP and an informant of Il-yada' PGP on the affairs of Sippar PGP during the reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Rahba (place)
- Town in the territory of the Bit-Yakin PGP tribe.
- Rahdiaba (person)
- A West Semitic name: local leader with 277 people under his authority, whom the palace supervisor Aššur-balti-niše PGP received as deportees; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Rahi (person)
- "Desired", a West Semitic name: probably either an official active in Babylonia PGP or a deported Tyrian PGP sent to Sargon II PGP by Nabu-ili PGP .
- Rahihu (people/place)
- Aramean PGP tribe active in Babylonia PGP .
- Rahiqu (place)
- Aramean PGP tribe in Babylonia PGP .
- Ramati (person)
- An Iranian name: Median PGP city lord of Uriakka PGP , son of Irtukkanu PGP and successor of Uppite PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Rapa-il (person)
- "The god has healed", a West Semitic name: individual, active around Der PGP and the border of Elam PGP , mentioned in a badly broken letter to Sargon II PGP .
- Rapiša (place)
- Town, probably in northern Babylonia PGP .
- Raṣappa (place)
- Assyrian province to the west of the Tigris PGP and east of the Euphrates PGP , and its capital of the same name; precise location unknown but certainly not identical with Roman Resafa in western Syria.
- Raṣappayu (person)
- "Man from Raṣappa": high-ranking official, active in central Assyria, possibly also in Isana PGP , arrested by the governor TT of Kalhu PGP but ordered to be released by Sargon II PGP .
- Raši (place)
- See Araši PGP .
- Raši-Marduk (person)
- "He has Marduk" (reading uncertain): possibly a palace administrator; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Rasitu (people/place)
- Aramean PGP tribe in Babylonia PGP .
- Rašu (place)
- See Araši PGP .
- Ra'iwanu (person)
- "He of the pasture", a West Semitic name: nephew of Bel-iddina PGP from Nagiati PGP who informs Šamaš-abu-uṣur PGP about the movements of military troops in Babylonia PGP .
- Ra'sunu (person)
- "He of the head" or "Chief", a Phoenician name: father of Dadi-suri PGP from Til-Barsip PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Redi-ilu (person)
- "My leader is god": probably an official or a high-ranking Babylonian PGP , mentioned in a small fragment of a letter concerning the captives of Litamu PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Rehanu (person)
- "The remnant": Babylonian PGP fowler and subordinate of Hazanu PGP , sent by Aššur-belu-taqqin PGP to Sargon II PGP . Rehanu's family consists of Iqišaya PGP , one son and two women.
- Remanni-Adad (person)
- "Have mercy on me, O Adad!": recruitment officer TT whom the vizier TT should ask since he had heard the statement of Dadi-suri PGP , or that of his accused father, according to a letter from Nabu-pašir PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Remutu (person)
- "Gift": [1] Priest of the Esaggil PGP temple in Babylon PGP , and correspondent of Sargon II PGP ; probably still active during the reign of Sennacherib PGP . [2] Subordinate of Nabu-duru-uṣur PGP ; reign of Sargon II.
- Renni (place)
- Town (reading uncertain) of unknown location.
- Reš-Ṣurri (place)
- Town of the former kingdom of Hamat PGP on the eastern Mediterranean coast; exact location uncertain.
- Rihanu (person)
- See Rehanu PGP .
- Rimutu (person)
- See Remutu PGP .
- Rišteana (place)
- See Erištana PGP .
- Rubu'u (people/place)
- Aramean PGP tribe in Babylonia PGP .
- Ruqahu (people/place)
- Aramean PGP tribe active in the region of the confluence of the Lower Zab PGP with the Tigris PGP .
- Rusa (person)
- An Urarṭian name: Rusa I, king of Urarṭu PGP , a contemporary and archenemy of Sargon II PGP .
- Ru'ua (place)
- Aramean PGP tribe active in Babylonia PGP , in the area to the north of Nippur PGP .
- Saba' (place)
- South Arabian tribe. The kingdom of Saba' (or Sheba) was located in the southwestern part of the Arabian peninsula.
- Sabhanu (place)
- Fortified town on the river Tigris PGP near Babylon PGP , Borsippa PGP and Bit-Dakkuri PGP .
- Sadiru (person)
- "One who arrives regularly": father whose sons were administrative officials, presumably in Kalhu PGP , authorised by the palace to raise work assignment dues from the troops; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Sadiru (place)
- Town in Bit-Amukani PGP , north of Uruk PGP .
- Sagab(bu) (person)
- "He has prevailed", an Aramaic name: Babylonian PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP . See also Sagibu PGP .
- Sagibi (person)
- See Sagibu PGP .
- Sagib-il (person)
- "Exalted is the god", an Aramaic name: Chaldean PGP from the tribe of the Bit-Amukani PGP , living in Bit-re'i and collaborating with the Assyrian vizier TT against Marduk-apla-iddina PGP ; reign of Sennacherib PGP .
- Sagibu (person)
- "Exalted", an Aramaic name: royal confidant TT of Sargon II PGP , active in Babylonia PGP .
- Sagmegar (heavenly body)
- See Jupiter PGP .
- Sahiru (place)
- Town, possibly on the middle Euphrates PGP .
- Sakkuanu (place)
- Town in the kingdom of Šubria PGP .
- Sakuata (person)
- An Urarṭian name: governor of the Urarṭian PGP province of Qaniun PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Salmanu-ašared (person)
- See Shalmaneser V PGP .
- Sam'al (place)
- Assyrian province and its centre of the same name; now Zincirli in modern Turkey. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/samal_zincirli.kmz]. | View location using Google Maps [].
- Samaria (place)
- Assyrian province and its capital of the same name, the southern part of the former kingdom of Israel which Shalmaneser V PGP conquered and annexed to Assyria. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/samaria.kmz].View location using Google Maps.
- Samirina (place)
- See Samaria PGP .
- Samnuha-belu-uṣur (person)
- "O Samnuha, protect the lord!": probably a local ruler of Šadikanni PGP , i.e. a "city lord", and correspondent and vassal of Sargon II PGP .
- Samnuha-bessunu (person)
- "Samnuha is their lord": individual from Šadikanni PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Samsimuruna (place)
- Phoenician town of uncertain location near Hariṣu PGP .
- Sanda-pi (person)
- "Sanda has given", an Anatolian name: vegetable gardener from Guzana PGP who went missing en route to Dur-Šarruken PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Sanha (place)
- Town in the kingdom of Mannea PGP .
- Sani (person)
- See Saniye PGP .
- Saniye (person)
- A name of unknown origin and meaning: city lord of the town of Aira PGP on the Assyro-Urarṭian border; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Saparda (place)
- See Šaparda PGP .
- Sapia (place)
- See Sapiya PGP .
- Sapiku (person)
- An abbreviation of a name containing the verb "to pile up": individual from the town of Darati PGP , loyal to Sa'iru PGP , who asks the Assyrian prefect Marduk-šarru-uṣur PGP for help in recapturing his home town; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Sapirrutu (place)
- Town on the middle Euphrates PGP .
- Sapiya (place)
- Town under the control of the Bit-Amukani PGP tribe.
- Saraga (place)
- Town near Kumme PGP .
- Sarduri (person)
- An Urarṭian name: king of Urarṭu PGP , c. 760-730 BC; contemporary of Tiglath-pileser III PGP .
- Sarduriani (place)
- City in Urarṭu PGP .
- Sare (place)
- City in northeastern Assyria; modern Altun Kubri.
- Sargon II (person)
- Assyrian Šarru-kenu, "The king is firmly established": king of Assyria (721-705 BC) who ascended to the throne in suspicious circumstances following the death of his (half-)brother, Shalmaneser V PGP , and died in battle in Anatolia; eponym TT of the year 719 BC. See the essay on Sargon.
- Sarun (place)
- City in Urarṭu PGP .
- Satarnu (place)
- Town in western Iran; reading of the name is uncertain.
- Sazana (place)
- Town in the Assyrian province of Ṣupat PGP .
- Sa'ilu (person)
- A West Semitic name based on the verb "to ask": official, probably active in Kalhu PGP , who accuses the sons of Sadiru PGP of malpractice when levying taxes from work assignments; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Sa'iru (person)
- A West Semitic name: municipal leader of the town of Darati PGP before being supplanted by Ata PGP . Five men of Darati PGP , who sent a letter without an address, emphasise their loyalty to Sa'iru PGP when they attempt to reinstall him with the help of the Assyrian prefect Marduk-šarru-uṣur PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Sealand (place)
- Marshlands of southern Babylonia PGP ; in the late 8th century BC, also a political unit under the control of Marduk-apla-iddina PGP .
- Sennacherib (person)
- See Sin-ahhe-riba PGP .
- Setinu (person)
- An Urarṭian name: governor of an Urarṭian PGP province opposite Kumme PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Se'-gabbari (person)
- "Se' is my hero", an Aramaic name: priest of the moon god Sin PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Se'-lukidi (person)
- "Se' conquers", a West Semitic name: cousin of Gir-Dadi PGP , the city lord of Til-Turi PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Se'-ramu (person)
- "Se' is exalted", a West Semitic name: possibly a cohort commander from Arzuhina PGP , mentioned in a badly broken letter; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Se'-salamu (person)
- "Se' is peace", a West Semitic name: father of Kutaya PGP , a member of the Isuqu PGP tribe, active in northern Babylonia PGP during the reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Shalmaneser V (person)
- Assyrian Salmanu-ašared, "Salmanu is foremost": king of Assyria (726-722 BC), crown prince TT of Assyria (as Ululaya) under his father Tiglath-pileser III PGP ; (half-)brother of Sargon II PGP , his successor; eponym TT of the year 723 BC. See the essay on Shalmaneser V.
- Siannu (place)
- Phoenician city in the former kingdom of Hamat PGP .
- Sibitti (deity)
- "Seven", a group of seven gods equated with the star constellation Pleiades.
- Sidon (place)
- Assyrian provincial capital on the eastern Mediterranean coast; Assyrian Ṣidunu, now Saida in modern Lebanon. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/sidon.kmz].
- Sihana (place)
- Town, probably in the vicinity of Muṣaṣir PGP .
- Sikris (place)
- See Sikriš PGP .
- Sikriš (place)
- City-state in the Zagros PGP mountains; location unknown.
- Sili (person)
- A West Semitic name based on the verb "to ask": possibly a merchant, or an administrative official levying taxes, from Kalhu; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Silim-Aššur (person)
- "Grace of Aššur": probably an Assyrian official active in Kumme PGP and/or Ukku PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Simanaya (person)
- "Born in the month of Simanu": son of Nabu-balliṭ PGP and cousin of Aššur-na'di PGP ; a candidate for the office of the household overseer of the Aššur PGP temple; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Sin (deity)
- The moon god.
- Sin-(u)šabši (place)
- "Town of unknown location but possibly on the middle Euphrates PGP near Hindanu PGP .
- Sin-ahhe-riba (person)
- "Sin has replaced the brothers": Sennacherib, crown prince TT of Assyria during the reign of Sargon II PGP , later king of Assyria (704-681 BC); eponym TT of the year 687 BC.
- Sin-ašared (person)
- "Sin is foremost" (latter part of his name is restored and thus somewhat uncertain): high-ranking official active in Babylonia PGP ; correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Sin-duri (person)
- "Sin is my protective wall": chief temple administrator of the Eanna PGP temple in Uruk PGP and correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Sin-duru-uṣur (person)
- "O Sin, protect the city wall!": owner of a house in the Babylonian PGP town of Darati PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Singara (place)
- Town, more likely in the province of the Chief Cupbearer TT than to the south of the mountain of the same name.
- Singibutu (place)
- See Šingibutu PGP .
- Sin-ibni (person)
- "Sin has created": official from Babylon PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Sin-iddina (person)
- "Sin has given": [1] Commandant of Ur PGP and correspondent of Sargon II PGP . [2] Major-domo TT of Adda-hati PGP in Sazana PGP ; reign of Sargon II. [3] Babylonian PGP who complains to Šarru-emuranni PGP that the Chaldeans PGP do not allow them to cultivate their fields; reign of Sargon II. [4] Official in the Sealand PGP , loyal to Sargon II and thus detested by the people of Bit-Yakin PGP .
- Sin-ila'i (person)
- "Sin is my god": official supervising cult centres in Babylonia PGP and correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Sin-kenu-uṣur (person)
- "O Sin, protect the true one!": royal confidant TT who brings Sargon II's PGP order to the magnates TT (who were probably located either in Kar-Šarruken PGP or Lubda PGP at the time) to set out and go (on a military campaign).
- Sin-na'di (person)
- "Sin is praised": official active in the upper reaches of the Diyala PGP river and correspondent of Sargon II PGP , even without a scribe.
- Sinnu (place)
- Town, possibly in western Assyria, of uncertain location.
- Sin-taklak (person)
- "In Sin I trust": treasurer TT under Tiglath-pileser III PGP ; eponym TT of the year 739 BC.
- Sin-uballiṭ (person)
- "Sin has revived": mayor of Dur-Šarrukku PGP and a subordinate of the vizier TT ; his two sons were the vizier's cohort commanders TT ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Siplia (person)
- A name of unknown origin and meaning: governor of the Urarṭian PGP province of Alzi PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Sippar (place)
- Northern Babylonian PGP city; now Abu Habba. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/sippar_abu_habba.kmz].
- Sirura (place)
- Region in the province of Arzuhina PGP .
- Si'imme (place)
- Capital of an Assyrian province of the same name, situated in the mountain lands east of the Tigris PGP and north of central Assyria; exact location unknown.
- Sua (place)
- Mountain in Mazamua PGP .
- Suhu (place)
- Territory on the middle Euphrates PGP , part of the Assyrian province of Hindanu PGP .
- Suitka (person)
- A name of unknown origin and meaning: probably a Median PGP city lord whose eunuch TT defected to the Assyrian fort of Appina PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Sumaya (person)
- See Šumaya PGP .
- Sumbu (place)
- District in Mazamua PGP .
- Sumer (place)
- Ancient name for the south of Babylonia PGP .
- Sumurzu (place)
- City in Namri, at the border of Ellipi PGP .
- Suna (person)
- An Urarṭian name: governor of an Urarṭian PGP province opposite Ukku PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Suriana (place)
- City in Urarṭu PGP .
- Surmarrati (place)
- Assyrian city on the Tigris PGP river; modern Samarra. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/surmarrati_samarra.kmz]. | View location using Google Maps [].
- Suru (place)
- Town in Suhu PGP on the middle Euphrates PGP .
- Ša-Aššur-dubbu (person)
- "Speak with the one of Aššur!": governor TT of the province of Tušhan PGP and correspondent of Sargon II PGP ; eponym TT of the year 707 BC.
- Šabbu (place)
- Town in central Assyria.
- Šabhanu (place)
- See Sabhanu PGP .
- Šabirešu (place)
- City in northwest Assyria; modern Basorin.
- Šadikanni (place)
- City on the river Khabur PGP ; now Tell Ajajah.
View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/szadikanni.kmz].
- Ša-ili-dubbu (person)
- "Speak with the one of god!": official involved in a dispute concerning grazing rights with Nabu-zeru-iddina PGP .
- Ša-iṣṣur-Adad (place)
- Babylonian PGP town under the control of the Bit-Dakkuri PGP tribe.
- Ša-la-ili-mannu (person)
- "Who is the one without a god?": presumably an official in charge of the Labdudaeans PGP in the region of Der PGP , according to a letter from Šamaš-belu-uṣur PGP to Sargon II PGP .
- Šamaš (deity)
- The sun god; god of justice and divination.
- Šamaš-abu-uṣur (person)
- "O Šamaš, protect the father!": informer from northern Babylonia PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Šamaš-ahu-iddina (person)
- "Šamaš has given a brother": [1] Possibly the governor TT of the province of Ṣupat PGP ; reigns of Tiglath-pileser III PGP , Shalmaneser V PGP and Sargon II PGP . [2] Official active in Babylonia PGP ; reign of Sargon II.
- Šamaš-belu-uṣur (person)
- "O Šamaš, protect the lord!": [1] Governor TT of the Assyrian province of Arzuhina PGP and correspondent of Sargon II PGP ; eponym TT of the year 710 BC. [2] Governor TT of the province of Der PGP under Sargon II and Sennacherib PGP , the successor of Il-yada' PGP in that office; frequent correspondent of Sargon II. Possibly identical with [1].
- Šamaš-bunaya (person)
- An abbreviation of the name Šamaš-bunaya-uṣur, "O Šamaš, protect my features!": Assyrian prefect in Babylonia PGP and correspondent of Tiglatpileser III PGP .
- Šamaš-ila'i (person)
- "Šamaš is my god": [1] Possibly the governor TT of the province of Halzi-atbari PGP during the reign of Tiglatpileser III PGP and, if that is the case, the predecessor of Aššur-belu-da''in PGP in that office. [2] Military official active in Harran PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP . [3] Official active in Babylonia PGP , a subordinate of Aššur-belu-taqqin PGP ; reign of Sargon II.
- Šamaš-išmanni (person)
- "Šamaš has heard me": individual connected to Kumme PGP and Ukku PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Šamaš-naṣir (place)
- Provincial capital of southern Assyria, in the Diyala PGP river valley; exact location unknown.
- Šamaš-re'uwa (person)
- See Šamaš-re'u'a PGP .
- Šamaš-re'u'a (person)
- "Šamaš is my shepherd": high official who writes to the king, possibly Sargon II PGP , because of the lawsuit of Akkadayu PGP .
- Šamaš-ruqaia (person)
- "Šamaš ...": soldier; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Šamaš-taklak (person)
- "In Šamaš I trust": commander of the ma'assu cavalry, active in Babylonia PGP , and correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Šamaš-ukin (person)
- "Šamaš has established": messenger of an Assyrian fort commander, active in Mannea PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Šamaš-upahhir (person)
- "Šamaš has assembled": governor TT of the Assyrian province of Habruri PGP and correspondent of Sargon II PGP ; eponym TT of the year 708 BC.
- Šama'gunu (person)
- A name of unknown origin and meaning: military official active in the region of the river Tubliaš PGP and correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Šam'una (place)
- Town in Araši PGP .
- Šaparda (place)
- Median PGP city-state in the Zagros PGP mountains.
- Šapia (place)
- See Sapia PGP .
- Šari (person)
- "My wind": horse trader from Kannu' PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Šarrani (person)
- "Our king", an abbreviated name: Babylonian PGP notable and father of Kuttiya PGP ; reign of Sennacherib PGP .
- Šarru-amuranni (person)
- See Šarru-emuranni PGP .
- Šarru-emuranni (person)
- "The king has chosen me": [1] Governor TT of the Assyrian province of Mazamua PGP and eponym TT of the year 712 BC; a frequent correspondent of Sargon II PGP . [2] Military governor TT of the province of Babylon PGP ; a frequent correspondent of Sargon II. [3] Governor TT of the Assyrian province of Bit-Zamani PGP and correspondent of Sargon II. [4] City lord of Qumbuna PGP in the Zagros PGP mountain range and a vassal of Sargon II. [5] Military official guarding the border region with Elam PGP ; reign of Sargon II.
- Šarru-iqbi (place)
- Assyrian fortress on the Assyrian border with Mannea PGP ; location unknown.
- Šarru-kenu (person)
- See Sargon II PGP .
- Šarru-lu-dari (person)
- "May the king be everlasting!": [1] Cavalry commander; reign of Sargon II PGP . [2] Administrative official in the Assyrian province of Laqe PGP ; reign of Sargon II.
- Šarru-nuri (person)
- "The king is my light": possibly an official active in Babylonia PGP , mentioned together with Šarru-emuranni PGP in a small and fragmentary letter from Ṭab-ṣill-Ešarra PGP , the governor TT of the province of Assur PGP , to Sargon II PGP .
- Šasanaku (place)
- Town in Babylonia PGP .
- Šattera (place)
- Province of Urarṭu PGP .
- Šep-Aššur (person)
- "Feet of Aššur": governor TT of the province of Dur-Šarruken PGP and, later, of the province of Ṣimirra PGP .
- Šeršeru (deity)
- A god of Nemed-Lagudu PGP .
- Ši'anu (place)
- See Siannu PGP .
- Šibirtu (place)
- City of unknown location, probably in Cappadocia.
- Šidada (deity)
- A god worshipped at Dur-Sarrukku PGP .
- Šimkaia or Šimki-Aya (person)
- An abbreviated name based on the element "support" or "support of Ea": axe-maker from Damascus PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Šimu (place)
- Town in central Assyria.
- Šingibutu (place)
- Small state in the Zagros PGP mountain range.
- Šininahu (place)
- Town, probably in Urarṭu PGP .
- Ši-tabni (place)
- Village near Kalhu PGP .
- Šubria (place)
- A kingdom near the source of the Tigris PGP in modern Turkey; Assyrian vassal state until 673 BC when it was integrated in the form of two provinces, Upumu PGP and Kulimmeri PGP See the essay on Šubria.
- Šuguru (place)
- Town of unknown location.
- Šula (person)
- A name of unknown origin and meaning: Babylonian diviner TT active in Dur-Šarruken PGP , who later returns to Babylonia PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP and Sennacherib PGP .
- Šullumu (person)
- A name of uncertain meaning: [1] Probably a priest of the temple of Uraš PGP in Dilbat PGP and a Babylonian PGP correspondent of Sargon II PGP . [2] Sheikh from the region of the river Tubliaš PGP and, together with other sheikhs, a correspondent of Sargon II.
- Šulmanu-ašared (person)
- See Salmanu-ašared PGP .
- Šulmu-bel-ašme (person)
- See Šulmu-beli-lašme PGP .
- Šulmu-beli (person)
- "The well-being of the lord": deputy of the palace herald TT and frequent correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Šulmu-beli-lašme (person)
- "May I hear about the well-being of my lord": high administrative official and a correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Šulmu-šarri (person)
- "The well-being of the king": probably an official mentioned in connection with a royal confidant TT and deportees; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Šumattu (person)
- A name of uncertain meaning: Babylonian PGP lady with a connection to the Bit-Dakkuri PGP tribe; reign of Sargon II PGP or Sennacherib PGP .
- Šumaya (Sumaya) (person)
- An abbreviation of a name containing the element "name": [1] Son of Nene PGP , a member of the Bit-Dakkuri PGP tribe; reign of Sargon II PGP . [2] Influential Babylonian PGP ; reign of Sargon II.
- Šumu-ukin (person)
- "He has established the name", an abbreviated name: Babylonian PGP official, possibly from Uruk PGP , who writes to Nergal-naṣir PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Šuru (place)
- City in the Ṭur Abdin mountain range; modern Savur.
View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/szuru.kmz].
- Šuzubu (person)
- An abbreviation of a name containing the element "saved": Babylonian PGP nobleman who provides material for a golden temple ornament to Sargon II's PGP treasurer TT Ṭab-šar-Aššur PGP ; quite possibly to be identified with Mušezib-Marduk PGP , king of Babylon PGP (692-689 BC) during the reign of Sennacherib PGP .
- Ṣabatti (person)
- A name of unknown origin and meaning: probably an official mentioned in a small and broken letter concerning barley rations, probably from the reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Ṣala-il (person)
- "God has heeded", an Aramaic name: pro-Assyrian tribesman from northern Babylonia PGP who tried to persuade his fellows to join the troops of Il-yada' PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Ṣallamu (person)
- "Black": possibly a messenger of the vizier TT who was sent to Nabu-ušabši PGP , according to a broken letter to the vizier TT from the reign of Sennacherib PGP .
- Ṣallaya (person)
- An abbreviation of a name containing the element "shade, protection": Babylonian PGP mentioned along with his brothers in connection with Marduk-apla-iddina PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP . The same person is perhaps referred to in a broken letter, according to which he might be from Sapiya PGP .
- Ṣibte (place)
- City near Arrapha PGP .
- Ṣidunu (place)
- See Sidon PGP .
- Ṣil-Bel (person)
- "Shade (i.e. protection) of Bel": possibly an administrative official responsible for collecting barley; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Ṣilla (person)
- See Ṣillaya PGP .
- Ṣillaya (person)
- An abbreviation of a name containing the element "shade, protection": Babylonian PGP from Uruk PGP and correspondent of Sargon II PGP or Sennacherib PGP .
- Ṣilli-Bel (person)
- See Ṣil-Bel PGP .
- Ṣilli-Šamaš (person)
- See Ṣil-Šamaš PGP .
- Ṣil-Šamaš (person)
- "Shade [i.e. protection] of Šamaš": eunuch TT , confectioner and subject of the city of Til-Barsip PGP , from the household of Aššur-ila'i PGP ; one of the four eunuchs sent by Adad-ibni PGP to Sargon II PGP , at the behest of the king.
- Ṣimirra (place)
- City in Phoenicia which became an Assyrian provincial capital, and a province bearing the same name, following its conquest by Tiglath-pileser III PGP in 738 BC; classical Simyra.
- Ṣululu (person)
- "Protection": [1] Probably a messenger of the commander of Borsippa PGP who went to Assur PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP . [2] Babylonian PGP , father or ancestor of Ina-teši-eṭir PGP .
- Ṣupat (place)
- Assyrian provincial capital north of Beqaa Valley in Syria; Biblical Zobah, modern Homs.
- Ṣurru (place)
- See Tyre PGP .
- Tabal (place)
- Kingdom in the region of Kayseri in central Anatolia, also known as Bit-Purutaš; annexed and turned into an Assyrian province in 713 BC but lost again in 711 BC; Biblical Tubal. See the essay on Tabal and Phrygia.View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/tabal.kmz].
- Tabnea (person)
- An abbreviation of a name containing the verbal form "you have created": Babylonian PGP whose son is mentioned in a fragmentary letter from the reign of Sennacherib PGP .
- Tabni-ilu (person)
- "O god, you have created": official who is to appear before crown prince TT Sennacherib PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Tagalagi (place)
- Town in the Zagros PGP mountains, near the Bazian pass.
- Tahalu (place)
- Town near Kar-Šamaš PGP .
- Taklak-ana-Bel (person)
- "I trust in Bel": governor TT of the province of Naṣibina PGP and correspondent of Sargon II PGP ; eponym TT of the year 715 BC.
- Taku (place)
- Town in a western Assyrian province, possibly in Tu'immu.
- Talmusa (place)
- Province and its capital of the same name in northern central Assyria; possibly modern Gir-e Pan. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/talmusa_gir-e_Pan.kmz].
- Tamgitu (person)
- "Rejoicing": mother of a Babylonian PGP mentioned in a letter of Aqar-Bel-lumur PGP , Sennacherib's PGP troop commander in Gambulu PGP .
- Tamnuna (place)
- Assyrian province and its capital of the same name, situated northwest of Nineveh PGP ; perhaps modern Tell Gikan. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/tamnuna.kmz].
- Tarbusibi (place)
- See Til-Barsip PGP .
- Tarditu-Aššur (person)
- "Added by Aššur": military official, mentioned by the governor Aššur-alik-pani PGP to Sargon II PGP .
- Tariba-Issar (person)
- "Ištar has replaced": administrative official responsible for collecting barley, and correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Tarqunani (place)
- Syrian town, possibly near Harran PGP .
- Tarriki-hallu (person)
- A name of unknown origin and meaning: horse groom active in Nemed-Issar PGP or in Laqe PGP , mentioned in a broken letter from Ila'i-Bel PGP to Nabu-duru-uṣur PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Tasi (place)
- Pass through the Taurus PGP main ridge, on the border between Šubria PGP and Urarṭu PGP , and the name of the nearby settlement. Attested in Urarṭian texts as Taše.
- Taškati (heavenly body)
- "Triplet", Herculis.
- Tastiati (place)
- Town on the river Tigris PGP , northwest of Nineveh PGP .
- Taurus (place)
- Major mountain range in southeastern Turkey.
- Taziru (people/place)
- Aramean PGP tribe in Babylonia PGP .
- Teši-eṭir (person)
- "He has saved from confusion": son of Badaya PGP , probably a military official; reign of Sargon II PGP . Cf. Ina-teši-eṭir PGP .
- Tidu (place)
- City in the Assyrian province of Tušhan PGP ; modern Üçtepe (previously known as Kurh).
View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/tidu.kmz].
- Tiglatpileser III (person)
- Assyrian Tukulti-apil-Ešarra, "My trust is the heir of Ešarra (i.e. the god Ninurta)": king of Assyria (744-727 BC), father of Shalmaneser V PGP and Sargon II PGP ; eponym TT of the year 743 BC. See the essay on Tiglath-pileser III.
- Tigris (place)
- Major river which runs through eastern Mesopotamia, on which some of the most important cities of Assyria were situated. It is some 1,800 km long, rising in the eastern Taurus PGP mountains and flowing south, where it emptied directly into the Persian Gulf in Assyrian times.
- Tikriš (place)
- City in the Zagros PGP kingdom of Mannea PGP .
- Til-Aššuri (place)
- Territory in the Zagros PGP mountains in western Iran.
- Til-Barsip (place)
- Capital city of the Aramean PGP kingdom of Bit-Adini PGP and later of the province of the Commander-in-chief TT ; also known as Kar-Shalmaneser. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/til-barsip_tell_ahmar.kmz].
- Tille (place)
- Assyrian province and its capital of the same name in the eastern part of the Khabur PGP river triangle; possibly modern Tell Rumailan. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/tille.kmz].
- Tilmun (place)
- Island in the Persian Gulf; modern Bahrain.
- Til-Turi (place)
- Town near Harran PGP in northern Syria; classical Thiltauri.
- Tizu (place)
- Fortress in Parsua PGP .
- Trans-Euphrates (place)
- Approximate translation of Ebir-nari PGP .
- Tubliaš (place)
- Region and river between Babylonia PGP and Elam PGP ; modern Nahr eṭ-Ṭib (Rūdkhāneh-ye Meymeh).
View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/tubliasz.kmz].
- Tubliš (place)
- See Niqi-Tubliš PGP .
- Tuhana (place)
- Anatolian kingdom in the region of Tabal PGP and its capital city of the same name: Hittite Tuwanuwa, classical Tyana, today Kemerhisar in the province of Niğde. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/tuhana.kmz].
- Tukriš (place)
- Town or region in eastern Mesopotamia.
- Tukulti-apil-Ešarra (person)
- See Tiglath-pileser III PGP .
- Tummal (place)
- See Dummal PGP .
- Tunu (place/people)
- Town (reading uncertain) in the proximity of Urarṭu PGP , possibly in Mannea PGP .
- Tuqunu (person)
- An abbreviation of a name containing the element "order": man from Hatarikka PGP driven away by members of a local community, according to a letter from Bel-duri PGP to Sargon II PGP .
- Turmuna (place)
- Town of unknown location.
- Turna (place)
- See Diyala PGP .
- Tušhan (place)
- Assyrian province on the Upper Tigris PGP and its capital of the same name; modern Ziyaret Tepe.
View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/tuszhan.kmz].
- Tuti (person)
- "My berry": recruitment officer TT under whose command served 100 chariot owners, according to a letter to Sargon II PGP .
- Tu'attu (person)
- "Twin sister": dependent Babylonian PGP woman; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Tu'ayu (person)
- "Twin brother": official responsible for the trees in the royal park; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Tu'mana (people/place)
- Aramean PGP tribe active in Babylonia PGP .
- Tyre (place)
- Phoenician city-state, situated on an island off the eastern Mediterranean coast; Assyrian Ṣurru, modern Ṣur in Lebanon. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/tyre_sur.kmz]. See the essay on Phoenician cities.
- Ṭabata (place)
- City on the river Khabur PGP ; classical Thebeta, modern Tell Taban.
View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/tabata.kmz].
- Ṭabi (person)
- An abbreviated name from the root "good": merchant active in the province of Naṣibina PGP , mentioned in two broken letters, probably from Taklak-ana-Bel PGP to Sargon II PGP .
- Ṭabiya (person)
- An abbreviated name from the root "good": father of Ašaredu PGP , a Babylonian PGP possibly from Uruk PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Ṭab-šar-Aššur (person)
- "The breath of Aššur is good": treasurer TT under Sargon II PGP and a frequent correspondent of the king; eponym TT of the year 717 BC.
- Ṭab-ṣill-Ešarra (person)
- "The protection of Ešarra is good": governor TT of the province of Assur PGP and frequent correspondent of Sargon II PGP ; eponym TT of the year 716 BC.
- Ṭabtaya (place)
- Town near Apku PGP .
- Ṭuki (person)
- An Urarṭian name: governor of the Urarṭian PGP province of Armiraliu PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Ṭunbaun (person)
- An Urarṭian name: governor of the Urarṭian PGP province of Kar-siparri PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Ṭurušpa (place)
- Royal city of Urarṭu PGP ; modern Van Kelesi. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/turushpa_van_kelesi.kmz].
- Uaksatar (person)
- A name of unknown origin and meaning: city lord of Nartu PGP who, together with Nabu-taqqinanni PGP , had Uppite PGP and his four sons arrested; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Ubaru (person)
- "Visitor": Babylonian PGP , brother of Nabu-bani PGP and subordinate of Hazanu PGP , sent by Aššur-belu-taqqin PGP to Sargon II PGP .
- Ubaše (place)
- Town north of Assur PGP on the river Tigris PGP .
- Ubru-Babili (person)
- "Guest of Babylon": official providing materials for the construction of the Nabu PGP temple in Dur-Šarruken PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Ubru-Harran (person)
- "Guest of Harran": royal confidant TT of Sargon II PGP travelling on the king's behalf through Arzuhina PGP and Syria.
- Ubru-Libbali (person)
- "Guest of Libbali (i.e. the city of Assur)": individual from Carchemish PGP whose son's servants are mentioned together with those of the sons of Adad-abu'a PGP and Duri-Adad PGP in a letter to Sargon II PGP .
- Ubru-Nabu (person)
- "Guest of Nabu": [1] Official active in Kumme PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP . [2] Servant (name partly restored and thus not totally certain) of the criminal Belu-lu-balaṭ PGP ; reign of Sargon II.
- Ubru-Palil (person)
- "Guest of Palil": high-ranking official active in the province of Tušhan PGP and an adversary of an unknown local ruler, probably of Šubria PGP , who complained about him to Sargon II PGP .
- Ubulu (place)
- Town under the control of the Puqudu PGP tribe.
- Udumu (place)
- See Edom PGP .
- Ugar-Nabu (place)
- Babylonian PGP town of unknown location.
- Ukku (place)
- City-state on the southern slopes of the Taurus PGP mountains, adjoining the territory of Kumme PGP and, during the reign of Sargon II PGP , an Assyrian vassal state. Perhaps to be identified with modern Hakkari.
View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/ukku.kmz].
- Ulluba (place)
- See Birtu PGP border.
- Ullubaya (person)
- "Man from Ullubu": Babylonian PGP correspondent of Sargon II PGP who writes about the sale of the people of Sinnu PGP .
- Ullusunu (person)
- A name of unknown origin and meaning: king of the Zagros PGP kingdom of Mannea PGP , first allied with Rusa PGP of Urarṭu PGP but later paying tribute to Sargon II PGP .
- Ulua (place)
- Small Assyrian vassal state under the control of a "city lord" in the Taurus PGP mountain range; part of the buffer region between Assyria and Urarṭu PGP .
- Uluaza (place)
- Possibly a territory on the Urarṭian PGP border.
- Ululaya (person)
- "Born in the month of Ululu": birth name of the future king Shalmaneser V PGP .
- Ulušia (place)
- Town in the Zagros PGP kingdom of Mannea PGP .
- Umadi (person)
- A name of unknown origin and meaning: royal confidant TT of Sargon II PGP who works with the crown prince TT Sennacherib PGP regarding prisoners from Larak PGP .
- Umaksatar (person)
- See Uaksatar PGP .
- Ummaniša (person)
- An Elamite name: Elamite in Assyrian service, active in the border area between Babylonia PGP and Elam PGP , who sends a letter to his "brother" Šama'gunu PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Umman-mina (person)
- An Elamite name: Elamite PGP herald who is raising provisions for a military campaign with Bur-Sila PGP in Bit-Bunakki PGP ; involved in the affairs of Ellipi PGP , according to two letters from Der PGP to Sargon II PGP .
- Upaq-Šamaš (person)
- "I am attentive to Šamaš": military official active in Yeri PGP on the Urarṭian PGP border, and correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Upi (place)
- See Opis PGP .
- Uppite (person)
- A name of unknown origin and meaning: city lord of Uriakka PGP in the Zagros PGP mountains; son of Karakku PGP . Fled from the Assyrians to Šaparda PGP but was captured along with his sons; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Upumu (place)
- Royal city in the kingdom of Šubria PGP ; Byzantine Aphumon, modern Fum. Following the integration of Šubria into Assyria in 673 BC, name of the Assyrian province created out of the western half of the kingdom. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/upumu_fum.kmz].
- Uqupu (person)
- "Ape": high-ranking official, active in Babylon PGP and Borsippa PGP , an "enemy" of Nabu-šumu-iškun PGP (name restored and not entirely certain).
- Ur (place)
- City in southern Babylonia PGP ; now Tell Muqayyar. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/ur.kmz].
- Ura (place)
- City in the north of central Assyria, connected by river to the forest regions in the Taurus PGP mountain range, and an important stop in the timber transports to central Assyria.
- Urabi (people/place)
- Uncertain, possibly referring to the Arabs.
- Urammu (place)
- City near Ellipi PGP ; Nuzi Ulammu?
- Urarṭu (place)
- Kingdom to the north of Assyria, between Lakes Van, Sevan and Urmia, with capital Tušpa (or Turushpa); modern Van, Biblical Ararat, in Armenia. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/tushpa_van.kmz] See the essay on Urarṭu.
- Uraš (deity)
- The city god of Dilbat PGP in Babylonia PGP , equated with Ninurta PGP .
- Urdu-Issar (person)
- "Servant of the goddess Ištar": eunuch TT , cupbearer and subject of the city of Til-Barsip PGP , from the household of Aššur-ila'i PGP ; one of the four eunuchs sent by Adad-ibni PGP to Sargon II PGP at the behest of the king.
- Urdu-Sin (person)
- "Servant of the god Sin": subordinate of the palace herald TT , active in the northeast, who writes a letter to his superior reporting on the Cimmerian PGP invasion of Urarṭu PGP .
- Urhula (people/place)
- Aramean PGP tribe mentioned together with the tribes of Aradat PGP and Damunu PGP .
- Uriakka (place)
- Median PGP city-state, probably near Ellipi PGP ; exact location unknown.
- Urik (person)
- A Luwian name, corresponding to Warikas: king of Que PGP who paid tribute to Tiglath-pileser III PGP but sent a diplomatic delegation to the king of Urarṭu PGP in order to enter into an alliance against Assyria; the delegation never reached its destination and, when Que was annexed to Assyria during the reign of Shalmaneser V PGP , found refuge at the court of Mita PGP of Phrygia PGP , who later used them as a bargaining chip in peace negotiations with Sargon II PGP .
- Uriṣa (person)
- See Ariaza PGP .
- Urmakinnu (person)
- A name of unknown origin and meaning: individual from Hubuškia PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Urmu (place)
- Town, probably also known as Urime, most likely in the province of Arpadda PGP or Tu'immu.
- Urpala'a (person)
- A Luwian name, corresponding to Warpalawas, king of Tuhana PGP ; reigns of Tiglath-pileser III PGP and Sargon II PGP .
- Ursa (person)
- See Rusa PGP .
- Urṣene (person)
- An Urarṭian name: deputy commander-in-chief of Urarṭu PGP and brother of the provincial governor Abaliuqunu PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Uruk (place)
- City in southern Babylonia PGP ; Biblical Erech, modern
Warka. View location using Google Earth [/saao/aebp/downloads/uruk_warka.kmz].
- Urumeqa (place)
- Town in the southeast of Assyria; location unknown.
- Urzana (person)
- A name of unknown origin and meaning, possibly Hurrian: king of Muṣaṣir PGP and vassal and correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Urzuhina (place)
- See Arzuhina PGP .
- Ušhu (place)
- Settlement at the foot of Mount Nipur (modern Judi Dagh), perhaps near modern Ṣah.
- Ušti (place)
- Possibly a town in Urarṭu PGP .
- Uṣunali (place)
- Territory in the Zagros PGP mountains, possibly in the vicinity of Waisi PGP .
- Uṣur-Adad (place)
- City in southern Babylonia PGP ; exact location unknown.
- Waisi (place)
- Urarṭian PGP province and its capital of the same name, southwest of Lake Urmia.
- Wazaun (place)
- Province of Urarṭu PGP .
- Yabi-il (person)
- "God has given": sheikh in the Elamite-Babylonian border region, mentioned in a letter of Šama'gunu PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Yadaqqu (people/place)
- Aramean PGP tribe in Babylonia PGP .
- Yadburu (place)
- Territory west of Elam PGP .
- Yadi' (person)
- "Known": member of the Itu'ean PGP troops; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Yakinu (person)
- A West Semitic name based on the verb "to establish": ancestral founder of the Bit-Yakin PGP tribe whose ruler Marduk-apla-iddina PGP is often called "Son of Yakinu".
- Yannuqu (person)
- "Suckling": sheikh of the Puqudu PGP tribe, mentioned in a broken context; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Yanzu (person)
- A name of unknown origin and meaning: ruler of Hubuškia PGP and a loyal vassal of Assyria during the reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Yasubu (people/place)
- Aramean PGP tribe located in the region to the north of Der PGP in the Zagros PGP mountains.
- Yašubu (people/place)
- See Yasubu PGP .
- Yasubuqu or Yasbuqu (place)
- Territory in Syria.
- Ya-sumu (person)
- See Ya-šumu PGP .
- Yasumu (place)
- Mountain east of Diyarbakir; modern Karaca Dagh.
- Ya-šumu (Ya-sumu) (person)
- A West Semitic name containing the interrogative pronoun "where?" and the element "name": [1] Probably an official, active in northern Babylonia PGP , who went to the town of Arranu PGP with the "brothers" of Kutaya PGP , according to a letter of Il-yada' PGP to Sargon II PGP . [2] Aramean PGP leader or tribesman whose son Hasinu PGP , together with his family and people, Marduk-apla-iddina PGP intends to settle in Larak PGP , according to a letter from Bel-iqiša PGP to Sargon II.
- Yata' (person)
- A name of uncertain origin and meaning: Šubrian PGP emissary dispatched to Šabirešu PGP to negotiate with Assyria concerning refugees in Šubria PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Yati' (person)
- An abbreviation of a name containing the Arabic verb "to save": individual mentioned in a fragmentary letter concerning the corn tax, probably from the reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Yazapu or Yaṣabu (place)
- Canal in northern Babylonia PGP .
- Ya'iru (person)
- A West Semitic name: deputy governor of the Assyrian province of Ṣupat PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Ya'udu (place)
- See Judah PGP .
- Yeri (place)
- Town in Habhu PGP .
- Zaba (place)
- The Great Zab and the Little Zab are the two principal tributaries of the river Tigris PGP .
- Zabadu (person)
- A name of unknown origin and meaning: individual whose name is restored in a badly broken letter from the reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Zaba-iqiša (person)
- "(The river) Zab has granted": local ruler from the Zagros PGP mountain region who has defected to the side of Rusa PGP , king of Urarṭu PGP , according to the ruler of Hubuškia PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Zaban (person)
- A name of unknown origin and meaning: individual from the Tubliaš PGP region; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Zabaya (person)
- "Belonging to (the river) Zab": fort commander of Appina PGP and correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Zabban (place)
- Town on the Diyala PGP river, possibly between Kifri and Qara Tepe.
- Zabbua (person)
- A name of unknown origin and meaning: official mentioned in connection with the holders of state property; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Zabdi-il (person)
- "Gift of god", a West Semitic name: commander of the Babylonian PGP fortress of Šabhanu PGP ; together with Ha'il-il PGP , a correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Zabgaga (place)
- Town in western Iran.
- Zaddi (place)
- Town on the border of Babylonia PGP , near Zabban PGP .
- Zagros (place)
- Major mountain range running some 1,500 km from northeastern Iraq to the Persian Gulf; in Assyrian times, home to many tribes and kingdoms.
- Zahe (place)
- Town on the river Euphrates PGP , opposite Sapirrutu PGP .
- Zakiru (person)
- An abbreviation of a name containing the verb "to name": [1] Son of Marduk-apla-iddina PGP . [2] Man from the Babylonian PGP city of Darati PGP who asks the Assyrian prefect Marduk-šarru-uṣur PGP for help in reclaiming his home town; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Zakruti (place)
- Territory in the Zagros PGP mountains in western Iran.
- Zala (person)
- A name of unknown origin and meaning: possibly a city lord either in Gizilbunda PGP or in Bit-Kapsi PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Zalipa (place)
- Territory in the Zagros PGP mountains in western Iran.
- Zaqiru (person)
- See Zakiru PGP .
- Zarana (place)
- Town in the Assyrian province of Guzana PGP .
- Zari (person)
- An abbreviation of a name with the element "seed": probably an official coming from Zeru-ibni PGP to Sargon II PGP .
- Zariqu (deity)
- Minor Babylonian god, a form of Nergal PGP , with a sanctuary at Babylon PGP .
- Zarpanitu (deity)
- The divine consort of Marduk PGP , supreme god of Babylon PGP .
- Zazaya (person)
- A name of unknown origin and meaning: Babylonian PGP , subordinate of Hazanu PGP , sent by Aššur-belu-taqqin PGP to Sargon II PGP .
- Zer-Babili (person)
- "Seed of Babylon": Babylonian PGP mentioned in connection with the king of Elam PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Zeri (person)
- An abbreviation of a name with the element "seed": ancestral founder of the Chaldean PGP tribe of Bit-Zeri PGP .
- Zeriya or Zer-Aya (person)
- An abbreviation of a name with the element "seed" or "seed of Ea": influential Babylonian PGP mentioned in letters by Amel-Nabu PGP and Nabu-ušallim PGP ; reigns of Sargon II PGP and Sennacherib PGP .
- Zeru-ibni (person)
- "He has created the seed", an abbreviated name: [1] Governor TT of the province of Raṣappa PGP and correspondent of Sargon II PGP ; eponym TT of the year 718 BC. [2] Babylonian PGP mentioned in connection with Marduk-apla-iddina PGP .
- Zeru-iddina (person)
- "He has given the seed", an abbreviated name: ruler of Malaku PGP who may or may not have survived the capture of his city by Elamite PGP troops during the reign of Sargon II PGP .
- Zerutu (person)
- An abbreviation of a name with the element "seed": sheikh from the region of the river Tubliaš PGP and correspondent of Sargon II PGP .
- Zikirtu (place)
- Part of the kingdom of Mannea PGP , on the eastern side of Lake Urmia. See the essay on Mannea.
- Zitta (person)
- A name of unknown origin and meaning: military official in charge of mustering troops in Gambulu PGP ; reign of Sennacherib PGP .
- Ziziru (person)
- A name of unknown origin and meaning: individual from Kalhu PGP ; reign of Sargon II PGP .
Content last modified: 31 Mar 2025.