Editorial Notes

The volumes in the RINAP series are modeled upon the publications of the now-defunct Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia (RIM) Project, with a few modifications, in particular the addition of indices of proper names. Like the RIM volumes, the volumes in this series are not intended to provide analytical or synthetic studies, but rather to provide basic text editions that can serve as the foundations for such studies. Thus, extensive discussions of the contents of the texts are not presented, and the core of each volume is the edition of the relevant texts.

In this volume, all of the texts are written upon clay tablets, and all but possibly two of these come from the citadel mound of Nineveh (modern Kuyunjik); text nos. 181–182 possibly come from Aššur. The order of the texts is based for the most part upon the city to which the structure dealt with in the building or dedicatory portion of the text relates. The majority of the inscriptions concern projects in the capital city Nineveh, while the rest of the tablets contain inscriptions related to Ashurbanipal's activities in Aššur, Tarbiṣu, Arbela, Ḫarrān, Babylon, Cutha, Sippar, and Uruk. In these groupings, annalistic and summary inscriptions are edited before dedicatory texts.

In the volumes of the RINAP series, the term "exemplar" is employed to designate a single inscription found on one object. The term "text" is employed to refer to an inscription that existed in antiquity and that may be represented by a number of more or less duplicate exemplars. In these editions exemplars of one text are edited together as a "master text," with a single transliteration and translation. Variants to the "master text" are provided either on page (major variants) or at the back of the volume (minor variants).

Each text edition is normally supplied with a brief introduction containing general information. This is followed by a catalogue containing basic information about all exemplars. This includes museum and excavation numbers (the symbol + is added between fragments that belong to the same object), provenance, lines preserved, and indication of whether or not the inscription has been collated (c = collated with the original, (c) = partially collated with the original, p = collated by means of a photograph, (p) = partially collated from a photograph; and n = not collated). The next section is normally a commentary containing further technical information and notes. The bibliography then follows. Items are arranged chronologically, earliest to latest, with notes in parentheses after each bibliographic entry. These notes indicate the exemplars with which the item is concerned and the nature of the publication, using the following key words: photo, copy, edition, translation, study, provenance, and collations. Certain standard reference works (e.g., the various volumes of "Keilschriftbibliographie" and "Register Assyriologie" published in Orientalia and Archiv für Orientforschung respectively; Borger, HKL 1–3; AHw; CAD; and Seux, ERAS) are not normally cited, although they were essential in the collecting and editing of these texts. While the bibliographies should contain all major relevant items, they are not necessarily totally exhaustive; a vast amount of scattered literature exists on many of the inscriptions edited in this volume and much of this literature is of only limited scholarly interest.

As noted earlier, a distinction is made between major and minor variants to a "master text"; the major variants are placed at the bottom of the page and the minor variants at the back of the book. In brief, major variants are essentially non-orthographic in nature, while minor variants are orthographic variations. Orthographic variants of proper names may at times be significant and thus on occasion these will also appear on the page as major variants. Complete transliterations of all exemplars in the style of musical scores are found in the pdf on Oracc at http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/rinap/scores/ and thus any reader who finds the notes on variants insufficient for his/her needs may check the full reading of any exemplar (the pdfs of the scores for previous RINAP volumes are also now available on Oracc).

Several photographs are included in this volume. The selection includes some of the best preserved inscriptions on clay tablets. These are intended to show a few of the tablet types upon which Ashurbanipal's inscriptions were written and to aid the reader in understanding the current state of preservation of some of the inscriptions.

As is the normal practice for transliterating cuneiform inscriptions, lower case Roman is used for Sumerian and lower case italics for Akkadian; logograms in Akkadian texts appear in capitals. The system of sign values in Borger, Mesopotamisches Zeichenlexikon, is generally followed. Italics in the English translation indicate either an uncertain translation or a word in the original language. In general, the rendering of personal names follows the PNA and the translation of temple names follows George, House Most High; however, the names of Babylonian rulers follow the spelling used in RIMB 2 and those of Egyptian rulers are based on Borger, BIWA (who follows Onasch, ÄAT 27). Also, the question marks in obv.? and rev.? are superscripted throughout the volume except in the text editions and in the headings of the on-page notes, which could not be done due to coding issues in the Oracc system.

There are several differences between the RIM and RINAP styles. Among these, the most notable is that all partially preserved or damaged signs, regardless of how they are broken, now appear between half brackets (⸢ and ⸣). Thus, no partially preserved sign has square brackets ([ and ]) inserted in its transliteration; for example, [DINGI]R and LUGA[L KU]R appear in the transliteration as ⸢DINGIR⸣ and ⸢LUGAL KUR⸣ respectively. This change was made to ensure compatibility of the online RINAP editions with the standards of the Open Richly Annotated Cuneiform Corpus (Oracc), the parent site and project where RINAP Online is housed. This change was implemented in the print version in order to present identical editions in RINAP 5 and RINAP Online. Note, however, that the translations may give more indication of damage than their corresponding transliterations, as the translations were prepared according to standard Assyriological practices; for example, ⸢DINGIR⸣ (= [DINGI]R) and ⸢LUGAL KUR⸣ (= LUGA[L KU]R) are translated as "[the go]d" and "king [of the lan]d," and not "the god" and "king of the land."

As a correction to the RINAP 5/1 volume, a minor coding error in Oracc created an issue in which a sign containing an opening square bracket that was before a KI determinative in the transliteration file caused the KI sign to not be included inside square brackets in the final version (i.e. U[RI.KI ka-li-šá incorrectly displayed as ⸢URI⸣.KI [ka-li-šá instead of ⸢URI⸣.[KI ka-li-šá). This error affected the transliteration of RINAP 5/1 in twelve locations. The following corrections have been made to the online version and should also be made to the print version: text no. 4 iv 9´ ⸢URI⸣.[KI ka- and v 55´´ KUR.ELAM.⸢MA⸣.[KI]; text no. 6 vi 19´ KUR.ELAM.⸢MA⸣.[KI]; text no. 7 iii 9´ -⸢šur⸣.[KI], iv 44´´ ⸢NINA⸣.[KI d15, iv 82´´ -⸢šur⸣.[KI], vii 39 KÁ.DINGIR.⸢RA⸣.[KI x, and x 4´ ⸢NINA⸣.[KI il]-; text no. 8 iv 9´´ ⸢NINA⸣.[KI]; text no. 12 iii 12´´ KUR.ELAM.⸢MA⸣.[KI ...]; text no. 22 i´ 3´ ⸢NINA⸣.[KI ...]; and text no. 23 line 53 KÁ.DINGIR.⸢RA⸣.[KI ul-.

In addition to the indices of museum and excavation numbers and selected publications found in RIM volumes, the RINAP volumes also contain indices of proper names (personal names, topographical names, and divine names). Searchable online versions of the manuscripts are maintained on Oracc by MOCCI (Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative). Web versions of the editions are also hosted on CDLI (Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative).

Philadelphia, April 2022

G. Frame, Editor-in-Chief

Grant Frame

Grant Frame, 'Editorial Notes', RINAP 5: The Royal Inscriptions of Ashurbanipal, Aššur-etel-ilāni, and Sîn-šarra-iškun, The RINAP/RINAP 5 Project, a sub-project of MOCCI, 2022 [http://oracc.org/rinap/rinap5/RINAP52FrontMatter/EditorialNotes/]

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The RINAP 5 sub-project of the University of Pennsylvania-based RINAP Project, 2015–23. The contents of RINAP 5 are prepared in cooperation with the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), which is based at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Historisches Seminar (LMU Munich, History Department) - Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East. Content released under a CC BY-SA 3.0 [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/] license, 2007–23.
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