Ashurbanipal 1022
Obverse | ||
Lacuna | ||
1'1' | [...] x x [...] | (1') [... (of)] my [...], which [..., which] he (Sennacherib) had built [...] the terrace [... (5´) ...] I covere[d tall columns with shi]ny [copper (and) ...]. |
2'2' | [...]-⸢ti⸣-ia ⸢šá⸣ x [...] | |
3'3' | ||
4'4' | [...] x tam-le-e ⸢KI?⸣ [...] | |
5'5' | [... URUDU] ⸢nam⸣-ru ú-ḫal-⸢lip⸣-[(ma) ...] | |
6'6' | [... é]-⸢ḫúl⸣-ḫúl ⸢É⸣ [d30 ...]2 | (6'b) [Eḫ]ulḫul, the templ[e of the god Sîn, which ..., the s]on of [..., had built, ...] |
7'7' | [...] ⸢DUMU⸣ mx-[...] | |
8'8' | [...] x [...] | |
Lacuna |
1If lines 1´–6´a pertain to Ashurbanipal’s rebuilding of the House of Succession at Nineveh as suggested in the introduction, then Sennacherib would likely have been the previous builder mentioned in the inscription.
2J. Novotny (Eḫulḫul pp. 107–108 n. 327) tentatively suggested that these lines might be restored as [é]-⸢ḫúl⸣-ḫúl ⸢É⸣ [d30 ša qé-reb URU.ḫar-ra-na ša mdšùl-ma-nu-MAS DUMU maš-šur-PAP-IBILA (DUMU)] ⸢DUMU⸣ m⸢GIŠ?⸣.[TUKUL-ti-dMAŠ LUGAL pa-ni maḫ-ri-ia e-pu-šú], “[Eḫ]ulḫul, the templ[e of the god Sîn, which is (situated) inside the city Ḫarrān, which Shalmaneser (III), son of Ashurnaṣirpal (II), grands]on of T[ukultī-Ninurta (II), a king who preceded me, had built].”
Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-22. Lemmatized by Joshua Jeffers, 2018-19, for the NEH-funded RINAP Project at the University of Pennsylvania. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0.. Please cite this page as