Ashurbanipal 265
Obverse | ||
Lacuna | ||
1'1' | [é-dim-gal-kalam-ma (šá qé-reb BÀD.AN.KI) É AN.GAL] EN ⸢GAL⸣ [EN-ia šá la-ba-riš il-li-ku-ma]1 2 | (1') [At that time], I sought the (original) emplacement [of Edimgalkalama, (which is inside (the city) Dēr), the temple of Great Anu], the gr[eat] lord, [my lord, which had become old, ...] ... [I had (it) built anew] with the craf[t of the god Kulla, …, (and) ma]de (it) as high as a mountain. |
2'2' | [...] x x x x ⸢áš-ra⸣-ti-šú ⸢áš-te-ʾe⸣ ina ⸢ši-pir⸣ [dkulla eš-šiš? ú-še-piš-ma?]3 | |
3'3' | [... ú]-⸢zaq-qìr ḫur-sa-niš a-na⸣ šat-ti AN.GAL EN ṣi-i-ri ši-⸢pir⸣ [šá-a-šú? ḫa-diš lip-pa-lis-ma]4 | (3'b) On account of this, [may] Great Anu, the exalted lord, [look upon this] wor[k with pleasure]. Determine [for me — Ash]urbanipal, king of Assyria, the ruler who reveres you — as my fate a long life, fulln[ess of old age, good health, ha]ppiness, and a bright spirit. Make me stand [ov]er my [enem]ies in mighty victor[ies]. To drive off my enemies ... [...]. Make [the foundation(s) of] my [royal throne] as secure as a mountain! Make [my reign] as f[irm] as heaven and netherworld! |
4'4' | [ia-a-ti? mAN].⸢ŠÁR⸣-DÙ-IBILA LUGAL KUR aš-⸢šur⸣ NUN pa-liḫ-ka TI u₄-me SÙ.MEŠ še-⸢bé⸣-[e lit-tu-tu] | |
5'5' | [ṭu-ub UZU ḫu]-⸢ud⸣ lìb-bi na-⸢ma-ri ka-bat-ti⸣ ši-i-mì ši-ma-ti ina ⸢li-i⸣-[ti u da-na-ni?] | |
6'6' | [EDIN na-ki]-ri-ia šu-zi-za-⸢an-ni⸣-ma ku?-šu-du a-a-bi-ia me-e-x [...] | |
7'7' | [SUḪUŠ GIŠ.GU.ZA LUGAL]-⸢ú⸣-ti-ia ú-ḫum-⸢meš šur-ši-di it?⸣-ti ⸢AN⸣-e ⸢ù KI⸣-tim ki-⸢i?⸣-[ni? BALA-ú-a] | |
8'8' | [a-a-um-ma NUN] ⸢EGIR⸣ šá ina u₄-me BALA-šú ši-pir šá-⸢a-šú⸣ in-na-⸢ḫu⸣ an-ḫu-us-⸢su⸣ [lu-ud-diš] | (8') [May any futu]re [ruler], during the days of whose reign this work falls into disrepair, [renovate] its dilapidated sections! May he write [my name with his (own) name], find my inscribed object, anoint (it) with oil, offer a sacrifice, [(and) place (my inscribed object)] wit[h his (own) inscribed object]! Great Anu will (then) listen to his [prayer]s. |
9'9' | [šu-mì it-ti MU-šú] ⸢liš?-ṭur⸣ MU.SAR-⸢ú⸣-a li-mur-⸢ma Ì⸣.GIŠ lip-šu-uš ⸢UDU?.SISKUR? BAL?-qí? it-ti⸣ [MU.SAR-e-šú] | |
10'10' | [liš-kun ik-ri-bi]-⸢i⸣-šú AN.⸢GAL⸣ i-⸢šem⸣-me šá šu-mì šaṭ-ru ina ši-pir ni-kil-ti i-pa-⸢aš?⸣-[ši-ṭu] | (10'b) (But) as for the one who eras[es] my inscribed name by some crafty device, [(or) destroys my inscribed object], (or) changes its position, or [does] n[ot place (it)] with his (own) inscribed object, [...] ... dismantles my construction, [may] Great Anu, the exal[ted] lord, [...] diʾu-disease and anxiety, together with his family, [...] to destroy his people, to carry off [..., ...]. May he make [his name (and) his descendant(s)] disappear [from the lands], and h[ave] no [pity on him]! |
11'11' | [MU.SAR-ú-a i-ab-ba-tu] ⸢ù?⸣ lu-u a-šar-šú ⸢ú⸣-nak-ka-ru-ma it-ti MU.SAR-e-šú ⸢la⸣ [i-šak-kan] | |
12'12' | [...] x ⸢rik⸣-sa-ti-ia ú-paṭ-ṭa-ru AN.GAL EN ṣi-⸢i?⸣-[ru? ...]5 | |
13'13' | [...] ⸢di?-ʾi? ù di⸣-lip-ti šá-a-šú ga-du ⸢kim?⸣-ti-i?-šú? x [...] | |
14'14' | [...] x a-na ⸢ḫa⸣-pe-⸢e⸣ UN.MEŠ-šú a-na šá-la-⸢la?⸣ [...] | |
15'15' | [MU-šú NUMUN-šú i-na KUR.KUR?] li-ḫal-liq-ma a-a ⸢ir⸣-[ši-šú re-e-mu] |
1The translation assumes that the end of the now-missing line before line 1´ ended with ina u₄-me-šú-ma “at that time.”
2é-dim-gal-kalam-ma (šá qé-reb BÀD.AN.KI) “Edimgalkalama, (which is inside (the city) Dēr)”: Compare Asb. 262 line 16, which has é-babbar-ra šá qé-reb ZIMBIR.KI “Ebabbar, which is inside Sippar.”
3The signs before ⸢áš-ra⸣-ti-šú ⸢áš-te-ʾe⸣ (“I sought the (original) emplacement”) are not sufficiently preserved to be able to read them with any degree of certainty. As E. Frahm (Studies Parpola p. 62) has already suggested, line 2´ might have begun with i-qu-pu in-nab-tu (“which had buckled and collapsed”) or i-qu-pu ik-kám-ru (“which had become buckled (and) a heap of ruin”); see respectively Asb. 262 line 17 and Asb. 263 line 23. dkulla eš-šiš? ú-še-piš-ma? “[I had (it) built anew] with the craf[t of the god Kulla]”: The restoration is based on Asb. 241 line 21, Asb. 253 line 21, Asb. 258 line 18, and Asb. 262 lines 17b–18a.
4[ú]-⸢zaq-qìr ḫur-sa-niš⸣ “[I ma]de (it) as high as a mountain”: This orthography of zaqāru is attested also in an inscription of Ashurbanipal’s older brother Šamaš-šuma-ukīn; see Frame, RIMB 2 p. 255 B.6.33.4 line 27. None of Ashurbanipal’s other extant inscriptions recording work on Edimgalkalama record that he raised the superstructure of Great Anu’s temple like a mountain; compare Novotny and Jeffers, RINAP 5/1 p. 217 Asb. 10 (Prism T) iii 15–17 and p. 304 Asb. 23 (IIT) lines 73–75. As one expects from Ashurbanipal’s Babylonian inscriptions, this text does not record that Ashurbanipal had the temple’s divine occupants (Anu rabû, Šarrat-Dēr, and Mār-bīti) placed once again on their daises; compare, for example, Asb. 244 lines 13–14a, Asb. 245 lines 13–14a, and Asb. 262 lines 16–18a.
5[...] x ⸢rik⸣-sa-ti-ia ú-paṭ-ṭa-ru “[...] ... dismantles my construction”: Compare Grayson and Novotny, RINAP 3/2 p. 317 Sennacherib 223 (Bavian Inscription) lines 57b–58a: šá e-piš-ti e-pu-šú ú-saḫ-ḫu-ú rik-sa-te ar-ku-sa i-paṭ-ṭa-ru “who desecrates the work that I have done, dismantles the (canal) system that I have constructed.”
Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-22. Lemmatized by Jamie Novotny, 2022, for the OIMEA Project at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as