Ashurbanipal 232

Column i
i 1i 1

[a-na-ku mAN.ŠÁR--A MAN GAL MAN dan-nu MAN ŠÚ MAN KUR AN.ŠÁR.KI MAN] kib-rat LÍMMU-tim

(i 1) [I, Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the] four [qua]rters (of the world); [offspring of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer] and Akkad; [descendant of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of As]syria

i 22


i 33


i 44

[DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ ina UKKIN-šú-nu ši-mat SIG₅-tim i-šim-mu] šim-ti

(i 4) [The great gods in their assembly determined a favorable destiny] as my lot [(and) they granted me a broad mind (and) allowed] my [mi]nd [to learn all of the scribal arts]. They [glorifie]d [the mention of my name (and) made my lordship greater than (those of all other) kings who sit on (royal) daises].

i 55

[uz-nu ra-pa-áš-tum -ru-ku-u-ni kul-lat ṭup-šar-ru-ti ú-šá-ḫi-zu ka]-ra-ši

i 66

[e-li LUGAL.MEŠ a-šib pa-rak-ki zi-kir MU-ia ú-šar-ri]-ḫu1



Column ii
ii 1ii 1

a-mat d30 šá? ul?-[ u₄-me ru-qu-ti iq-bu-u e-nen-na ú-kal-lim UN.MEŠ ar-ku-u-ti]

(ii 1) The word of the god Sîn, which [he had spoken] i[n distant days, he now revealed to the people of a later generation]. H[e allowed] the temple of the god Sîn which [Shalmaneser (III), son of Ashurnasirpal (II), a king of the past (who had come) before me, had built to become] old [and he entrusted (its renovation) to me].

ii 22

É d30 ša md[sál-ma-nu-MAŠ A m-šur-PAP-IBILA LUGAL pa-ni maḫ-ri-ia e-pu-šú]

ii 33

la-ba-riš ú-[šá-lik-ma ú-šad-gi-la pa-nu-u-a]2

ii 44

ina a-mat d30 dnusku [an-ḫu-us-su ad-ke e-li ša u₄-me pa-ni šu-bat-su ú-rap-piš]

(ii 4) [I removed its dilapidated section(s)] by the command of the gods Sîn (and) N[usku. I made its structure larger than the one in the days of the past. I built (and) completed (it)] from [its] foun[dation(s) to its crenellations. Inside it, I built] Em[elamana, the temple of the god Nusku, the exalted vizier, which no king of the past (who had come) before me had built. I roofed them with long] be[ams of cedar].

ii 55

ul- UŠ₈?-[šú a-di gaba-dib--e-šú ar-ṣip ú-šak-lil]

ii 66

é-me-[lám-an-na É dnusku SUKKAL MAḪ ša LUGAL pa-ni maḫ-ri-ia la e-pu-šú ab-na-a -reb-šú]

ii 77

GIŠ.[ÙR.MEŠ GIŠ.EREN MAḪ.MEŠ ú-šat-ri-ṣa UGU-šú-un (...)]



Column iii
iiiiii Lacuna


iii 1'1'

it-ti [MU.SAR-e ši-ṭir MU-šú la i-šak-ka-nu]3

(iii 1') [(As for) the one who destroys an inscribed object bearing my name, makes (it) disappear by some crafty device, (or) does not place (it)] wit[h an inscribed object bearing his name, may] the great gods [of heaven and netherworld overthrow his kingship (and) make] his name (and) seed [disappear from the land].

iii 2'2'

DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ [šá AN-e u KI-tim LUGAL-us-su lis-ki-pu]

iii 3'3'

MU-šú NUMUN-šú [ina KUR lu-ḫal-li-qu]

iii 4'4'

a-na tur-ri tuk-te-e [...]

(iii 4') In order to exact revenge [...]. At that time, the goddess Uṣur-am[āssa ...] the might of the grea[t] gods [...] the goddess Ištar of Akka[d, ...], the goddess Nanāya, [...], the goddess Anu[nītu, ...]

iii 5'5'

ina u₄-me-šú dÙRU-INIM-[sa ...]

iii 6'6'

da-na-an DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.[MEŠ ...]

iii 7'7'

dINANNA a-ga-.[KI ...]

iii 8'8'

dna-na-a [...]

iii 9'9'

da-nu-[ni-tum ...]

Column iv
iviv Lacuna


iv 1'1'

[...] x x x x [x] x [x]

(iv 1') [...] ... [...] his [s]hrines (and) to plunder his people [... (the goddess Nanāya) who wen]t to live in the land Elam, [...] relented [...] made the return trip.

iv 2'2'

[...] -re-e-ti-šú šá-lal UN.MEŠ-šú

iv 3'3'

[... il-li]-ku ú-ši-bu -reb KUR.e-lam-te

iv 4'4'

[...] x ir-šá-a sa-li-mu

iv 5'5'

[...] ir-šá-a ta-a-a-ar-tu

iv 6'6'

[...] e-mu-u GIŠ.TIR-ma?

(iv 6') [...] became a forest and [...] cut down and [...] established his daises [...] and gods, as many as (there were) with [he]r, [... made (them) dwe]ll (on their) eternal dais(es).

iv 7'7'

[...] x ik-ši-iṭ-ma

iv 8'8'

[...] x ú-kin BÁRA.MEŠ-šú

iv 9'9'

[...] x u DINGIR.MEŠ ma-la it-ti-šá?

iv 10'10'

[... ú-šar]-me BÁRA da-ra-a-ti

iv 11'11'

[... il]-li?-ku ú-ši-bu -reb KUR.ELAM ša MU-[...]4

(iv 11') [..., who we]nt to live in the land Elam, which [... who]se mountings had become old, tho[se] gods [..., the goddess] Anunītu, [...] their goddesses I carried off to Assyria. (iv 15´) [...] ... between it [...] ...

iv 12'12'

[...] x il-bi-ru iḫ-ze-šú DINGIR.MEŠ an-nu-[ti ...]

iv 13'13'

[... d]a-nu-ni-tum

iv 14'14'

[...] d15.MEŠ-šú?-nu? áš?-lu?-la? ana KUR -šur

iv 15'15'

[...] x x bi-ri-šú

iv 16'16'

[...] x-tim

1The translation assumes that ú-šar-bu-ú be-lu-ú-ti “made my lordship great(er)” appears in the lacuna; see, for example, text no. 10 (Prism T) i 11–13.

2The report in text no. 6 (Prism C) i 76´ includes É.[KUR] šu-a- šá la-ba-riš il-[li-ku], “(As for) that te[mple], which had b[ecome] old,” as a transitional phrase after ú-šad-gi-la pa-nu-u-a “he entrusted (its renovation) to me,” while this element is omitted in the report of text no. 10 (Prism T) ii 44. Given that the signs at the beginning of ii 3 are spaced out much more than the tightly written signs of the rest of the preserved lines in this column, it appears that the present tablet also omits this phrase from its account. For further details, see Novotny, Eḫulḫul p. 98 n. 300.

3The translation assumes that ša MU.SAR-u ši-ṭir MU-ia ib-ba- ina mim-ma ši-pir ni-kil-ti ú-ḫal-la-qu “(As for) the one who destroys an inscribed object bearing my name, makes (it) disappear by some crafty device” appears in the lacuna; see, for example, text no. 10 (Prism T) vi 44–45.

4In his transliteration of this text, T. Bauer (Asb. p. 37) treated the ša MU-[...] “which [...]” and DINGIR.MEŠ an-nu-[ti ...] “tho[se] gods [...]” at the end of lines 11´ and 12´, respectively, as a continuation of col. iii that was written on the top edge of the tablet. However, these signs do not line up with the margin of that column, but are offset to the right. This suggests that the signs are instead a continuation of lines 11´ and 12´ of col. iv and not col. iii. It appears that the scribe completed inscribing col. iii without writing on the top edge of the tablet, but then was running out of space for the narrative by the time that he reached the end of col. iv, where he used the extra space on the top edge to write out longer lines of text in order to finish the account.

Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-22. Lemmatized by Joshua Jeffers, 2018-22, for the NEH-funded RINAP Project at the University of Pennsylvania. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as