Ashurbanipal 231



o 1'1'

[...] x [x (x)] x x x [...]

(1') [...] ... [... of Babyl]on, true shepherd, who makes the foundations of the land firm, who [...] by his clever knowledge [... with]in the eternal city he elevated. The city of privileged-status, which is depicted as the “Crab” in the heavens and ... [...] its foundations were tottering. The abode of his city was torn out and one could not examine [its] structu[re ... () ...] its [plain]s were full of lions instead of oxen and sheep. In [my] ro[yal] chariot [... whi]ch (with) mighty strength, the fierce bow, the me[rciless] arrow [...]s, I slew and totally destroyed (them). The plains ... [...] I cut off [from] inside it and I made the people happy [...].

o 2'2'

[... ].DINGIR.RA.KI SIPA GIN mu-kin -di KUR ša ina ni-kil-ti ZU-ti-šú ú-[...]

o 3'3'

[... ina] ŠÀ URU ṣa-a-te ú-šá--qi URU ki-din-ni ša MUL.AL.LUL ina šá-ma-mi eṣ-ru-ma ŠAB x [...]1

o 4'4'

[...] x it-ru-ra -da-a-šú šu-bat URU-šú in-na-as-ḫa-ma la ú-ṣab-bu-u nab-nit-[sa ...]

o 5'5'

[... ta?-mir?]-ti?-šú ku-um GU₄.MEŠ u US₅.UDU.ḪI.A im-lu-u UR.MAḪ.MEŠ ina GIŠ.GIGIR LUGAL?-[ti-ia? ...]

o 6'6'

[...] ša pu-un-gu-lu e-mu-qi GIŠ.PAN ez-ze-tu mul-mul-lum la pa-[du-u ...]

o 7'7'

[...] x.MEŠ a-duk-ma gi-mir-ti ú-ḫal-liq ta-mir-ti x (x) [...]

o 8'8'

[...] qer-bi-šú ap-ru-us-ma lìb-bi UN.MEŠ ú-ṭib x [...]

o 9'9'

[...] ZIMBIR.KI e-šá-a-te ú-dan?-[nin? ...]

(9') [... in S]ippar he/it made chaos inc[rease ... The Araḫtu River, (normally) a rive]r of abundance, [turned into] an angry wave, a ragin[g ti]de, [a huge flood like the deluge ...] ... [...] ... [...]

o 10'10'

[...] ÍD ḪÉ.GÁL.LA a-gu-ú ez-zi? [e]-du-ú šam-ru [...]2

o 11'11'

[...] x x x [...] x x [...]





r 1'1'

[...] x x x x [...] x x x x [...]

(r 1') [...] ... [...] ... [...] for Šamaš-šuma-ukīn, their governor, who reveres the gods Nabû and [Marduk ...] ... of the lands who established all settlements ... [...].

r 2'2'

[...] a-na mdGIŠ.NU₁₁-MU-GIN GÌR.NÍTA-šú-un pa-liḫ dAG u [dAMAR.UTU ...]

r 3'3'

[...]-re- KUR.KUR ša nap-ḫar da-ád-me x-ku-nu šu-pi-[...]

r 4'4'

[... ú]-šal-bi-in ina ITI šal-me it-ti .x x x [...]

(r 4') [... I] had bricks made. In a favorable month with the ... [...]. I transported its [...]s (and) [I installed long] beams [of ced]a[r] at its entrances. [(As for its ...), I made its workmanship pleasing (with) [...] (and) cyprus. [I ...] (its) ced[ar] doors. [...] its gates, (on) the eighth day, a festival day, all day long [...]. I made [...] enter the [... o]f the splendid abode. Like the god Šamaš, [I illuminated] the entire [...].

r 5'5'

[...].MEŠ-šú ú-mat-te-ḫa -reb-e-šú GIŠ.ÙR.MEŠ [GIŠ].EREN [...]

r 6'6'

[...] GIŠ.ḪA.ŠUR ú-ṭi-ib -pe-su GIŠ.IG.MEŠ GIŠ.EREN [...]

r 7'7'

[...] .MEŠ-šú UD.8.KAM UD.ÈŠ.ÈŠ ud-da-kam IB [...]

r 8'8'

[...] ša šu-bat ta-ši-la-a-te ú-še-rib ki-i dUTU nap-ḫar? [...]

r 9'9'

[... pu]-ul-lu- UDU.NÍTA.MEŠ du--šu-ú .GALA.MEŠ [...]

(r 9') [... were sl]aughtered (and) sheep were abundant. Lamentation-priests [...]. I poured out libation(s) of oil and [...] ... a fate without equal, the great gods ... [... for whom the god] Ea, their father, interceded ... [...] substantial [trib]ute, the amount [of which was countless ...] ... by the command of the god [...]

r 10'10'

[...]-lu? Ì.GIŠ ut-ta-qi-ma x [...]

r 11'11'

[...] x-ni ši-mat la šá-na-an DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ e-x [...]

r 12'12'

[... d]é-a AD-šú-nu e-pu-šú ab-bu-ti x x x [...]

r 13'13'

[... man?]-da?-te ka-bit-te? mi-nu-te*? x x [...]3

r 14'14'

[...] x-la?-tu ina a-mat d?[...]

r 15'15'

[...] x [...]



1Or possibly translate the line “[... with]in the eternal city. He elevated the city of privileged-status, which is depicted as the “Crab” in the heavens and ... [...].” ú-šá--qi “he elevated”: R. Borger (BiOr 55 [1998] p. 849) read these signs as ??-me-qi for “wisdom,” but the first sign does not conform to . MUL.AL.LUL ina šá-ma-mi “the ‘Crab’ in the heavens”: The “Crab” is the constellation Cancer and is sometimes connected with the city Sippar; see Frame and Grayson, SAAB 8/1 (1994) pp. 8–9.

2For the reconstruction of this line in the translation, see, for example, Leichty, RINAP 4 p. 196 no. 104 i 38–41a.

3The te? in mi-nu-te? “the amount” looks as if it were originally a sign, but then a third oblique was added to make it more closely resemble a te; compare the other te sign of this line.

Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-22. Lemmatized by Joshua Jeffers, 2018-22, for the NEH-funded RINAP Project at the University of Pennsylvania. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as