
  • Ashurbanipal 228


  • Q007636
  • Ashurbanipal 228



  • Neo-Assyrian
  • Written ca. 668-ca. 631
  • Kuyunjik (Nineveh)
  • Royal Inscription
  • Ashurbanipal

Ashurbanipal 228



o 1'1'

[...] x [...]

(1') [... For 1],63[5 years, the Elamite destruction ..., the gods Aššur], Bēl (Marduk), Nabû, [... in the di]vine assembly place [... () they (the gods) commissioned m]e, Ashurbanipal, the rule[r who reveres them, to scatter the land Elam ... The] great [god]s in heave[n and netherworld ... The god Ša]maš, through his firm “yes,” commanded [me ... They told (me)] to exe[cute faithfully the comma]nd of the deities Aššur, Ištar, and Nergal [...].

o 2'2'

[a-na GÉŠ.U] GÉŠ.U 7 [15 MU.AN.NA.MEŠ šal--tim .e-la-me-e ...]

o 3'3'

[AN.ŠÁR] dEN dAG d[...]

o 4'4'

[ina] ub-šu-ukkin-na-ki x [...]

o 5'5'

[ia]-a-ti mAN.ŠÁR--A NUN [pa-liḫ-šú-un a-na sa-pa-aḫ KUR.ELAM.MA.KI ...]

o 6'6'

[DINGIR].MEŠ GAL.MEŠ ina šá-ma-mi [u qaq-qa-ri ...]

o 7'7'

[d]UTU ina an-ni-šú ke-e-ni iq-ba-[a ...]

o 8'8'

[a]-mat AN.ŠÁR d15 u dU.GUR su-[ud-du-ra i-ta-mu-u ...]

o 9'9'

[at]-kal a-na a-mat AN.ŠÁR dU.GUR ša ú-tak-[ki-lu-in-ni ...]

(9') [I tru]sted in the command of (the god) Aššur (and) the god Nergal, who had enco[uraged me, ...] I did [no]t ... at the command of the goddess Ištar, daug[hter of the god Sîn, ..., wh]ich during the night the fury [of ...] I directed the troops of Assyria against the Elamite [...].

o 10'10'

la? mu-da-ku a-na a-mat d15 DUMU.[MUNUS d30 ...]

o 11'11'

ša ina šat mu-ši ez-ze-et? [...]

o 12'12'

ERIM.ḪI.A KUR AN.ŠÁR -te--še-ra UGU KUR.e-la-me-e [...]

o 13'13'

ina maḫ-re-e ger-ri-ia ina a-mat AN.ŠÁR d15 [...]

(13') On my first campaign, by the command of the deities Aššur, Išt[ar, ...] I placed Ummanigaš (Ḫumban-nikaš II), son of [Urtaku], on his (Teumman’s) throne [...]. (15´) Ummanigaš, for whom I had performed (many acts of) kindness (and) who[m] I had installed [as king of the land Elam, ...]. Šamaš-šuma-ukīn, (my) unfaithfu[l] brother, [carried off] the property of Esagil, Ezida, Emeslam, and [...].

o 14'14'

ú-še-šib ina GIŠ.GU.ZA-šú mum-man-i-gaš DUMU [mur-ta-ki ...]

o 15'15'

mum-man-i-gaš ša MUN e-pu-šu- áš-ku-nu- [a-na LUGAL-ut KUR.ELAM.MA.KI ...]

o 16'16'

mdGIŠ.NU₁₁-MU-GI.NA ŠEŠ la ke-e-nu [...]

o 17'17'

NÍG.GA é-sag-íl é-zi-da é-mes-lam ù [...]

o 18'18'

AN.ŠÁR dEN.LÍL. DINGIR.MEŠ mu-šim-mu ši-ma-a-ti u dU.GUR [...]

(18') (The god) Aššur, supreme one of the gods who determines fates, and the god Ner[gal ...] delivered [him (Ummanigaš)] into the hands of Tammarītu, son of another Ummanigaš, the brother of his father, [...]. (20´) Tammarītu, who sat on the throne of the land Elam after him (and) who, like h[im, ...], (the god) Aššur (and) the god Nergal, the gods who support me, overthrew his kingship and [...].

o 19'19'

ina ŠU.II mtam-ma-ri-tu DUMU mum-man-i-gaš-ma ŠEŠ AD-šú im-nu-ú-[šú ...]1

o 20'20'

mtam-ma-ri-tu ša EGIR-šú ú-ši-bu ina GIŠ.GU.ZA KUR.ELAM.MA.KI šá ki-ma šá-[a-šú-ma ...]

o 21'21'

AN.ŠÁR dU.GUR DINGIR.MEŠ ti-ik-le-ia LUGAL-us-su -ki-pu-ma [...]

o 22'22'

EGIR-šú min-da-bi-bi šá ki-ma šá-a-šu-ma -ta-ap-pa-[ra ...]

(22') After him, Indabibi, who, like him, had constantly sen[t ...], (the god) Aššur (and) the god Nergal, gods of mine who constantly answer (enemies) in my stead, (and) fear of the weapons of [... T]error overwhelmed them (the people of Elam) and (then) [they rebelled] against Indabibi [(and) killed him with the sword ... The a]nger of (the god) Aššur (and) the god Nergal did not relent (and) the fury of the Assyrian Ištar [...].

o 23'23'

AN.ŠÁR dU.GUR DINGIR.MEŠ-ni-ia šá i*-tap*-pa-lu ke-mu-u-a pu-luḫ-ti GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ AN? [...]2

o 24'24'

ḫur-ba-šú is-ḫu-up-šu-nu-ti-ma EDIN min-da-bi-bi [ib-bal-ki- i-na-ru-? ina? GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ? ...]

o 25'25'

uz?-zu AN.ŠÁR dU.GUR ul i-nu-uḫ ag-gat d15 -šur-i-tu [...]

o 26'26'

[ina 2]-e ger-ri-ia ú-pa-ḫir ERIM.ḪI.A.MEŠ AN.ŠÁR ša šá-an?-an?/nu? [...]

(26') [On] my [seco]nd campaign, I gathered the troops of (the god) Aššur, who ... [...], I scattered [the troops of U]mmanaldašu (and) [his] forc[es ...] I filled the op[en country] with the silence (of desolation) [...] ... [...].

o 27'27'

[ERIM.ḪI.A.(MEŠ) m]um-man-al-da-si ú-sap-pi-iḫ el-lat-[su ...]

o 28'28'

[...] šá-qu-um-ma-tu ú-mal-li ba-[ma-a-ti? ...]

o 29'29'

[...] MAN? AN DU (blank) [...]

r 1r 1

[...] x x dŠEŠ.KI-ru (blank) [...]

(r 1) [...] ... the divine light (Sîn) [... br]ought out, and (as for) the daug[hter] of the god Sîn (Ištar), the female warrior, her divinity came forth [...] their “yes” [...] ... battle ... [...] I was fully prepared for battle (and) he was marching [... (rev. 5) The god Nergal, the] merciless [warr]ior, powerful one among the gods, his brothers, who intercedes on [my] b[ehalf, ... The goddess Ištar, ... of] battle, the lady of the city Arbela, had quivers hanging (on the right and left) ... [... she] unsheath[ed ...] she was scorching with fire, the one who ... [...]. The god Adad, the canal inspector of hea[ven (and) nether]world, the devastating (storm) cloud, [roared] against him (Ummanaldašu) [...]. With the support of the [great] god[s], my lords, I destroyed the troops of [U]mman[aldašu ...] I established his [de]feat in all directi[ons].

r 22

[... ú]-še?-ṣa-am?-ma DUMU.[MUNUS] d30 qa-rit-tu DINGIR-us-sa tu-ṣa-a tu-[...]

r 33

[...] an-ni-šu-nu x [x (x)] x-ku? qab-lu x x (x) TI BAD? x [...]

r 44

[...]-lu ku-uṣ-ṣu-ra-ku a-nun-tu il-lak [...]

r 55

[dU.GUR qar]-ra-du la pa-du-ú gaš-ri DINGIR.MEŠ ŠEŠ.MEŠ-šú ṣa-bit ab-[bu-ut-ti-ia ...]

r 66

[d15 x] a-nun-tu be-let URU.LÍMMU-DINGIR tul-la-a-ta -pa-a-ti i-ŠID/MES-x [...]

r 77

[x x] x šal-pat [x x] ú-ḫa-am-maṭ nab-lu mu-ma-ʾi?-[...]

r 88

dIŠKUR .GAL AN-[e u] KI-tim DUNGU ri-iḫ-ṣi e-li-šú [-gu-um? ...]

r 99

ina tu-kul-ti DINGIR.[MEŠ GAL.MEŠ] EN.MEŠ-ia a-bu-ut ERIM.ḪI.A mum-man-[al-da-si ...]

r 1010

a-na er-bet-ti šá-a-[ri] taḫ-ta-a-šú áš-kun u₄-um-šú ú-x [...]

(r 10b) (On) that day, ... [...] I flattened (it) like the Deluge (even) more than before [...] I seized the city Susa within the space of a (single) day. I brought [the god Inšušinak ...], the gods of the land Elam and its goddesses, out and count[ed] (them) as booty. [... the pos]sessions (and) property of thei[r] earlier kings, as well as the bribes from the lan[ds that they (the lands) had provided for aid, ...].

r 1111

ú-šá-tir-ma UGU šá maḫ-ri a-bu-ba-niš as-pu-un IZI? [...]

r 1212

ina li-me-et u₄--im-ma URU.šu-šá-an aṣ-bat (blank) [dMÙŠ.EREN ...]

r 1313

DINGIR.MEŠ KUR.ELAM.MA.KI ù d15.MEŠ-šú ú-še-ṣa-am-ma šal-la-ti- am-nu [...]

r 1414

NÍG.ŠU.MEŠ NÍG.GA.MEŠ LUGAL.MEŠ-šú-nu maḫ-ru-ú-ti a-di ṭa-ʾa-a-ti KUR.[KUR ša a-na kit-ri id-di-nu ...]

r 1515

[ina tukul]-ti AN.ŠÁR d30 dUTU dIŠKUR dEN dAG d15 šá NINA.KI d[15 šá LÍMMU-DINGIR.KI ... DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ EN.MEŠ-ia]

(r 15) [With the suppo]rt of the deities A[š]šur, Sîn, Šamaš, Adad, Bēl (Marduk), Nabû, Ištar of Nineveh, [Ištar of Arbela, ..., the great gods, my lords], I flattened the land Elam [in on]e [ye]ar, I destroye[d it] in a second year, [(and then) a third (time), when Ummanaldašu ... By] their [p]ronouncement(s), which no one can overturn, the El[amite] destruction [... With the suppor]t of the gods Aššur, Bēl (Marduk), Nabû, (and) Nergal, the great gods, my lords, to [...] the cities Bašimu (and) Banunu, royal [ci]t(ies) of the land Elam that [... (rev. 20) By the co]mmand of the gods Aššur, Bēl (Marduk), Nabû, (and) Nergal, who had encouraged m[e, ... I grasped the ha]nds of the goddesses Nanāya, Uṣur-amāssa, (and) Urkayī[tu ... (and) I made (them) enter (and) reside in Eanna ...]. The god Mār-bīti of the city Māliki, whom the Elamit[e] villain [...].

r 1616

[1]-et [MU].AN.NA KUR.ELAM.MA.KI as-pu-un šá-ni-tu MU.AN.NA ú-ḫal-liq-[ši 3-tum šá mum-man-al-da-si ...]

r 1717

[ina ṣi]-it pi-i-šú-nu šá la -pe-e-lu šal--tim .e-la-[me-e ...]

r 1818

[ina tukul]-ti AN.ŠÁR dEN dAG dU.GUR DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ EN.MEŠ-ia a-na x [...]

r 1919ši-mu URU LUGAL-ti ša KUR.ELAM.MA.KI ša na?-[...]

r 2020

[ina] -bit AN.ŠÁR dEN dAG dU.GUR ša ú-tak-ki-lu-in-[ni ...]

r 2121

ŠU.II dna-na-a dÙRU-INIM-sa dUNUG.KI-a-a-i-[tu ...]

r 2222

dDUMU.É ša ṣi-in-nu e-la-mu-[ú ...]

r 2323

[m]dGIŠ.NU₁₁-MU-GI.NA ŠEŠ la ke-e-nu ša MUN e-pu-šu- áš-ku-[nu- a-na LUGAL-ut .DINGIR.RA.KI ...]

(r 23) Šamaš-šuma-ukīn, (my) unfaithful bro­ther, for whom I had performed (many acts of) kindness (and) [whom] I had insta[lled as king of Babylon, ...] the lands Akkad, Chaldea, Aram, (and) Karduniaš (Babylonia), which ... [... (rev. 25) The] great [go]ds looked upon his evil deeds and in [... (As for) the one who] had disturbed my (exercising the) kingship, I imposed a harsh punishment on hi[m ...].

r 2424

KUR URI.KI KUR.kal-du KUR.a-ru-mu KUR.kár-ddun-ía-àš ša ip-ri?-[...]

r 2525

DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ ep-še-te₉-e-šú lem--e-ti ip-pal-su-ma ina AN [...]

r 2626

[mu]-nar-ri-ṭu LUGAL-u-ti an-nu kab-tu e-mid-su [...]

r 2727

[ina u₄-me-šú] é-mes-lam ša LUGAL pa-ni maḫ-ri-ia e-[pu-šú ...]

(r 27) [At that time], (as for) Emeslam, which [a ki]ng of the past (who had come) before me had bu[ilt, ...] ... [...]

r 2828

[...] x x [...]



1mtam-ma-ri-tu DUMU mum-man-i-gaš-ma ŠEŠ AD-šú “Tammarītu, son of another Ummanigaš, the brother of his father”: For the difficulties of this filiation (which also appears [partially restored] in text no. 126 rev. 8), see Fuchs, ZA 93 (2003) pp. 134–137, Waters, IrAnt 41 (2006) pp. 63–64, and Baker and Waters, PNA 3/2 p. 1306 sub Tammarītu 2.a.

2i*-tap*-pa-lu “who constantly answer”: The text appears to have AD for i-tap.

Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-22. Lemmatized by Joshua Jeffers, 2018-22, for the NEH-funded RINAP Project at the University of Pennsylvania. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as

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