Ashurbanipal 227
Obverse | ||
o 1o 1 | ⸢a⸣-na dU.GUR qar-ra-du gít-ma-lum dan-dan-nu DINGIR.MEŠ ma-am-lu a-šá-re-du EN ⸢ga?⸣-[áš-ru ...] | (1) For the god Nergal, perfect warrior, mightiest of the gods, foremost hero, po[werful] lord, [...], king of battle, lord of strength and power, lord of the Deluge that brings abo[ut ...], the exalted son of the god Enlil, powerful one among the gods, his brothers, child of the goddess Kutušar (Mullissu), the [great] que[en], who marches at the side of the king, his f[avori]te, and kills his foes, (who) cuts down [...], (5) (who) sp[a]res the ruler who reveres him from plague, (who) grants him mighty [victories], who resides in Em[esla]m, the holy shrine that is inside Cutha, the great lord, [his lord] — |
o 22 | LUGAL tam-ḫa-ri be-el a-ba-ri ù dun-ni be-el a-bu-bi šá-⸢kin⸣ [...] | |
o 33 | DUMU dEN.LÍL ṣi-⸢i-ru⸣ ga-áš-ru DINGIR.MEŠ ŠEŠ.MEŠ-šú bu-kúr dku-tu-šar ⸢šar-ra⸣-[ti GAL-ti?] | |
o 44 | ša Á.II LUGAL ⸢mi?-gir?⸣-i-šú il-lak-ú-ma i-na-ar-ru ga-re-e-šú ú-šam-qa-⸢tu⸣ [...] | |
o 55 | ina šib-ṭi ⸢i-ga?⸣-mì-lu NUN pa-lìḫ-šú i-šar-ra-ku-uš da-na-nu u [li-i-tu] | |
o 66 | a-šib é-⸢mes-lam⸣ ki-iṣ-ṣu el-lu ša qé-reb GÚ.DU₈.A.KI EN GAL-e [EN-šú]1 | |
o 77 | a-na-⸢ku maš-šur⸣-DÙ-A LUGAL GAL-ú LUGAL dan-nu LUGAL ŠÚ LUGAL KUR aš-šur.KI ⸢LUGAL⸣ [kib-rat LÍMMU-tim] | (7) I, Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, kin[g of the four quarters (of the world)]; son of Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria; grandson of Sennacherib, king of the world, k[ing of Assyria]; the eternal seed of kingship — [the great gods] desi[red me] to secure the regular offerings (and) to provide for the shrines. (10) The deities Aššur, Mullissu, and Nergal, the great gods, made the foundation(s) of my royal throne firm [...], (and) th[ey allowed me to stand] over all my enemies in order to exact revenge for the kings, my fathers: |
o 99 | NUMUN da-ru-ú ša LUGAL-ti a-na ku-un-ni sat-tuk-ki za-na-an eš-re-e-ti iḫ-šú-[ḫu-in-ni DINGIR.MEŠ? GAL.MEŠ?] | |
o 1010 | AN.ŠÁR dNIN.LÍL u dU.GUR DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ ú-kin-nu SUḪUŠ GIŠ.GU.ZA LUGAL-ti-ia [...] | |
o 1111 | a-na tu-ur gi-mil-li LUGAL.MEŠ AD.MEŠ-ia UGU kul-lat na-ki-ri-ia ⸢ú⸣-[šá-zi-zu-in-ni?] | |
o 1212 | mku-dúr-na-an-ḫu-un-di LÚ.e-la-mu-ú ša ni-iš DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ la ⸢iṣ?⸣-[ṣu-ru ...]2 | (12) (As for) Kudur-Nanḫundu (Kutur-Naḫḫunte), the Elamite who did not k[eep] the oath (sworn) by the great gods, [...], who in madness [trusted] in his own strength, [...], (and) who laid his hands on the shrines of the land Akkad and destroyed the l[and Akkad, ...], (15) (when) the time had come (and) the appropriate time drew near, the great gods [looked upon his evil] deeds [(and ...)]. For 1,635 years, the Elam[ite] destruction [...], they (the gods) commissioned me, Ashurbanipal, the ruler who reveres them, to scatter the lan[d Elam ...] and [they placed in my hands] the mercil[ess] weapon [(...)]. The great gods in heaven and netherworld [...]. (20) The god Šamaš, through his firm “yes,” [commanded me ...], and the god Sîn, through his decision that cannot change, [...]. They told (me) to execute faithfully the command of the goddess Ištar [...]. |
o 1313 | ša ina šá-né-e ṭè-e-me a-na e-muq ra-ma-ni-šú [it-tak-lu ...] | |
o 1414 | a-na eš-re-e-ti KUR URI.KI ŠU.II-su id-du-ú-ma ú-šal-pi-tu ⸢KUR?⸣ [URI.KI? ...] | |
o 1515 | UD.MEŠ im-lu-ú uk-ki-pa a-dan-nu DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ ep-še-te₉-e-[šú lem-né-e-ti ip-pal-su-(ma ...)]3 | |
o 1616 | a-na GÉŠ.U GÉŠ.U 7 UŠ 15 MU.AN.NA.MEŠ šal-pú-tim LÚ.e-la-⸢me⸣-[e ...] | |
o 1717 | ia-a-ti mAN.ŠÁR-DÙ-A NUN pa-liḫ-šú-un a-na sa-pa-aḫ ⸢KUR?⸣.[ELAM.MA.KI ...] | |
o 1818 | ||
o 1919 | DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ ina šá-ma-mi u qaq-qa-⸢ri⸣ [...] | |
o 2020 | ||
o 2121 | ||
o 2222 | a-mat diš-tar su-ud-du-ra i-ta-mu-u x [...] | |
o 2323 | (23) I trusted in the command of (the god) Aššur (and) the god Ne[rgal, who had encouraged me, ...] ... my heart at the comm[and of the goddess Ištar ... I did not ... a]t the command of the goddess Iš[tar, daughter of the god Sîn, ...] | |
o 2424 | ||
o 2525 | [la? mu-da-ku a]-⸢na a-mat⸣ d⸢iš⸣-[tar DUMU.MUNUS d30 ...] | |
Lacuna | ||
o 1'1' | x [...] | (1') (No translation possible) |
o 2'2' | x [...] | |
o 3'3' | x [...] | |
o 4'4' | x [...] | |
o 5'5' | x [...] | |
Lacuna | ||
Reverse | ||
r 1r 1 | UGU KUR.ELAM.MA.KI da-um-ma-tum ik-ṣu-ru ⸢IG?⸣ [...] | (r 1) Darkness gathered over the land Elam [...] I flattened (it) like the Deluge (even) more than before [...] I seized the city Susa within the space of a (single) day. I [brought] the god Inšušin[ak ...], the gods of the land Elam and its goddesses, [out and counted (them) as booty. ...] (rev. 5) the captives of the land Elam — young and old which [were with]out number — [(and) the possessions (and) property of their earlier kings], as well as the bribes from the lands that th[ey (the lands)] had p[rovided] for aid [...]. |
r 22 | ú-šá-tir-ma UGU šá maḫ-ri a-bu-ba-niš as-pu-un ⸢IZI?⸣ [...] | |
r 33 | ina li-me-et u₄-mì-im-ma URU.šu-šá-an aṣ-bat dMÙŠ.⸢EREN⸣ [...] | |
r 44 | DINGIR.MEŠ KUR.ELAM.MA.KI ù d15.MEŠ-šá ⸢ú⸣-[še-ṣa-am-ma šal-la-ti-iš am-nu ...] | |
r 55 | šal-lat UN.MEŠ KUR.ELAM.MA.KI TUR u GAL šá ni-i-ba la [i-šu-u NÍG.ŠU.MEŠ NÍG.GA.MEŠ LUGAL.MEŠ-šú-nu maḫ-ru-ú-ti] | |
r 66 | ||
r 77 | ina tukul-ti ⸢AN⸣.ŠÁR d30 dUTU dIŠKUR dEN d⸢AG⸣ [d15 šá NINA.KI d15 šá LÍMMU-DINGIR.KI ...] | (r 7) With the support of the deities Aššur, Sîn, Šamaš, Adad, Bēl (Marduk), Na[bû, Ištar of Nineveh, Ištar of Arbela, ...], the great gods, my lords, [I flattened the land Elam] in one year [(...)], I destroyed it a second (time), (and then) a third (time), when Umman[aldašu ...]. (rev. 10) By their pronouncement(s), which no one can overturn, the [Elamite] destructi[on ...] the troubling things that their fathers had done [...]. With the support of (the god) Aššur (and) the god Nergal, the [great] gods, [my lords, to ...] I exacted revenge [... I grasped] the hands of the goddesses Nanāya, Uṣur-amā[ssa, (and) Urkayītu ... (and)] (rev. 15) I made (them) enter (and) reside in Ea[nna ...]. The god Mār-bīti of <the city> Māliki, who[m the Elamite villain ...] with the daughter of the god Sîn [...]. |
r 88 | DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ EN.MEŠ-ia 1-et MU.AN.⸢NA⸣ [KUR.ELAM.MA.KI as-pu-un (...)] | |
r 99 | ||
r 1010 | ina ṣi-it pi-i-šú-nu šá la uš-pe-lu šal-⸢pú-tim⸣ [LÚ.e-la-me-e ...] | |
r 1111 | mar-ṣa-at AD.MEŠ-šú-nu e-⸢pu-šu⸣ [...] | |
r 1212 | ina tukul-ti AN.ŠÁR dU.GUR DINGIR.MEŠ [GAL.MEŠ EN.MEŠ-ia a-na ...] | |
r 1313 | ||
r 1414 | ||
r 1515 | ú-še-rib ú-še-šib ina é-⸢an⸣-[na ...] | |
r 1616 | ||
r 1717 | it-ti DUMU.MUNUS d30 ⸢uš⸣-[...] | |
r 1818 | ina u₄-me-šú é-mes-lam ša ⸢LUGAL⸣ [pa-ni maḫ-ri-ia e-pu-šú (i-na-ḫu-ma) il-li-ku la-ba-riš] | (r 18) At that time, (as for) Emeslam, which a kin[g of the past (who had come) before me had built, (and which) had become (dilapidated and) old], I renovated its dilapidated section(s and) [removed] the portion(s) [of it] that had collap[sed. In brick mold(s) of ebony (and) musukkannu-wood, I made its bricks with crushed pieces of aromatics]. (rev. 20) I made (people) tak[e up] hoe(s) [and had its foundation(s) put (back) into alignment (...)]. In an auspicious month, (on) a propitious day, [I laid its foundation(s)] with pe[rfumed oil, good quality oil, silver, (and) gold. Moreover, I secured its door bolt(s)]. |
r 1919 | an-ḫu-us-su ud-diš mi-qit-[ta-šú ad-ke ina GIŠ.Ù.ŠUB GIŠ.ESI GIŠ.MES.MÁ.KAN.NA ḫi-biš-ti ŠIM.ḪI.A SIG₅.ḪI.A-šú al-bi-in] | |
r 2020 | ||
r 2121 | ina ITI DÙG.GA u₄-me ŠE.GA ina ì-[gu-la-a Ì DÙG.GA KÙ.BABBAR KÙ.GI ad-di tem-me-en-šú ù ad-da-a ši-gar-šú] | |
r 2222 | ina GIŠ.MES.MÁ.KAN.NA GIŠ.KA [GIŠ.ESI GIŠ.TÚG GIŠ?.KÌM? u GIŠ.UMBIN us-si-ma ši-kit-ti É] | (r 22) [I adorned the structure of the temple] with musukkannu-wood, KA-wood, [ebony, boxwood, ḫilēpu-wood, and UMBIN-wood and built (and) completed (it)] from its foundation(s) to [its] crenellations [with the craft of the god Kulla. I raised its superstructure. I roofed it with] long beams of cedar gr[own on Mount Sirāra (and) Mount Lebanon. (rev. 25) I fastened band(s) of bronze on do]ors of white cedar, who[se] sc[ent is sweet, (and) fixed (them) in its gateways. I stationed] fierce lion-headed eagles who[se weight is] such-and-such [...], protectors of my royal path, [...]. |
r 2323 | ⸢ul⸣-tu UŠ₈-šú a-di gaba-dib-⸢bi⸣-[šú ina ši-pir dkulla ar-ṣip ú-šak-lil ul-la-a re-ši-šu] | |
r 2424 | ⸢GIŠ⸣.ÙR.MEŠ GIŠ.EREN ⸢MAḪ⸣.MEŠ ⸢tar⸣-[bit KUR.lab-na-ni ú-šat-ri-ṣa UGU-šú] | |
r 2525 | [GIŠ].⸢IG⸣.MEŠ GIŠ.li-ia-a-ri ša ⸢e⸣-[re-si-na DÙG.GA me-se-ri ZABAR ú-rak-kis ú-rat-ta-a KÁ.MEŠ-šú] | |
r 2626 | ||
r 2727 | [na]-⸢ṣi⸣-ru ki-bi-is LUGAL-ti-ia [...] | |
r 2828 | (r 28) [I grasped] the hands of the god Nergal (and) the goddess Laṣ ... [...] to Emes[l]am, the temple belov[ed by ...]. | |
r 2929 | a-na é-⸢mes-lam⸣ É na-⸢ram⸣ [...] | |
r 3030 | (r 30) When the deities Nergal (and) La[ṣ ...] me, As[hurbanipal, ...] their [radiant] faces [...] their benevo[lent] protection [...]. May th[ey] leng[then] my days [... (rev. 35) (my)] sheph[erdship ...] wherever I g[o ...]. | |
r 3131 | ia-a-ti m⸢AN⸣.[ŠÁR-DÙ-A ...] | |
r 3232 | ||
r 3333 | ṣu-lul-šú-nu ⸢DÙG?.GA?⸣ [...] | |
r 3434 | UD.MEŠ-ia ⸢li-šá⸣-[ri-ku ...] | |
r 3535 | re-é-⸢ú?⸣-[ti? ...] | |
r 3636 | e-ma al-⸢la⸣-[ku ...] | |
r 3737 | NUN-ú ⸢ar⸣-[ku-ú (...) šá ... ut-tu-šu-ma] | (r 37) [May] a f[uture] ruler, [(...), whom the deities ... choose and nominate] for rulin[g over the land and people, renovate its dilapidated section(s)] when [this] temple [becomes old and dilapidated]. (rev. 40) (As for) the one who [erases] (my) inscribed name [..., may] the god Nergal, the mig[htiest of the gods, ...] yearl[y ...]. |
r 3838 | ||
r 3939 | e-nu-ma ⸢É⸣.[(KUR) šu-a-tú i-lab-bi-ru-ma e-na-ḫu an-ḫu-us-su lu-ud-diš] | |
r 4040 | ||
r 4141 | dU.GUR dan-[dan-nu DINGIR.MEŠ ...] | |
r 4242 | ⸢šat⸣-ti-šam-[ma ...] | |
Subscript completely missing? |
1There is a long horizontal mark on the left edge of the tablet just to the left of the first sign of the line. It is unclear what this scribal notation was trying to indicate, but it was possibly placed here to mark this line as the closing line of the introductory section that contained the opening dedication to the god Nergal (compare the scribal notation at text no. 186 line 25 discussed in the on-page note).
2Scholars have identified the Elamite ruler Kudur-Nanḫundu mentioned in obv. 12 as either (1) Kutir-Naḫḫunte I, a contemporary of the Old Babylonian kings Samsu-iluna (1749–1712) and Abī-ešuḫ (1711–1684), or (2) Kutir-Naḫḫunte III, an Elamite ruler who held authority in Babylonia after the fall of the Kassite Dynasty in the mid-12th century. For the proposal that it was the former Elamite ruler who had taken Nanāya’s statue to Susa, see, for example, Scheil, RA 29 (1932) pp. 6–74; König, RLA 2/5 (1938) p. 330; Hinz, RLA 6/5–6 (1983) pp. 383–284; van Koppen, Susa and Elam pp. 380–384 (with references to previous studies); and Jassen, NABU 2021 pp. 186–188 no. 81. For the suggestion that it was the later Kutir-Naḫḫunte III who had carried off the goddess Nanāya, see, for example, Stolper in Carter and Stolper, Elam pp. 88–89 n. 323; and Vallat, NABU 1993 pp. 25–26 no. 31 (with references to earlier studies). As pointed out by F. van Koppen (Susa and Elam p. 381), the Kutir-Naḫḫunte in question can only be the earlier Elamite ruler as it would be very difficult to reconcile the 1635-year span of time (Distanzangabe) with the later ruler; the abduction of the statue of Nanāya might have taken place while Abī-ešuḫ, Ḫammu-rāpi’s grandson, was on the throne.
3The reconstruction at the end of the line is taken from text no. 228 rev. 25.
4x-⸢kun?⸣ lìb-bi “... my heart”: If the second sign of the line is kun, one might think of the idiom šakānu libba “to encourage, comfort” (see CAD Š/1 p. 138 sub šakānu 5.a).
5<URU>.ma-la-ki “<the city> Māliki”: In Ashurbanipal’s corpus of texts, the city of Māliki only appears here. It is attested as a city near the Babylonian/Elamite border in the correspondence of Sargon II (Fuchs and Parpola, SAA 15 pp. 81–83 nos. 118 and 119) and Esarhaddon (Luukko and Buylaere, SAA 16 pp. 124–125 no. 140), the former of which makes it clear that it was under threat of Elamite incursion due to its location.
6AN x (x): R. Borger (BIWA p. 85) interpreted the AN sign and the traces after it as d⸢DUMU⸣-[É] “the god M[ār-bīti].” However, those traces do not look like the DUMU sign, although this deity does appear in rev. 16.
7These lines seem to parallel text no. 229 v 4´´–vi 12 (but with variation).
Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-22. Lemmatized by Joshua Jeffers, 2018-22, for the NEH-funded RINAP Project at the University of Pennsylvania. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as