Ashurbanipal 226



o 1'1'

[...] x x [...]

(1') [...] ... [... wh]ose deeds are skillful, the word(s) of [...].

o 2'2'

[...] (blank or erased line) [...]

o 3'3'

[x x] ša ep-še-tu-šú nak-la a-mat kab-[...]

o 4'4'

[a-na]-ku mAN.ŠÁR--A LUGAL KUR AN.ŠÁR.KI GÌR.NÍTA [it-pe-šú? ...]

(4') I, Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, [capable] govern[or ..., whom] the lord of lords chos[e] by his pure glance [(and) ...] ... the forgotten cultic rites (and) kidudû-rituals [...] and to placate the mood of his divinity ... [...] (who) guided (me) [in my y]outh (and) protected [my] royal majesty [... he] gave me a just scepter (and) a true staff over [...] (10´) his attention was given to my entreaties [... “D]o not fear!,” he said to me, “I myself [will come to] y[our] aid!” [...].

o 5'5'

[ša] ina ni- IGI.II-šú .MEŠ EN EN.EN ut-tu-[šú-(ma) ...]

o 6'6'

[x]-áš-šu-ut par-ṣe ki-du-de-e ma-šu-ú-[ti ...]

o 7'7'

ù a-na šup-šu-uḫ ka-bat-ti DINGIR-ti-šú mu-te-x [...]

o 8'8'

meṣ-ḫer-u-ti it-tar-ru-ú iḫ-ti-nu LUGAL-u-ti [...]

o 9'9'

id-di-na GIŠ.GIDRU i-šar- GIŠ.ŠIBIR ke-e-nu UGU x [...]

o 10'10'

a-na te-me--ia -šá-kin ú-zu-un-šú x [...]

o 11'11'

la ta-pal-laḫ iq-ba-a a-na-ku re-ṣu-ut-ka? [...]

o 12'12'

ina -bi-ti-šú ba-la-ṭu -ru-ka dLAMMA [...]

(12') By his command, he granted me life, [...] a lamassu [...], he always stood in for me, overthrew my foe(s), [...], he came to my aid, shamed the one who gloated over me, [...], (15´) he scorned my enem(ies), conquered my foe(s), ... [...], he comprehended my speech and properly guided my judgement(s) [...], he gave me bright eyes, the lot of the scribal a[rts, ...], to sing praises of his greatness, [...] his name [...], I constantly paid attention to his lordship an[d ...] (rev. 1) the deeds of his divinity, which [...] for the posterity of hi[s] people [...].

o 13'13'

i-da-a-a i-tap-pa-la -kip ge-ra-a-a ID [...]

o 14'14'

re-ṣu-ti il-lik ú-bi- ḫa-da-a-a x [...]

o 15'15'

i-miš a-a-bi-ia ge-ra-a-a ik-šu-ud .x [...]

o 16'16'

at-ma-a-a il-mad-ma ú-še-šir de-e-ni [...]

o 17'17'

id-di-na IGI.II na-mir- i-siq ṭup-šar-ru-[ti ...]1

o 18'18'

a-na šu-ta-nu-di nar-bi-šú zi-kir-šú x [...]

o 19'19'

be-lut-su at-ta-id-ma [...]

r 1r 1

ep-šet DINGIR-ti-šú ša x [...]

r 22

a-na aḫ-rat UN.MEŠ-šu [...]

r 33

ú-še-piš-ma GIŠ.LE.U₅.UM x [...]

(r 3) I had a writing board made [...] an image of my likeness [...] (rev. 5) “The Hero, the Princely One of Heaven and Netherworld,” a (hymn of) praise to the god Bēl (Marduk), the god [...].

r 44

ṣa-lam bu-un-na-an-ni-ia [...]

r 55

UR.SAG ŠE.ER.MA.AL.AN.KI.A ta-nit-ti dEN DINGIR [...]

r 66

a-na šat-ti dAMAR.UTU taš-ri-ḫi dan-nu-ti-ka li-ṭib [...]

(r 6) On account of this, O Marduk, may the glorification of your strength be pleasing (to you) [...]. By your command, may (this object) be secure in Esagil for a[ll time ...].

r 77

-bi-tuk-ka ina é-sag-gíl li-kun aḫ-ra-[taš ...]

r 88

(erased line) [...]

r 99

TI.LA UD.MEŠ GÍD.DA.MEŠ ši-mat la-ba-ri [i-šim šim-ti ...]2

(r 9) [He determined as my lot] a long life (and) a destiny of longevity [...]. By your pronouncement(s), which cannot be overturned, protect [my] life [...], by your command, may my name be secure for eternity [...]. In Eḫalanki (“House of the Secrets of Heaven and Underworld”), the luxuriant dwelling of the goddess Ninbaragesi (Zarpanītu), [..., may] the god Nabû, the splendid one, the exalted heir of the god Marduk, constant[ly ...] the number of my years, a long life (lit. “long days”). May (all of) the world see (this object) and constantly praise [your] divinit[y ...].

r 1010

ina ṣi-it pi-i-ka ša la -ta-pe-lu ú-ṣur ZI-[ia ...]

r 1111

ina -bi-tuk-ka šu- li-kun ana u₄-me da-ru-ti [...]

r 1212

ina é-ḫal-an-ki šu-bat ku-uz-bi dnin-bára-ge- x [...]

r 1313

dAG šit-ra-ḫu IBILA ṣi-i-ru ša dMES [...]

r 1414

mi-nu-ut MU.AN.NA.MEŠ-ia UD.MEŠ GÍD.DA.MEŠ kak--[a ...]

r 1515

ad-na-a-ti li-mu-ra-a-ma lit-ta-i-da DINGIR-[ut-ka ...]

r 1616

ù ia-a-ti mAN.ŠÁR--A da-bi-ib su-[...]

(r 16) Moreover, (as for) me, Ashurbanipal, the one who speaks [...], may the mouth(s) of [the poster]ity of future people pr[aise ...] this ..., the prais[e of ...] ... [...]

r 1717

[aḫ?]-rat? UN.MEŠ UD.MEŠ .MEŠ pa-a-šú-un lid-[lul? ...]

r 1818

[...] x x x šu-a- ta-nit-ti [...]

r 1919

[...] x x x x x x [...]



1i-siq ṭup-šar-ru-[ti] “the lot of the scribal a[rts]”: This reference is unique in that it is presently the only time excellent eyesight (IGI.II na-mir- “bright eyes”), which is essential for reading and writing cuneiform, is described as a scribe’s i-siq “lot.” However, given the prevalence of the phrase ni-siq ṭup-šar-ru-ti “the highest level of the scribal arts” in the colophons of tablets for Ashurbanipal’s library (see the attestations in Hunger, Kolophone p. 170 sub nisqu), i-siq might be a scribal error for ni-siq (Bauer, Asb. p. 49 n. 2).

2[i-šim šim-ti] “[He determined as my lot]”: For this restoration, see text no. 186 line 7.

Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-22. Lemmatized by Joshua Jeffers, 2018-22, for the NEH-funded RINAP Project at the University of Pennsylvania. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as