Ashurbanipal 225
Obverse | ||
o 1o 1 | a-na dAMAR.UTU EN ṣi-i-ri [LUGAL DINGIR.MEŠ šur-bi-i e-tel-li ...] | (1) For the god Marduk, the exalted lord, [king of the gods, supreme one, pre-eminent one ...], one of exalted strength, [foremost of all the lords, ...], all-powerful one, foremost in heaven and netherworld, [who directs the Igīgū and Anunnakū gods ...], who bears the fierce divine weapon, hero [of the great gods, ...], the honored, perfect lord who[se] boundaries [cannot be transgressed ...]; |
o 22 | ||
o 33 | dan-dan-ni a-šá-red AN-e u KI-⸢tim⸣ [a-ši-ir dí-gì-gì u da-nun-na-ki ...] | |
o 44 | na-áš GIŠ.TUKUL.DINGIR ez-zu ma-am-⸢al⸣ [DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ ...] | |
o 55 | ||
o 66 | (6) the god Šazu (Marduk), who exterminates all of the wicke[d, who ...], who oversees everything, who holds the n[ose-rope of ...], who maintains the bond of heaven and netherworld, who [...], who is crowned with the crown of rulership, who [is adorned with] awesome ter[ror, who is ... with fearsomeness, ...], (10) the sun of the gods with blazing features [...], most skilled of the skilled, wise, intelligent, [adept, learned, ...], beneficent, discern[ing, ...], deep hearted, who evaluates [...], whose thoughts cannot be understood n[or ...], (15) lord of wells, springs, floods, and [seas, ...], creator of the black-headed (people), lord of crea[tion ...], merciful lord who acce[pts prayers (and) listens to ...], king of Babylo[n, lord of Esagil, the palace of heaven and netherworld, ...] | |
o 77 | ||
o 88 | ||
o 99 | a-pir AGA EN-ú-ti šá ra-šub-⸢ba⸣-[tú za-aʾ-nu pul-ḫa-a-ti ...] | |
o 1010 | ||
o 1111 | le-ʾi le-ʾu-ú-ti rap-šá GEŠTU.II er-šú [šal-ba-bu pal-ku-ú ...] | |
o 1212 | šad-lu ṣur-ra ka-raš ta-⸢šim⸣-[ti ...] | |
o 1313 | lìb-bu ru-ú-qu muš-ta-bil ⸢AŠ⸣ [...]3 | |
o 1414 | ||
o 1515 | ||
o 1616 | ba-nu-ú ṣal-mat SAG.DU EN nab-⸢ni⸣-[ti ...] | |
o 1717 | ||
o 1818 | ⸢LUGAL KÁ.DINGIR.RA?⸣.[KI EN é-sag-íl É.GAL AN-e u KI-tim ...] | |
Lacuna | ||
Reverse | ||
rr | Lacuna | |
r 1'1' | [a-na i-tab-bul] še-e-[rim u li-lá-a-ti ka-a-a-an la na-par-ka-a? ...] | (r 1') [to bring (offerings)] morni[ng and evening constantly (and) unceasingly ...]. |
r 2'2' | [a-na šat-ti dAMAR].⸢UTU⸣ EN GAL-u [NÍG.NA šu-a-tú ḫa-diš nap-lis-ma ...]6 | (r 2') [On account of this, O Mard]uk, the great lord, [look upon this censer with pleasure and ...] have [mercy] on [me, Ashur]banipal, [whenever I call out to you ... m]y [...], grant [my] petit[ion(s) ..., accept m]y [prayers (and)] listen to [my] ple[a(s) (so that) there not be (any) illness ...]. |
r 3'3' | [ia-a-ti mAN.ŠÁR]-DÙ-A ri-šá-⸢an⸣-[ni ARḪUŠ e-ma a-šá-as-su-ka ...] | |
r 4'4' | [...]-⸢ia?⸣ mu-gur ⸢tés-li?⸣-[ti ...] | |
r 5'5' | [le-qé un-ni-ni]-⸢ia⸣ ši-ma-a ⸢qa-ba⸣-[a-a la ba-še-e GIG na-x ...] | |
r 6'6' | [e-ma NÍG.NA] ⸢KÙ⸣.GI šu-a-tú ina ⸢ma⸣-[ḫar DINGIR-ti-ka DA ...] | (r 6') [Whenever] this gold [censer ...] be[fore your divinity ... Look constantly ... duri]ng the presentation of the bursaggê-offerings and the bu[r]g[ê-offerings, and ... good healt]h, happiness, a bright sp[irit, long life ... Give me a] just [scepter (and)] a true staff, [which ... the people, the subjects of the god Enlil, ...]. (rev. 10´) By your great command, [...] all of the kings who sit on [daises for/to ...]. May my land be expanded and may my people flourish [...]. Grant me abundance, prosperity, plenty, ... [...]. Kill my enemies (and) cut down my foes [in the midst of battle. ...]. |
r 7'7' | [... i?]-⸢na⸣ ṭuḫ-ḫe-e BUR.SAG.GÁ u ⸢bur-ge⸣-[e kak-dà-a nap-lis-ma ...]7 | |
r 8'8' | [ṭu-ub UZU].⸢MEŠ⸣ ḫu-ud lìb-bi na-mar ⸢ka⸣-[bat-ti TI.LA UD.MEŠ ...]8 | |
r 9'9' | [id-na GIŠ.GIDRU] ⸢i⸣-šar-tú GIŠ.UŠBAR₅ ⸢ki⸣-i-⸢nu⸣ [šá UN.MEŠ ba-ʾu?-lat dEN.LÍL? ...]9 | |
r 10'10' | ina qí-bi-ti-ka GAL-ti kul-lat LUGAL.MEŠ a-šib [pa-rak-ki a-na ...] | |
r 11'11' | ||
r 12'12' | šur-kam-ma ḪÉ.NUN ṭuḫ-du ḪÉ.GÁL-lu šam-ḫi-⸢iš?⸣ [...] | |
r 13'13' | né-er a-a-bi-ia šum-qí-ta ge-ra-a-a [ina qé-reb tam?-ḫa-ri ...] | |
r 14'14' | dzar-pa-ni-tum ḫi-ir-tu na-ram-ta-ka ⸢ba⸣-[laṭ ZI-tì-ia kak-dà-a ...] | (r 14') [May] the goddess Zarpanītu, your beloved spouse, (for) the pr[eservation of my life, constantly ... May] the god Nabû, the perfect son, your exalted vizier, [constantly ... May] the goddess Tašmētu, the daughter-in-law of Esagil, who resi[des inside ..., ...]. |
r 15'15' | ||
r 16'16' | ||
r 17'17' | ina BALA UD.MEŠ GÍD.DA.⸢MEŠ⸣ e-nu-ma ⸢NÍG⸣.[NA KÙ.GI šu-a-tú ...] | (r 17') During a reign in the distant future, when [this gold] cens[er ...], may he restore this gold censer, [not change its work, and ... May he write (on it)] the praise of the god Marduk, my lord, and [the mention of my name with his (own) name and ...]. |
r 18'18' | NÍG.NA KÙ.GI šu-a-tu li-id-diš-[ma ši-pir-šú a-a ú-šá-an-ni-ma ...] | |
r 19'19' | ta-nit-ti dAMAR.UTU EN-ia u [zi-kir šu-mì-ia it-ti šu-mì-šú liš-ṭur-ma ...] | |
r 20'20' | ša NÍG.NA KÙ.GI šu-a-tú ul-tu [é-sag-íl šu-bat be?-lu-ti-šú? ...] | (r 20') (As for) the one who [...] this gold censer from [Esagil, the seat of his lordship ...] or [removes] the praise of the god Marduk, [my lord, and the mention of my name ..., may] the god Marduk, the great lord, [make] inauspicious omens about him [appear in heaven and netherworld and not ..., may] the goddess Zarpanītu, the sublime lady, the spous[e ...]. |
r 21'21' | ù ta-nit-ti dAMAR.UTU [EN-ia ú-nak-kar-ú-ma zi-kir šu-mì-ia? ...] | |
r 22'22' | dAMAR.UTU EN GAL-u GIŠKIM.MEŠ lum-ni-šú [ina AN-e u KI-tim li-šá-pi-ma a-a ...] | |
r 23'23' | ||
Subscript ex. 3 | Subscript ex. 3 | |
r 24'24' | (r 24') That which is (written) upon the [gold] basket [of Marduk ...]. | |
r 25'25' | 55 MU.DIDLI ta-⸢nit⸣-[ti ...] | (r 25') Fifty-five lines of prai[se ...]. |
1The “Assyrian” version lacks the mu-de-e ŠÀ DINGIR.MEŠ “who knows the heart of the gods” that appears after dŠÀ.ZU “the god Šazu (Marduk)” in the “Babylonian” version of the inscription (see text no. 224 line 6).
2The scribe of ex. 4 instead placed this line after line 10.
3Either the “Assyrian” version lacks the ma-lik ra-ma-ni-šú šá ina gi-mir NU BAD AŠ TA x [...] “his own counselor who in all ...” that appears after lìb-bu ru-ú-qu “deep hearted” in the “Babylonian” version of the inscription (see text no. 224 line 9), or this element was replaced by the present muš-ta-bil ⸢AŠ⸣ [...] “who evaluates [...].” It is clear that the scribe of ex. 4 was aware of the reading in the “Babylonian” version; the exemplar contains [...]-⸢ú⸣-qu muš-⸢ta⸣-[...] with ma-lik ra-⸢ma⸣-[...] written in tiny script underneath this portion of the line.
4Based on spacing, ex. 4 has instead [šá ṭè-em-šú] la ú-⸢ta⸣-[...] “[whose thoughts] cannot be [...]” in which the broken verb la ú-⸢ta⸣-[...] is used in lieu of the la il-lam-ma-du “cannot be understood” of ex. 1. If the final preserved sign of the line on ex. 1 is in fact la, which the traces suggest, it is possible that ex. 4 has reversed two verbs in this line and thus contains the reading “[whose thoughts] cannot be [... nor understood]” while ex. 1 would then have “whose thoughts cannot be understood n[or ...].” Possibly read the damaged verb in ex. 4 as la ú-⸢ta⸣-[ad-du-u], “cannot be k[nown]” (see text no. 216 obv. 4).
5For this line, ex. 4 has [...] AB x [...].
6Ex. 2, the exemplar upon which the master text is dependent here, omits line 32 of the “Babylonian” version (text no. 224) that immediately precedes the present line in that version.
7The “Babylonian” version begins this line with ina ṭuḫ-ḫe-e “during the presentation of” (see text no. 224 line 37), yet there is enough room in the break at the beginning of the line in ex. 2 for about five signs. R. Borger (BIWA p. 202) read the line as “[..... i]-⸢na⸣ (oder [ina ..... níg]-⸢na⸣?).”
8Ex. 1 has x x (x)-⸢ti?-ia?⸣ (x) [...], in which the traces on the line do not fit ṭu-ub UZU.MEŠ “good health,” although R. Borger (BIWA p. 202) read this line of the exemplar as “⸢ṭu-ub⸣? [Spuren.”
9Ex. 1 has id-na LUGAL-ú-tu x x x x [...] “Give me kingship ... [...].” The master text is taken from ex. 2, which corresponds to the “Babylonian” version of the line (see text no. 224 line 39).
10The scribe erased šá-qu-tú “sublime” in ex. 3.
Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-22. Lemmatized by Joshua Jeffers, 2018-22, for the NEH-funded RINAP Project at the University of Pennsylvania. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as