Ashurbanipal 224
Obverse | ||
11 | a-na dAMAR.UTU EN ⸢ṣi⸣-[i]-⸢ru⸣ LUGAL DINGIR.MEŠ ⸢šur⸣-bi-i e-tel-⸢li⸣ [...] | (1) For the god Marduk, the ex[alte]d lord, king of the gods, supreme one, pre-eminent o[ne ...], one of exa[l]ted strength, foremost of all the lords, [...], all-powerful one, foremost in heaven and netherworld, who directs the Igīgū and [Anunnakū gods ...], who bears the fierce divine weapon, hero of the great gods, [...], the honored, perfect lord wh[o]se [boun]daries cannot be transgressed [...]; |
22 | ||
33 | dan-dan-nu a-šá-red AN-⸢e⸣ u KI-tim a-ši-ir dí-gì-gì u d[a-nun-na-ki ...] | |
44 | na-ši GIŠ.TUKUL.DINGIR ez-⸢zu⸣ ma-am-al DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ x [...] | |
55 | EN kab-tu gít-⸢ma-lum šá⸣ [i]-⸢ta⸣-a-šú la in-né-ti-qu x [...] | |
66 | ⸢dŠÀ.ZU⸣ mu-de-e ŠÀ ⸢DINGIR.MEŠ⸣ mu-bal-lu-u nap-ḫar rag-gi šá [...]1 | (6) the god Šazu (Marduk), who knows the heart of the g[od]s, who exterminates all of the wicked, who [...], who is crowned with the crown of rulershi[p, who] is adorned with [awesom]e terror, [who is ...] with fearsomen[ess, ...], most skilled of the skilled, w[i]s[e], [in]telligent, adept, le[arned, ...], deep hearted, his own counselor who in all ... [...], (10) lord of wells, springs, floods, and seas, [...], merciful lord who accepts prayers (and) listens to [...], king of Babylon, lord of Esagil, the palace of heaven [and netherworld ...], who renders just verdicts, who sets ri[ght ...]: |
77 | a-pir a-ge-e EN-ú-⸢tu⸣ [šá ra]-⸢šub⸣-ba-tú za-aʾ-nu pul-ḫa-a-[ti ...] | |
88 | le-ʾi le-ʾu-ú-ti ⸢rap-šá? GEŠTU⸣.[II] ⸢er⸣-šú šal-ba-bu ⸢pal⸣-[ku-ú ...] | |
99 | ŠÀ ru-ú-qu ma-lik ⸢ra⸣-ma-ni-šú ⸢šá⸣ ina gi-mir NU BAD AŠ TA x [...] | |
1010 | ||
1111 | EN réme-⸢nu⸣-ú ⸢le⸣-qu-ú un-nin-ni še-mu-ú [...] | |
1212 | ⸢LUGAL KÁ.DINGIR.RA⸣.KI EN é-sag-íl É.GAL AN-⸢e?⸣ [u KI-tim ...] | |
1313 | ||
1414 | a-na-ku mAN.ŠÁR-DÙ-A LUGAL GAL-u LUGAL dan-nu LUGAL ŠÚ ⸢BE?⸣ [...] | (14) I, Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, [...] in order to restore the cult centers (and) to provide for the shrin[es ...], who in distant days in h[is] anger [...] in order to exact vengeance and to take revenge ... [...]. |
1515 | ||
1616 | ||
1717 | ||
1818 | ina qí-bi-ti-šú ṣir-ti ak-šu-ud ELAM.MA.KI ⸢ú⸣-[...] | (18) By his exalted command, I conquered (the land) Elam [...]. With his support, I devastated his (the Elamite king’s) land and turned it into a was[teland ...]. |
1919 | ina tu-kul-ti-šú KUR-su ú-šaḫ-ri-ba ú-šá-li-ka ⸢na⸣-[mu-tu? ...] | |
2020 | ù mtug-dam-mì-i LUGAL ERIM-man-da ⸢tab-nit⸣ ti-amti tam-šil AN [...] | (20) Moreover, Tugdammî, the king of a barbarian horde, the creation of Tiamat, the (very) image of [...] in order not to commit a crime nor sin against the border of my land, the oat[h of ...] he scorned (and) did not fear your honored name which the Igīgū gods [...] to glorify your lordship and the might of your divinity [...]. According to your divine message that you sent me, saying, “I will scatter the band of [...].” |
2121 | a-na la e-peš an-ni la ḫa-⸢ṭe⸣-e mi-ṣir KUR-ia ni-⸢iš⸣ [...] | |
2222 | i-miš la ik-kud-ma ⸢zi⸣-kir-ka kab-tu šá dí-gì-⸢gì⸣ [...] | |
2323 | a-na šur-bi-i be-⸢lu⸣-ti-ka ù da-na-an DINGIR-ti-ka ⸢AŠ⸣ [...] | |
2424 | ki-i šip-ri DINGIR-ti-ka šá taš-pu-ra um-ma ú-sap-paḫ il-lat x [...] | |
2525 | msa-an-dak-šat-ru DUMU ṣi-it lìb-bi-šú šá a-na te-ni-šú iš-ku-nu a-⸢di?⸣ [...] | (25) Sandak-šatru, a son, his offspring, whom he established as his replacement, ... [...]. |
2626 | áš-me-ma at-ta-id dAMAR.UTU qar-du ù a-na zi-kir de₄-⸢ru₆⸣-[(u₈) ...] | (26) I listened and paid careful attention to the heroic god Marduk and to the command of the goddess Eru[(a) (Zarpanītu) ...]. I had a basket made of reddish gold (and) pašallu-gold [a]nd [...]. Through the craft of the god Kusibanda, I skillfully created [...] and in order to present [...]. With the [k]ikiṭṭê-rituals of the [in]cantation priest’s craft (and) with the purification of the goddess Kus[u ...] (30) to present [the m]eal, to give the food offerings and [...] to bring (offerings) morning and evening constantly (and) un[ceasingly ...]. When the god Nindagud carries this gold basket and the god Mīnâ-īkul-[bēlī ...]. |
2727 | ||
2828 | ina ši-pir dkù-⸢si₂₂⸣-bàn-da nak-liš ab-ni-ma a-na qur-ru-bi x [...] | |
2929 | ina ⸢KÌD⸣.KÌD-ṭè-e ⸢KA⸣.KÙ.⸢GÁL⸣-ú-ti ina te-lil-ti d⸢kù-sù⸣ [...] | |
3030 | ||
3131 | ⸢a⸣-na i-tab-bul še-rim u li-lá-a-ti ka-a-a-an ⸢la⸣ [na-par-ka-a? ...] | |
3232 | e-nu-ma dNÍNDA.GU₄ MA.SÁ.AB KÙ.GI šu-a-tú i-na-áš-šu-ma dmi-na-a-⸢i-kul⸣-[be-lí ...]3 | |
3333 | a-na šat-ti dAMAR.UTU EN GAL-u MA.SÁ.AB šu-a-tú ḫa-diš nap-lis-ma [...] | (33) On account of this, O Marduk, the great lord, look upon this basket with pleasure and [...] have mercy on me, Ashurbanipal, whenever I call out to you [...], accept my prayers (and) listen to my plea(s) (so that) there not be (any) illness ... [...]. |
3434 | ia-a-ti mAN.ŠÁR-DÙ-A ri-šá-an-ni ARḪUŠ e-ma a-šá-as-su-ka [...] | |
3535 | le-qé un-ni-ni-⸢ia⸣ ši-mé qa-ba-a-a la ba-še-e GIG na-x [...] | |
3636 | e-ma MA.SÁ.AB KÙ.GI šu-a-tú ina ma-ḫar DINGIR-ti-ka DA x [...] | (36) Whenever this gold basket [...] before your divinity ... [...]. Look constantly during the presentation of the bursaggê-offerings and the burgê-offerings, and [...] good health, happiness, a bright spirit, long life [...]. Give me a just scepter (and) a true staff, which [...] the people, the subj[ects of the god Enlil, ...]. (40) By your great command, [...] all of the kings who sit on daises for/to [...]. Kill my enemies (and) cut down my foes in the midst of b[attle. ...]. |
3737 | ina ṭuḫ-ḫe-e BUR.SAG.GÁ u bur-ge-e kak-dà-a nap-lis-ma x [...] | |
3838 | ṭu-ub UZU.MEŠ ḫu-ud lìb-bi na-mar ka-bat-ti TI.LA UD.MEŠ [...] | |
3939 | id-na GIŠ.GIDRU i-šar-tú GIŠ.UŠ.⸢BAR ki⸣-i-nu šá UN.MEŠ ba-⸢ʾu?⸣-[lat dEN.LÍL? ...] | |
4040 | ina qí-bi-ti-ka GAL-tú kul-lat LUGAL.MEŠ-⸢ni a⸣-šib ⸢pa-rak⸣-ki a-⸢na⸣ [...] | |
4141 | šur*-kam*-ma* ḪÉ*.NUN* ṭuḫ*-du* ḪÉ*.GÁL*-[lu*] šam*-ḫi*-iš* (erased line) [...]4 | |
4242 | né-er a-a-bi-ia šum-qí-ta ge-ra-a-a ina qé-reb ⸢tam?⸣-[ḫa-ri ...] | |
4343 | dzar-pa-ni-tum ḫi-ir-tú na-⸢ram⸣-ta-ka ba-laṭ ZI-tì-ia kak-⸢dà⸣-[a ...] | (43) [May] the goddess Zarpanītu, your beloved spouse, (for) the preservation of my life, constan[tly ... May] the god Nabû, the perfect son, your exalted vizier, constantl[y ... May] the goddess Tašmētu, the daughter-in-law of Esagil, who resides inside [..., ...]. |
4444 | ||
4545 | ||
4646 | ina BALA-e UD.MEŠ GÍD.DA.MEŠ e-nu-ma MA.SÁ.AB KÙ.⸢GI⸣ [šu-a-tú ...] | (46) During a reign in the distant future, when [this] gold basket [...], may he restore this gold basket, not [change] its work, [and ... May he write (on it)] the praise of the god Marduk, my lord, and the mention of my name w[ith his (own) name and ...]. |
4747 | MA.SÁ.AB KÙ.GI šu-a-tú li-diš-ma ši-pir-šú a-⸢a⸣ [ú-šá-an-ni-ma ...] | |
4848 | ta-nit-ti dAMAR.UTU EN-ia u zi-kir šu-mì-ia ⸢it⸣-[ti šu-mì-šú liš-ṭur-ma ...] | |
4949 | ⸢šá MA.SÁ.AB KÙ.GI⸣ šu-a-tú ul-tu ⸢é⸣-sag-íl šu-bat ⸢be?⸣-[lu-ti-šú? ...] | (49) (As for) the one who [...] this gold basket from Esagil, the seat of [his] l[ordship ... or] removes [the praise of] the god Marduk, my lord, and the menti[on of my name ..., may the god Mardu]k, [the grea]t [lord, make] inauspicious omens about him [appear] in heaven and netherworld [and not ...]. |
5050 | [ù ta-nit-ti] ⸢d⸣AMAR.UTU EN-ia ú-nak-⸢kar⸣-ú-ma zi-⸢kir⸣ [šu-mì-ia? ...] | |
5151 | [dAMAR].⸢UTU⸣ [EN GAL]-⸢u⸣ GIŠKIM.MEŠ lum-⸢ni⸣-šú ina AN-e u KI-tim [li-šá-pi-ma a-a ...] | |
5252 | (52) Fifty lines which are (written) upon the gold basket of the god [Marduk ...]. |
1⸢dŠÀ.ZU⸣ mu-de-e ŠÀ ⸢DINGIR.MEŠ⸣ “the god Šazu (Marduk), who knows the heart of the g[od]s”: This is a scribal play on words given that the Sumerian element ŠÀ.ZU translates to “one who knows the heart.” Furthermore, dŠÀ.ZU (along with its Akkadian translation) is given as the eighteenth name of Marduk in Enūma Eliš Tablet VII line 35.
2tur-ri tuk-te-e AN x [...] “to take revenge ... [...]”: R. Borger (BIWA p. 202) rendered the end of the line as AN ⸢AŠ⸣ [...] and suggested the reading d⸢aš⸣-[šur?], which would translate “to take revenge (on behalf) of the god A[ššur].” However, there appear to be traces of a vertical wedge along the break in the tablet, so the horizontal wedge after AN could be the first element of a larger sign and not AŠ.
3dmi-na-a-⸢i-kul⸣-[be-lí] “the god Mīnâ-īkul-[bēlī]”: In Tablet II lines 263–264 of the god list AN: da-nu-um (Litke, God-Lists p. 98), the god Mīnâ-īkul-bēlī “What did my lord eat?” appears with the god Mīnâ-išti-bēlī “What did my lord drink?,” who are identified as the cook and brewer, respectively, of the Esagil temple.
4This entire line of the tablet is erased (see Figure 20), thus “Grant me abundance, prosperity, plen[ty], ...” is not included in the translation. It is clear that the scribe of this version of the inscription was aware of the “Assyrian” version (text no. 225) given that this line comes from rev. 12´ of the latter.
5a-ši-bat ka-bit-ti x [...] “who resides inside [...]”: M. Streck (Asb. pp. 286–287) read [é-zi-da?] “[Ezida]” after ka-bit-ti “inside,” but the traces of the sign before the break do not conform with the beginning of é.
Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-22. Lemmatized by Joshua Jeffers, 2018-22, for the NEH-funded RINAP Project at the University of Pennsylvania. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as