Ashurbanipal 223

Columns i and ii are not edited here

Columns i and ii are not edited here

Column iii
iiiiii Lacuna


1´–35´ The inscription of Sennacherib and measurements and descriptions of Zarpanītu’s bed and Marduk’s throne are not edited here

iii 1´–35´ The inscription of Sennacherib and measurements and descriptions of Zarpanītu’s bed and Marduk’s throne are not edited here

iii 36'36'

da-ba-bu šá ina UGU GIŠ. šá ina UGU GIŠ.GU.ZA ša dEN

(iii 36') Wording (of the inscription) that was erased from the bed (and) the throne of the god Bēl (Marduk), which were deposited in the temple of (the god) Aššur, (and that of the inscription) written upon (them) in the name of Ashurbanipal. Simānu (III), the twenty-seventh day, eponymy of Awiānu (655), th[ey were returned t]o Ba[byl]on [(...)].

iii 37'37'

šá ina É AN.ŠÁR kar-rat-u-ni pa-áš-šu-ṭu-u-ni1

iii 38'38'

MU šá mAN.ŠÁR--A ina muḫ-ḫi šà-ṭir-u-ni

iii 39'39'

ITI.SIG₄ UD.27.KAM lim-mu ma-ú-ia-nu [a]-na .[DINGIR].RA.KI

iii 40'40'

[(...)] ú-[ter-(ru)]

Column iv
iviv Lacuna


iv 1'1'

[...] x x [...]

(iv 1') [...] ... [...] ... [..., O l]ord, being furious (and) relenting, [destroying (and) c]reating, (and) depopulating (and) (re)populating (regions) [are] in your hands. (iv ) (As for) Esagil, the terrifying cella, the seat of [your] supreme pow[er, you command]ed your beloved king to restore you[r] divine work.

iv 2'2'

[...] x I BAL LU? [...]

iv 3'3'

[...] be-lum e-ze-zu nap-šú-ru x [...]

iv 4'4'

[x (x)] ba-nu-u šu-ud-du-u šu-šu-bu qa-tuk-ka [ba-šu-u]2

iv 5'5'

é-sag-íl ku-um-mu ra-áš-bu šu-bat dEN.LÍL-ú-[ti-ka]

iv 6'6'

[taq?]-bi? a-na LUGAL na-ram-i-ka ud-du-šú šip-ri DINGIR-ti-ka

iv 7'7'

[a-na]-ku mAN.ŠÁR--A MAN KUR -šur.KI re-e-šú mut-nen-nu-ka

(iv 7') I, Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, your pious servant; [son of E]sarhaddon, king of Assyria; (grand)son of Sennacherib, king of Assyria; [who reve]res the command of your great divinity, who is assiduous towards your places (of worship) and your daises, who carries out in full your cultic rites, (and) who placates your mood:

iv 8'8'


iv 9'9'

[pa]-lìḫ a-mat DINGIR-ti-ka GAL-ti muš-te--u áš-re-e-ka

iv 10'10'

ù BÁRA.MEŠ-ka mu-šal-lim GARZA.MEŠ-ka mu-šap-ši-iḫ kab-<ta>-ti-ka3

iv 11'11'

[é]-sag-íl ú-šak-lil GABA.RI ap-si-i É*.GAL be-lu₄-ti-ka4

(iv 11') I completed [Esa]gil. I decorated the replica of the apsû, the palace of your lordly majesty, with [g]old, making (it) shine like daylight. [I mad]e the exalted chariot of the king of the gods (Marduk), the vehicle of the lord of lords. [I skillfully made a bed of] [m]usukkannu-[woo]d, a durable wood, (as) a pleasure bed, (iv 15´) [that is c]lad with [pašallu-gold] (and) studded with precious stones, [...] whose sid[e]s are surrounded with [...] ... [...] it was truly set up [fo]r the god Marduk (and) the godde[ss Zarp]anītu, the de[ities who l]ove each other. [To preserve] my [li]fe (and) prolong my days, I presented (these objects) as a gift (to them).

iv 12'12'

.GI ú-za-ʾi-in ú-nam-mir GIM u₄-me

iv 13'13'


iv 14'14'

[GIŠ.] GIŠ.MES..KAN.NA iṣ-ṣi da-re-e ma-a-a-al tak--e

iv 15'15'

[šá pa-šal-lu] lit-bu-šá-at NA₄.MEŠ ni-siq-ti za--na-at

iv 16'16'

[...] x šá šu-us-ḫu-ra i-ta-tu-u-šá

iv 17'17'

[...] x [...] x x

iv 18'18'

[... a]-na dAMAR.UTU d[zar]-pa-ni-tum DINGIR.[MEŠ mur]-ta-me ke-niš kun-nat

iv 19'19'

[a-na TIN?] ZI.MEŠ-ia GÍD UD.MEŠ-ia a-na ši-rik-ti áš-ruk

iv 20'20'

[e-nu-ma] ḫa-šá-du i-šak-ka-nu ir-ru-bu É ru-ʾa-a-me

(iv 20') [When] they perform [the m]arriage rites (and) enter the house of lovemaking, may both gods speak about my [...] to each other, (and) may they bless my kingship [with] their holy [p]ronouncement(s), which cannot be altered. May they let me, the one who is assiduous towards their places (of worship), achieve my heart’s [d]esire. May they flatten my enemies (for me), the one who fulfills their heart’s wish.

iv 21'21'

[x x (x)]-ia a-na a-ḫa-meš liq-bu-u DINGIR.MEŠ ki-lal-la-an

iv 22'22'

[ina] ṣi-it pi-i-šú-nu ša la KÚR-ri lik-ru-bu LUGAL-ti

iv 23'23'

ṣu-me-rat ŠÀ-ia li-šak-ši-du-in-ni šá áš-te-ʾa-a áš-ri-šú-un

iv 24'24'

[].KÚR.MEŠ-ia li-is-pu-nu šá ú-šal-li-mu bi-bil ŠÀ-šú-un

iv 25'25'

[ša] šu- šaṭ-ru i-pa-áš-ši-ṭu-ma MU-šú i-šaṭ-ṭa-ru

(iv 25') [(But) as for the one who] erases my inscribed name and writes his (own) name, (or) effaces (and) destroys [the m]ention of the king who is assiduous towards the sanctuaries of the god Marduk (and) the goddess Zarpanītu by any crafty device that there is, may the god Marduk, king of the gods, take away his libido (and) make his seed disappear, (and) may the goddess Zarpanītu speak evil about him in the bedroom, the (private) room of the head of the family.

iv 26'26'

zi-kir LUGAL muš-te--u áš-rat dAMAR.UTU dzar-pa-ni-tum

iv 27'27'

ina mim-ma ši-pir ni-kil-ti ma-la ba-šú-u i-sa-pa-nu ib-ba-

iv 28'28'

dAMAR.UTU MAN DINGIR.MEŠ ni- ŠÀ-šú le-e-ṭi-ir li-ḫal-liq NUMUN-šú

iv 29'29'

dzar-pa-ni-tum ina ur-ši É ḫa-am-mu-ti le-mut-ta-šú lit-tas-qar



1kar-rat-u-ni “deposited”: This verb is an Assyrian form of a 3fs G stative with the subjunctive from karāru (CAD K p. 209 sub karāru A 1.c.2´) that collectively refers to the bed and throne of Marduk in iii 36´ rather than a 3ms D stative from karātu (Grayson and Novotny, RINAP 3 p. 231 no. 162 iii 37´) that refers back to dabābu “wording (of the inscription)” at the beginning of that line.

2[x (x)] “[destroying]”: At the beginning of this line, T. Bauer (Asb. p. 50 n. 1) suggested restoring a-ba-tu “destroying,” while E. Matsushima (ASJ 10 [1988] p. 104 note for I 3´) suggested a-ba-tu₄ u “destroying and.” Against these proposals, it appears that there is only enough space at the beginning of the line for one or two signs. Since iv 3´–4´ contain pairs of infinitives that are antonyms of each other, the antonym of banû might appear at the end of iv 3´, where there is room for about four or five signs, then an u or ù could be at the beginning of iv 4´. However, the traces of the sign after nap-šú-ru on the edge of the break in iv 3´ do not seem to fit a and no other antonym pair of these lines has a conjunction between them. Despite these difficulties, the translation assumes that some antonym of banû “creating” with a meaning of “destroying” appears in the break. [ba-šu-u] “[are]”: The reconstruction of ba-šu-u at the end of iv 4´ is based upon Grayson, RIMA 3 p. 227 no. 2002 line 5 and Leichty, RINAP 4 p. 104 no. 48 obv. 8.

3kab-<ta>-ti-ka “your mood”: Or possibly read the signs as kaba-ti-ka.

4É*.GAL “the palace of”: The É sign lacks a vertical wedge.

Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-22. Lemmatized by Joshua Jeffers, 2018-22, for the NEH-funded RINAP Project at the University of Pennsylvania. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as