Ashurbanipal 217
Obverse | ||
oo | Lacuna | |
o 1'1' | [ad-ka-a] ⸢dALAD⸣.[MEŠ dLAMMA.MEŠ EN.NUN.MEŠ šu]-⸢ut É.KUR ma⸣-[la ba-šú-u] | (1') [I removed] šē[dus (and) lamassus], as [many protectors o]f the temple [as there were. I ri]pped out the rag[i]ng wild bulls that adorned gate[ways]. I [had the sanctua]ries of the land Elam utterly [destroyed (and)] I counted its [god]s (and) its goddesses as ghos[ts]. (5´) (As for) their secret groves, [into] which no outsider has (ever) gaze[d] (or) set foot within their borders, my battle troops e[ntered] inside them, saw the[i]r secrets, (and) burned (them) with fi[re]. |
o 2'2' | [ú-na]-⸢as⸣-si-ḫa AM.⸢MEŠ⸣ na-ad-⸢ru⸣-ti si-mat ⸢KÁ⸣.[MEŠ-ni] | |
o 3'3' | [eš]-⸢re⸣-e-ti KUR.e-⸢lam⸣-ti a-⸢di⸣ la ba-še-e ⸢ú⸣-[šal-pit] | |
o 4'4' | ||
o 5'5' | [GIŠ].TIR.MEŠ-šú-nu ⸢pa⸣-az-ra-a-ti šá ⸢mám⸣-ma a-ḫu-u la ú-šar-[ru ina lìb-bi] | |
o 6'6' | ⸢la⸣ i-kab-ba-su i-ta-ši-in ⸢LÚ⸣.ERIM.MEŠ MÈ-ia qé-reb-šin ⸢e⸣-[ru-bu] | |
o 7'7' | ||
o 8'8' | [ki]-⸢maḫ⸣-ḫi LUGAL.ME-šú-nu maḫ-⸢ru⸣-ti u ⸢EGIR⸣.MEŠ la pa-li-ḫu-ti AN.⸢ŠÁR⸣ [d30]1 | (8') [I destr]oyed (and) demolished [the to]mbs of their earlier and [l]ater kings, (men) who had not revered the deities Ašš[ur, Sîn, N]ingal, (and) Nusku, my lords, (and) who had disturbed the kings, [my] ancestor[s]; I exposed (them) to the sun (lit. “the god Šamaš”). I took their [b]one(s) to [Assyria]. I prevented their [ghos]ts from sleeping (and) depri[ved them] of funerary libations. |
o 9'9' | [d]⸢nin⸣-gal dnusku EN.MEŠ-⸢ia mu⸣-nàr-ri-ṭu ⸢LUGAL⸣.MEŠ AD.[MEŠ-ia] | |
o 10'10' | [ap]-⸢pul⸣ aq-qur dUTU ú-kal-lim ⸢GÌR⸣.PAD.DU-šú-nu ⸢al⸣-qa-a a-na ⸢KUR⸣ [AN.ŠÁR.KI] | |
o 11'11' | ⸢GIDIM⸣.MEŠ-šú-nu la ṣa-la-lu e-⸢mì⸣-id ki-⸢is-pi⸣ naq me-e ú-za-am-[me-šú-nu-ti] | |
o 12'12' | [ma]-⸢lak⸣ ITI 25 UD.MEŠ na-ge-⸢e⸣ KUR.ELAM.MA.KI ú-⸢šaḫ⸣-[rib] | (12') [On a mar]ch of one month (and) twenty-five days, I devast[ated] the districts of the land Elam (and) scattered [sa]lt (and) cress over them (lit. “it”). |
o 13'13' | ||
o 14'14' | [DUMU.MUNUS].⸢MEŠ LUGAL⸣.MEŠ NIN₉.MEŠ ⸢LUGAL⸣.[MEŠ] ⸢a⸣-di qin-ni maḫ-ri-tu u ar-ki-⸢tu⸣ | (14') [The daughter]s of kings, the sisters of kin[gs], along with earlier and late[r] family [of the kings of the land] Elam, [offi]cials (and) mayor[s of those cities, as many as I] had conquered, chief archers, captains, [charioteers, third m]en (of chariot crews), cavalrymen, arche[r]s, [eunuchs, engineers, ev]ery kind of artisan there [was, people — male and female, young and old — ho]rses, mules, (20´) [donkeys, oxen, and sheep and goats, wh]ich were more num[erous] than locusts — [I carried (them) off to Assyria]. |
o 15'15' | [šá LUGAL.MEŠ KUR].⸢e-lam-ti⸣ [LÚ.qé]-⸢pa⸣-a-ni LÚ.ḫa-za-na-a-⸢ti⸣ | |
o 16'16' | [ša URU.MEŠ šá-a-tu-nu ma-la] ⸢ak⸣-šu-du LÚ.GAL GIŠ.PAN.MEŠ LÚ.GAR-nu.⸢MEŠ⸣ | |
o 17'17' | [LÚ.mu-kil KUŠ.PA.MEŠ LÚ.3].⸢U₅⸣.MEŠ LÚ.šá pét-ḫal LÚ.ERIM.MEŠ GIŠ.⸢PAN⸣ | |
o 18'18' | [LÚ.SAG.MEŠ LÚ.kit-kit-tu-u] ⸢gi⸣-mir um-ma-a-ni ma-la ba-⸢šú⸣-[u] | |
o 20'20' | [ANŠE.MEŠ GU₄.MEŠ u US₅.UDU.ḪI.A] ⸢ša⸣ UGU BURU₅.ḪI.A ma-⸢aʾ⸣-[du] | |
o 21'21' | [áš-lu-la a-na KUR AN.ŠÁR.KI SAḪAR].⸢ḪI⸣.A URU.šu-šá-⸢an u⸣ URU.⸢ma⸣-[dak-tu] | (21'b) [I gathered earth fr]om the cities Susa and Mad[aktu, Ḫaltemaš, and the res]t of [his] cult center[s (and) took (it) to Assyria. I allowed on]ager[(s and) gazelles], |
o 22'22' | ||
o 23'23' | [e-si-pa al-qa-a a-na KUR AN.ŠÁR.KI] ⸢ANŠE.EDIN⸣.[NA MAŠ.DÀ.MEŠ] | |
Lacuna of probably 1 line | ||
Reverse | ||
rr | Lacuna of probably 3 lines | |
r 1'1' | [...] x [...]2 | (r 1') [As for) the goddess Nanāya, who 1,635 years (ago) became angry (and) went to liv]e in the land Elam, a pl[ac]e not [befitting her, then, at that time (when) she — and the gods], her [fat]hers — nominated me for rulin[g over the lands, sh]e entrusted [me] with [the return of her lordly majesty, (rev. 5´) saying: “Ashurbanipal will bring me out o]f the [evil] land Elam [and] make me enter Ea[nna (again)].” |
r 2'2' | [ta-as-bu-su tal-li-ku tu-ši]-⸢bu qé⸣-reb ⸢KUR.ELAM.MA.KI a-šar la⸣ [si-ma-ti-šá] | |
r 3'3' | [ù ina u₄-me-šú ši-i ù DINGIR.MEŠ] ⸢AD⸣.MEŠ-šá tab-bu-u šu-mì a-⸢na⸣ be-[lut KUR.KUR] | |
r 4'4' | ||
r 5'5' | ||
r 6'6' | [lem-né-ti ú-še-ṣa-an-ni-ma] ⸢ú⸣-še-rab-an-⸢ni⸣ qé-⸢reb é-an⸣-[na] | |
r 7'7' | [a-mat qí-bit DINGIR-ti-šú-un] ⸢ša⸣ ul-tu UD.⸢MEŠ SÙ⸣.MEŠ ⸢iq⸣-[bu-u]3 | (r 7') [The word(s) of their divine command th]at th[ey] had s[poken] in [di]stant days, [they now disclosed to] the people of a later generation. I g[rasped] the hands of her gre[a]t divinity. She took [the direct path, which] pleases the heart, t[o Eanna. (rev. 10´) I made h]er [enter into Uruk] and [made (her) dwell on] (her) eter[nal] dais in Eḫiliana, which she l[oves]. |
r 8'8' | [e-nen-na ú-kal-li-mu] UN.MEŠ EGIR.MEŠ ŠU.II ⸢DINGIR-ti⸣-šá GAL-ti ⸢at⸣-[mu-uḫ] | |
r 9'9' | [ḫar-ra-nu i-šir-tu šá] ⸢ul⸣-lu-uṣ lìb-bi ta-aṣ-ba-ta ⸢a⸣-[na é-an-na] | |
r 10'10' | [ina qé-reb UNUG.KI ú-še-rib]-⸢ši⸣-ma ina é-ḫi-li-an-na ša ⸢ta⸣-[ram-mu] | |
r 11'11' | ||
r 12'12' | [UN.MEŠ ù šal-lat KUR.ELAM.MA].⸢KI ša⸣ ina ⸢qí⸣-bit AN.[ŠÁR] ⸢d30 d⸣[UTU] | (r 12') [(As for) the people and the booty of the land Elam], which I had plun[dered] by the command of the deities Aš[šur], Sîn, [Šamaš, Bēl (Marduk), Nabû, Ištar of Nineveh], Šarrat-Kidmu[ri, Ištar of Arbela, Ninurta], Nergal, (and) Nusku — (rev. 15´) [I gave the best (of them) to my gods]. I [added] the archers, [shield bearers, artisans, (and) engineers whom I had carr]ied off fr[om the land Elam to my royal contingent. I divided up the rest] l[ike sheep and goats among m]y [governors, my] n[obles, my cult centers, (and) my entire camp]. |
r 13'13' | ||
r 14'14' | ||
r 15'15' | [re-še-e-ti a-na DINGIR.MEŠ-ia áš-ruk] ⸢LÚ⸣.ERIM.MEŠ GIŠ.⸢PAN⸣ [GIŠ.a-rit] | |
r 16'16' | [LÚ.um-ma-ni LÚ.kit-kit-tu-u šá áš]-⸢lu⸣-la ⸢ul⸣-tú ⸢qé⸣-[reb KUR.ELAM.MA.KI] | |
r 17'17' | ||
r 18'18' | ||
r 19'19' | [ma-ḫa-za-ni-ia gi-mir KARAŠ-ia] ⸢ki⸣-[ma ṣe-e-ni ú-za-ʾi-iz] | |
r 20'20' | [...] x [...] | |
Lacuna |
1Text no. 9 (Prism F) v 50 only has d15 GAŠAN-ia “the goddess Ištar, my lady” instead of this list of gods.
2The translation assumes that this line contained dna-na-a ša 1 LIM 6 ME 30.ÀM 5 MU.AN.NA.MEŠ “(As for) the goddess Nanāya, who 1,635 years (ago)”; see text no. 9 (Prism F) vi 107.
3Given that the tablet has the verb ⸢iq⸣-[bu-u] “th[ey had spoken]” for the taq-bu-u “she had spoken” of text no. 9 (Prism F) vi 6, the tablet appears to be following the tradition found in text no. 10 (Prism T) v 24–26 and also later in text no. 11 (Prism A) vi 116–118. Thus, the reconstruction of these lines follows the reading of text no. 10 (Prism T) in which the great gods are the subject of the sentence.
Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-22. Lemmatized by Joshua Jeffers, 2018-22, for the NEH-funded RINAP Project at the University of Pennsylvania. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as