Ashurbanipal 216

o 1o 1

[...] x [...]

(1) [...] ... [...] ... [... cannot be underst]ood nor know[n, ... (5) ..., whose command cannot be c]hanged (and) (who)se word(s) [..., who pacifies the heart of] god and goddess, who knows [...], b[y w]ho[m] destruction and creation are brought about, [... without whom] no [judge]ment is given (and) no consultat[ion] is made.

o 22

[...] SAR EL [...]

o 33

[...] nam?-riš li-x [...]

o 44

[... la? il-lam?]-ma?-du la ú-ta-ad-du?-[u ...]1

o 55

[... šá -bit-su la ut]-tak-ka-ru a-mat-su [...]

o 66

[... mu-ni-iḫ lìb-bi] DINGIR u d-tar mu-ud-de [...]2

o 77

[...] ša a-ba-tu u ba-nu-u šub-šu-u it?-[ti-šú?]

o 88

[... ša e-la šá-a-šú] šip-ṭu la SUM-nu la -šak-ka-nu mit-lu-uk-[tu]

o 99

[...] x ba-nu-u ŠÀ.TÙR mu-rap-pi-šú su-pu-ri

(9) [...] who creates fertility (lit. “the womb”), who expands the sheepfold [... at whose appearance re]newal is present, makes sign(s) appear, (and) establishes the mood of the people [..., who] meets [wit]h the god Šamaš and secures the throne, makes a reign firm [...] ..., who selects (lit. “raises the eye”) (and) nominates the prince who reveres [h]i[m ... of the gods Anu, Enl]il, and Ea, who averts the troubles of those of heaven and netherworld, who cancels (inauspicious) omens [...] the height of heaven, who cares for their (cosmic) bonds (15) [...] at whose bright light those of the netherworld gaze [...], who resides in Eḫulḫul that is inside the city Ḫarrān, the great lord, his lord

o 1010

[x ša ina IGI.DU₈.A-šú] te-diš-ta šak-nu ú-šá-pu-u ṣa-ad-da pi-i UN.MEŠ ú-kan-nu3

o 1111

[... šá it]-ti dUTU -ta-tu-ma ú-šar-šá-du GIŠ.GU.ZA BALA-ú ú-kan-nu

o 1212

[...] x-ti šá e-na i-na-áš-šú-u i-zak-ka-ru NUN pa-liḫ-šú4

o 1313

[... da-nim? dEN].LÍL u dé-a mu-še-tiq ú-di šu-ut AN KI mu-pa-as-si-su GIŠKIM.MEŠ

o 1414

[...] ID e-lat AN-e mu-paq--du rik-se-šú-un

o 1515

[...] ša UD.DA-šú nam-ri i-na-aṭ-ṭa-lu šu-ut KI.TA.MEŠ

o 1616

[...] x a-šib é-ḫúl-ḫúl šá -reb URU.KASKAL EN GAL-e EN-šú

o 1717

[a-na-ku mAN.ŠÁR--A ... NUN] mun-dal-ku LUGAL ŠÚ na-ram AN.ŠÁR u d-[tar]

(17) [I, Ashurbanipal, ...], judi[c]ious [ruler], king of the world, beloved by (the god) Aššur and the goddess I[štar, ... the goddess N]ingal wife of the princely son, the divine l[ight (Sîn) (20) ..., w]ho carries out in full [their] cultic rites, [..., who la]vishly provides [their] regular o[fferings ...] ... to [their] place [...] ... the dais of [...] ... [...]

o 1818

[... d]nin-gal ḫi-rat DUMU NUN-e dŠEŠ.[KI-ri]

o 1919

[...] mu-šal-li-mu GARZA.MEŠ?-[šú-un?]

o 2020

[... mu]-ṭaḫ-ḫi-du sat-tuk-[ki-šú-un?]

o 21'21'

[...] x-ú-ti a-na áš-ri-[šú-un? (...)]

o 2222

[...] x LU KI BÁRA d?[...]

o 2323

[...] x DI x [...]

o 2424

[...] SAG [...]





r 1'1'

[ša ... la-pa-an É a-ki-ti (d30) ú-nak]-kar-ú-ma ana šip-ri šá-[nim-ma ep-pu-šú]

(r 1') [(As for) the one who remov]es [this ... from the akītu-house (of the god Sîn)] and [(re)fashions (its metal)] for a[nother] work, [or destroys the praise of the god Sîn, my lord, and] chan[ges the mention of] my name, [may the god Sîn, the great lord, make his living quarters so terrifying to him that] he must roam around outs[ide, (and) ...] ... ma[y he command] that he not live one (more) day.

r 2'2'

[ù ta-nit-ti d30 EN-ia ib-ba-tu-ma zi-kir] MU-ia ú-šá-an-[nu-u]

r 3'3'

[d30 EN GAL-u ga-nun-šú lu-šag-lid-su-ma] li-ir-pu-da ka-ma-[a-ti]5

r 4'4'

[...] (x) x NU u₄-mu sa-an-tak la ba-laṭ-su liq-[bi]

r 5'5'

[(an-ni-u) ša ina UGU ...] É a-ki-ti d30 ša URU.KASKAL

(r 5') [(This is) what is (written) upon ... of] the akītu-house of the god Sîn of the city Ḫarrān.

1[la? il-lam?]-ma?-du “[cannot be underst]ood”: For the suggested reconstruction of this verb, see text no. 225 obv. 14 and the on-page note to that line.

2Following T. Bauer (Asb. p. 42), the first half of the line is reconstructed based on text no. 208 obv. 6. Bauer also translated the latter part of the line as “festsetzt [Tag, Monat und Jahr]” based on line 3 of that text (mu-ad-du-ú u₄-me ITI u MU.[AN.NA ...] “[w]ho marks the day, month, and y[ear ...]”), but one expects the D stem of the participle, mu-ad-du-ú, and there is not enough space in the break at the end of the line to restore all those signs. It is unclear if mu-ud-de is a less common writing for the G participle (mu-de-e) or the D participle (mu-ad-de-e), or if there are additional signs of the word in the break, such as mu-ud-di-[], “one who restor[es].”

3The restorations at the beginning of the line come from text no. 208 obv. 10.

4šá e-na i-na-áš-šú-u i-zak-ka-ru “who selects (lit. ‘raises the eye’) (and) nominates”: T. Bauer (Asb. p. 42) read šá e-na i-na-áš-šú-[u] u i-zak-ka-ru “who select[s] (lit. ‘raise[s] the eye’) and nominates”; however, there is no room for a second winkelhaken between the šú and u that are present on the tablet.

5For the restoration of this line, see text no. 209 rev. 19.

Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-22. Lemmatized by Joshua Jeffers, 2018-22, for the NEH-funded RINAP Project at the University of Pennsylvania. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as