Ashurbanipal 215

Column i


i 1'1'

[ú]-rab-[ba-a EDIN--šú]

(i 1') [I enl]a[rged it].

i 2'2'

[ú]-še-piš-[ma GIŠ.er-me a-nu]

(i 2') [I had a canopy, which] rivals the heave[ns], made [from m]usukkannu-[wood], a d[urable] wood. (i ) I [then] c[lad] its [peri]meter [with thirty-four ta]lents (and) twenty minas of [reddish] gold (and thereby) [rei]nforced [its] bonds. I stretched out its [cov]ering [ove]r the god Marduk, the great lord, [and (thus)] secured [its] roof.

i 3'3'

[GIŠ].MES..KAN.NA iṣ-ṣi da-[re-e]

i 4'4'

[šá] šit-nu-nu šá-ma-[me-]

i 5'5'

[34] GUN 20 MA.NA .GI [ḪUŠ.A]

i 6'6'

[kip]-pat-su ú-šal-[biš]

i 7'7'

[ú]-dan-ni-na rik-se-e-[šú]

i 8'8'

[e]-li dAMAR.UTU EN GAL-[e]

i 9'9'

[ṣu]-lul-šú at-ru-uṣ-[ma]

i 10'10'

[ú]-kin ta-ra-an-[šú]

i 11'11'

[GIŠ.GIGIR] ṣir-tu ru-kub dAMAR.UTU

(i 11') [(As for) the] exalted [chariot], the vehicle of the god Mard[uk, the pre-emin]ent one among the gods, the lord of lor[d]s, I c[omple]ted [its] feature(s) [with gol]d, silver, (and) precio[us] stones. (i 15´) [I gave (it)] as a g[if]t t[o the god Mard]uk, the king of the totality of heaven and [netherworld], the one who ove[rwhelms my] enemies.

i 12'12'

[e]-tel-li DINGIR.MEŠ EN EN.EN

i 13'13'

[ina ].GI .BABBAR NA₄.MEŠ ni-siq-[ti]

i 14'14'

ag-mu-ra nab-nit-[sa]

i 15'15'

a-na [dAMAR].UTU LUGAL kiš-šat AN-e u [KI-tim]

i 16'16'

sa-pi-[in] .KÚR.MEŠ-[ia]

i 17'17'

a-na še-[rik]-ti [áš-ruk]

i 18'18'

GIŠ. GIŠ.MES.[.KAN.NA iṣ-ṣi da-re-e]

(i 18') I skillfully mad[e] a bed of m[usukkannu]-wood, [a durable wood], that [is clad] with pašal[lu-gold (and) studded with] precio[us] stones, as a [pleasure] bed for the god Bēl (Marduk) (and) [the goddess Bēltīya (Zarpanītu)] to carry out the weddin[g] (and) to make lo[ve]. I placed (it) in Ka[ḫili]su, the bed chamber of the goddess Zarpanītu, which is laden with [sex]ual charm.

i 19'19'

ša pa-šal-[lu lit-bu-šat]

i 20'20'

NA₄.MEŠ ni-siq-[ti za--na-at]

i 21'21'

a-na ma-a-a-al [tak--e] dEN [dGAŠAN-MU]

i 22'22'

šá-kan ḫa-šá-di e-peš ru-ʾa-[a-me]

i 23'23'

nak-liš e-pu-[]

i 24'24'

ina -[ḫi-li]- maš-tak dzar-pa-ni-tum

i 25'25'

ša [ku]-uz-bu sa-al-ḫu ad-di

i 26'26'

[4 AM.MEŠ] .BABBAR ek-du-ú-ti

(i 26') I stationed [four] fierce [wild bulls of s]ilver, [protector]s of my royal path, [in the “Gate of the Risi]ng Sun” and the “Gate of Lamma-RA.BI,” [in gateway(s) of Ez]ida, which is inside Borsippa.

i 27'27'

[na-ṣi]-ru ki-bi-is LUGAL-ti-ia

i 28'28'

[ina ṣi]-it dUTU-ši u dLAMMA-RA.BI1

i 29'29'

[ina é]-zi-da šá -reb bár-sipa.KI ul-ziz

i 30'30'

[é-maš]-maš é-gašan-kalam-ma

(i 30') I decorated [Emašm] (and) Egašankalama with [silver (and) gol]d, (and) fill[ed (them) with] s[plendor].

i 31'31'

[.BABBAR ].GI ú-za-ʾi-in

i 32'32'

lu-[le-e] ú-mal-li

i 33'33'

d[šar-rat-kid-mu-ri šá ina] ug-gat [lìb-bi-šá]2

(i 33') The goddess [Šarrat-Kidmuri, who in her ang]er [had aban]do[ned her] inner sanctum (and) (i 35´) had taken up residence in [a place not befitting her], relen[ted] during the favora[ble] reign (lit. “my favora[ble] reign”) [that (the god) Aššur had granted me].

i 34'34'

at-man-[šá e]-zi-[bu]

i 35'35'

ú-ši-bu [a-šar la si-ma-a-ti-šá]

i 36'36'

ina BALA-ia dam-[ šá AN.ŠÁR -ru-ka]

i 37'37'

tar-šá-a [sa-li-mu]

Column ii
iiii Lacuna


ii 1'1'

[...] (x) x

(ii 1') (No translation possible)

ii 2'2'

[...] x

ii 3'3'


ii 4'4'

[... -re-e]-ti

(ii 4'b) [I built (and)] completed [the sanctuari]es of [Assyria (and) the land] Akkad [in their entirety]. I made [eve]ry [type of temple appurtenance] there is [from silver (and) gold], (and) I added (them) [to those of the kings], my ancestors. (ii 10´) [I made the great gods] who support me [reside in the]ir exalted [inner sanctums]. I offered sumptuous [offerings before the]m (and) [presente]d (them) with my gifts.

ii 5'5'


ii 6'6'

[a-na si-ḫir-ti-ši-na ar-ṣip ú]-šak-lil

ii 7'7'

[mim-ma si-mat É.KUR ma]-la ba-šu-u

ii 8'8'

[ša .BABBAR .GI] e-pu-

ii 9'9'

[e-li ša LUGAL.MEŠ] AD.MEŠ-ia ú-rad-di

ii 10'10'

[DINGIR.MEŠ GAL].MEŠ tik-le-ia

ii 11'11'

[ina at-ma-ni?-šú]-nu ṣi-ru-ti3

ii 12'12'


ii 13'13'

[UDU.SISKUR.MEŠ] taš-ri-iḫ-ti

ii 14'14'

[ma-ḫar-šú]-un aq-

ii 15'15'

[ú-šam-ḫi]-ra kàd-ra-a-a

Column iii
iiiiii Lacuna


iii 1'1'

a-na kit-ri-[šú-nu ú-pa-qu-u-ni]

(iii 1') [great rulers from (both) east and west are anxious for me] to be [their] all[y].

iii 2'2'

ina tukul-ti DINGIR.[MEŠ GAL.MEŠ EN.MEŠ-ia]

(iii 2') With the support of the [great] god[s, my lords, I entered] the land E[lam], brought a[bout] their (the Elamites’) defeat c[ountless (times)], (and) (iii ) marche[d] about [triu]m[phantly]. Ummanalda[šu (Ḫumban-haltaš III), the king of] the land Elam, became frightened by the assault of my mighty battle array, fled naked, an[d] took to the mountain(s).

iii 3'3'

-reb KUR.e-[lam-ti e-ru-ub]

iii 4'4'

BAD₅.BAD₅-šú-nu ina [la -ni] áš-kun

iii 5'5'

at-tal-lak šal-[ṭiš]

iii 6'6'

mum-man-al-da-[si MAN] KUR.ELAM.MA.KI4

iii 7'7'

ti-ib -ia dan-nu e-dur-ma

iii 8'8'

mi-ra-nu--šú in-na-bit-ma

iii 9'9'

iṣ-ba-ta šá-da-a

iii 10'10'

14 URU.MEŠ dan-nu-u-ti

(iii 10') I conquered fourteen fortifie[d] cities, his royal residence(s), and small(er) settlements, which were without number, together with twenty villages, in the district of the city Ḫunnir, (which is) on the border of the city Ḫidalu. I destroyed (and) demolish[ed] the city Bašimu and the villages in its environs.

iii 11'11'

mu-šab LUGAL-u-ti-šú

iii 12'12'


iii 13'13'

ša ni-i-ba la i-šu-ú

iii 14'14'

a-di 20.ÀM URU.MEŠ

iii 15'15'

ina na-ge-e ša URU.ḫu-un-nir

iii 16'16'

ina UGU mi-iṣ-ri ša URU.ḫi-da-lu ak-šú-ud

iii 17'17'ši-mu ù URU.MEŠ šá li-me-ti-šú

iii 18'18'

ap-pul aq-qur

Column iv
iv 1iv 1

ša UN.MEŠ a-šib lìb-bi-šú-[un]

(iv 1) As for the people living inside the[m], I annihilat[ed] them. I smashed thei[r] gods (and thus) placated the mood of the lord of lord[s]. (iv 5) I carried off to Assyria its gods, it[s] goddesses, its possessions, (and) its property, (as well as) people, young and o[ld]. I devast[ated] an are[a] of sixty leagues inside the land Elam (and) scattered salt (and) cres[s] over the[m].

iv 22

ka-mar-šú-nu áš-kun

iv 33

ú-šab-bir DINGIR.MEŠ-šú-un

iv 44

ú-šap-ši-iḫ ka-bat-ti EN EN.EN

iv 55

DINGIR.MEŠ-šú d15.MEŠ-šú

iv 66


iv 77

áš-lu-la a-na KUR AN.ŠÁR.KI

iv 88

60 KASKAL.GÍD qaq-qa-ru

iv 99

-reb KUR.e-lam-ti ú-šaḫ-[rib]

iv 1010


iv 1111

ú-sap-pi-ḫa EDIN--šú-un

iv 1212

dna-na-a ša 1 LIM 6 ME 30.ÀM 5 MU.AN.[NA.MEŠ]

(iv 12) (As for) the goddess Nanāya, who 1,635 yea[rs] (ago) became angry and wen[t] to live in the land Ela[m], (iv 15) a place not befitting [her], then, at that time (when) sh[e] and the gods, [her] fathers nominated me for ruling over the land[s], (iv 20) she entrusted [me] with the return of [her] lordly majes[ty], [say]ing: “Ashur[banipal] wil[l bring me out] o[f the land Elam and] make [me] enter Ea[nna (again)].”

iv 1313

ta-as-bu-su-ma tal-li-[ku]

iv 1414

tu-ši-bu -reb KUR.e-lam-[ti]

iv 1515

a-šar la si-ma-ti-[šá]

iv 1616

ù ina u₄-me-šú-ma ši-[i]

iv 1717


iv 1818

tab-bu-u šu- a-na be-lut KUR.KUR

iv 1919

ta-a-a-rat EN-ti-[šá]

iv 2020

tu-šad-gi-la pa-nu-u-[a]

iv 2121

[um]-ma mAN.ŠÁR-[-A]

iv 2222

ul-tu [-reb KUR.e-lam-ti]

iv 2323


iv 2424


iv 2525

-reb é-an-[na]

iv 2626

a-mat -bit DINGIR-ti-šú-[un]

(iv 26) The word(s) of the[ir] divine command that th[ey] had sp[oken] in distant days, th[ey] now disclo[sed] to the people of [a later generation. (iv 30) I grasped] the hands of her great divinity. She to[ok] the [direct] path, which please[s the heart, to Eanna. I made her enter] into [Uruk and made her dwell on (her) eternal dais] in E[ḫiliana, which she loves].

iv 2727

ša ul-tu UD.MEŠ .MEŠ iq-[bu-u]

iv 2828

e-nen-na ú-kal-li-[mu]

iv 2929


iv 3030

ŠU.II DINGIR-ti-šá GAL-ti [at-mu-uḫ]

iv 3131

ḫar-ra-nu [i-šir-]

iv 3232

ša ul-lu-uṣ [lìb-bi]

iv 3333

ta-aṣ-ba-[ta a-na é-an-na]

iv 3434

ina -reb [UNUG.KI ú-še-rib-ši-ma]

iv 3535

ina é-[ḫi-li-an-na ša ta-ram-mu]5



Column v
v 1v 1

[ina la]-aḫ-ši-šú

(v 1) [I put] a lead-rope [through] his (Uaiteʾ’s) [gu]ms, placed him [in a dog collar], and (then) [made] him [guar]d the door [of the eastern gate of the cit]adel of Nineveh, whi[ch is (named) the “En]trance to the Place Where the World Is Controlled.”

v 22

[at-ta-di] ṣer-re-tu

v 33

[ul-li UR.GI₇] ad-di-šú-ma

v 3A3A

[ina .GAL ṣi-it dUTU-ši šá] MURUB₄ URU NINA.KI ša -reb mas-naq-ti [(ad-na-a-ti ...)]6

v 44

[ša -reb mas]-naq-ti ad-na-a-ti

v 55

[ú-šá-an]-ṣir-šú SI.GAR-ru

v 66

[...] KUR.a-ri-bi

(v 6) [(As for) ... of] the land of the Arabs, [...] ..., [who had t]urned hostile [tow]ards m[e, had cast] off the y[ok]e of my lordship, (and) (v 10) [w]hom I had defea[t]ed in the thick of [ba]ttle, [I f]layed the[m] in Nineveh, my [capi]tal [city].

v 77

[...] x [...]-tu-ti

v 88

[ša it]-ti-ia ik-ki-ru

v 99

[iṣ]-lu-ú GIŠ.ŠUDUN EN-ti-ia

v 1010

ša ina MURUB₄ tam-ḫa-ri

v 1111

ik-šu-da ŠU.II-a-a

v 1212

ina NINA.KI [URU] EN-ti-ia

v 1313

KUŠ.MEŠ-šú-nu [áš]-ḫu-uṭ

v 1414

ina u₄-me-šú-ma [É a-ki]-it d307

(v 14) At that time, [(as for) the akīt]u-[house] of the god Sîn that is inside the city Ḫarrān (and) that had become old, [I] laid its foundation(s). I built (and) [comp]leted (it) from its foundation(s) to its crenel[lation]s. I clad (it) with [shiny] zaḫalû-silver.

v 1515

ša -reb URU.KASKAL

v 1616

ša il-li-ku la-ba-riš

v 1717

tem-me-en-šá ad-di

v 1818

ul-tu UŠ₈-šá a-di gaba-[dib]-bi-šá

v 1919

ar-ṣip ú-[šak]-lil

v 2020

ú-šal-bi-šá za-ḫa-lu-u [eb-bu]

v 2121

[d]30 dnin-gal [u dnusku]

(v 21) May the deities [S]în, Ninga[l, and Nusku] l[ook with pleasure upon] my [good deed]s. Ma[y] they [length]en [m]y [days (v 25) (so that) I may be fully satisfied with (my)] g[ood f]ortune. May they make [the foundation(s) of m]y [royal throne] endure (and) [make] my reign [last for a long time]. May they kill [my enemies (and) cut down] my [f]oes. (v 30) [With their] great [support], may I rule [wherever I desire (lit. “I say”) (and) achieve whatever (lit. “the place”) I stri]ve for.

v 2222

[ep-še]-ti-ia [SIG₅.MEŠ]

v 2323

[ḫa-diš] lit-tap-[la-su]

v 2424

[UD.MEŠ]-ia li-[šá-ri]-ku

v 2525

[lu--bi] bu-ʾa-a-ru

v 2626

[SUḪUŠ GIŠ.GU.ZA LUGAL-ti]-ia lu-kin-nu

v 2727

[lu-šal-bi-ru] BALA.MEŠ-ia

v 2828

[.KÚR.MEŠ-ia] li--ru

v 2929

[li-šam--tu] ga-re-ia

v 3030

[ina tukul-ti-šú-nu] GAL-ti

v 3131

[e-ma a-qab-bu-u] la-bel

v 3232

[a-šar ú-ṣar]-ra-mu

v 3333

[lik-šu-da] ŠU.II-a-a

v 3434

[a-na EGIR] UD.MEŠ

(v 34) [In the futu]re, [may (one of) the sons, grands]ons,

v 3535




Column vi
vi 1vi 1

ša MU.SAR-u ši-ṭir MU-ia ib-ba-[]

(vi 1) (As for) the one who dest[roys] an inscribed object bearing [m]y name, makes (it) disappea[r] by some crafty device, (or) (vi 5) does not plac[e] (it) with an inscribed object bearing his name, may the great gods of heaven and netherworld overthro[w] his kingship (and) make his name (and) seed disappea[r] from the land.

vi 22

ina mim-ma ši-pir ni-kil-ti

vi 33


vi 44

it-ti MU.SAR-e

vi 55

ši-ṭir MU-šú la i-šak-ka-nu

vi 66


vi 77

LUGAL-us-su lis-ki-pu

vi 88

MU-šú NUMUN-šú

vi 99

ina KUR lu-ḫal-li-qu

vi 1010

[MU].SAR-ú ša [É a-ki-it d]30

(vi 10) [An inscribed obj]ect fo[r the akītu-house of the god S]în [that is inside the city Ḫarr]ān.

vi 1111

[ša -reb URU].KASKAL

l.e. 1l.e. 1

dšar-rat-kid-mu-ri [šá ul-? UD?].MEŠ? ul-lu-ti kam-la-[at (...)]8

(l.e. 1) The goddess Šarrat-kidmuri, [who from] distant [day]s was an[gry (...)] ... her great divinity.

l.e. 22

x GIŠ AM LA UD x U x (x) DINGIR-ti-šá GAL-ti

1u “and”: Compare text no. 10 (Prism T) ii 4 and see the on-page note.

2The scribe drew a line from the beginning of the DINGIR sign in dšar-rat-kid-mu-ri “the goddess Šarrat-kidmuri” onto the left edge of the tablet, and then wrote the two lines that are on the tablet’s left edge from this mark up the side of the tablet. Despite the damage, it is clear that these two lines also mention Šarrat-kidmuri and her anger. Since i 33´–37´ of the tablet accurately duplicate the contents of text no. 10 (Prism T) ii 9–13, it is unclear what the two lines are meant to represent as they do not appear to be replacement lines that are included in order to fix some sort of scribal error (compare the on-page note to v 3A–4). Possibly they are a type of additional explanatory or clarifying note to this episode in the narrative.

3Text no. 7 (Prism Kh) i 70´b has at-ma-ni-šú-nu ṣi-i-ri “their exalted inner sanctum(s),” as probably do text no. 8 (Prism G) i 7´a and text no. 99 ii 5´ although the reading is partially restored in those two texts, and text no. 10 (Prism T) iii 42b–43a have at-ma-na-a-te-šú-nu ṣi-ra-a-te “their exalted inner sanctums.” On the tablet, the masculine plural adjective ṣi-ru-ti suggests a masculine plural noun, but the plural of atmanu is normally feminine; note that at-ma-ni-šú-nu ṣi-ru-ti is attested in one inscription of Esarhaddon (Leichty, RINAP 4 p. 286 no. 1002 ii´ 4). Although one could argue that the scribe erroneously wrote ru instead of ra for the feminine plural adjective (ṣi-ra-ti), there is still insufficient space in the break at the beginning of the line to restore at-ma-na-(a)-ti/te. Thus, R. Borger (BIWA p. 145) suggested restoring BÁRA.MEŠ?daises” instead. However, based on the content of the prism inscriptions and on the attestation of the Esarhaddon inscription, at-ma-ni is tentatively restored here.

4The account in text no. 10 (Prism T) iv 40 does not include Ummanaldašu’s title here.

5The translation assumes that the lacuna contained ú-šar-me-ši pa-rak da-ra-a-ti “made her dwell on (her) eternal dais”; see text no. 10 (Prism T) v 32.

6Line 3A is written vertically on the tablet inside of the small margin between columns v and vi. Given that the line repeats the mas-naq-ti that appears in v 4, it is likely that this line in the margin is meant to replace the latter in its entirety, which would thus correct for the scribe having erroneously left out ina .GAL ṣi-it dUTU-ši šá MURUB₄ URU NINA.KI “of the eastern gate of the citadel of Nineveh” from the tablet. Also, the tablet appears to have omitted na-bu-u zi-kir-šá “is named” after the ša -reb mas-naq-ti ad-na-a-ti “which is the ‘Entrance to the Place Where the World Is Controlled’” that appears in text no. 11 (Prism A) ix 110, unless those two words appeared at the end of the line in the margin that is no longer preserved.

7[É a-ki]-it d30 “[(as for) the akīt]u-[house] of the god Sîn”: For the second half of the line, T. Bauer (Asb. p. 35) tentatively restored “[É-ḫul-ḫul, der Tempel] des Sin” in his translation, and R. Borger (BIWA p. 169) read “[é-ḫúl-ḫúl é ?]DIŠdingirsin.” However, as pointed out by J. Novotny (Studies Walker pp. 195–196, and Eḫulḫul p. 35 n. 119 and pp. 183–189), this reading must be rejected on several grounds. There is without doubt insufficient space in the break for their suggested restoration of four relatively wide signs. Also, with respect to the overall content of the text, it appears to celebrate work on a smaller, less significant structure than the Eḫulḫul temple, and its narrative lacks several of the important elements from text no. 207 (LET) and from the so-called “canonical first summary report” (for the details of this report, see Novotny, Eḫulḫul pp. 13–25) that are employed in commemorating work on the Eḫulḫul temple. Moreover, the 3fs pronominal suffix ša in tem-me-en-šá “its foundation(s)” and UŠ₈-šá “its crenellations” in v 17–18 grammatically agrees with the akītu-house, but not the Eḫulḫul temple, as a referent. Finally, given the date of the inscription (see the commentary), it is much too late to commemorate work on the Eḫulḫul temple at Ḫarrān that was completed about twenty years earlier. That Ashurbanipal carried out work on the god Sîn’s akītu-house is confirmed by text no. 23 (IIT) 67b–68a.

8See the on-page note to i 33´.

Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-22. Lemmatized by Joshua Jeffers, 2018-22, for the NEH-funded RINAP Project at the University of Pennsylvania. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as