Ashurbanipal 211
Obverse | ||
o 1o 1 | [a-na dnusku EN šur-bé-e] ⸢da⸣-a-a-ni ṣi-i-⸢ri⸣ pa-qid ⸢NIDBA⸣.[MEŠ šá DÙ (dí-gì-gì u) dGÉŠ.U mu-ma-ʾe-er é-kur] | (1) [For the god Nusku, supreme lord], exalted [j]udge, who oversees the n[indabû-offerings for all (the Igīgū and) the Anunnakū gods, who administers the Ekur, bright light that lights up the night], powerful fire, [friend of the god Šamaš, the judge, holy god, who purifies g]od and man, who lights up the darkness, who [lights up the dark] like the [sun]; |
o 22 | [ZÁLAG nam-ru mu-nam-mir mu-ši-ti] dGIBIL₆ ga-áš-ru [tap-pe-e dUTU da-a-a-ni] | |
o 33 | [DINGIR KÙ mul-lil] ⸢DINGIR⸣ u LÚ mu-nam-mir e-ṭu-ti šá ki-ma ⸢d⸣[UTU-ši ú-nam-ma-ru ek-le-tú] | |
o 44 | [dnusku šur-bu]-⸢u⸣ DINGIR ⸢qar⸣-du <<DIŠ>> qa-mu-ú ḪUL.MEŠ šá KUR la ma-gi-re ⸢ú⸣-[ḫa-am-ma-ṭu nab-lu-šu] | (4) [the god Nusku, supreme o]ne, h[ero]ic god, who burns up evil ones, who[se flames scorch] the land of the insubmissive, [who introduces comma]nd and directive, who oversees the Igīgū and Anunnak[ū gods, ... instructions, who provides strewn offer]ings, who quickly dispatches the meal-offering(s) for the great gods [... his fathers]; |
o 55 | [mu-še-rib ur]-⸢ti⸣ u ⸢ṭè-e⸣-me pa-qid ⸢d⸣í-gì-gì u d⸢a⸣-nun-na-⸢ki⸣ [... te-re-e-ti] | |
o 66 | [na-din sur-qi]-in-ni mu-⸢šaḫ⸣-miṭ tak-li-me šá DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ ⸢UZ⸣ [... AD.MEŠ-šú] | |
o 77 | [IBILA é]-kur šur-bu-⸢ú⸣ šá ki-ma dŠEŠ.KI-⸢ri⸣ EŠ.BAR URU.URU i-par-⸢ra⸣-[su ú-šá-pu-u ki-na-a-ti] | (7) supreme [heir of E]kur, who rend[ers] decision(s) for cities like the divine light (Sîn) [(and) proclaims truth, who carries out the c]ultic rite(s) of the office of s[uprem]e power, who keeps secret(s), without who[m no deliberation is held in Ekur, who watches over the comm]and of [everything, who] constantly [r]eports instructions [before the god Sîn, the divine light]; |
o 88 | [mut-tab-bil] ⸢pa⸣-ra-⸢aṣ dEN.LÍL⸣-ú-ti ⸢na-ṣir⸣ pi-riš-ti šá e-la šá-⸢a⸣-[šú ina é-kur la iš-šak-ka-nu ši-tul-tú] | |
o 99 | [ḫa-a-a-iṭ ur]-ti [gim-ri mu]-⸢šá⸣-an-nu-u te-re-⸢e⸣-ti kak-dà-a [ma-ḫar d30 dŠEŠ.KI-ri] | |
o 1010 | [da-a-a-an kit-ti ba-ru]-⸢ú⸣ ka-raš UN.⸢MEŠ⸣ šá ⸢ki⸣-ma dÍD ⸢ub⸣-[ba-bu ke-e-nu u rag-ga] | (10) [righteous judge, who see]s the mind of the people, who p[urifies the just and the wicked] like the Divine River, [who keeps truth and justic]e [pure], who[m the king of the gods, the god Namraṣīt (Sîn)], com[missioned] to d[estr]oy the malicious, [the exalted vizier, who proclaims good things, w]ho[se] decisi[on can]not be altered (and) [whose command] cannot b[e changed]; |
o 1111 | [mu-ub-bi-ib kit-ti u mi-šá]-⸢ri⸣ šá a-na ⸢ḫul-lu⸣-uq mu-uṣ-ṣab-ri ú-⸢ma⸣-[ʾe-e-ru-šú LUGAL DINGIR.MEŠ dAŠ.IM₅.BABBAR] | |
o 1212 | [SUKKAL ṣi-i-ru mu-šá-pu-ú MUNUS.SIG₅.MEŠ] ⸢šá EŠ.BAR⸣-[šú] ⸢la⸣ ut-tak-ka-ru la ⸢in⸣-[nen-nu-ú qí-bit-su] | |
o 1313 | [... rag-gi mu-ḫal-liq za-ma-a-ni šá an-zil]-⸢la⸣-šú la kit-tú e-⸢peš⸣ [sur-ra-a-ti] | (13) [... the wicked, who destroys enemies, the one to who]m injustice (and) [deceitful] acts [are an abominatio]n, [who strikes foes with lightning, who go]es out and [walks along] the stree[t(s) of his city to give judgement and decision, (15) ..., who accepts prayers, who] show[s benevolent mercy to the one who obe]ys him, [..., who makes the just prevail, who dwells in Emela]mana [that is inside the city Ḫarrān, the great lord, his lord] — |
o 1414 | [mu-šab-riq za-a-a-ri šá a-na na-dan šip-ṭi u EŠ.BAR uṣ]-⸢ṣu-ú⸣-ma su-⸢uq⸣ [URU-šú i-ba-ʾu-u] | |
o 1515 | [... le-qu-ú un-nin-ni šá a-na še-me]-⸢e⸣-šú i-raš-⸢šú⸣-[ú sa-lim MUNUS.SIG₅.MEŠ] | |
o 1616 | [...-a?-ti mu-še-šir ke-e-ni a-šib é-me]-⸢lám-an-na⸣ [šá qé-reb URU.KASKAL EN GAL-e EN-šú] | |
o 1717 | [a-na-ku mAN.ŠÁR-DÙ-A LUGAL GAL-u LUGAL dan-nu LUGAL ŠÚ LUGAL KUR AN.ŠÁR.KI GÌR.NÍTA it-pe-šú pa-lìḫ] ⸢DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ⸣ | (17) [I, Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, capable governor, who reveres the] great [go]ds, [... for whom the prince], the divine light (Sîn), [desired (...) the temple and dais, ...] ... [... (and) who]se rulership [he made grea]t, (20) [(...) who]m [the goddess Ningal ... g]uided and ... [...] ... before the god Sîn, her beloved, [(...) about who]m yo[u, ... of the d]ivine light (Sîn), [sp]oke favorably before the father of the one who had begotten you; [son of Esarhaddon, king of the world, king of Assyria, gov]ernor of Babylon, who rev[eres] (the god) Aššur and the goddess Mullissu; [grandson of Sennacherib, king of the world, king of Assyr]ia; true shepherd who cares for his people: |
o 1818 | ||
o 1919 | [...] x ⸢TI⸣ x [... ú-šar-bu]-⸢ú⸣ mal-kut-⸢su⸣ | |
o 2020 | [(...) dnin-gal ... it]-tar-ru-šu-⸢ma⸣ x x x [x x] x-tú ma-ḫar d30 na-⸢ram⸣-i-šá | |
o 2121 | [... d]⸢na⸣-an-na-ri MUNUS.SIG₅.MEŠ-šú ⸢taq-bu⸣-u ma-ḫar a-bi a-li-di-ka | |
o 2323 | [DUMU DUMU md30-PAP.MEŠ-SU LUGAL ŠÚ LUGAL KUR AN].⸢ŠÁR⸣.KI SIPA ke-e-⸢nu⸣ pa-qid-du UN.MEŠ-šú | |
o 2424 | [ú-še-piš-ma si-il-lu KÙ.GI ru]-⸢uš⸣-ši-i šá A ⸢NENNI⸣ KI.LÁ-šú kip-⸢lu⸣ si-mat KÁ1 | (24) [I had an arch of red]dish [gold made] whose weight amounts to such-and-such, a kiplu-adornment for the gate [(...) of Emelamana, the temple of the god Nusku, m]y lord, [that is in]side the city Ḫarrān, [and] I made (it) shine bright like daylight. [...] ... I made (it) shine bright lik[e] the sun and made (it) shine like daylight. [...] I made (it) as adornment for Emelamana. |
o 2525 | [(...) é-me-lám-an-na É dnusku šá qé]-reb URU.KASKAL EN-⸢ia⸣ ki-ma u₄-me ú-šá-an-biṭ | |
o 2626 | [...] x-ma d⸢UTU-ši-iš ú⸣-šá-⸢an⸣-biṭ-ma ú-nam-me-ra GIM u₄-me | |
o 2727 | ||
Reverse | ||
r 1r 1 | [a-na šat-ti dnusku ... d?]30? ḫa-diš nap-lis-⸢ma⸣ ki-tar-⸢ra⸣-ba ⸢LUGAL⸣-u-ti | (r 1) [On account of this, O Nusku, ... of the god] Sîn, look upon [...] with pleasure an[d] constantly bl[e]ss my royal majesty [...] to make [...] firm and to [m]ake its work secure [... when] you joyfully enter [into the ...] of Emelamana before the god Sîn [...] ... that you meet with the god Sîn (and) hold deliberation (rev. 5) [... m]ay your mind desire (and) may your divinity accept [...] with Emelamana, the seat of your divinity, may my days be long. |
r 22 | [...] kun-nu-ma ⸢šur⸣-šú-du ši-pir-⸢šú⸣ | |
r 33 | [...] x šá é-me-lám-an-na ⸢ma⸣-ḫar d30 ḫa-diš ter-⸢ru-bu⸣ | |
r 44 | [...] x-ka šá it-ti d30 tan-nam-ma-ru ta-šak-ka-nu ši-⸢tul-tú⸣ | |
r 55 | ||
r 66 | [...] x ⸢it⸣-ti é-me-lám-an-na šu-⸢bat⸣ DINGIR-ti-ka li-ri-ku UD.MEŠ-⸢ia⸣ | |
r 77 | [...] ⸢tés⸣-li-ti MUNUS.SIG₅.MEŠ-ia šu-⸢ri⸣-ba ma-ḫar dAŠ.IM₅.BABBAR a-bi a-⸢li⸣-di-ka | (r 7) [...] bring my [pe]tition (and) good things about me before the god Namraṣīt (Sîn), the father who had begotten you [... in the pl]ace of judgement and decision, always answer me with a firm “yes” [...] constantly implore for my life without ceasing [...] ... give [...] to me as a gift. |
r 88 | [... a]-⸢šar⸣ de-e-ni u EŠ.BAR i-tap-la-an-ni an-nu ke-e-nu2 | |
r 99 | [...] x ⸢ba-la⸣-ṭi i-tar-⸢ri⸣-šá la na-par-ka-a ka-a-a-nu | |
r 1010 | [...] x x x ⸢a-na ši-rik⸣-ti šur-⸢ka⸣ | |
r 1111 | [...] li-ṣar-x [...] x aḫ-ra-taš | (r 11) [...] may ... [...] for all time [...] ... [... m]ay your [f]lames scorch [...] long [day]s [...] to exerci[se] dominion over the people [...] ... |
r 1212 | [...] x-ia de-x [...] ⸢li⸣-ḫa-am-mì-ṭu [...] ⸢nab⸣-lu-ka | |
r 1313 | [... UD].⸢MEŠ⸣ GÍD.DA.MEŠ ⸢MU?⸣ [...] x EN-ú-tú UN.MEŠ e-pe-⸢šú⸣ [...] x x | |
r 1414 | [ina BALA.MEŠ] ⸢UD⸣.MEŠ ru-qu-ú-⸢ti⸣ [ki-ma si]-⸢il-lu⸣ šu-a-tú in-na-ḫu-ma ⸢il⸣-[la-ku la-ba-riš] | (r 14) [During a reign in the] distan[t fut]ure, [when] this [arc]h becomes dilapidated and [old], may he restore [t]his [arch, not] change [its] w[ork], and return (it) [to its place]. May he write (on it) [the prais]e of the deities Sîn, Ningal, and Nusk[u, m]y [lords], and the mention of my name with his (own) name and [deposit (it) for all time]. |
r 1515 | [si-il-lu šu]-a-tú li-id-diš-ma ⸢ši⸣-[pir-šú a-a] ⸢ú⸣-šá-an-ni-ma li-ter [áš-ru-uš-šú] | |
r 1616 | [ta-nit]-⸢ti⸣ d30 d⸢nin-gal⸣ u d⸢nusku⸣ [EN.MEŠ]-⸢ia⸣ u zi-kir ⸢MU⸣-ia KI MU-šú liš-ṭur-ma [li-zi-ba aḫ-ra-taš] | |
r 1717 | [ša si]-il-lu šu-a-tú ul-tu re-⸢eš é⸣-me-lám-an-na É dnusku EN-ia [ú-nak-ka-ru-ma a-na šip-ri šá-nim-ma ep-pu-šú] | (r 17) [(As for) the one who removes] this [a]rch from the top of Emelamana, the temple of the god Nusku, my lord, [and (re)fashions (its metal) for another work, or] destroys [the p]raise of the deities Sîn, Ningal, and Nusku, my lords, and [changes] the menti[on of my name], may [the god Nusku, the ju]st [vizier], make inauspicious omens about him appear in heaven and netherworld and not [...]. |
r 1818 | [ù] ⸢ta⸣-nit-ti ⸢d⸣30 dnin-gal ⸢u⸣ dnusku EN.MEŠ-ia ib-ba-tu-ma zi-⸢kir⸣ [MU-ia ú-šá-an-nu-u] | |
r 1919 | [dnusku SUKKAL ke]-⸢e-nu GIŠKIM⸣.MEŠ lum-⸢ni⸣-šú ina AN-e u KI-tim li-šá-pi-ma a-a x [...] | |
r 2020 | [ša ina] UGU ⸢ar-ma?⸣-[a?]-di ša é-me-lám-an-na ⸢É⸣ dnusku ⸢ša⸣ [URU.KASKAL] | (r 20) [That which is (written) u]pon the ... of Emelamana, the temple of the god Nusku o[f the city Ḫarrān]. |
1A ⸢NENNI⸣ “such-and-such”: The writing A NENNI (mar annanna) is a by-form of am-mar NENNI (see Kataja and Whiting, SAA 12 p. 110 no. 90 obv. 7), which also appears written out phonetically as mar NENNI in text no. 209 obv. 19 and 21 and text no. 214 obv. 24.
2i-tap-la-an-ni “always answer me”: The verb is tentatively translated as a Gtn imperative. An imperative verb is expected here based on the fact that all the other verbs in rev. 7–10 are imperatives and that the verb apālu in this location in the duplicate account of text no. 212 rev. 9´ appears as a G imperative (aplanni). The actual form of the verb here, however, is a G perfect, which might have been a scribal error for an intended Gtn imperative (a-tap-pa-la-an-ni).
Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-22. Lemmatized by Joshua Jeffers, 2018-22, for the NEH-funded RINAP Project at the University of Pennsylvania. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as