
  • Ashurbanipal 210


  • Q007618
  • Ashurbanipal 210



  • Neo-Assyrian
  • Written ca. 668-ca. 631
  • Kuyunjik (Nineveh)
  • Royal Inscription
  • Ashurbanipal

Ashurbanipal 210

o 1o 1

a-na dnusku EN šur--e da-a-a-an ṣi-[i-ri pa-qid NIDBA.MEŠ šá (dí-- u) dGÉŠ.U mu-ma-ʾe-er é-kur]1

(1) For the god Nusku, supreme lord, e[xalted] judge, [who oversees the nindabû-offerings for all (the Igīgū and) the Anunnakū gods, who administers the Ekur], bright light that lights up the night, [powerful] f[ire, friend of the god Šamaš, the judge], holy god, who purifies [go]d and man, who lights up the da[rkness, who lights up the dark like the sun];

o 22

ZÁLAG nam-ru mu-nam-mir mu-ši-ti dGIBIL₆ [ga-áš-ru tap-pe-e dUTU da-a-a-ni]2

o 33

DINGIR mul-lil DINGIR u mu-nam-mir e-[ṭu-ti ša ki-ma dUTU-ši ú-nam-ma-ru ek-le-]

o 44

dnusku šur-bu-u DINGIR qar-du qa-mu-ú ḪUL.MEŠ [šá KUR la ma-gi-re ú-ḫa-am-ma-ṭu nab-lu-šu]

(4) the god Nusku, supreme one, heroic god, who burns up evil ones, [whose flames scorch the land of the insubmissive], who introduces command and directive, who oversees the I[gīgū and Anunnakū gods, ... instructions], who provides strewn offerings, who quickly dispatches the meal-offering(s) for the [great] g[ods ... his fathers];

o 55

mu-še-rib ur-ti u ṭè-e-me pa-qid dí-[- u da-nun-na-ki ... te-re-e-ti]

o 66

na-din sur-qin-ni mu-šaḫ-miṭ tak-li-me a-na DINGIR.[MEŠ GAL.MEŠ UZ ... AD.MEŠ-šú]

o 77

IBILA é-kur šur-bu-ú šá ki-ma dŠEŠ.KI-ri .[BAR URU.URU i-par-ra-su ú-šá-pu-u ki-na-a-ti]

(7) supreme heir of Ekur, who [renders] de[cision(s) for cities] like the divine light (Sîn) [(and) proclaims truth], who carries out the cultic rite(s) of the office of supreme power, who keeps secr[et(s), without whom no deliberation is held in Ekur], who watches over the command of everything, who [constantly] brings instructions [before the god Sîn, the divine light];

o 88

mut-tab-bil pa-ra-aṣ dEN.LÍL-ú-ti na-ṣir pi-riš-[ti ša e-la šá-a-šú ina é-kur la -šak-ka-nu ši-tul-]

o 99

ḫa-a-a-iṭ ur-ti gim-ri mu-še-rib te-re-e-ti [kak--a ma-ḫar d30 dŠEŠ.KI-ri]

o 1010

da-a-a-an kit-ti ba-ru-ú ka-raš UN.MEŠ šá ki-[ma dÍD ub-ba-bu ke]-e?-[nu u rag-ga]3

(10) righteous [j]udge, who sees the mind of the people, who [purifies the j]u[st and the wicked] l[ike the Divine River, w]ho keeps truth and justice pure, whom the king of the g[ods, the god Namraṣīt (Sîn), commissio]ned to destroy the ma[licious], the exalted [viz]ier, who proclaims good things, whose decision [cannot be altered (and) whose command cannot be c]hanged;

o 1111

mu-ub-bi-ib kit-ti u mi-šá-ri šá a-na ḫul-lu-uq mu-[uṣ-ṣab-ri ú-ma-ʾe-e]-ru-šú LUGAL DINGIR.[MEŠ d.IM₅.BABBAR]

o 1212

SUKKAL ṣi-i-ru mu-šá-pu-ú MUNUS.SIG₅.MEŠ šá .BAR-šú [la ut-tak-ka-ru la] in-nen-nu-ú [-bit-su]

o 1313

[...] x x rag-gi mu-ḫal-liq za-ma-a-ni šá an-zil-la-[šú la] kit-tu u e-peš sur-ra-[a-ti]

(13) [...] ... the wicked, who destroys enemies, the one to who[m inju]stice and decei[tful] acts are an abominatio[n, who strike]s foes [with lightning], who [goes o]ut and wal[ks] along the streets of his city to give judgement and de[cision, (15) ...], who accepts prayers, who shows benevole[nt] mercy to the one who o[be]ys him, [...], who makes the just prevail, who dwe[lls in Emel]amana which is inside the city Ḫarrān, the great lord, [his lord]

o 1414

[mu-šab]-riq za-a-a-ri šá a-na na-dan šip-ṭi u .[BAR uṣ-ṣu]-ú-ma su-uq URU-šú i-ba-ʾu-[u]4

o 1515

[...] x le-qu-ú un-nin-ni šá a-na še-[me]-e-šú i-raš-šu-u sa-lim MUNUS.SIG₅.[MEŠ]

o 1616

[...] x mu-še-šir ke-e-ni a-[šib é-me]-lám-an-na šá -reb URU.KASKAL EN GAL-e [EN-šú]

o 1717

[a-na-ku mAN.ŠÁR--A MAN GAL-u MAN dan-nu MAN] kiš?-šá?-ti? MAN KUR AN.ŠÁR.[KI] GÌR.NÍTA it-pe-šú pa-lìḫ DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.[MEŠ]

(17) [I, Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the wo]rld, king of Assyria, capable [gov]ernor, who reveres the great god[s, ...] for [who]m the prince, the divine lig[ht] (Sîn), desired [(...) the tem]ple and d[ai]s, [... (and) whose] rule[rship] he made great, (20) [(...) whom the goddess Ningal ... guided and ...] ... before the god [n, her beloved, (...) about whom you, ... of the divine light (Sîn), sp]oke [favorably] be[fo]r[e the father of the one who had begotten you];

o 1818

[...] É?.KUR? u BÁRA? iḫ-šu-ḫu-šú NUN dŠEŠ.KI-[ru]

o 1919

[...] ú-šar-bu-ú mal-[kut-su]

o 2020

[(...) dnin-gal ... it-tar-ru-šu-ma ...] x-tu ma-ḫar d30 [na-ram-i-šá]

o 2121

[... dna-an-na-ri MUNUS.SIG₅.MEŠ-šú] taq-bu-u ma-ḫar [a-bi a-li-di-ka]





r 1'1'

[... ba-laṭ ZI-ia kak--a liq-bi ṭè-ma] li-ter-riš-ka [ba--ṭi]

(r 1') [... may he always give the order to preserve my life (and)] constantly implore yo[u] for [my life].

r 2'2'

[ina BALA.MEŠ UD.MEŠ .MEŠ ki-ma ... šu-a]-tu in-na-ḫu-ú-ma il-la-ku [la-ba-riš]5

(r 2') [During a reign in the distant future, when thi]s [...] becomes dilapidated and [old], [may he restore this ..., my handiwork], not change my handi[wor]k, and return (it) [to its] p[lace. May he respect the oath sworn by the god Nusku, my lord, and the prai]se of the great gods, who support me, [and] (rev. ) may he write [the mention of my good name, which the gods Aššur and Marduk] had made greater [than (those of) all (other) rule]rs, with his (own) name and depo[sit (it) for the future]. May [the god Nusku and the goddess Sadarnunna] look kindly upon [his handiwork] and grant [his] p[rayers].

r 3'3'

[... šu-a-tu ši-pir ŠU.II-ia li-diš-ma ši]-pir ŠU.II-ia a-a ú-šá-an-ni-ma li-ter áš-[ru--šú]

r 4'4'

[ni- zi-kir dnusku EN-ia ù ta]-nit-ti DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ ti-ik-le-e-a [liš-ḫu-ut-ma]6

r 5'5'

[zi-kir MU-ia SIG₅ šá AN.ŠÁR u dAMAR.UTU UGU kal mal]-ki ú-šar-bu-u it-ti MU-šú liš-ṭur-ma li-zi-[ba aḫ-ra-ti]

r 6'6'

[dnusku u dsa-dàr-nun-na ši-pir ŠU.II-šú] SIG₅- lip-pal-su-ma lim-gu-ru su-[pe-e-šú]

r 7'7'

[ša ... šu-a-tu la-pa-an () é-me]-lám-an-na ú-nak-ka-ru-ma a-na šip-ri šá-nam-ma [ep-pu-šú]7

(r 7') [(As for) the one who] removes [this ... from (the gate of) Emela]mana and [(re)fashions (its metal)] for anothe[r] work, [or] de[s]troys [the prais]e of [the g]od [Nusku], my [lo]rd, and ch[anges] the mention of my name, may [the god Nusk]u, the [j]ust vizier, [b]elov[ed of the god] Sîn, constantly speak [inauspicious] words [about him] before the god [n, the one who had b]egotten him.

r 8'8'

[ù ta-nit]-ti d[nusku] EN-ia ib-ba-tu-ma zi-kir MU-ia ú-šá-[an-nu-u]

r 9'9'

[d]nusku SUKKAL ke-e-nu na?-ram? [d?]30? ina ma-ḫar d30 [a]-li-di-šú ka-a-a-an li-zak-ki-ra a-mat [lum-ni-šú]

r 10'10'

ša [ina] UGU x x [(x) ša é-me-lám-an-na] É dnusku ša URU.KASKAL

(r 10') That which is (written) [u]pon the ... [of Emelamana, the temp]le of the god Nusku of the city Ḫarrān.

1da-a-a-an ṣi-[i-ri] “e[xalted] judge”: The duplicate line in text no. 211 obv. 1 has da-a-a-ni ṣi-i-ri. Unless the scribe intended for the AN sign of da-a-a-an to be read as -ani based on its value of Anu/Ani when used as a logogram for the god Anu, such a writing could be an example of his lack of attention to proper case endings. [pa-qid NIDBA.MEŠ šá (dí-- u) dGÉŠ.U] “[who oversees the nindabû-offerings for all (the Igīgū and) the Anunnakū gods]”: This restoration is based on text no. 211 obv. 1, text no. 214 obv. 1, and also Maqlû II line 2 (Abusch, Maqlû pp. 235 and 293), which reads pa-qid NIDBA.MEŠ šá ka-la dí-- “who oversees the nindabû-offerings for all the Igīgū gods.” Although the Maqlû text only mentions one group of gods in its account, the reference to the Igīgū and Anunnakū gods together in obv. 5 (restored from text no. 211 obv. 5) suggests that both appeared here as well.

2There is some ambiguity as to which epithets belong to the god Šamaš or to the god Nusku, although da-a-a-ni “the judge” certainly belongs to the former.

3[ub-ba-bu ke]-e?-[nu u rag-ga] “[purifies the j]u[st and the wicked]”: The restorations are taken from text no. 214 obv. 10b. The usual meaning of the D stem for ebēbu of “clean” or “clear” (CAD E pp. 5–7 sub ebēbu 2) seems out of place here since a judge or the divine river would presumably not perform such an action on the ragga “wicked.” In the present context, possibly translate “clarifies,” assuming that the nuance of the verb deals with determining the innocent from the guilty as during the river ordeal.

4[mu-šab]-riq za-a-a-ri “[who strike]s foes [with lightning]”: The restoration is based on Maqlû II line 8 (Abusch, Maqlû pp. 235 and 293).

5The restorations at the beginning of rev. 2´ and 3´ are based on text no. 208 rev. 8 and 9, respectively.

6The restoration at the beginning of the line is based on text no. 209 rev. 8.

7a-na šip-ri šá-nam-ma [ep-pu-šú] “[(re)fashions (its metal)] for anothe[r] work”: The accusative case of šanâmma “another” here and in the parallel lines of text nos. 210 rev. 7´, 212 rev. 14´, 213 rev. 5´, and 214 rev. 10 might indicate that it is to be understood as an adverb, “in another way.” However, the genitive case of šanîmma in the parallel line of text no. 209 rev. 16 and the variant reading a-na mim-ma šá-nam-ma “for anything else” in text no. 213 rev. 5´ suggest that šanâmma is modifying the preceding word despite its case ending; compare also Leichty, RINAP 4 p. 107 text no. 48 line 78b, ú-zu-un-ka a-šar šá-nam-ma la ta-šak-kan “You should not turn your attention to anything else!” and p. 196 text no. 104 i 46b-48a, UN.MEŠ a-šib qer-bi-šú a-šar šá-nam-ma [in]-nar-qu-ma “the people living in it [were h]idden in another place and.”

Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-22. Lemmatized by Joshua Jeffers, 2018-22, for the NEH-funded RINAP Project at the University of Pennsylvania. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as

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