Ashurbanipal 208
Obverse | ||
o 1o 1 | (1) For the god Sîn, the light of heaven [and netherworld, ...], who is crowned with the crown of the highest rank, wh[o ..., w]ho marks the day, month, and y[ear ..., w]ho reveals the signs of the lord of the cr[own ..., (5) w]ho delivers verdicts, who renders decision(s) for heav[e]n [and netherworld, ..., w]ho pacifies the heart of the gods, who releas[es ...], who issues final command and decisio[n, w]ho elevates [...], without whom the gods, [h]is br[others, could not determine] the fates of those of hea[ven and netherworld, ...]; | |
o 22 | ⸢a⸣-pir AGA da-nù-ú-ti ⸢ša⸣ [...] | |
o 33 | ⸢mu⸣-ad-du-ú u₄-me ITI u ⸢MU⸣.[AN.NA ...] | |
o 44 | ⸢mu⸣-kal-lim ṣa-ad-di EN ⸢AGA⸣ [...] | |
o 55 | ||
o 66 | ||
o 77 | ga-mir ur-ti u ṭè-e-⸢me mu⸣-šaq-⸢qí⸣ x [...] | |
o 88 | ⸢ša⸣ e-la šá-a-šú DINGIR.MEŠ ⸢at⸣-[ḫu]-⸢šu⸣ ši-mat ⸢šu-ut AN⸣-[e u KI-tim la i-šim-mu ...] | |
o 99 | ⸢d⸣AŠ.IM₅.BABBAR ZÁLAG ⸢AN⸣.TA.MEŠ [mu]-⸢šaḫ⸣-li ⸢ek⸣-[le-ti ...]1 | (9) the god Namraṣīt (Sîn), the light of the upper world, [who il]luminates the da[rkness, ...] at whose appearance r[enewal is pres]ent, makes [sign(s)] appe[ar, (and) establishes the mood of the people, [the honored] one, whose divine powers are the gods Anu, E[nlil, and] Ea, [..., the] merciful [god], who [takes] cou[nsel] together w[ith the god Šamaš], his [ch]ild, [...] ..., the creator, be[loved of] god and goddess, who gath[ers to himself (all) divine offices of the highest rank, ..., who besto]ws the scepter, throne, p[alû-insignia], and crown of rulershi[p, ..., w]ho se[e]s (into) the heart(s) of the peopl[e, who makes] all settlements [prosper, who resides in Eḫulḫul that is inside the city Ḫarrān, the great lord, his lord] — |
o 1010 | x ša ina ⸢IGI.DU₈⸣.A-šú ⸢te⸣-[diš-ta] ⸢šak⸣-nu ú-šá-⸢pu⸣-[u ṣa-ad-da pi-i UN.MEŠ ú-kan-nu ...]2 | |
o 1111 | [kab?]-tu šá d⸢a⸣-nim d⸢EN⸣.[LÍL u d]⸢é⸣-a par-ṣu-⸢šu⸣ [...]3 | |
o 1212 | [DINGIR?] réme-nu-ú šá it-⸢ti⸣ [dUTU bu]-uk-ri-šú ši-⸢tul⸣-[tu i-šak-ka-nu ...]4 | |
o 1313 | [x] x ba-nu-ú ⸢na?⸣-[ram?] DINGIR u d15 ḫa-mì-[im pa-ra-aṣ da-nù-ú-ti ...]5 | |
o 1414 | [na]-⸢din⸣ GIŠ.GIDRU GIŠ.GU.ZA ⸢BALA⸣-[e] ⸢ù⸣ a-ge-e EN-ú-⸢ti⸣ [...]6 | |
o 1515 | ⸢ḫa?-aʾ-iṭ?⸣ lìb-bi ⸢UN⸣.[MEŠ mu-na-ḫiš] ka-la da-⸢ád-me⸣ [a-šib é-ḫúl-ḫúl šá qé-reb URU.KASKAL EN GAL-e EN-šú]7 | |
o 1616 | ⸢a⸣-na-ku m⸢AN⸣.ŠÁR-DÙ-⸢A⸣ [LUGAL GAL-u LUGAL] ⸢dan⸣-nu [LUGAL ŠÚ LUGAL KUR AN.ŠÁR.KI ...] | (16) I, Ashurbanipal, [great king], strong [king], [king of the world, king of Assyria, ..., the o]ne to whom the deities [Sîn, Ningal, and Nu]sku have stretched out (their) hand(s), [...], the obedie[nt gov]ernor, [favorite of god and goddess, who l]oves correc[t behavior, ..., who o]beys the command of the deities [Sîn, Ningal, and Nusk]u, who restores [sanctuaries ...; (20) son of] Esarhaddon, [king of the world, king of Assyria], g[overnor of Babylon, who reveres (the god) Aššur and the goddess Mullissu; grandson of] Sennacherib, ki[ng of the world, king of Assyria]; the [eternal] se[ed of kingship]: |
o 1717 | ||
o 1818 | ⸢GÌR⸣.NÍTA kan-⸢šú⸣ [mi-gir DINGIR u d15] ⸢ra⸣-im ki-⸢na⸣-[a-ti ...]8 | |
o 1919 | [na]-ṣir a-mat d[30 dNIN.GAL u d]⸢nusku? mu⸣-ud-diš [eš-re-e-ti? ...]9 | |
o 2121 | [DUMU DUMU m]d⸢30-PAP.MEŠ⸣-SU ⸢LUGAL⸣ [ŠÚ LUGAL KUR AN.ŠÁR].KI ⸢NUMUN⸣ [da-ru-ú šá LUGAL-u-ti?]10 | |
o 2222 | [ú-še]-⸢piš⸣-ma 2 ⸢U₅⸣.[x x (x) KÙ.BABBAR eb]-⸢bi⸣ [...] | (22) [I had] two [... ma]de [of shin]y [silver ...] ... [...] |
o 2323 | [...] x ⸢TU⸣ MA ḪI? [...] | |
Lacuna of 3 lines | ||
Reverse | ||
r 1r 1 | (r 1) On the right and on the left of the cella of Eḫulḫul, the temple of the god [Sîn, ...]. | |
r 22 | (r 2) On account of this, O Sîn, the gre[at] lord, when exiting and en[tering ...] look kindly upon those lion-headed eagles a[nd ...]. O Sîn, the great lord, prolong my days, grant [me] life, [...], (rev. 5) give me a true staff, gra[nt me] a just scepter [... May] the goddess Ningal, your beloved spouse, [command for me] the preservation of (my) life [... May] the god Nusku, the exalted vizier, who administers the Eḫulḫ[ul, ...]. | |
r 33 | ||
r 44 | ||
r 55 | ||
r 66 | dnin-gal ḫi-ir-tú ⸢na⸣-ram-ta-ka ba-laṭ ZI-tì [liq-ba-a? ...] | |
r 77 | ||
r 88 | ina BALA.MEŠ UD.MEŠ ⸢SÙ⸣.MEŠ ki-ma šip-ru šu-a-tú i-na-[ḫu-ma il-la-ku la-ba-riš]11 | (r 8) During a reign in the dist[ant] future, when this work becomes dilapid[ated and old], may he restore t[hese] lion-headed eagles, my handiwork, [not change my handi]wo[rk, and return (them) to their place. May he write (on them)] the praise of [the deities Sîn, N]ingal, and Nusku, m[y] lords, [and the mention of my name with his (own) name and deposit (them) for all time]. |
r 99 | an-zi-i ⸢šu⸣-[nu-ti] ši-pir ŠU.II-ia li-diš-ma ⸢ši⸣-[pir ŠU.II-ia a-a ú-šá-an-ni-ma li-ter áš-ru-uš-šú-un]12 | |
r 1010 | ta-nit-⸢ti⸣ [d30 d]⸢nin⸣-gal u dnusku EN.MEŠ-⸢ia⸣ [u zi-kir MU-ia KI MU-šú liš-ṭur-ma li-zi-ba aḫ-ra-taš] | |
r 1111 | ⸢ša⸣ an-⸢zi⸣-[i šu-nu]-⸢ti⸣ la-pa-an KÁ é-ḫúl-⸢ḫúl⸣ [É d30 EN-ia ú-nak-ka-ru-ma a-na šip-ri šá-nim-ma ep-pu-šú]13 | (r 11) (As for) the one who [removes thes]e lion-headed eagl[es] from the gate of Eḫulḫ[ul, the temple of the god Sîn, my lord, and (re)fashions (their metal) for another work], or destroys the prai[se] of the god [Sîn], my [lo]rd, and [changes the mention of my name, may the god] Sîn, the [grea]t lo[rd, make] inauspicious omens about him [appear in heaven and netherworld and not ...]. |
r 1212 | ⸢ù ta-nit⸣-[ti] ⸢d⸣[30] ⸢EN⸣-ia ib-ba-tu-ma [zi-kir MU-ia ú-šá-an-nu-u] | |
r 1313 | [d]⸢30 EN⸣ [GAL]-⸢ú⸣ GIŠKIM.MEŠ ḪUL-šú [ina AN-e u KI-tim li-šá-pi-ma a-a ...] | |
r 1414 | (r 14) [That which is (written) upon the lio]n-headed ea[gles of Eḫulḫul, the temple of the god Sîn of the city Ḫarrān]. |
1⸢d⸣AŠ.IM₅.BABBAR “the god Namraṣīt (Sîn)”: The god list AN: da-nu-um Tablet III line 26 (Litke, God-Lists p. 119) identifies dAŠ.ÍM.BABBAR as dnam-[ra-ṣi-it] and lists it as a name of Sîn, and the god list AN: Anu ša amēli line 38 (ibid. p. 231) identifies him as d30 šá ṣi-su nam-rat “Sîn, whose rising is bright.”
2x ša: B. Pongratz-Leisten (Studies Boehmer p. 551) read the traces at the beginning of the line before ša as the end of a MAḪ sign, “[the exalte]d one,” although it is unclear if there is sufficient space for this relatively large sign in the break. Restorations to this line are taken from text no. 216 obv. 10; the restoration of ⸢te⸣-[diš-ta] “r[enewal]” follows Hätinen, dubsar 20 p. 142.
3For this reading of the line, see Hätinen, dubsar 20 p. 142 (with n. 754).
4[DINGIR?] “[god]”: Possibly restore [EN?] “[lord]”; see Hätinen, dubsar 20 pp. 142–143 (with n. 755).
5⸢na?⸣-[ram?] “be[loved of]”: Or possibly read ⸢mu⸣-[x x] following A. Hätinen (dubsar 20 p. 143 [with n. 756]). ḫa-mì-[im pa-ra-aṣ da-nù-ú-ti] “who gath[ers to himself (all) divine offices of the highest rank]”: The restoration follows B. Pongratz-Leisten (Studies Boehmer p. 551). Along with this reading, Pongratz-Leisten (ibid. pp. 553–554) also raised the question as to whether such an epithet should be ascribed to Sîn or to Ištar (if d15 stands for Ištar and not “goddess” generically). She noted that the epithet is mainly used for Ištar in Neo-Babylonian inscriptions, with the first attestation of it in reference to Sîn appearing in Nabonidus’ inscriptions. Similarly, it should be pointed out that in Ashurbanipal’s corpus this epithet is explicitly used for Ištar in text no. 23 (IIT) line 6, ḫa-mì-mat GARZA.MEŠ da-num ⸢šu⸣-qu-ru-ti “the one who has gathered to herself (all of) the valuable divine offices of the god Anu,” and in Frame, RIMB 2 p. 225 B.6.32.19 line 5, ḫa-mi-mat par-ṣi “who has gathered to herself (all) divine offices.” Thus, the epithet reconstructed here might apply to Ištar and not to Sîn.
6For palû as an insignia of kingship, see CAD P p. 74 sub palû A 5.
7⸢ḫa?-aʾ-iṭ?⸣ “[w]ho se[e]s (into)”: The reading follows A. Hätinen (dubsar 20 p. 143 [with n. 757]). The restorations at the end of the line are taken from text no. 216 obv. 16.
8[mi-gir DINGIR u d15] “[favorite of god and goddess]”: The restoration is taken from text no. 212 obv. 8´. B. Pongratz-Leisten (Studies Boehmer pp. 551 and 554) restored instead pa-liḫ DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ “who reveres the great gods” based on Hunger, Kolophone p. 101 no. 327 line 2.
9[na]-ṣir a-mat d[30 dNIN.GAL u d]⸢nusku?⸣ “[who o]beys the command of the deities [Sîn, Ningal, and Nusk]u”: Compare the reading of text no. 212 obv. 9´, na-ṣir a-mat ⸢d⸣30 u dnin-gal “who obeys the command of the god Sîn and the goddess Ningal.”
10⸢NUMUN⸣ [da-ru-ú šá LUGAL-u-ti?] “the [eternal] se[ed of kingship]”: For this restoration, see text no. 9 (Prism F) vi 66, text no. 11 (Prism A) x 112, and text no. 212 obv. 12´.
11B. Pongratz-Leisten (Studies Boehmer p. 552) restored rubû arkû “a future ruler” at the end of the line, but this phrase never appears in the Ḫarrān display texts.
12The restorations in the second half of rev. 9 are based on the pattern of the other Ḫarrān display texts; see text no. 210 rev. 3´, text no. 211 rev. 15, text no. 212 rev. 12´, text no. 214 rev. 6, and text no. 209 rev. 6–7. ⸢ši⸣-[pir ŠU.II-ia] “[my handi]wo[rk]”: Or possibly ⸢ši⸣-[pir-šú-nu] “[their handi]wo[rk].” The restorations of rev. 10 are taken from text no. 211 rev. 16 and text no. 212 rev. 13´.
13[a-na šip-ri šá-nim-ma ep-pu-šú] “[(re)fashions (their metal) for another work]”: This phrase only appears in the curse formulae of dedicatory texts for objects at Ḫarrān (see text nos. 209 rev. 16; 210 rev. 7´ [partially restored]; 211 rev. 17 [restored]; 212 rev. 14´; 213 rev. 5´ [partially restored]; 214 rev. 10; and 216 rev. 1´ [partially restored]). Given that these inscriptions concern the fashioning of metal-plated objects, the phrase likely refers to stripping the items of their metal and then reworking it for the plating of another object. This interpretation is confirmed by the addition of a direct object for the verb in the parallel line of text no. 209 rev. 16, which has iḫ-ze-⸢e⸣-šú a-na šip-ri šá-nim-ma e-pu-šú “(re)fashions its mountings for another work.” Such mountings are made of precious metals and are used for setting stones and decorating objects (CAD I/J pp. 47–48 sub iḫzū).
Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-22. Lemmatized by Joshua Jeffers, 2018-22, for the NEH-funded RINAP Project at the University of Pennsylvania. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as