Ashurbanipal 207
Obverse | ||
oo | Lacuna | |
o 1'1' | [x x] x x [...] | (1') [...] ... [... de]scendant of Sennac[herib, k]ing of [Assyria; descendant of Sargo]n (II), king of [Assyria] — after the g[reat] gods [commanded] me [to ex]ercise rul[ers]h[ip] wit[h ...] (and) entrus[ted me with] the governing of the lands (and) the subjugating of enemies, kings of the east and west came and kissed [my feet]. |
o 2'2' | ⸢ŠÀ⸣.BAL.BAL md30-⸢PAP⸣.[MEŠ-SU] ⸢LUGAL⸣ KUR [aš-šur.KI ŠÀ.BAL.BAL mLUGAL-GI].⸢NA⸣ MAN KUR [aš-šur.KI] | |
o 3'3' | ul-tu DINGIR.MEŠ ⸢GAL⸣.[MEŠ e?]-peš ⸢mal⸣-[ku]-⸢ú?⸣-[ti iq-bu-u?]-⸢in⸣-ni ⸢ina?⸣ [...]1 | |
o 4'4' | KUR.KUR a-na šá-pa-⸢ri na⸣-ki-⸢ri a⸣-na kun-nu-ši ú-mal-⸢lu⸣-[ú ŠU.II-u-a] | |
o 5'5' | LUGAL.MEŠ ⸢ṣi-it⸣ dUTU-ši u e-reb ⸢d⸣UTU-ši il-lik-ú-nim-ma ⸢ú⸣-na-áš-ši-⸢qu⸣ [GÌR.II-ia] | |
o 6'6' | mtar-qu-ú ba-lu DINGIR.MEŠ a-na e-kemṣur uš-tam-ṣa-⸢a⸣ a-na ⸢DA⸣ [...] | (6') Taharqa, without (the consent of) the gods, made a serious attempt to take away Egypt for [...]. He scorned the [m]ight of (the god) Aššur, my lord, and trusted in [his] own strength. The harsh [d]eeds that the father who had engendered me had performed against him did not cross his mind. [H]e came and entered the city Memphis, and (then) [t]urned that city over to himself. (10´) [Aga]inst the people of Assyria who were inside Egypt, servants who belonged to me, [whom] Esarhaddon — king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me — had appointed as king(s) there, he dispatched his army [to] kill, rob, (and) plunder (them). |
o 7'7' | ⸢da⸣-na-an AN.ŠÁR EN-ia e-mì-iš-ma it-ta-kil a-na e-muq ra-ma-⸢ni⸣-[šú] | |
o 8'8' | ⸢ep⸣-šet ma-ru-uš-tú ša AD ba-nu-u-a e-pu-šú-uš ul ib-⸢bal⸣-kit ina lìb-bi-šú | |
o 9'9' | ⸢il⸣-li-kám-ma qé-reb e-⸢ru⸣-um-ma URU ⸢šu⸣-a-tu ú-⸢ter⸣ ra-ma-nu-uš | |
o 10'10' | [e]-li UN.MEŠ KUR aš-šur.KI ša qé-rebṣur ARAD.MEŠ-ni ⸢da⸣-gíl pa-ni-ia | |
o 11'11' | [ša m]aš-šur-PAP-AŠ LUGAL KUR aš-šur.KI AD ba-nu-ú-a a-na LUGAL-ú-⸢ti⸣ ip-qí-du ina lìb-bi | |
o 12'12' | [a-na] da-a-ki ḫa-ba-a-te šá-la-a-li ú-ma-ʾe-⸢e⸣-ra um-man-šú | |
o 13'13' | ⸢al⸣-la-ku ḫa-an-ṭu ina qé-⸢reb⸣ NINA.KI il-li-kam-ma ú-šá-an-⸢na⸣-a ia-a-ši | (13') A fast [m]essenger came to Nineveh and reported (this) to me. My heart became enraged about these deeds and my temper turned hot. (15´) I summoned (my) field marshal (and) governors, together with the troops (under) their authority, my elite forces, and I quickly gave the order to them to support (and) aid the kings (and) governors, servants who belonged to me, (and) I made them take the road to Egypt. They traveled furiously (and) quickly (and) marched as far as the city Kār-Bānīte. |
o 14'14' | e-li ep-še-e-ti an-na-a-ti lìb-bi i-gu-ug-ma iṣ-ṣa-ri-⸢iḫ⸣ ka-bat-ti | |
o 15'15' | al-si-ma LÚ.tur-tan LÚ.NAM.MEŠ a-di ERIM.MEŠ ŠU.II-šú-nu e-mu-qí-ia MAḪ.MEŠ | |
o 16'16' | a-na na-ra-ru-ti ḫa-mat LUGAL.MEŠ LÚ.NAM.MEŠ ARAD.MEŠ-ni da-gíl pa-ni-ia | |
o 17'17' | ⸢ur-ru⸣-ḫiš ṭè-e-mu áš-kun-šú-nu-ti ḫar-ra-an ⸢KUR⸣.mu-ṣur ú-šá-áš-ki-na GÌR.II-šú-un | |
o 18'18' | ||
o 19'19' | mtar-qu-ú MAN KUR.ku-u-si ša a-lak ERIM.ḪI.A-ia qé-reb iš-me-ma | (19') Taharqa, the king of Kush, heard about the advance of my troops (while he was) inside the city Memphis and (20´) mustered his troops to wage an armed, pitched battle; he formed a battle line opposite my troops. With the support of the gods Aššur (and) Sîn, the great gods, my lords who march at my side, they (my troops) brought about his defeat in a pitched battle. They cut down with the sword the troops upon which he relied. |
o 20'20' | a-na e-peš MURUB₄ GIŠ.TUKUL ⸢EDIN⸣ ERIM.ḪI.A-šú id-ka-a is-di-ra mé-eḫ-ret ERIM.ḪI.A-ia | |
o 21'21' | ina tu-kul-ti AN.ŠÁR d30 DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ EN.MEŠ-ia a-lik i-di-⸢ia⸣ | |
o 22'22' | ina MÈ ⸢EDIN⸣ BAD₅.BAD₅-šú iš-ku-⸢nu⸣ ERIM.MEŠ tuk-la-ti-šú ú-ra-as-si-bu ina ⸢GIŠ.TUKUL⸣ | |
o 23'23' | (23') (As for) him (Taharqa), terror (and) fear fell upon him and he went into a frenzy. He escaped from the city Memphis, his royal city (and) a place upon which he relied and, (25´) in order to save his (own) life, he boarded a boat, abandoned his camp, fled alone, and entered the city Thebes. | |
o 24'24' | ul-tu URU LUGAL-ti-šú a-šar tu-kul-ti-šú uṣ-⸢ṣi⸣-ma | |
o 25'25' | ||
o 26'26' | KARAŠ-su ú-maš-šìr-ma e-diš ip-par-šid-ma qé-rebʾ e-ru-ub | |
o 27'27' | GIŠ.MÁ.MEŠ qa-ra-bi ma-la it-ti-šú ERIM.MEŠ MÈ-šú ú-ṣab-bi-tú ina ŠU.II | (27') They (my army) captured as many warships as there were with him, (as well as) his combat troops. A messenger told me the good news that I had been waiting for. (30´) To banish Taharqa from Egypt (and) Kush, I added to my former forces the chief eunuch, the governors, (and) all of the kings of Across the River (Syria-Palestine), servants who belonged to me, together with their forces (and) their boats, (as well as) the kings of Egypt, servants who belonged to me, together with their forces (and) their boats, and I sent (them) to the city Thebes, the fortified city of Taharqa, the king of Kush. They went on a march of (one) month (and) ten days. (35´) Taharqa heard about the advance of my troops, and (then) abandoned the city Thebes, his fortified city, crossed the Nile River, [and] pitched camp on the other side. |
o 28'28' | ||
o 29'29' | LÚ.GAL SAG LÚ.NAM.MEŠ LUGAL.MEŠ e-ber ÍD ARAD.MEŠ da-gíl pa-ni-ia DÙ-šú-un | |
o 30'30' | ||
o 31'31' | LUGAL.MEŠṣur ARAD.MEŠ da-gíl pa-ni-ia a-di e-mu-qí-šú-⸢nu⸣ GIŠ.MÁ.MEŠ-šú-nu | |
o 32'32' | ⸢a⸣-na ḫul-lu-uq mtar-qu-ú ul-tu qé-rebṣur KUR.ku-u-si | |
o 33'33' | ||
o 34'34' | a-naʾ URU ⸢dan⸣-nu-ti mtar-qu-ú MAN KUR.ku-u-si il-li-ku ma-lak ITI 10 u₄-me | |
o 35'35' | mtar-qu-ú ša a-lak ERIM.ḪI.A-ia iš-me-⸢maʾ URU⸣ dan-nu-ti-šú ú-maš-šìr-ma | |
o 36'36' | ||
o 37'37' | mni-ik-ku-ú mLUGAL-lu-dà-ri mpa-aq-ru-⸢ru⸣ [LUGAL].MEŠ šá qé-reb KUR.⸢mu⸣-ṣur iš-ku-nu AD ba-nu-u-a | (37') Necho, Šarru-lū-dāri, (and) Pa-qrur[u, king]s whom the father who had engendered me had installed in Egypt, [tra]nsgressed the treaty (sworn) by (the god) Aššur and the great gods, m[y] lords, and (then) broke their oath(s). They forgot the kindness of the father who had engendered me, and their [he]art(s) plo[t]ted evil (deeds). (40´) They spoke word(s) of treachery and decided (among) themselves on a profitless [decis]ion, saying: “[If] they [remo]ve Taharqa from Egyp[t], how then can we (ourselves) stay?” To establ[ish treaties and peace], they dispatched their mounted messenger(s) to Taharqa, the king of Kush, saying: “Let peace be est[ablished] between us [so that we can c]ome to a mutual agreement. (Let) us divide the land among ourselves so that [no] other lord [come]s between us.” (45´) With regard to the numerous troops of Assyria, the m[ight of m]y [lordly majest]y, they constantly sought out evil plan(s); they pl[otted to] cut their throat(s and) [s]trove to completely destroy (them). |
o 38'38' | a-de-e AN.ŠÁR u DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ EN.MEŠ-⸢ia⸣ [e]-⸢ti⸣-qu-ma ip-⸢ru-ṣu⸣ ma-mit-sún | |
o 39'39' | ⸢DÙG⸣.GA-ti AD ba-ni-ia im-šu-ma ⸢lìb⸣-ba-šú-nu ik-⸢pu-ud⸣ ḪUL-tum | |
o 40'40' | ⸢da⸣-bab-ti sur-ra-a-ti id-bu-bu-ma [mi]-⸢lik⸣ la ku-širi₄ im-li-ku ra-man-šú-un | |
o 41'41' | ⸢um⸣-ma mtar-⸢qu⸣-ú ul-tu qé-reb⸢ṣur⸣ [i-na-saḫ]-⸢ú⸣-ma at-tu-ni a-šá-ba-ni mi-i-nu | |
o 42'42' | ⸢e⸣-li mtar-qu-ú MAN KUR.ku-u-si a-na šá-⸢kan⸣ [a-de-e u sa-li-me] ⸢ú⸣-ma-ʾe-e-ru LÚ.rak-bé-šú-un | |
o 43'43' | ⸢um⸣-ma su-lum-mu-ú ina bi-ri-ni liš-[šá-kin-ma ni]-⸢in⸣-dag-ga-ra a-ḫa-meš | |
o 44'44' | ⸢KUR⸣ a-ḫe-en-na-a ni-zu-⸢uz-ma⸣ [a-a ib-ba]-⸢ši⸣ ina bi-ri-ni šá-nu-um-ma be-lum | |
o 45'45' | ⸢ša⸣ ERIM.ḪI.A KUR aš-šur gap-šá-a-⸢ti e⸣-[muq EN]-⸢ti-ia⸣ iš-te-né-ʾu-ú a-mat ḪUL-tim | |
o 46'46' | [a-na] ⸢na⸣-kas na-piš-ti-šú-⸢un ik⸣-[pu-du] ⸢iṣ⸣-ri-mu ḫul-lu-qu a-di la ba-še-e | |
o 47'47' | ⸢LÚ⸣.[šu-ut] ⸢SAG⸣.MEŠ-ia a-ma-a-ti [an-na-a]-⸢ti⸣ iš-mu-ma ik-ki-lu nik-⸢lat-sún⸣ | (47') [Eun]uchs of mine heard [thes]e words and outwitted their cunning plans. [They seized] thei[r] mounted messenger(s), [alo]ng with their messages, and they saw their deceitful acts. They seized Šarru-lū-dāri (and) Necho [and] clamped (their) hands and feet [in fetters] (and) handcuffs. (50´) The oath (sworn) by (the god) Aššur, the king of [the gods, defeated] them and my kindness, which I had done for them as a favor, [cal]led to account those who had sinned against the great treaties. |
o 48'48' | ⸢LÚ.rak-bé-šú-un⸣ [a]-⸢di⸣ šip-ra-⸢ti⸣-šú-⸢nu⸣ [iṣ-ba-tu-nim]-⸢ma e⸣-mu-ru ep-šet sur-ra-a-ti-šu-un | |
o 49'49' | ⸢m⸣LUGAL-lu-dà-ri m⸢ni⸣-ku-⸢ú⸣ iṣ-ba-⸢tu⸣-[nim-ma ina bi-re-ti] iš-qa-te ú-tam-me-ḫu ŠU.II u GÌR.II2 | |
o 50'50' | ma-mit AN.ŠÁR LUGAL [DINGIR.MEŠ ik-šu-us]-su-nu-ti-ma šá ⸢iḫ⸣-ṭu-ú ina a-de-e GAL.MEŠ | |
o 51'51' | ṭa-ab-ti qa-tuš-šú-⸢un⸣ [ú-ba]-⸢ʾi⸣-i-ma šá e-pu-us-su-nu-ti du-un-⸢qu⸣ | |
o 52'52' | ⸢ù⸣ UN.MEŠ URU.MEŠ ma-la [it]-⸢ti⸣-šú-nu iš-šak-nu ik-pu-du a-mat ḪUL-ti | (52') Moreover, they (my troops) cu[t down] with the sword the people of the cities, as many as had sided [wit]h them (and) plotted evil plan(s), [you]ng and old, and they did not spare a single person among (them). Furthermore, they brought them (Necho and Šarru-lū-dāri) to [Nineveh], my capital [cit]y, before me. |
o 53'53' | ⸢TUR⸣ u GAL ina GIŠ.TUKUL ú-⸢šam⸣-[qí-tu]-⸢ú⸣-ma e-du a-me-lu la e-zi-bu ina lìb-bi | |
o 54'54' | ù šá-a-šú-un a-di [NINA.KI] ⸢URU⸣ be-lu-ti-ia a-⸢di⸣ maḫ-ri-ia ub-lu-u-ni | |
o 55'55' | ⸢ù⸣ a-na-ku maš-šur-DÙ-⸢A⸣ [MAN KUR aš-šur].⸢KI⸣ ŠÀ rap-šú e-⸢piš⸣ MUN sa-ḫi-ru dam-qa-a-ti | (55') Moreover, I, Ashurbanipal, [king of Assyria], the magnanimous one who performs acts of kindness (and) repays good deeds, had mercy on Ne[ch]o, a servant who be[longed to me whom the father who had engendered me] had appointed [as kin]g in the city Kār-bēl-mātāti, [and] I f[orgave] his [c]rime(s). [I made] the treaty sworn by the gods [more stringent] than the previ[ous one and] I established (it) [wit]h him. |
o 56'56' | a-na mni-⸢ik-ku⸣-ú ARAD ⸢da⸣-[gíl IGI-ia šá AD DÙ-u-a a-na LUGAL-u]-⸢te⸣ ip-qí-du ina URU.KAR-EN-KUR.KUR | |
o 57'57' | ||
o 58'58' | a-de-⸢e ni-iš DINGIR.MEŠ UGU šá maḫ⸣-[ri ú-šá-tir-ma it]-⸢ti-šú áš⸣-pur3 | |
o 59'59' | lìb-bu ú-šar-ḫi-is-su-ma lu-⸢bul⸣-[tú bir-me ú-lab]-bi-su-ma | (59') I encouraged him (Necho) and (then) [cloth]ed him in ga[rment(s) with multi-colored trim], placed on him a golden hoe, an in[signia of his kingship], (and) [fastened] gold bracelets around his wrists. [On] a belt-dagger with gold mountings, [I wrote out] m[y] name [a]nd I gave (it) to him. I presented him with chariots, horses, (and) mules t[o] be his [lordl]y [transport]. I sent [wit]h him eunuchs of mine (and) governors to [help him]. (65´) Where the father who had engendered me had appointed him as king, in the city Sais, whose name is (now) the c[ity Kār-bēl-m]ātāti, I returned him to [his] p[osition]. I performed [more] kind (and) good deed(s) for him than the father who had engendered me. Moreover, I installed Nabû-šēzibanni, his son, as ki[n]g in the city [A]thribis, whose name is (now) Limmer-iššâk-Aššur. |
o 60'60' | ||
o 61'61' | ||
o 62'62' | GÍR šib-bi šá iḫ-zu-šú KÙ.GI ni-bit MU-⸢ia⸣ [ina muḫ-ḫi áš-ṭur]-⸢ma⸣ a-din-šú | |
o 63'63' | ⸢GIŠ⸣.GIGIR.MEŠ ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ ANŠE.KUNGA.MEŠ a-⸢na⸣ [ru-kub EN]-⸢ti⸣-šú a-qis-su | |
o 64'64' | LÚ.šu-ut SAG.MEŠ-ia ⸢LÚ⸣.NAM.MEŠ a-na [kit-ri-šú it]-⸢ti⸣-šú áš-pur | |
o 65'65' | a-šar AD DÙ-u-a ina URU.⸢sa⸣-a-a šá ⸢URU⸣.[KAR-EN]-⸢KUR⸣.KUR MU-šú | |
o 66'66' | ⸢a⸣-na LUGAL-u-te ip-⸢qid-du⸣-šú a-na ⸢maš⸣-[kán-i-šú] ú-ter-šú | |
o 67'67' | ṭa-ab-tum SIG₅-⸢tum UGU⸣ šá AD ba-ni-ia ú-[šá-tir]-⸢ma⸣ e-pu-us-su | |
o 68'68' | ||
o 69'69' | ||
o 70'70' | mtar-qu-ú MAN KUR.ku-u-si ḫat-tu pu-luḫ-ti EN-ti-⸢ia⸣ is-ḫup-⸢šu⸣-[ma] ⸢il⸣-lik nam-mu-ši-šú | (70') (As for) Taharqa, the king of Kush, terror (and) fear of my lordly majesty overwhelmed hi[m and] he passed away. Tanutamon, the son of his sister, sat upon his throne and governed the land. He made the city Thebes his fortress and assembled his forces. (rev. 1) To wage war and battle against my troops, he mobilized his weapons (and) took the road. With the support of the gods Aššur, Sîn, and the great gods, my lords, they (my troops) brought about his defeat in a widespread pitched battle (and) scattered his forces. Tanutamon fled alone and entered the city Thebes, his royal city. (rev. 5) They went after him on a march of (one) month (and) ten days, (on) difficult roads, as far as the city Thebe[s]. They conquered that city in its entirety (and) flattened (it) l[ike] the Deluge. |
o 71'71' | mUR-da-ma-né-e DUMU NIN₉-šú ina GIŠ.GU.ZA-šú ú-šib-ma ú-ma-⸢ʾe⸣-er ma-a-tum | |
o 72'72' | ||
Reverse | ||
r 1r 1 | a-na e-peš MURUB₄ u MÈ UGU ERIM.ḪI.A-ia GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-šú ú-šat-ba-a iṣ-ba-ta ḫar-ra-na | |
r 22 | ||
r 33 | ina MÈ EDIN rap-ši BAD₅.BAD₅-šú iš-ku-nu ú-par-ri-ru el-lat-su | |
r 44 | mUR-da-ma-né-e e-diš ip-par-šid-ma e-ru-ub a-naʾ URU LUGAL-ti-šú | |
r 55 | ma-lak ITI 10 UD.MEŠ ur-ḫi pa-áš-qu-ú-ti EGIR-šú il-li-ku a-di qé-reb⸢iʾ⸣ | |
r 66 | ||
r 77 | KÙ.BABBAR KÙ.GI e-per KUR-šú ni-siq-ti NA₄.MEŠ mim-ma aq-ru ni-⸢ṣir⸣-ti [É].⸢GAL⸣-[šú]4 | (r 7) They brought out of it (Thebes), without number (and) in abundance, silver, gold, ore from its mountain, precious stones, any precious object, the treasures of [his pal]ac[e, garm]ents with multi-colored trim, linen garments, large horses, people — male and f[emale — ze]bus, pagû-monkeys, (and) uqūpu-monkeys — who were raised in thei[r] mountains — and they counted (them) as booty. They safely carried (it) to Nineveh, my capital city, and kissed my feet. |
r 88 | [lu]-⸢bul⸣-ti bir-me GADA.MEŠ ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ UN.MEŠ ⸢NITA⸣ u ⸢MUNUS⸣ | |
r 99 | ||
r 1010 | ina la mì-ni a-na mu-ʾu-de-e TA qé-reb-e-šú ú-še-ṣu-nim-ma im-nu-u šal-la-⸢tiš⸣ | |
r 1111 | a-na NINA.KI URU be-lu-ti-ia šal-meš iš-šu-nim-ma ú-na-áš-ši-qu GÌR.II-ia | |
r 1212 | URU.qir-bít ša qé-reb URU.ḫa-le-e-ḫa-as-ta na-da-ta šu-bat-⸢su⸣ | (r 12) (As for) the city Qirbit, whose location is situated inside (Mount) Ḫarēḫasta (lit. “the city Ḫarēḫasta”), the people living in it trusted in their rugged mountains and did not respect the dominion of Assyria. (As for) Tandāya (and) their city rulers who had never bowed down to the yoke of the kings, my ancestors, (rev. 15) they were constantly plundering the land Yamutbal (and) devastated its pasture land. With regard to these deeds, the citizens of Dēr appealed to me (and) beseeched my lordly majesty. |
r 1313 | UN.MEŠ a-šib ŠÀ-šú UGU KUR.MEŠ-šú-nu mar-ṣu-ú-ti tak-lu-ma la pit-lu-ḫu be-⸢lut⸣ KUR aš-šur | |
r 1414 | mta-an-da-a-a LÚ.EN.URU.MEŠ-šú-nu šá a-na LUGAL.MEŠ AD.MEŠ-ia la kit-⸢nu⸣-šú a-na ni-i-⸢ri⸣ | |
r 1515 | ḫu-bu-ut KUR.ia-mut-ba-la ka-a-a-an iḫ-ta-nab-ba-tu ú-šaḫ-ri-bu na-me-e-šú | |
r 1616 | áš-šú ep-še-e-ti an-na-a-ti DUMU.MEŠ BÀD.AN.KI im-da-ḫa-ru-ni-ma ú-ṣal-lu-u be-lu-u-ti | |
r 1717 | LÚ.šu-ut SAG.MEŠ-ia LÚ.NAM.MEŠ UGU-šú-nu ú-ma-ʾe-er URU.qir-bít ik-šu-du iš-lu-la UN.MEŠ-šú | (r 17) I sent my eunuchs (and) governors against them. They conquered the city Qirbit (and) carried off its people. I forcibly removed the people of those cities that I had conquered and settled (them) in Egypt. |
r 1818 | UN.MEŠ URU.MEŠ šá-tu-nu ki-šit-ti ŠU.II-ia as-suḫ-ma qé-rebṣur ú-šá-aṣ-bit | |
r 1919 | mgu-gu LUGAL na-gu-ú né-ber-ti A.AB.BA áš-ru ru-ú-qu | (r 19) (As for) Gyges, the king of the land Lydia — a region on the opposite shore of the sea, a remote place, the mention of whose name none of the kings who came before, my ancestors, had (ever) heard — (the god) Aššur, the god who created me, made him see in a dream the strong radiance of my royal majesty, saying: “Grasp the princely feet of Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, the one who is required by (the god) Aššur — the king of the gods, the lord of everything — and (then) revere his royal majesty and beseech his lordly majesty. Let your supplications go to him as one who does obeisance and gives payments.” On the (very) day he saw this dream, he sent his mounted messenger before me to inquire about my well-being. |
r 2020 | ša LUGAL.MEŠ a-li-kut maḫ-ri AD.MEŠ-ia la iš-mu-ú zik-ri ⸢MU⸣-šú | |
r 2121 | ni-biṭ LUGAL-ti-ia kab-ti ina MÁŠ.GI₆ ú-šab-ri-šú-ma AN.ŠÁR DINGIR ba-nu-ú-⸢a⸣5 | |
r 2222 | um-ma ša maš-šur-DÙ-A LUGAL KUR aš-šur.KI ḫi-šiḫ-ti AN.ŠÁR LUGAL DINGIR.MEŠ EN ⸢gim-ri⸣ | |
r 2323 | ⸢GÌR⸣.II.MEŠ ru-bu-ti-šú ṣa-bat-ma LUGAL-su pit-⸢luḫ⸣-ma ṣu-ul-la-a be-lut-su | |
r 2424 | ša e-piš ARAD-u-ti u na-din man-da-at-ti ⸢lil⸣-li-ku-uš su-up-pu-ka | |
r 2525 | u₄-mu MÁŠ.GI₆ an-ni-tu e-mu-ru a-na šá-ʾa-al šul-mì-ia LÚ.RA.GABA-ú-šú iš-pu-ra a-di maḫ-ri-ia | |
r 2626 | LÚ.gi-mir-ra-a-a mu-dal-li-pu-u-ti KUR-šú šá ina qer-bi tam-ḫa-ri bal-ṭu-us-su ik-šú-da ŠU.II-šú | (r 26) He (Gyges) sent Cimmerians, who were disturbing his land (and) whom he had captured alive in the thick of battle, together with his substantial audience gift(s), to Nineveh, my capital city, and he (Gyges’ messenger) kissed my feet. |
r 2727 | it-ti ta-mar-ti-šú ka-bit-⸢tú⸣ a-na NINA.KI URU be-lu-ti-ia ú-še-bil-am-ma ú-na-áš-šiq GÌR.II-ia | |
r 2828 | mmu-gal-li LUGAL KUR.[tab-URU] a-šib ḫur-šá-a-ni šá-di-i pa-áš-qu-u-ti6 | (r 28) (As for) Mugallu, the king of the land [Tabal], who resides in the mountains — difficult mountain terrain — who was arrayed in weapons against the kings, my ancestors, (and) always answered (them) with disrespect, (rev. 30) terror fell upon hi[m] in his land and fear of my royal majesty overwhelmed him. Without waging ar[med] battle (and) [war], he then sent (a messenger) to Nineveh and appealed to my lordly majesty. I imposed upon him [a payme]nt of large horses as his annual giving. |
r 2929 | ša a-na LUGAL.MEŠ AD.MEŠ-ia GIŠ.⸢TUKUL⸣.MEŠ šit-pu-ru e-tap-pa-lu da-ṣa-a-ti | |
r 3030 | qé-reb KUR-šú ḫat-ti ⸢im⸣-qut-⸢su⸣-ma pu-luḫ-ti LUGAL-ti-ia is-ḫup-šú-ma | |
r 3131 | ba-lu e-peš MURUB₄ ⸢GIŠ.TUKUL⸣ [MÈ] ⸢a-na NINA.KI⸣ iš-pu-ram-ma ú-ṣal-la-a be-lu-ú-ti | |
r 3232 | ⸢ANŠE⸣.KUR.RA.MEŠ GAL.⸢MEŠ⸣ [man-da]-⸢at-tu⸣ na-dan šat-ti-šú ú-kin ṣe-ru-uš-šú | |
r 3333 | [m]⸢ik⸣-ki-lu-ú ⸢LUGAL⸣-ú-a-⸢da⸣ a-šib ra-pa-áš-ti MURUB₄ tam-tim | (r 33) [(As for) Y]akīn-Lû, the king of the l[and A]rwad, who resides in the wide sea, who(se) location is situated like a fish in an unfathomable a[mou]nt of water (and) the surge of powerful waves, (rev. 35) who put his tr[u]st in the roiling sea and (therefore) had not bowed down to (anyone’s) yoke, he became frighten[ed] of my lordly majesty and (so) bowed down to do obeisance to me and pulled my yoke. I imposed upon him (a payment of) gold, red-purple wool, blue-purple wool, fish, (and) birds yearly. |
r 3434 | ⸢ša⸣ ki-ma KU₆ ina A.MEŠ la ni-i-bi ⸢gi-piš⸣ e-de-e dan-ni šit-ku-nu šub-tu | |
r 3535 | ša UGU tam-tim gal-la-ti ⸢tak-lu⸣-ú-ma la kit-nu-šú a-na ni-i-ri | |
r 3636 | be-lu-u-ti ip-⸢làḫ⸣-ma a-⸢na⸣ e-⸢peš ARAD⸣-ti-ia ik-nu-uš-ma i-šu-ṭa ab-šá-a-ni | |
r 3737 | KÙ.GI.MEŠ SÍG SA₅.MEŠ SÍG GI₆.MEŠ ⸢KU₆.MEŠ⸣ MUŠEN.MEŠ šat-ti-šam-ma ú-kin e-li-šú | |
r 3838 | ina ⸢tu⸣-kul-ti DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ ⸢ù d⸣[EN].⸢ZU?⸣ a-šib URU.ḫar-ra-na EN-ia7 | (r 38) With the support of the great gods and the god [Sî]n, my lord, who dwells in the city Ḫarrān, the wicked bowed down (and) s[tron]g recalcitrant ones kissed my feet. (rev. 40) I conquere[d] lands that had not bowed down to me (and) [carr]ied off their substantial booty. I gave the best of the silver, gold, any precio[us] object, [treasures, (and) extensive possessions of] (my) enemies as a gift to the gods of Assyria (and) the gods of the land of Sum[er and Akka]d. |
r 3939 | ⸢rag⸣-gi ik-nu-šú ši-ip-ṣi ⸢mi⸣-[it-ru]-⸢ti⸣ ú-na-áš-ši-⸢qu⸣ GÌR.II-⸢ia⸣8 | |
r 4040 | KUR.KUR la ma-gi-re-ia ak-šu-⸢ud⸣ [áš]-⸢lu?-la šal-lat⸣-su-nu ka-bit-tu | |
r 4141 | ⸢SAG⸣.MEŠ KÙ.BABBAR KÙ.GI mim-ma aq-⸢ru⸣ [ni-ṣir-ti NÍG.ŠU] na-ki-ri šad-lu-ú-ti | |
r 4242 | a-⸢na⸣ DINGIR.MEŠ KUR aš-šur.KI DINGIR.MEŠ KUR ⸢EME⸣.[GI₇ u] ⸢URI.KI⸣ a-qiš a-na qiš-ti | |
r 4343 | ina u₄-me-šú é-ḫúl-ḫúl É d⸢30⸣ [(...) ša] ⸢qé⸣-reb URU.ḫar-ra-na9 | (r 43) At that time, Eḫulḫul, the temple of the god S[în (...) that is i]nside the city Ḫarrān, which [S]halmaneser (III), son of Ashurnasirp[al (II), a king of the past (who had come) befo]re me, had built — (rev. 45) tha[t] temp[le, which] had beco[me o]ld (and) whose walls [had buck]led, I completely cleared away its dilapidated section(s), [exposed its] foundatio[n(s), and (thereby) discov]ered its surface, its innermost core. I [raised up] the entirety of that temple thirty courses of brick [(and) I fashi]oned its brickwork. |
r 4444 | ša [m]⸢dsál⸣-ma-nu-MAŠ DUMU maš-šur-PAP-⸢IBILA⸣ [LUGAL pa-ni maḫ]-⸢ri⸣-ia e-pu-šú | |
r 4545 | ⸢É šu-a⸣-[tu ša] ⸢la⸣-ba-riš ⸢il-li⸣-[ku i-qu]-ba É.GAR₈.MEŠ-šú | |
r 4646 | an-ḫu-⸢us-su⸣ am-si ad-ke tem-me-⸢en⸣-[šú ap-te-ma? a]-⸢mur?⸣ IGI?-šú du-rug-šú10 | |
r 4747 | si-ḫir-ti É šu-a-tu 30 ti-ib-ki ⸢ú⸣-[šaq-qi ap-ti]-qa pi-ti-iq-šú | |
r 4848 | ⸢3⸣ ME 50 GÍD.DA 72 DAGAL ti-ib IM.KUR.RA x [... ú]-rad-di ina muḫ-ḫi | (r 48) To the east, [I] added onto (it) [...] 350 (cubits) long (and) 72 (cubits) wide. From the rear of the city, I filled (that area) with 130 courses of bricks [...] inside the citadel. I laid its foundations with massive (blocks) of strong mountain stone. I [secured] its foundation (and) I made [it]s [structure] larger. |
r 4949 | 1 ME 30 ti-ib-ki TA ku-tal URU ú-mal-li [...] x qé-reb MURUB₄ URU | |
r 5050 | ina eš-qí NA₄.MEŠ KUR-i dan-ni UŠ₈-šú ad-di tem-me-en-šú ⸢ú⸣-[kin? šu?-bat?]-⸢su?⸣ ú-rap-piš | |
r 5151 | GIŠ.EREN MAḪ.MEŠ šá qé-reb URU.lab-na-na ⸢ik⸣-[bi-ru i-ši]-⸢ḫu⸣ la-a-nu | (r 51) With magnificent cedars, which had g[rown thick (and) ta]ll in size on Mount Lebanon (lit. “city Lebanon”), (and) with sweet scented cypress, (upon) which the god Adad had s[howered rai]n on Mount Sirāra (lit. “city Sirāra”) — which the kings of the sea coast, servants who belonged to me, had cut do[wn at] my [com]mand (and) had had dragged with much trouble from their mountains (through) difficult terrain [to the city Ḫ]arrān — (rev. 55) I covered Eḫulḫul, “the Dwelling of Joy,” and (thereby) [secured (its) roo]f. I fastened band(s) of silver on large doors of cypress (and) I [fixed] (them) in its [gate]ways. |
r 5252 | GIŠ.ŠUR.MÌN e-re-šú DÙG.GA šá qé-reb ú-x [x x zu-un?]-nu dIŠKUR11 | |
r 5353 | ša LUGAL.MEŠ ki-šad tam-tim ARAD.MEŠ da-gíl pa-ni-ia ik-⸢ki⸣-[su ina ṭè]-⸢e⸣-me-ia | |
r 5454 | TA šad-de-šú-nu a-šar nam-ra-ṣi pa-áš-qiš ú-šal-di-du-u-⸢ni⸣ [a-na URU].⸢ḫar⸣-ra-na | |
r 5555 | ṣe-er é-ḫúl-ḫúl šu-bat ḪÚL.MEŠ ú-ṣa-lil-ma ú-[kin ta]-⸢ra⸣-nu | |
r 5656 | GIŠ.IG.MEŠ GIŠ.ŠUR.MÌN rab-ba-a-ti me-ser KÙ.BABBAR ú-rak-kis ⸢ú⸣-[rat-ta-a] ⸢KÁ⸣.MEŠ-⸢šú⸣ | |
r 5757 | SAG LUGAL-ti-ia É.KUR šú-a-tú a-na si-ḫir-ti-šú ú-šar-⸢ri⸣-[iḫ-ma ú]-šak-⸢lil⸣ | (r 57) At the beginning of my kingship, I made that temple in its entirety splen[did and I] completed (it). I [cl]ad the inner sanctum of the god Sîn, my lord, with seventy talents of shiny zaḫalû-silver. Two fierce wild bulls of silver, which were cast exactly the same, ... [...] — (rev. 60) I skillfully c[ast] their limbs with twenty talents of ešmarû-metal (and) [... I stationed (them) in the inner sanctum of the god Sîn] in order to gore (my) enemies (to death) (and) to trample m[y] foes. |
r 5858 | ||
r 5959 | 2 AM.MEŠ KÙ.BABBAR ek-du-u-ti šá mal-ma-liš pat-qu ti-x [...] | |
r 6060 | ina 20 GUN eš-ma-re-e meš-re-te-šú-nu nak-liš ⸢ap⸣-[ti-iq ...] | |
r 6161 | a-na it-ku-up za-ma-a-ni da-a-iš a-a-bi-⸢ia⸣ [ina at-man d30 EN-ia ul-ziz]12 | |
r 6262 | 2 ⸢d⸣làḫ-me KÙ.BABBAR tam-šil šu-ut A.AB.BA ša ziq-⸢ni?⸣ [...] | (r 62) Two long-haired heroes of silver, replica(s) of bearde[d] sea-creatures, [...], wh[o] hold divine emblems with both of their hands, [...] — I cast their form [with th]irty talents (and) I made (their) [adorn]ment splendid. [I installed t]hem in the eas[tern] gate of the cella [a]s constant petitioners for my life. |
r 6363 | ⸢ša⸣ ina a-tu-li-ma-ni-šú-nu GIŠ.šu-ri-in-ni tam-⸢ḫu⸣ [...] x | |
r 6464 | [ina] ⸢30⸣ GUN gat-ta-šú-nu ap-ti-iq ú-šar-ri-⸢iḫ⸣ [si]-⸢ma⸣-a-ti | |
r 6565 | [a]-⸢na⸣ mu-ter-riš TI.LA-ia ina KÁ pa-pa-ḫi ṣi-it [dUTU-ši ú-kin]-⸢šú⸣-nu-ti | |
r 6666 | [ina a-gúr-ri] ⸢NA₄⸣.ZÚ NA₄.ZA.GÌN né-bé-ḫu e-bi-iḫ-šú ⸢ú⸣-[šak?]-⸢li⸣-lu | (r 66) I [complet]ely surrounded it with a frieze (made) [with baked bricks] (colored with) obsidian (and) lapis lazuli. [I finished the w]ork of [that temple] in its entirety through the workmanship of the god Nudimmud (Ea). |
r 6767 | [É.KUR šu-a-tú] ⸢a⸣-na si-ḫir-ti-šú ina ep-šet dnu-dím-mud [ag-mu-ra?] ⸢ši⸣-pir-šú | |
r 6868 | [ŠU.II d30 EN]-⸢ia⸣ aṣ-bat-ma ina ḪÚL.MEŠ ú-še-rib-šú ú-šar-[me-šú pa-rak da]-⸢ra⸣-a-ti | (r 68) I grasped [the hands of the god Sîn, m]y [lord], and (then) made him enter (into Eḫulḫul) during celebrations (and) made [him] dw[ell on (his) ete]rnal [dais]. I offered [(sumptuous,) p]ure o[fferings] before him (and) pres[ented (him) with] my [gif]ts. |
r 6969 | ⸢UDU⸣.[SISKUR.MEŠ (taš-ri-iḫ-ti)] ⸢KÙ⸣.MEŠ ma-ḫar-šú aq-qí-ma ú-šam-[ḫi-ra kàd]-⸢ra⸣-a-⸢a⸣13 | |
r 7070 | ⸢d30⸣ [dnin-gal] u dnusku ep-še-ti-ia dam-qa-a-⸢ti⸣ [ḫa-diš lit-tap]-⸢la?⸣-su | (r 70) [May] the deities Sî[n, Ningal], and Nusku [lo]ok [with pleasure] upon my good deeds. May [the god Sîn] make auspicious omens appear [... for] my [... May he ... his] radiant [face] with the god Šamaš, his [offsprin]g, (and) may they discuss with each other [... the sec]uring of the foundations of my royal throne. [...] may he (Sîn) reveal his decision with a sign concerning the cutting down of my enemies. (rev. 75) [...] may he have mercy [at] my [pra]yers and grant my plea(s). May he determine as my fate [...] (and) years of good health (and) happiness. May [the goddess Ningal ...] remind the god Sîn, her bel[ove]d, about my good deeds (and) [...] daily, without ceasing, may she intercede on my behalf. |
r 7171 | [...] x x-e i-da-at dum-qi li-šá-pa-a [...]-⸢ia⸣ | |
r 7272 | [... bu-un-ni-šú?] ⸢nam⸣-ru-ú-ti it-ti dUTU-⸢ši⸣ [i-li-it?]-⸢ti⸣-šú | |
r 7373 | [...] ⸢šul⸣-bur iš-di GIŠ.GU.ZA LUGAL-ti-ia li-tap-pa-lu a-ḫa-⸢meš⸣ | |
r 7474 | [...]-ni EŠ.BAR-šú šá šum-qut na-ki-ri-ia li-šak-li-im ṣa-ad-du | |
r 7575 | [... a-na ni-iš] ⸢ŠU⸣.II-ia re-e-mu li-ir-ši-ma li-im-gu-ra qa-ba-a-a | |
r 7676 | [...] MU.AN.NA.MEŠ ṭu-ub ⸢UZU⸣.MEŠ ḫu-ud lìb-bi li-šim šim-ti | |
r 7777 | [dnin-gal ...] x a-na d30 ⸢na⸣-[ram]-i-šá li-ḫa-as-si-sa SIG₅.MEŠ-ia | |
r 7878 | [...] ⸢AD?⸣ u₄-me-šam ⸢la na-par⸣-ka-a li-iṣ-bat ab-bu-ut-ti | |
r 7979 | [a-na EGIR u₄-me ina LUGAL.MEŠ]-ni DUMU.MEŠ-ia šá ⸢AN.ŠÁR d⸣30 a-na be-lut KUR i-nam-bu-u zi-kir-šú | (r 79) [In the future, (as for) one of the king]s, my descendants, whom (the god) Aššur and the god Sîn nominate for ruling over the land, [when this temple] becomes old, grows ancient, (and) becomes dilapidated, may [the one who] renovates [its dilapidated section(s)] and restores (or) builds this work anew write [my name with] his [name]. |
r 8080 | [e-nu-ma É.KUR šu-a-tu] ⸢la⸣-ba-riš il-la-⸢ku⸣ i-lab-bi-ru e-na-ḫu | |
r 8181 | [ša an-ḫu-us-su] ⸢ud⸣-da-šu-ú-ma ú-tar-ru šip-⸢ru⸣ šu-a-tu eš-šiš i-ban-nu-u | |
r 8282 | [šu-mì it-ti MU]-šú liš-ṭur ⸢ša⸣ šu-mì MU AD-ia AD AD-ia i-pa-áš-ši-ṭu-u-ma MU-šú i-šaṭ-ṭa-⸢ru⸣ | (r 82b) (As for) the one who erases my name (or) the name of my father (or) grandfather, and writes his (own) name, may [the god Sîn, the great lord], make him suffer a severe penalty (as) his grievous punishment, and may he not have mercy on him. |
r 8383 | [d30 EN GAL-ú] ⸢ar-nu⸣ kab-tu še-er-ta-šu GAL-tum li-šá-áš-ši-šú-u-ma a-a ir-ši-šú re-e-mu | |
r 8484 | [...] x kam-mu É d30 ša URU.KASKAL | (r 84) [...] the text for the temple of the god Sîn of the city Ḫarrān. |
1[e?]-peš ⸢mal⸣-[ku]-⸢ú?⸣-[ti iq-bu-u?]-⸢in⸣-ni “[commanded] me [to ex]ercise rul[ers]h[ip]”: This reading is based on Novotny, SAACT 10 p. 81. Compare Borger, BIWA p. 184, which has [ṭa?]-biš ⸢ú⸣-[še-ši-bu?]-⸢in?⸣-ni “[gl]adly m[ade] me [sit],” but the traces after -biš do not conform to ⸢ú⸣.
2Ex. 4 appears to have a blank line (line 3´ of the exemplar) separating obv. 49´ and 50´ of the master text.
3[it]-⸢ti-šú áš⸣-pur “I established (it) [wit]h him”: The text literally translates “I ordered (it) [wit]h him.” The parallel account in text no. 2 (Prism E₂) v 12 and text no. 11 (Prism A) ii 9 has it-ti-šú áš-kun “I established (it) with him.” If the reading of the present text is an error, it might have been influenced by the presence of it-ti-šú áš-pur at the end of obv. 64´.
4KÙ.BABBAR KÙ.GI “silver, gold”: Ex. 2 has KÙ.GI “gold” before KÙ.BABBAR “silver.”
5ni-biṭ LUGAL-ti-ia kab-ti “the strong radiance of my royal majesty”: For this interpretation, which follows AHw p. 1580 sub nibṭu, see the discussion in Mitto and Novotny, SAAB 27 (2021) pp. 138–139 n. 19. This phrase has traditionally been read as ni-bit LUGAL-ti-ia kab-ti “my honored/mighty, royal name” (see, for example, CAD Š/2 p. 115 sub šarrūtu 1.a).
6KUR.[tab-URU] “the land [Tabal]”: The scribe of ex. 1 omitted the name, leaving the space after KUR “the land” uninscribed, while the name falls inside a break in this line of ex. 2.
7⸢d⸣[EN].⸢ZU?⸣ “the god [Sî]n”: Ex. 1 has [dEN].⸢ZU?⸣, while it is clear that ex. 2 has ⸢d⸣[30] based on spacing.
8⸢mi⸣-[it-ru]-⸢ti⸣ “s[tron]g”: The reading is based on the traces of the tablet and on the attestations of mitru “strong” following šepṣu “recalcitrant one” in Sennacherib’s inscriptions; see CAD M/2 pp. 139-140 sub mitru A.
9There is plenty of space — room for about four signs — in the break in this line in ex. 2 for something else to appear after d⸢30⸣ “the god S[în]” and before ⸢qé⸣-reb “[i]nside” in addition to the restored ša “that.”
10Compare the reading of T. Bauer, an-ḫu-us-su am-si ad-ki tem-me-en-[šu apti(?) ú-ma]-áš-ši-šu du-rug-šú, “ich räumte seinen Schutt durch eine Säuberung weg, [ich legte seinen] Grundstein [bloß], machte an ihm seine innersten Bestandteile (bez. Lage, Umriß u. dgl.) ausfindig” (Asb. p. 33 n. 3), and see the discussion in Novotny, Eḫulḫul pp. 109–116.
11ú-x [x x zu-un?]-nu “s[howered rai]n”: Given the context, it is anticipated that Adad would bring rain in order to make the vegetation grow. For this, one thinks of the verb ú-šá-az-ni-nu “make rain fall,” but the traces after ú on ex. 2 do not conform to either šá or ša, and there is too much space in the break to restore only a verb. Because of the presence of nu after the break, zu-un-nu “rain” has tentatively been restored as the likely object of some other verb concerning the release of rain (compare, for example, text no. 186 line 24 dIŠKUR ŠÈG.MEŠ-šú ú-maš-ši-ra “the god Adad released his rains,” although the x after ú in the present text does not appear to be maš or ma either).
12da-a-iš a-a-bi-⸢ia⸣ “(and) to trample m[y] foes”: With the apparent parallel to a-na it-ku-up za-ma-a-ni “in order to gore (my) enemies (to death)” in the first part of the line, da-a-iš is also usually treated as an infinitive (CAD N/1 p. 157 sub nakāpu A 2.a, “to gore the evildoers, to trample my enemies”). However, the form is actually a participle, “one who tramples.” Thus, perhaps translate this line “[I stationed (them) in the inner sanctum of the god Sîn] as one(s) who trample m[y] foes in order to gore (my) enemies (to death)” (compare text no. 212 obv. 15´–17´).
13⸢UDU⸣.[SISKUR.MEŠ (taš-ri-iḫ-ti)] ⸢KÙ⸣.MEŠ “[(sumptuous,) p]ure o[fferings]”: The word taš-ri-iḫ-ti “sumptuous” frequently modifies UDU.SISKUR.MEŠ “offerings,” and it may have been included in some exemplars of this inscription. However, it is clear that there is insufficient space at the beginning of the line in ex. 2 for it to be present in that exemplar.
Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-22. Lemmatized by Joshua Jeffers, 2018-22, for the NEH-funded RINAP Project at the University of Pennsylvania. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as