Ashurbanipal 203

o 1o 1

x x [...]

(1) For [the goddess Ištar, ...] who in ... [...] who resides in Egašankalam[a, ... his lady]

o 22

ša ina ba-li-[...]

o 33

a-ši-bat é-gašan-kalam-ma [...]

o 44

a-na-ku mAN.ŠÁR--A [...]

(4) I, Ashurbanipal, [...] who performs her cultic rites, [...]; offspring of Esarhaddon, [...] through t[hese] deeds of mine [...] a mighty bow, an embl[em of ...] instead of me, [my] foes [...]. (10) Wherever conflict and battle [...] in might[y] victories [...] the kings who were not submissive to me ... [...].

o 55

e-piš par-ṣe-e-šá x [...]

o 66

È lìb-bi mAN.ŠÁR-PAP- [...]

o 77

ina ep-še-e-ti-ia an-[na-a-ti ...]

o 88

GIŠ.PAN dan-na- si-mat [...]

o 99

ke-mu-u₈-a .KÚR.MEŠ-[ia ...]

o 1010

e-ma qab-li u x [...]

o 1111

ina li-i-ti u da-na-a?-[ni ...]

o 1212

LUGAL.MEŠ la* kan-šu-ti-ia x x x x (x) [...]1

o 1313

mtam-ma-ri-tu LUGAL KUR.ELAM.MA.KI ša ib-bal-ki?-tu? [...]

(13) (As for) Tammarītu, the king of the land Elam, who rebelled [...] (and) who came to the aid of Šamaš-šuma-ukī[n] and [hastily sent his weapons] to figh[t with my troops], by the command of the goddess Ištar, my lady, his servants rebelled aga[i]nst him and [struck down my adversary].

o 1414

šá a-na kit-ri mdGIŠ.NU₁₁-MU-GI.NA il-li-kam-ma a-na mit-ḫu-uṣ [ERIM.ḪI.A-ia ur-ri-ḫa GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-šú]

o 1515

ina -bit d15 GAŠAN-ia ARAD.MEŠ-šú ṣe-ru--šú ib-bal-ki-tu-ma ú-[ra-si-bu EN ḪUL--ia]2

o 1616

mtam-ma-ri-tu MAN KUR.ELAM.MA.KI a-di mum-man-al-daš mpa-ra-[...]

(16) (As for) Tammarītu, the king of the land Elam, along with Ummanaldašu (Ḫumban-ḫaltaš), Para[..., (rev. 1) U]mmanaldašu (Ḫumban-ḫaltaš), son of Teumman, a (former) king of the lan[d Elam], Ummanamni, son of Ummanpiʾ, son of Urtaku, [a (former) king of the land Elam], Ummanamni, grandson of Ummanaldašu (Ḫumban-ḫaltaš II), a (former) ki[ng of the land Elam, (...)], with seventeen members of his family, the seed of his father’s house, and (with) eighty-eight nobles [of the land Elam who march at his side], (rev. 5) who had flown away from the weapon(s) of (the god) Aššur and the goddess Ištar to praise [their great divinity], they crawled naked on their bellies, together with Marduk-šarru-uṣur, a eunuch of mine whom th[ey] had taken aw[ay (with them) by force], and they grasped [the feet of my royal majesty]. He (Tammarītu) handed h[i]mself over to do obeisance to me and [made an appeal to my lordly majesty] to be [his] a[lly].

r 1r 1

[m]um-man-al-da-si DUMU mte-um-man LUGAL KUR.[ELAM.MA.KI]

r 22

[m]um-man-am-ni DUMU mum-man-pi- DUMU mur-ta-ki [LUGAL KUR.ELAM.MA.KI]

r 33

mum-man-am-ni DUMU DUMU ša mum-man-al-da-si LUGAL [KUR.ELAM.MA.KI (...)]

r 44

it-ti 17 qin-ni-šú NUMUN É AD-šú ù 88 NUN.MEŠ [šá KUR.ELAM.MA.KI a-li-kut Á.MEŠ-šú]

r 55

ša la-pa-an GIŠ.TUKUL AN.ŠÁR u d15 ip-par-šu-ma a-na da-lal [DINGIR-ti-šú-nu GAL-ti]

r 66

it-ti mdAMAR.UTU-MAN-PAP .šu-ut SAG-ia ša ib-šim-[mu-šú ina da-na-ni]

r 77

mi-ra-nu--šú-un ina UGU ŠÀ-šú-nu ip-ši-lu-nim-ma iṣ-ba-tu [GÌR.II LUGAL-ti-ia]

r 88

a-na e-peš ARAD-ti-ia ra-man-šú im-nu-ma a-na kàt-[a-ri-šú ú-ṣal-la-a EN-u-ti]

r 99

ina u₄-me-šú GIŠ.PAN šu-a- a-na [...]

(r 9) At that time, [I gave] this bow t[o the goddess Ištar ... (and)] pr[esented (it)] as a prayer [...]. On account of the might of the goddess I[štar ...] this gol[d] bow [... May] the goddess Ištar, who resides in the cit[y Arbela ...] the rest of [my] foes [...].

r 1010

ki-i su-ra-ri ú-ma-[aṣ-ṣi ...]3

r 1111

áš-šú da-na-an d-[tar ...]

r 1212

GIŠ.PAN šu-a-tu .GI [...]

r 1313

d-tar a-ši-bat URU.[LÍMMU-DINGIR ...]

r 1414

si-it-ti .KÚR.MEŠ-[ia ...]

r 1515

30 [MU.DIDLI šá ina UGU GIŠ.PAN (.GI)]

(r 15) Thirty [lines which are (written) upon the (gold) bow] o[f the goddess Ištar who resides in the city Arbela].

r 1616

ša [d-tar a-ši-bat URU.LÍMMU-DINGIR]

1la* “not”: The la sign appears to have only two horizontals instead of three immediately before the vertical.

2This tablet seems to omit a-ḫa-meštogether” before ú-ra-si-bu “struck down,” which is present in text no. 205 obv. 4´ and the account in the prism inscriptions (see, for example, text no. 3 [Prism B] vii 40). Similarly, there is no room at the end of the line to restore min-da-bi-bi ARAD-su šá si-ḫu UGU-šú ú-šab-šu-u ú-šib ina GIŠ.GU.ZA-šú “Indabibi, a servant of his who had incited rebellion against him, sat on his throne” from the prism inscriptions (see text no. 3 [Prism B] vii 41–42); compare text no. 204 obv. 7´, and see the on-page note to text no. 205 obv. 4´, which likewise does not include these words.

3The phrase ki-i su-ra-ri ú-ma-aṣ-ṣi “I presented (it) as a prayer” is also found in the colophons of two tablets (K 2016a+ [Hunger, Kolophone p. 108 no. 345] and K 11942 [unpublished; mentioned in CAD S p. 407 and U/W p. 287]) from Ashurbanipal’s library at Nineveh. The verb wuṣṣû means “to spread out” various items, and by extension “to present” things as dedicatory objects (AHw p. 1498 sub (w)uṣṣû 2.c and CAD U/W p. 287 sub uṣṣû d; see also the comments of R. Borger [WO 5 (1970) p. 169], who corrected H. Hunger’s [Kolophone p. 108 no. 345 line 7] reading of the verb as ú-ša!?-ṣi “überge[ben?]” in the colophon of K 2016a+). In addition, this verb appears alone in a broken context in one of Tiglath-pileser III’s inscriptions (Tadmor and Yamada, RINAP 1 p. 115 Tiglath-pileser III no. 46 line 29, and the on-page note). As for the noun surāru, AHw p. 1062 cited this line under its entry for surāru “prayer,” while CAD S pp. 406–407 distinguished between two separate lexemes: surāru A “mng. uncert.” and surāru B “prayer.” The present phrase is cited as the only usage of the former, with a translation of “dedicated(?) it as a s.”

Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-22. Lemmatized by Joshua Jeffers, 2018-22, for the NEH-funded RINAP Project at the University of Pennsylvania. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as