Ashurbanipal 197



o 1'1'

x [...]

(1') [...] i[n ...] in ... [...]. As a result of the supplications (and) entreaties that [...] () Taharqa, the king of Egy[pt and Kush ...] in order to wage war (and) fig[ht ...]. The awe-inspiring radiance of the god Erra, the warri[or ...], he [a]bandone[d] the city Memphis [and, in order to save his (own) life, he fled inside the city Thebes]. I s[eized] that [cit]y (Memphis) (and then) [made my troops enter (and) reside there ...] (10´) ... [...] ... [...]

o 2'2'

i-na? [...]

o 3'3'

i?-na? x x [...]

o 4'4'

i-na su-up-pe-e te-me- šá AN [...]

o 5'5'

mtar-qu-u MANṣur [u KUR.ku-ú-si ...]

o 6'6'

a-na e-peš MURUB₄ mit-ḫu-[ṣi ...]

o 7'7'

nam-ri-ir-ri dèr-ra qar-[di ...]

o 8'8' ú-maš-šir-[ma a-na šu-zu-ub ZI--šú in-na-bit a-na -reb]

o 9'9'

URU šú-a- aṣ-[bat ERIM.ḪI.A-ia ú-še-rib ú-še-šib ina lìb-bi ...]

o 10'10'

x x (x) [...]

o 11'11'

x x [...]

o 12'12'

x [...]



o 1''1''

[...] x x x [...]

(1'') [...] ... [... the kings, gov]ernors, (and) official[s whom the father who had engendered me had appointed in Egypt, who had abandoned their post(s) in the face of] Taharqa’s [ta]ctical advance, [(and) had gone to (lit. “filled”) the countryside], where their post(s) were [I permitted them to serve] in [their (former) positions again. ...] who had abandoned me (and) [...] with T[aharqa ...], as long as I [...] in Egypt and Kush [...].

o 2''2''

[LUGAL.MEŠ ].NAM.MEŠ .qe-pa-[a-ni šá -rebṣur ú-pa--du AD ba-nu-u-a]

o 3''3''

[šá la-pa-an] te-bu-ut mtar-qu-ú [pi-qit-ta-šú-un ú-maš-še-ru im-lu-ú EDIN]

o 4''4''

[ú-ter-ma] a-šar pi-qit-ti-šú-un ina [maš-kán-i-šú-un ul-zi-is-su-nu-ti]1

o 5''5''

x [x x (x)] x ša ia-a-ti ú-maš-še-ru-in-ni it-ti mtar?-[qu-ú ...]

o 6''6''

a-di a-na-ku -rebṣ-ri u KUR.ku-ú-si [...]

o 7''7''

i-na la a-šá-bi-ia mur-ta-ku LUGAL KUR.e-lam-ti a-na mit-ḫu-ṣi [...]

(7'') When I did not stay, Urtaku, the king of the land Elam, to fight [...]. The gods Nergal and Išum struck him with an incurable wound an[d ...]. Urtaku, the king of the land Elam, n[o] (longer) [set] foot upon the land of the living [...].

o 8''8''

dU.GUR u di-šum mi-ḫi-iṣ la nab-la-ṭi im-ḫa-ṣu-šú-u-ma [...]

o 9''9''

mur-ta-ku LUGAL KUR.e-lam-ti ina qaq-qar ba-la-ṭi GÌR.II-šú ul [-kun ...]

o 10''10''

EGIR-nu mUR-da-ma--e DUMU NIN₉-šú ša [ina GIŠ.GU.ZA LUGAL-ti-šú ú-ši-bu]

(10'') Afterwards, Tanutamon, the son of his sister, wh[o sat upon his royal throne], ma[de] the cities Thebes (and) Heliopolis his fortresses (and) [assem]bl[ed his forces]. To fight against the Assyrian troops who were inside the city Me[mphis, he mobil]ized [his battle array], confined those people of Assyria, and c[ut off their e]scape rout[e ...].

o 11''11'' URU.dú-nu a-na dan-nu-ti-šú -[kun ú-paḫ]-ḫi?-[ra el-lat-su]

o 12''12''

a-na mit-ḫu-ṣi ERIM.ḪI.A KUR AN.ŠÁR.KI ša -reb[em-pi id]-ka-a [qa-bal-šú]

o 13''13''

UN.MEŠ KUR AN.ŠÁR.KI šá-a-tu-nu e-si-ir-ma iṣ-[ba-ta] mu-uṣ-ṣa-[šú-un ...]

o 14''14''

ina ṭè-e-me u mil-ki šá DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ ú-šá-ḫi-zu-in-ni šá-ni-a-nu a-na [...] x KUR.-kan uḫ-[ḫa -te-še-ra ḫar-ra-nu]

(14'') Through reason and counsel, which the great gods taught me, [I took the direct road] a second time to [...] Makan (Egypt) and Mel[uḫḫa (Ethiopia)]. Tanutamon heard abo[ut] the advance of my expeditionary force [and that I had set foo]t on [Egyptian] territory; he abandoned the city Memphis and, in order to sa[ve his (own) life, h]e fled inside the city [Thebes]. The kings, governors, (and) officials whom [I had stationed] i[n Egypt] came [to m]eet me and k[issed my feet].

o 15''15''

mUR-da-ma--e a-lak ger-ri-ia -me-[ma ša ak-bu]-su mi-ṣir [ṣur]

o 16''16'' ú-maš-šir-ma a-na šu-zu-[ub ZI--šú] in-na-bit a-na -reb URU.[ni-]

o 17''17''

LUGAL.MEŠ .NAM.MEŠ .qe-pa-a-ni ša -[rebṣur áš-ku-nu ina] ir-ti-ia il-li-ku-nim-ma ú-na-[áš-ši-qu GÌR.II-ia]

o 18''18''

EGIR mUR-da-ma--e ḫar-ra-[nu aṣ-bat al-lik a]-di URU dan-nu-[ti-šú]

(18'') [I took] the ro[ad] in pursuit of Tanutamon [(and) I marched as far] as the city Thebes, [his] fortif[ied] city. He sa[w] the assault of my battle array [and abandoned the city Thebes]; he fled to the city Ki[pkipi. With the support of the gods Nergal and] Išum, I conquered that city (Thebes) in [its entirety].

o 19''19''

ti-ib -ia e-mur-[ma ú-maš-šir] in-na-bit a-na[ki-pi]

o 20''20''

URU šu-a-tu a-na [si-ḫir-ti-šú ina tukul-ti dU.GUR u d]i-šum ik-šu-da ŠU.II-[a-a]

o 21''21''

.BABBAR.MEŠ .GI.MEŠ [ni-siq-ti NA₄.MEŠ NÍG.ŠU] É.GAL-šú ma-la ba-šú-[u]

(21'') Silver, gold, [precious stones], as much [property of] his palace as there wa[s], garment(s) with multi-colored trim, li[nen garments, large horses, people mal]e and fema[le] two tall obelisks [cast with shiny zaḫalû-metal, who]se weight [was 2,500 talen]ts (and which) stood at a temp[le] gate, [I ripped (them)] from where [they] were erec[ted and took (them)] to Assyria.

o 22''22''

lu-bul-tu bir-me GADA.[MEŠ ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ UN.MEŠ zik]-ru ù sin-niš

o 23''23''

2 GIŠ.tim-me MAḪ.[MEŠ pi-tiq za-ḫa-le-e eb-bi ša 2 LIM 5 ME] GUN KI.-šú-nu man-za-az É.KUR

o 24''24''

ul-tu man-zal-[ti-šú-nu as-suḫ-ma al-qa-a] a-na KUR AN.ŠÁR.KI

o 25''25''

i-na ta-a-[a-ar-ti-ia ... ša] la ik-nu-šú a-na LUGAL.MEŠ AD.MEŠ-ia

(25'') On [my] retur[n march, ... who] had not bowed down to the kings, m[y] ancestors, [... they came to m]e and kissed my feet. [...], I added [territory to that of the kings], my [ancestor]s, and ruled (it).

o 26''26''

x [... il-li-ku]-nim-ma ú-na-áš-ši-qu GÌR.II-ia

o 27''27''

[... mi-iṣ-ru e-li ša LUGAL.MEŠ AD].MEŠ-ia ú-rad-di-ma a-bel

o 28''28''

[ina -bit AN.ŠÁR ... dU.GUR ...] x di-šum [...]

(28'') [By the command of (the god) Aššur, ..., the god Nergal, ...], (and) the god Išum [...]

o 29''29''

[...] x [...]



o 1'''1'''

[... a]-na LUGAL-[u-ti]

(1''') [... a]s kin[g ...] my command. [... who did not h]onor my treaty [...] sided [with Šamaš-šuma-ukīn], my [hos]tile [brother, Tammarītu rebelled against him (Ummanigaš) and] struck him, together with his family, down with the sword. [Tammarītu, who was (even) more] inso[lent than Ummaniga]š, sat on the throne of the land Elam.

o 2'''2'''

[...]-a? -bi-ti

r 1r 1

[... ša la] iṣ-ṣu-ra a-de-ia

r 22

[... it-ti mdGIŠ.NU₁₁-MU-GI.NA ŠEŠ] nak-ri -ku-na pi-i-šú

r 33

[mtam-ma-ri-tu EDIN--šú ib-bal-kit-ma šá-a-šú] ga-du kim-ti-šú ú-ra-sib-šú ina GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ

r 44

[mtam-ma-ri-tu šá e-la mum-man-i]-gaš ek-[ṣu] ú-šib ina GIŠ.GU.ZA KUR.ELAM.MA.KI

r 55

[ki-ma šá-a-šú-ma ul-tu ŠU].II mdGIŠ.NU₁₁-MU-GI.NA [ṭa-ʾa-a- im]-ḫur ul -al šu-lum LUGAL-ti-ia

(r 5) [Just like him (Ummanigaš), he (Tammarītu) acce]pted [bribes from the hand]s of Šamaš-šuma-ukīn, did not inquire about the well-being of my royal majesty, came [to the aid of Šamaš-šuma-u]kīn, and hastily sent his weapons [to fig]ht with my troops. [Indabibi, a serva]nt of his, [rebell]ed against h[im] and sat on his [t]hrone. [Tammarītu f]led to me [fro]m Indabib[i] and grasped the feet of my royal majesty.

r 66

[a-na re-ṣu-ut mdGIŠ.NU₁₁-MU]-GI.NA il-lik-am-ma [a-na mit]-ḫu-ṣi ERIM.ḪI.A-ia ur-ri-ḫa GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-šú

r 77

[min-da-bi-bi] ARAD-su ṣe-ru--[šú ib-bal]-kit-ma ú-šib ina GIŠ.GU.ZA-šú

r 88

[mtam-ma-ri-tu la-pa]-an min-da-bi-bi [in]-nab-tam-ma iṣ-ba-ta GÌR.II LUGAL-ti-ia

r 99

[a-lak? .A KIN-ia ša a-na BÀD.AN.KI áš-pu-ru] -mu-ú -reb KUR.ELAM.MA.KI

(r 9) Inside the land Elam, they (the Elamites) heard about [the progress of the messenger of mine whom I had sent to (the city) Dēr. With the support of (the god) Aššur (...) (and) the god Nergal, ..., fe]ar of my royal majesty overwhelmed the land Elam and (then) [the people of the land Elam] r[ebel]led [against] Indabibi (and) killed h[im] with the sword. They [pla]ced Umm[analdašu (Ḫumban-ḫaltaš III), son of] Atta-metu, on the throne of the land Elam.

r 1010

[ina? tukul-ti? AN.ŠÁR (...) dU.GUR ... pu]-luḫ-ti LUGAL-ti-ia KUR.ELAM.MA.KI is-ḫup-ma

r 1111

[UN.MEŠ KUR.ELAM.MA.KI ṣe-er] min-da-bi-bi ib-[bal]-ki-tu i-na-ru- ina GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ

r 1212

mum-man-[al-da-si DUMU] mat-ta-me-tu ú-[še]-ši-bu ina GIŠ.GU.ZA KUR.ELAM.MA.KI

r 1313

mtam-ma-ri- [áš-šú e-peš de]-e-ni-šú ù a-lak Á.TAḪ-šú ina -bit AN.ŠÁR u dU.GUR ú-ṣal-la-a EN-ú-ti

(r 13) By the c[omm]and of (the god) Aššur and the god Nergal, Tammarītu made an appeal to my lordly majesty [to decide] his [c]ase and to come to his aid. I, Ashurbanipal, the [mag]nanimous (and) forbearing one, w[ith the suppo]rt of (the god) Aššur and the god Nergal, the gods who supported me, (rev. 15) mustered [m]y troops for a second time (and) gave the command to march against Ummanaldaš[u (Ḫumban-ḫaltaš III), the ki]ng of the land Elam. I drove away Ummanaldašu, the king of the land Elam, (and) he fled fro[m m]y [weapo]ns and took to the mountains (lit. “ascended his mountain”).

r 1414

a-na-ku mAN.ŠÁR--A [lìb]-bu rap-šú la ka-ṣir ik-ki* (TI erased) i-[na] tukul-ti AN.ŠÁR u dU.GUR DINGIR.MEŠ ti-ik-le-ia2

r 1515

šá-ni-a-nu ad-ke ERIM.ḪI.A-ia ṣe-er mum-man-al-da-si LUGAL? KUR.e-lam-ti aq-ba-a a-la-ku

r 1616

aṭ-ru-ud mum-man-al-da-su LUGAL KUR.ELAM.MA.KI la-pa-an [GIŠ].TUKUL.MEŠ-ia in-na-bit-ma šá-da-a-šú e-li

r 1717

mum-ba-LAGAB-u-a ša -eḫ-rat mum-man-al-da-si áš-[bu ina GIŠ.GU.ZA KUR.ELAM.MA.KI]3

(r 17) (As for) Umba-LAGABua, who s[at on the throne of the land Elam] in opposition to Ummanaldašu, he abandoned the city Bubilu, a city that was a lordly residence of his, and [took to the depths of far away waters].

r 1818

URU.bu-bi-lu URU mu-šab EN-ti-šú ú-maš-šir-ma [iṣ-bat šu-pul A.MEŠ ru-qu-u-ti]

r 1919

mtam-ma-ri- šá in-nab-ta iṣ-ba-ta GÌR.II-ia -reb URU.šu-šá-an áš-kun-šú a-na LUGAL-u-ti

(r 19) (As for) Tammarītu, who had fled to me (and) grasped my feet, I installed him as king inside the city Susa.

r 2020

SIG₅-tu e-pu-šú- šá áš-pu-ru Á.TAḪ-su in-ši-ma -te--ʾa-[a] ḪUL- a-na ka-šad ERIM.ḪI.A.MEŠ-ia

(r 20) He forgot the kindness that I had done for him, in having sent aid to him, and constantly sought [out] evil (ways) to conquer my troops. (The god) Aššur, king of the gods, (and) the god Ne[r]gal, the exalted lord, who march before me (and) allowed me to stand over my foes, saw the dangerous (and) rebellious thought(s) of Tammarī[t]u and delivered him into my hand: They removed him from his r[oy]al throne and (then) made him retur<n> and bow down at my feet.

r 2121

AN.ŠÁR LUGAL DINGIR.MEŠ dU.GUR be-lum ṣi-i-ru ša ina maḫ-ri-ia il-la-ku ú-šá-zi-zu-in-ni ṣe-er ga-re-ia4

r 2222

lìb-bi mtam-ma-ri- ek-ṣu ba-ra-nu-ú ib-ru-ma im-nu-ú-šú qa-tu-ú-a

r 2323

ul-tu GIŠ.GU.ZA LUGAL-ti-šú id-ku-niš-šum-ma ú-ter-<ru>-ni-šum-ma ú-šak-ni-šú- a-na GÌR.II-ia

r 2424

šal-ši-a-nu AN.ŠÁR EN ṣi-i-ru dU.GUR qar-rad DINGIR.MEŠ di-šum šá ŠU.II-šú as-ma ú-tak-ki-lu-ni-ma a-na KUR.ELAM.[MA.KI] iq-bu-u-ni a-la-ku

(r 24) For a third time, (the god) Aššur, the [e]xalted lo[rd], the god Nergal, the hero of the gods, (and) the god Išum, whose hands are fitting, encouraged me and commanded me to march to the land Elam. (rev. 25) (Like) the city Bīt-Imbî, whi[ch] I had conquered [during a] previous [cam]paign of mine, [I] now conquered (the rest of) the land Rāši (and) the city Ḫamānu, along with [its] d[istrict]. Moreover he, Ummanaldašu, the king of the land Elam, [heard about] the conquest of the land Rāši and the city Ḫamānu [and] fear of (the god) Aššur, my lord, and [the awe-in]spiring radiance of the god Nergal, my god who marches at my side, overwhelmed him and (then) he ab[andoned] the city Mad[a]ktu, a royal city of his, [and fled to the city Dūr-Undāsi]. He cross[ed] the Idide River [and] established that [ri]ver as his defensive position. He prepared himself t[o fight with me].

r 2525

URU.É-mim-bi-i ša [ina] ger-ri-ia maḫ-re-e ak-šú-du e-nen-na KUR.ra-a-ši URU.ḫa-ma-nu a-di na-[ge-šú] ak-šu-ud

r 2626

ù šu-ú mum-man-al-da-si LUGAL KUR.ELAM.MA.KI ka-šad KUR.ra-a-ši u URU.ḫa-ma-ni [-me-e-ma]

r 2727

pu-luḫ-ti AN.ŠÁR EN-ia ù? nam-ri-ri dU.GUR DINGIR-ia₅ a-lik Á.II-ia is-ḫu-pu-šú-ma

r 2828 URU LUGAL-ti-šú ú-maš-[šir-ma in-na-bit a-na URU.BÀD-mun-da-si]5

r 2929

Í e-bir-[ma] ÍD šú-a- a-na dan-nu-ti-šú -kun uk-taṣ-ṣar a-[na ṣal-ti-ia]

r 3030ṭi-tu URU.[É-mbu-na]-ku URU.ḫar-tap-pa-a-nu URU.MEŠ LUGAL-ti-šú a-di na-ge-šú-[nu ak-šu-ud]

(r 30) [I conquered] the cities Naṭītu, [Bīt-Bunakk]u, Ḫartappānu, royal cities of his, along with the[ir] districts. [I conquered] the city Tūb[u, along with its district].

r 3131

URU.tu-ú-bu [a-di na-ge-šú ak-šu-ud bi-rit] ÍD ka-la-ma ak-šud URU.ḫal-te-ma-áš URU.[šu-šá-an URU.MEŠ LUGAL-ti-šú]

(r 31b) [(As for) the] entire (area) [between] the (Ulāya and Idide) river(s), I conquered the cities Madaktu, Ḫaltemaš, (and) [Susa, royal cities of his. I conquered] the cities Din[šarri, Sumuntunaš, Pidilm]a, Bubilu, (and) Kabinak, r[oyal] cities [of his. I conquered] the city Dūr-U[ndāsi, a royal city of his].

r 3232

URU.di-in-[LUGALáš URU.pi-di-il]-ma URU.bu-bi-lu URU.ka-bi-in-ak URU.MEŠ LUGAL-[ti-šú ak-šu-ud]

r 3333

URU.BÀD-mun-[da-a-si URU LUGAL-ti-šú KUR-ud] 14? URU.MEŠ mu-šab LUGAL-u-ti a-di URU.MEŠ TUR.[MEŠ (šá ni-i-ba la i-šu-u) ù 12 na-ge-e]

(r 33b) [I conquered, destroyed, demolished], (and) bur[n]ed [with fire fourtee]n [c]ities, (his) royal residence(s), together with s[mall(er)] settlements, [(which were without number), and twelve districts] that were in [the land Elam, all of it. I turned (them)] into [mounds of ruins (lit. “mound(s) and ruin(s)). I slew his warriors] without numbe[r. I struck down his elite f]i[ghting men with the sword].

r 3434

ša -reb [KUR.ELAM.MA.KI ka-li-šá ak-šu-ud ap-pul aq-qur ina dGIŠ.BAR] aq-mu a-na [DU₆ u kar-me ú-ter]

r 3535

i-na la -ni [a-duk qu-ra-de-e-šú ina GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ ú-ras-sib] mun?-[daḫ-ṣe-e-šú MAḪ.MEŠ]

r 3636

mum-man-al-[da-si LUGAL KUR.ELAM.MA.KI mi-ra-nu--šú in-na-bit-ma iṣ-ba-ta KUR-ú]

(r 36) Ummana[ldašu (Ḫumban-ḫaltaš III), the king of the land Elam, fled naked and took to the mountain(s)].

r 3737[nu ...]

(r 37) [...] the city Ban[unu ...] twenty [villages ... (Over) an area of] sixty leag[ues ...].

r 3838

20.ÀM [URU.MEŠ ...]

r 3939

60 KASKAL.[GÍD qaq-qa-ru ...]

r 4040

i-na ta-[a-a-ar-ti-ia ...]

(r 40) On [my] re[turn march, ...]

r 4141




1ul-zi-is-su-nu-ti “I permitted them to serve”: This restoration is taken from text no. 119 obv. 3´ and text no. 3 (Prism B) i 87. Text no. 11 (Prism A) i 113 instead has ap-qid-su-nu-ti, “I reappointed them.”

2ik-ki* (TI erased) : At first glance, ex. 1 appears to have ik-ki u. R. Borger (BIWA p. 157) remarked that the -ti for a reading of ik-ke-ti should be visible after the tablet was cleaned. Yet the tablet is not dirty here, but rather the clay after KI and before the winkelhaken of the TI sign is pressed down. The scribe appears to have written the KI and TI signs over an initial erasure; there are traces of a wedge protruding from the top of the final vertical of the KI sign and from the top of the winkelhaken of the TI sign. However, the scribe then seems to have decided to erase the TI sign as well. Thus, he impressed a second, although slightly angled final vertical wedge at the end of the KI sign, but he did it with such a broad impression that the right portion of that wedge was used to push down the clay up to the beginning of the winkelhaken, which is the only part of the TI sign that remains on the tablet.

3The scribe of ex. 1 initially omitted rev. 17–18 of the master text from the inscription, but later wrote them on the left edge of the tablet. The scribe drew a line beginning just underneath the damaged aṭ- of its aṭ-[ru-ud] “I [drove away]” in rev. 16 and continued it onto the left edge of the tablet. He then inscribed these two lines as left edge 1 and 2 of the exemplar immediately to the right of that line, thus indicating where these omitted lines were to be inserted. In ex. 2, rev. 17 and 18 are included in their correct place.

4The scribe of ex. 2 has impressed a short, horizontal tick mark to the left of the AN sign at the beginning of the line that slightly protrudes onto the left margin of the tablet. It is possible that the scribe placed this mark here to indicate the line in which the god Nergal replaced the goddess Ištar as the deity mentioned alongside Aššur, thus diverging from the parallel accounts of the prism inscriptions (see, for example, text no. 11 [Prism A] v 29) in order to associate the present inscription with Ashurbanipal’s work on Nergal’s temple. However, if this is the reason, it is unclear why he marked this line but not any of the other lines preserved on the exemplar in which he made the same type of replacement.

5In ex. 2, the scribe crammed lines 27 and 28 of the master text onto a single line. There does not appear to be enough room for the last five or six signs of line 28, which is broken off in that exemplar, unless the line extended onto the edge of the tablet.

Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-22. Lemmatized by Joshua Jeffers, 2018-22, for the NEH-funded RINAP Project at the University of Pennsylvania. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as