Ashurbanipal 195

o 1o 1

AN.ŠÁR KUR-ú GAL-ú [...]

(1) O Aššur, the great mountain, [...], the sublime one [who resides] i[n] Eḫur[saggalkurkurra, ...], the lord of the crown, ... [...] by whose exalt[ed] command [...], (5) the fierce deluge [...], who, by the weapons of [his mighty] battle array, [...] and together with mankin[d ...] you swept over them like [...] you imposed [...] on the lands [...].

o 22

šá-qu-ú ina é-ḫur-[sag-gal-kur-kur-ra áš-bu? ...]

o 33

EN a-ge-e x x [...]

o 44

ša a-na a-mat-i-šú ṣi-ir-[ti ...]

o 55

a-bu-bu ez-zu x [...]

o 66

šá a-na GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ ta-ḫa-zi-[šú? ...]

o 77

ù a-di a-me-lu-ti [...]

o 88

tar-ḫi-su-nu-ti GIM x [...]

o 99

te-mid KUR.KUR x (x) [...]

o 1010

mdu-na-nu DUMU mEN-[BA-šá ...]

(10) Dunānu, son of [l-iqīša, ...] who spoke w[ords of ...] and you, kin[g of the gods ...]. Him, together with [his] famil[y ...] who to Sargon (II) [...] (15) kings who preced[ed me ...]. Moreover, he, Aplāya [... who] constantly harassed [...] their evil deeds [...] to exact revenge for the mention of [...] (20) you became angry with them and you hand[ed (them) over to me. ...] I slaughtered them like shee[p ...].

o 1111

ša iq-bu-ú a-[mat ...]

o 1212

ù at-ta LUGAL [DINGIR.MEŠ ...]

o 1313

šá-a-šú a-di kim-ti-[šú ...]

o 1414

šá a-na mLUGAL-GI.NA [...]

o 1515

LUGAL.MEŠ a-lik maḫ-ri-[ia ...]

o 1616

ù šu-ú mIBILA-a-a [...]

o 1717

ka-a-a-an ú-da-na-la-pa [...]

o 1818

ep-še-ti-šu-un lem--ti (x) [...]

o 1919

a-na tur-ri gi-mil zi-kir [...]

o 2020

te-zi-is-su-nu-ti-ma tu-mal-la-[a ŠU.II-u-a ...]

o 2121

ú-ṭa-bi-iḫ-šu-nu-ti GIM as-li [...]

o 2222

da-na-an DINGIR-ti-ka GAL-ti [...]

(22) The might of your great divinity [...] which [...] me, Ashurbanipal [...] in whose youth [his] father [...] (25) and you, the king of the gods, the merciful [one, ...] you nominated [me ...] which to restore the sanctuari[es of Assyria, ...] you entrusted [me] with the conquering of the land of your enemy [...].

o 2323

ša ia-a-ti mAN.ŠÁR--A [...]

o 2424

ša ina ṣe-ḫe-ri-šu a-bu-[šu ...]

o 2525

ù at-ta LUGAL DINGIR.MEŠ réme-[nu-ú ...]

o 2626

ta-am-bu-ú zi-kir MU?-[ia? ...]

o 2727

ša a-na ud-du- -re-e-[ti KUR? -šur.KI? ...]

o 2828

ka-šá-ad KUR .KÚR-ka tu-mal-la-[a ŠU.II-u-a ...]

r 1r 1

ù mte-um-man LUGAL KUR.e-lam-ti [...]

(r 1) Moreover, Teumman, the king of the land Elam, [...] assembled (and) was marchi[ng ...]. He tru[sted] in his (own) strength [...] which to destroy (and) to crea[te ...] (rev. 5) you conquered (that) Elamite, the e[nemy ...]. You cut off his head in the assembly of his troops [...] I proclaimed your exalted greatness [...]. In accordance with these, the weapons of (the god) A[ššur ...] the mighty enemy who trusted in [...].

r 22

ú-ka-ṣi-ra il-la-ka [...]

r 33

šu-ú a-na da-na-ni-šu it-ta-[kil ...]

r 44

ša a-ba-tu ba-nu-[u ...]

r 55

tak-šu-ud .e-la-mu-ú .KÚR [...]

r 66

ina UKKIN um-ma-ni-šu tak-kis SAG.DU-su [...]

r 77

nar-bi-ka ṣi-ru-ti -ta-pa-[a ...]

r 88

ki-ma an-nu-ti-ma GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ AN.[ŠÁR ...]

r 99

.KÚR dan-nu ša it-tak-lu a-na [...]

r 1010

ù .man-na-a-a ša is-lu-ú ni-ir-[ka ...]

(r 10) Moreover, the Manneans who cast off [your] yoke [...] to the cr(ies) of widows and [...] and the Urarṭians of ba[se] talk [...] made spea[k] to the barbarian horde, a dangerous enemy, [...] th[ey] constantly commit[ted] a great sin against you [...].

r 1111

a-na ri-gim ù x-[...]

r 1212

ù .URI-a-a ša da-bab-ti šap-li-[ti ...]

r 1313

a-na ERIM-man-da .KÚR ek-ṣu ú-šad-ba-bu [...]

r 1414

ik-kib-ka GAL-a ka-a-a-an i-te--ep-[pu-šu ...]

r 1515

i-nan-na AN.ŠÁR GAL-ú ina a-mat-[i-ka ...]

(r 15) Now, O great Aššur, by [your] comman[d ...], the honored one of the gods, the grea[t] lady, [...] regarding the conquering of this enemy [...] I have appealed to your great divinity, O king of the go[ds ...]. Listen to my supplications, accept [my] prayers, [...] (rev. 20) By your exalted command, [...] the wrong do[ers ...], may I constantly look upon you[r (radiant)] face [...] may I constantly kneel down before you [...].

r 1616

ka-bit-ti DINGIR.MEŠ GAŠAN GAL-ti [...]

r 1717

áš-šú ka-šad .KÚR an-ni-i [...]

r 1818

am-ḫur DINGIR-ut-ka GAL-ti LUGAL DINGIR.[MEŠ ...]

r 1919

še-me su-pi-ia le- un-ni-ni-[ia ...]

r 2020

ina -bit-ti-ka ṣir-te ḫa-aṭ-ṭi [...]

r 2121

lut-ta-aṭ-ṭa-al bu-un-ni-ka [(nam-ru-ti) ...]

r 2222

lu-uk-tam--sa ma-ḫar-ka [...]

r 2323

ši-pir-ti mAN.ŠÁR-[-A ...]

(r 23) Letter of Ashu[rbanipal ...] to (the god) Aššur, who resides in E[ḫursaggalkurkurra, ...] (rev. 25) to accept [his] praye[rs ...] to overthrow his enemy (and) to kill [his foes ...].

r 2424

a-na AN.ŠÁR a-šib é-[ḫur-sag-gal-kur-kur-ra ...]

r 2525

a-na TI-e un-ni-[ni-šu ...]

r 2626

sa-kap .KÚR-šú -er [ga-re-šú ...]

Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-22. Lemmatized by Joshua Jeffers, 2018-22, for the NEH-funded RINAP Project at the University of Pennsylvania. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as