Ashurbanipal 194

Column i
i 1i 1

at-ta ti-i-de AN.ŠÁR dEN.LÍL DINGIR.MEŠ

(i 1) You know, O Aššur, the Enlil of the gods, from the past into the future, that Uaiteʾ (Iautaʾ), son of Hazael, the king of the land of the Arabs, in the time of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, the servant, the creation of your hands, (i 5) had turned hostile and had cast off the yoke of his (Esarhaddon’s) lordship. Through your great support (and) your exalted strength, Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me, mustered his army and dispatched (them) against him. In a pitched battle, he brought about his defeat (and) they (the army) carried off his gods. (i 10) Uaiteʾ (Iautaʾ), in order to save his (own) life, abandoned his camp, escaped alone, and fled far away.

i 22

ul-tu maḫ-ra-a-ti a-di ar-ka-a-ti

i 33

ki-i mú-a-a-te- DUMU mḫa-za-DINGIR LUGAL KUR.a-ri-bi

i 44

ina LAL-ṣi mAN.ŠÁR-PAP- MAN KUR -šur.KI re-e-šú bi-nu-ut ŠU.II-ka

i 55

ik-ki-ru-ma iṣ-lu-u <GIŠ>.ŠUDUN EN-ti-šú

i 66

ina tukul-ti-ka GAL-ti e-mu-qi-ka ṣi-ra-a-ti

i 77


i 88

ERIM.ḪI.A-šú id-ke-e-ma ú-ma-ʾe-er EDIN--šú

i 99

ina EDIN BAD₅.BAD₅-šú -kun -lu-lu DINGIR.MEŠ-šú

i 1010

mú-a-a-te- a-na šu-zu-ub ZI--šú

i 1111

KARAŠ-su ú-maš-šir-ma e-diš ip-par-šid-ma

i 1212

in-na-bit a-na ru--e-ti

i 1313

ul-tu AN.ŠÁR LUGAL kiš-šat AN-e u KI-tim

(i 13) After (the god) Aššur, the king of the entirety of heaven and netherworld, chose me by his [pure] glance and (i 15) de[sired me t]o be king, [...] entrusted me with [...] the land of the Arabs [...] he heard what I said and [...] he returned and

i 1414

ina ni- IGI.II-šu [].MEŠ ut-ta-an-ni-ma

i 1515

iḫ-[šu-ḫa-an-ni a]-na LUGAL-ú-ti

i 1616

x [...] ú-mal-lu-u ŠU.II-u-a

i 1717

[...] KUR.a-ri-bi

i 1818

[...] aq?-bu-u -me-ma

i 1919

[...] x i-tu-ram-ma

Lacuna of likely 15 lines

Lacuna of likely 15 lines

i 3535

[MUN e-pu]-šu- la iṣ?-ṣur-ma

(i 35) he (Uaiteʾ (Iautaʾ)) had not re[spect]ed [the kindness that I had d]one for him, and [had cast off the] yoke of my lordshi[p]. He refra[in]ed [fro]m inquiring abo[ut] my [well-b]ei[ng] and [withhel]d from me audience gift(s and) his subst[antia]l payment(s). [Just li]ke the land Elam, (i 40) he listened to the lie[s] spoken by the land Akkad and (then) he did not honor m[y] treaty. He abandoned me, Ashurbanipal, the holy priest, the servant, the creation of your hands, and he sided with Šamaš-šuma-ukīn, accursed by your great divinity, whose kingship you overthrew. (i 45) (As for) the people of the land of the Arabs (who were) with him, he made (them) hostile (towards me) and (then) they were constantly plundering the kings of the land Amurru, servants who belonged to me whom you had handed over to me.

i 3636

[iṣ-la-a GIŠ].ŠUDUN EN-ti-ia

i 3737

[a]-na šá-ʾa-al šul?-?-ia GÌR.II-šú ip-ru-us-ma

i 3838

[ik]-la-a ta-mar-ti ma-da-at-ta-šú ka-bit-?

i 3939

[ki]-i? KUR.ELAM.MA.KI-ma da-bab sur-ra-a-[ti]

i 4040

KUR URI.KI -me-e-ma la iṣ-ṣu-ru a-de-e-ia

i 4141

ia-a-ti mAN.ŠÁR--A SANGA re-e-šú bi-nu-ut ŠU.II-ka

i 4242

ú-maš-šir-an-ni-ma it-ti mdGIŠ.NU₁₁-MU-GI.NA

i 4343

ni-zir-ti DINGIR-ti-ka GAL-ti ša LUGAL-us-su tas-ki-pu

i 4444

-ta-kan pi-i-šú

i 4545

UN?.MEŠ KUR.a-ri-bi it-ti-šú ú-šam-kír-ma1

i 4646

iḫ-ta-nab-ba-tu ḫu-bu-ut LUGAL.MEŠ KUR MAR.TU.KI

i 4747

ARAD.MEŠ da-gíl pa-ni-ia šá tu-mal-lu-u ŠU.II-u-a

i 4848

ERIM.ḪI.A.MEŠ-ia šá ina mi-ṣir KUR-šú áš-bu

(i 48) I dispatched my troops, who were stationed on the border of his land, against him and they brought about his defeat. (i 50) They struck down with the sword the people of the land of the Arabs, as many as had risen up with him. They set fire to pavilion(s and) tents, their abodes, (and thus) consigned (them) to the god Gīra.

i 4949

EDIN--šú ú-ma-ʾe-er-ma -ku-nu BAD₅.BAD₅-šú

i 5050

UN.MEŠ KUR.a-ri-bi ma-la it-ti-šú it-bu-u-ni

i 5151

ú-ra-as-si-bu ina GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ

i 5252

É EDIN kul-ta-ra-a-ti mu-šá-bi-šú-nu

i 5353

IZI ú-šá-ḫi-zu ip--du a-na dGIŠ.BAR

i 5454

UN.MEŠ zik-ru u sin-niš ANŠE.MEŠ ANŠE.GAM.MAL.MEŠ2

(i 54) I carried off to Assyria [peo]ple male and female donkeys, camels, [oxe]n, and sheep and goats without number. They filled (with them) [the whole extent of] my land, all (of it) [in] its entirety, [t]o all of its border(s). I apportioned [c]amels like sheep and goats (and) divided (them) [amo]ng the people of Assyria (ii 1) (so that) within my country they (the Assyrians) could purchase a camel for one shekel (or even) a half shekel of silver at the market gate. The female tavern keeper for a serving, the beer brewer for a jug (of beer), (and) the gardener for his bag of vegetables were regularly receiving camel(s) and slaves.

i 5555

[GU₄].MEŠ US₅.UDU.ḪI.A ina la -ni áš-lu-la ana KUR -šur.KI

i 5656

[nap-ḫar] KUR-ia ka-la-mu

i 5757

[a-na] si?-ḫir?-ti-šá um-dal-lu-u

i 5858

[a]-na paṭ gim-re-e-šá

i 5959

ANŠE.GAM.MAL.MEŠ ki-ma ṣe-e-ni

i 6060

ú-par-ri-is ú-za-ʾi-iz

i 6161

[a]-na UN.MEŠ KUR -šur.KI

Column ii
ii 1ii 1

ina qa-bal-ti KUR-ia ANŠE.GAM.MAL

ii 22

ina 1 GÍN 1/2 GÍN kas-pi i-šam-mu ina ma-ḫi-ri

ii 33

MUNUS.áš-tam-mu ina ni-id-ni .LÚNGA ina ḫa--e

ii 44

.NU.GIŠ.KIRI₆ ina ki-ši-šú šá Ú.SAR

ii 55

im-da-na-aḫ-ḫa-ru ANŠE.GAM.MAL u a-me-lu-tu

ii 66

si-it-ti KUR.a-ri-bi ša la-pa-an GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-ia

(ii 6) (As for) the rest of the land of the Arabs who had fled from my weapons, the heroic god Erra struck (them) down. Famine broke out among them and they ate the flesh of their children on account of their hunger. (ii 10) You decreed curses, as many as were written in (their) treaties through the invocation of your name and (that of) the gods, your children, accordingly as a harsh fate upon them.

ii 77

ip-par-ši-du ú-šam-qit dèr-ra qar-du

ii 88

su-un-qu ina bi-ri-šú-nu -šá-kin-ma

ii 99

a-na bu-ri-šú-nu e-ku-lu UZU DUMU.MEŠ-šú-nu

ii 1010

ar-ra-a-ti ma-la ina a-de-e

ii 1111

ina ni-bit MU-ka u DINGIR.MEŠ DUMU.MEŠ-ka šaṭ-ru

ii 1212

ina pit-ti šim-tu ḪUL-tu ta-šim-šu-nu-ti

ii 1313


(ii 13) The foal (of camels), the foal (of donkeys), the calf, (and) the spring lamb sucked more than seven times at (their) wet nurses and (yet) (ii 15) they could not satisfy their stomach(s) with milk. The people inside the land of the Arabs constantly asked one another: “Why [have] e[vil] deed[s] such as these (lit. “this”) [befallen the land of the Arabs]?” (ii 20) (The other answered): (ii 20) “Because [we did] not [honor] the [great] treati[es] (sworn) [b]y (the god) Aššur (and) [sinne]d against the kindness of [Ashur]banipal, [the king] (who is) the favorite of the heart of the god Enlil.”

ii 1414

ina UGU 7-A.A mu-še-ni-qa-ti i-ni-qu-ma

ii 1515

ši-iz-bu la ú-šab-bu-u ka-ras-sún

ii 1616

UN.MEŠ -reb KUR.a-ri-bi

ii 1717

1-en a-na 1-en -tana-a-lu a-ḫa-meš

ii 1818

um-ma ina UGU --e ep-še-e-[tu]

ii 1919

an-ni-tu ḪUL-[tu? im-ḫu-ru KUR.a-ri-bi]

ii 2020

áš-šú a-de-[e GAL.MEŠ]3

ii 2121

ša? AN.ŠÁR la [ni-iṣ-ṣu-ru]

ii 2222

[ni-iḫ]-ṭu-u ina MUN m[AN.ŠÁR]--A

ii 2323

[LUGAL] mi?-gir lìb-bi dEN.LÍL

ii 2424

[mú-a-a]-te- ma-ru-- im-ḫur-šu-ma

(ii 24) [(As for) Uait] (Iautaʾ), hardship befell him and he fled [alone] to the land of the Nabayateans.

ii 2525

[e-diš-ši-šú] in-na-bit a-na

ii 2626

[ma]-bi-ia-te- DUMU mte--ri

(ii 26) [Ab]ī-Yateʾ, son of Tēʾri, came [t]o Nineveh and kissed my feet. I concluded with him a treaty, an oath (sworn) by your great divinity. (ii 30) I installed him as king in place of Uaiteʾ (Iautaʾ) in ... I imposed upon him gold, eye(stones), pappardilû-stone, kohl, camels, (and) prime quality donkeys as annual payment.

ii 2727

[a]-na NINA.KI il-lik-am-ma ú-na-áš-šiq GÌR.II-ia

ii 2828

a-de-e ma-mit DINGIR-ti-ka GAL-ti

ii 2929

it-ti-šú áš-kun

ii 3030

ku-um mú-a-a-te- ina x (x)4

ii 3131

áš-kun-šú a-na LUGAL-ú-ti

ii 3232


ii 3333


ii 3434

man-da-at-tu šat-ti-šam-ma ú-kin EDIN--šú

ii 3535

mam-mu-la-di-in LUGAL

(ii 35) (As for) Ammi-ladīn the king of the land Qedar, who, like him (Iautaʾ), had turned hostile (and) repeatedly plundered the kings of the land Amurru, servants who belonged to me, whom you made bow down at my feet (ii 40) by invoking m[y] name [wh]ich (the god) Aššur had made great, I captu[red] Ammi-lad[īn (and) the res]t of his [peo]ple who had escaped [the slaughter]. I placed (his) hands and feet in iron f[etter]s and brought [him] to Assyria.

ii 3636

ša ki-ma šá-a-šú-ma ik-ki-ru

ii 3737

iḫ-ta-nab-ba-tu ḫu-bu-ut LUGAL.MEŠ KUR? MAR?.TU.KI

ii 3838

ARAD.MEŠ da-gíl pa-ni-ia

ii 3939

ša tu-šak-ni-šá a-na GÌR.II-ia

ii 4040

ina zi-kir MU-ia šá AN.ŠÁR ú-šar-bu-u

ii 4141

mam-mu-la-di-[in si-it]-ti UN.MEŠ-šú

ii 4242

ša la-pa-an [da-a-ki] i?-ši?-tu?-u-ni

ii 4343

ú-ṣab-[bit] ina ŠU.II

ii 4444

ŠU.II u GÌR.II bi-[re]-tu AN.BAR ad-di-šú-ma

ii 4545

ú-ra-a?-[šú?] a-na KUR -šur.KI

ii 4646

fa-di-ia-a šar-rat KUR.a-ri-bi

(ii 46) I inflicted [a h]eavy defeat on Adiya, the queen of the land of the Arabs. I burned [her] tents [wi]th fire. I captured her al[i]ve (and) [took h]er to Assyria, [to]gether with the plunder of [her] la[nd].

ii 4747

di-ik-ta-[šá] ma--as-su ad-duk

ii 4848

kul-ta-re-[šá] ina dGIŠ.BAR aq-mu

ii 4949

šá-a-šá bal-ṭu-us-sa [ina] ŠU.II aṣ-bat

ii 5050

it-ti ḫu-bu-ut KUR-[šá al-qa-áš]-ši a-na KUR -šur.KI

ii 5151

m[na]-at-nu LUGAL [KUR].na-ba-a-a-ti

(ii 51) [Na]tnu, the k[ing of the land of the N]abayateans who[se] location is [r]emote heard about the mig[ht of (the god) ]šur, who had encouraged me. The one who (ii 55) had never sent his messenger t[o the k]ings, my ancestors, (and) had never inquired about the well-be[i]ng of their royal majesties after you had deranged the mind of Uaiteʾ (Iautaʾ), the king of the land of the Arabs, (and) had commanded the scattering of his land, (and after) he had fled to the land of the Nabayateans (and) (ii 60) had gone before Natnu, Natnu said the following to Uaiteʾ (Iautaʾ), (iii 1) saying: “Can I myself be spared from the grasp of Ashurbanipal, whose help is (the god) Aššur? Nevertheless, you have made me your stronghold!” Natnu became frightened and distressed. (iii 5) He sent his messenger to me to inquire about my well-being and kissed my feet. He was constantly beseeching my lordly majesty to conclude a treaty (and) peace agreement, (and) to do obeisance to me. I myself looked with pleasure upon him and tur[ned] my benevolent face towards him. I imposed [upon him] annual tribute payment.

ii 5252

ša a-šar-[šú] ru-ú-qu

ii 5353

-me-e-ma da-na-[an AN].ŠÁR šá ú-tak-kil-an-ni

ii 5454

ša ma-te-e-ma a-[na] LUGAL.MEŠ AD.MEŠ-ia

ii 5555

.A KIN-šú la -pu-ru

ii 5656

la -a-lu šu-lum LUGAL-ti-šú-un

ii 5757

ul-tu mú-a-a-te- LUGAL KUR.a-ri-bi

ii 5858

ṭè-en-šú tu-šá-an-nu-u taq-bu-u sa-pa-aḫ KUR-šú5

ii 5959

a-na in-nab-

ii 6060

il-li-ku ma-ḫar mna-at-nu

ii 6161

mna-at-nu a-na mú-a-a-te-

ii 6262

ki-a-am iq-bi-šú-ma

Column iii
iii 1iii 1

um-ma a-na-ku la ŠU.II mAN.ŠÁR--A

iii 22

ša AN.ŠÁR tuk-lat-su ul-te-zi-bi

iii 33

ù at-ta taš-kun-an-ni a-na dan-nu-ti-ka

iii 44

mna-at-nu ip-làḫ-ma ir-šá-a na-kut-tu

iii 55

.A KIN-šú a-na šá-ʾa-al šul--ia

iii 66

-pur-am-ma ú-na-áš-ši-qa GÌR.II-ia

iii 77

a-na šá-kan [a]-de-e su-lum-me-e e-peš ARAD-ti-ia

iii 88

uṣ-ṣa-na-al-la-a EN-ú-ti

iii 99

a-na-ku ḫa-diš ap-pa-lis-šu-ma

iii 1010

pa-ni-ia SIG₅.MEŠ ina muḫ-ḫi-šú áš-[kun]

iii 1111

GUN man-da-at- šat-ti-šam-ma ú-kin [EDIN--šú]

iii 1212

šu-ut a-ma-ti [an-na-a]-ti šá mú-[a-a-te-]

(iii 12) On account of [thes]e words which U[aiteʾ (Iautaʾ) ...] to Natnu, I became enraged [...] (iii 15) for a second time [...] ... [... (iii 20) I safely crossed] the Tigris [and Euphrates] Rivers when they were in ful[l] spate, traveled on re[mote] paths, climbed hi[gh] mountains, crept through forests whose canop(ies) were wide, (and) (iii 25) constantly passed between tall trees, thorn bush(es), brambles, (and) path(s filled with) eddittu-bush(es). Through desert a place of parching thirst (iii 30) in which no bird of the heavens, onagers, (or) gazelles exist a distance of one hundred leagues from Nineveh, the city loved by the goddess Ištar the wife of the god Enlil I advanced (and) marched against Uaiteʾ, the king of the land of the Arabs.

iii 1313

a-na mna-at-nu [...]

iii 1414

e-gug x [...]

iii 1515

šá-ni-ia-nu x [...]

iii 1616

EDIN x (x) [...]

iii 1717

x [...]

iii 1818


iii 1919


iii 2020

ina ILLU-ši-na gap-ši [šal-meš e-bir]

iii 2121

ar-de ur-ḫi ru-[qu-ú-ti]

iii 2222

e-te-li ḫur-sa-a-ni šá-qu-[ú-ti]

iii 2323

aḫ-ta-lu-up GIŠ.TIR.MEŠ

iii 2424

ša ṣu-lul-ši-na rap-šú

iii 2525

bi-rit GIŠ.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ gi-iṣ-ṣu

iii 2626

GIŠ.GEŠTIN.GÍR.MEŠ ḫar-ra-nu GIŠ.ed-de-

iii 2727

e-te-ti-iq -reb mad-bar

iii 2828

a-šar ṣu-um-me lap-lap-ti

iii 2929


iii 3030

<<ma>> la ba-šu-u ina lìb-bi6

iii 3131


iii 3232

URU na-ram d-tar ḫi-rat dEN.LÍL

iii 3333

EDIN mú-a-a-te- MAN KUR.a-ri-bi

iii 3434

ar-de-e-ma al-lik

iii 3535

ina ITI.SIG₄ ITI d30 DUMU reš-te₉-e7

(iii 35) In the month Simānu (III), the month of the god Sîn the el[de]st (and) foremost son of the god Enlil on the twenty-fifth day, the procession of the Lady of Babylon, the honored one of the great gods, I set out from the city Ḫadattâ (and) (iii 40) set up my camp at the city Laribda, a stone fortress, next to water cisterns. My [troop]s d[rew] water to (fill) their drinking vessel(s), [and] (then) [adv]anced (and) mar[ched] (iii 45) (through) a lan[d of] par[ching t]hirst (lit. “a lan[d of t]hirst (and) a place of pa[rching]) as far as the city Ḫura[rīna], (which is) between the cities [Yarki] and Azall[a, in the desert, a distant place] where t[here are] no creatures of the steppe (iii 50) and (where) no bird of the heavens makes (its) ne[st]. They brought about a defeat among the Yisammeʾ, the confederation of the god Atar-samayin, and the Nabayateans. (iii 55) They (lit. “I”) plundered countless people, donkeys, camels, and sheep and goats. My troops marched about on the right and left over a distance of eight leagues. They returned safely and drank water in the city Azalla.

iii 3636

a-šá-red-du ša dEN.LÍL

iii 3737

UD.25.KAM šá-da-ḫu ša dbe-let-.DINGIR.KI

iii 3838


iii 3939

TA URU.ḫa-da-at-ta-a at-tu-muš

iii 4040

ina É BÀD ša NA₄.MEŠ

iii 4141

ina UGU gu-ub-ba-a-ni ša A.MEŠ

iii 4242

at-ta-di -man-ni

iii 4343

[ERIM.ḪI].A-ia A.MEŠ a-na maš-ti-ti-šú-nu iḫ-[bu-ma]

iii 4444

[ir]-du-ú il-li-[ku]

iii 4545

qaq-qar? ṣu-um-me a-šar lap-[lap-ti]

iii 4646

a-di URU.ḫu-ra-[ri-na]

iii 4747

bi-rit URU.[ia-ar-ki]

iii 4848

ù URU.a-za-al-li? [ina mad-bar áš-ru ru-u-qu]

iii 4949

a-šar ú-ma-am EDIN la ib-[ba-šu-u]

iii 5050

ù MUŠEN AN-e la i-šak-ka-nu qin-[nu]

iii 5151

di-ik- ina ŠÀ .i-sa-am-me-

iii 5252

.GIŠ.DA da-tar-sa-ma-a-a-in

iii 5353

ù .na-ba-a-a-ta-a-a i-du-ku

iii 5454


iii 5555

ḫu-bu-su-nu ina la -ni aḫ-bu-ta

iii 5656

8 KASKAL.GÍD qaq-qa-ru ZAG GÙB it-tal-la-ku ERIM.ḪI.<A>.MEŠ-ia

iii 5757

šal-meš i-tu-ru-nim-ma

iii 5858

ina URU.a-za-al-li -tu-ú A.MEŠ

iii 5959

TA ŠÀ URU.a-za-al-li a-di URU.qu-<ra>-ṣi-ti

(iii 59) They (my troops) advanced (and) marched from the city Azalla to the city Qu<ra>ṣiti, a distance of six leagues (through) a place of parching thirst. (iv 1) They (lit. “I”) surrounded the confederation of the god Atar-samayi[n] and the Qederites of Uaiteʾ, son of Bir-Dāda, the king of the land of the Arabs and Qederites. (iv 5) (As for) his gods, his mother, his sisters, his wife, his family, the people of the land Qedar, all (of it), donkeys, camels, and sheep and goats, as many as I had captured with the support of (the god) Aššur, my lord, I made them take the road to the city Damascus.

iii 6060

6 KASKAL.GÍD qaq-qa-ru qaq-qar ṣu-um-me lap-lap-ti

iii 6161

ir-du-ú il-li-ku

Column iv
iv 1iv 1

.-lu ša da-tar-sa-ma-a-a-in

iv 22

ù .qid-ra-a-a ša mú-a-a-te-

iv 33

DUMU mbir-da-ad-da MAN KUR.a-ri-bi

iv 44

ù .qid-ra-a-a al-me

iv 55


iv 66

qin-nu-šú UN.MEŠ KUR.?-dir ka-la-ma

iv 77


iv 88

ma-la ina tukul-ti AN.ŠÁR EN-ia ik-šu-da ŠU.II-a-a

iv 99

ḫar-ra-an URU.dim-maš-qa

iv 1010

ú-šá-áš-ki-na še-pu--šú-un

iv 1111


(iv 11) In the month Abu (V), the month of the bow-star the warrior, daughter of the god Sîn (on) the third day, (the day of) the evening meal of the king of the gods the god Marduk I set out from the city Damascus. I advanced (and) marched a distance of six leagues, (iv 15) (all) [n]i[g]h[t] un[ti]l daybreak, as [far as the city Ḫu]lḫuliti, at Mount Ḫukkuruna, a rugg[ed] mountain. (iv 20) I reached the confederation of Abī-Yat[], son of Tēʾr[i], the Qederite. I brought about his defeat (and) plundered hi[m]. (As for) Abī-Yateʾ (and) Aya-ammu, son of [ʾri], by the command of (the god) Aššur, my lord, I capture[d] them alive in the thick of ba[ttle]. (iv 25) I placed (their) hands and feet in iron fetters (and) took them to Assyria (to) the fortified city (Nineveh) that you generously granted me together with plunder from their land.

iv 1212


iv 1313

TA URU.di-maš-qa at-tu-muš

iv 1414

6 KASKAL.GÍD qaq-qa-ru <<>> ar-de al-lik <<U>>

iv 1515

mu?-[ši?]-? a?-di? na-ma-ri?

iv 1616

a-[di URU].ḫul-ḫu-li-ti

iv 1717

ina KUR.ḫu-uk-ku-ru-na KUR-ú mar-[ṣu]

iv 1818

.-lu ša ma-bi-ia-te-[]

iv 1919

DUMU mte--ri

iv 2020

.qid-ra-a-a ak-šudud

iv 2121

BAD₅.BAD₅-šú áš-kun áš-lu-la šal-lat-su

iv 2222

ma-bi-ia-te- ma-a-mu DUMU mte-[-ri]

iv 2323

ina -bit AN.ŠÁR EN-ia ina MURUB₄ tam-[ḫa-ri]

iv 2424

bal-ṭu-us-su-un ú-ṣab-bit [ina ŠU.II]

iv 2525

m*a*-bi*-ia*-te*-* m*a*-a*-mu* DUMU* m*te*-*-[ri]8

iv 2626

ŠU.II u GÌR.II bi-re- AN.BAR ad-di-šu-nu-ti

iv 2727

it-ti šal-lat KUR-šú-un

iv 2828

al-qa-áš-šú-nu-ti a-na KUR -šur.KI

iv 2929

URU dan-nu-ti ša tu-šat-lim-an-ni

iv 3030

mun-nab-ti ša la-pa-an GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-ia

(iv 30) The fugitives who had fled from my weapons became frightened and took to Mount Ḫukkuruna, a rugge[d] mountain. In the cities Manḫabbi, [App]aru, [Tenuquri, Ṣayur]an, [Marqanâ, Saratei]n,

iv 3131

in-nab- ip-la-ḫu-ma iṣ-ba-

iv 3232

KUR.ḫu-uk-ku-ru-na KUR-ú mar-ṣu

iv 3333

inaḫa-ab?-bi [URU.ap]-pa-ru

iv 3434

[URU.te-nu-qu-ri URU.ṣa-a-a-ú]-ra-an

iv 3535




Column v
v 1v 1

ina GIŠ.ga-ši-ši ADDA.MEŠ-šú-nu a-lul

(v 1) I hung their corpses on poles. I conscripted [the rest of them t]o my royal contingent.

v 22

[si-it-tu-ti-šú-nu a]-na? ki?-ṣir LUGAL-ti-ia ak-ṣur

v 33


v 44


v 55

[...] ul-tu re-e-ši

(v 5) [... f]rom the beginning [... he se]nt me [...] my exalted [strengt]h [... which he had constant]ly [d]one [... which he had a]bandoned

v 66

[... ú-ma-ʾe]-er-an-ni

v 77

[... e-mu]- MAḪ.MEŠ

v 88

[... e]-tep-pu-šú

v 99

[... ú?]-ma?-áš?-ši-ru

v 1010

[...] x

(v 10) (No translation possible)

v 1111


v 1212


v 1313


v 1414

[...] x

v 1515


v 1616


v 1717

[...] x

v 1818

[...] x

v 1919


v 2020

[...] x

v 2121

[...] x-ma?

v 2222

[...] A?-ka

v 2323

[...] x x MA? IGI.II-a-a

v 2424

[mum-man-al-daš] LUGAL KUR.ELAM.MA.KI

(v 24) [(As for) Ummanaldašu (Ḫumban-ḫaltaš III), the ki]ng of the land Elam [who] had seen [the rage of] your mighty [weapons], he returned [from the mountain(s)], his place of refuge, and he entered the city Madaktu, a city that I had destroyed, demolished, (and) plundered by the command of your divinity. He sat down in mourning.

v 2525

[ša šu--mur GIŠ.TUKUL].MEŠ-ka dan-nu-ti e-mu-ru

v 2626

[ul- KUR-e] a-šar mar--ti-šú i-tu-ram-ma

v 2727

[]-reb URU šá ina -bit DINGIR-ti-ka9

v 2828

ap-pu-lu aq-qu-ru áš-lu-lu šal-lat-su

v 2929

e-ru-ub ú-šib ina si-pit-ti

v 3030


(v 30) With regard to Nabû-bēl-šumāti, grandson of Marduk-apla-iddina (II) (Merodach-baladan), [w]ho had sinned [against] your treaty

v 3131

ša [ina] a-de-e-ka iḫ?-ṭu?-ú?



Column vi
vi 1vi 1

[e]-pu-šu be-lut KUR.ELAM.MA.KI10

(vi 1) [Paʾê, who had exer]cised dominion over the land Elam [in opposition to Ummanaldašu (Ḫumban-ḫaltaš III), thought about the a]we-inspiring brilliance of your fierce weapons that you had poured over the land Elam, (not) once (or) twice, (but) [thrice, and] he became dis[heartened. (vi 5) He fled to me] from within the land El[am and] graspe[d the feet of my royal majesty].

vi 22

na-mur-rat GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-ka ez-zu-ti ša 1-šú 2-šú [3-šú]

vi 33

ta-at-bu-ku UGU KUR.ELAM.MA.KI [iḫ-su-us-ma]

vi 44

ir-šá-a ḫi-ip [lìb-bi]

vi 55

ul-tu -reb KUR.ELAM.[MA.KI in-nab-tam-ma]

vi 66

iṣ-ba-ta [GÌR.II LUGAL-ti-ia]

vi 77

UN.MEŠ mul-taḫ-[ṭe ša URU.É-mim-bi-i]

(vi 7) (As for) the people, the surviv[ors of the cities Bīt-Imbî], Kuṣurtā[yin, Dūr-šarri], Massūtu, [Bubê, Bīt-Unzāya], (vi 10) Bīt-Arr[abi, Ibrat, Dimtu-ša-Tapapa], Akba[rina, Gurukirra], Dunn[i-Šamaš, Ḫamānu, Kaniṣu], Aranz[iaše, Ālu-ša-nāqidāte], Dimtu-[ša-Simame], (vi 15) Bīt-Q[atatti, Alu-ša-Qīsāya], Sub[aḫê, (and) Tīl-Ḫumba(n)], who [had fled] fro[m your mighty weapons] during [a previous campaign of mine (and)] had tak[en to Mount (lit. “city”) Salatri, a rugged mountain (vi 20) (as for) those] peo[ple who had] est[ablished Mount (lit. “city”) Salatri, a mountain, as their defensive position, your] awe-insp[iring brilliance overwhelmed them (and)] th[ey] f[led to me] fro[m the mountain(s), their place of refuge, and grasped my feet. (vi 25) I conscripted them] a[s archer(s and) added (them)] t[o my royal contingent, which you had placed in my hands].

vi 88

URU.ku-ṣur-te-[e-in URU.BÀD-LUGAL]

vi 99 [URU.bu--e URU.É-mun-za-a-a]

vi 1010

URU.É-mar-ra-[bi URU.ib-rat URU.AN.ZA.GÀR-ša-mta-pa-pa]

vi 1111

URU.ak-bar-[i-na URU.gur-ú-ki-ir-ra]

vi 1212

URU.du-un-nu-[dšá-maš URU.ḫa-ma-nu URU.ka-ni-ṣu]

vi 1313[a-še URU-na--da-a-te]

vi 1414


vi 1515

URU.É-mqa-[ta-at-ti URU-ša-m-sa-a-a]

vi 1616[ḫe-e URU.DU₆-ḫu-um-ba]

vi 1717

ša ina [ger-ri-ia maḫ-re-e]

vi 1818

la-pa-[an GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-ka dan-nu-ú-ti in-nab-tu]

vi 1919

iṣ-ba-[tu KUR-ú mar-ṣu]

vi 2020

UN.[MEŠ šá-a--nu šá KUR-ú]

vi 2121

?-[ku-nu a-na dan-nu-ti-šú-un]

vi 2222

nam-[ri-ri-ka is-ḫu-up-šu-nu-ti]

vi 2323

ul-tu? [KUR-e a-šar mar--ti-šú-un]

vi 2424

in-[nab-tu-nim-ma iṣ-ba- GÌR.II-ia]

vi 2525

a-[na GIŠ.PAN ak-ṣur-šú-nu-ti]

vi 2626

UGU [ki-ṣir LUGAL-ti-ia ša tu-mal-lu-u ŠU.II-u-a ú-rad-di]

vi 2727

[mum-man-al-da-si LUGAL KUR.ELAM.MA.KI]11

(vi 27) [(As for) Ummanaldašu (Ḫumban-ḫaltaš III), the king of the land Elam] wh[om from the distant past you had commanded to do obeisance to me] by [your exalted] com[mand, which cannot be changed], (vi 30) afterwar[ds his land rebelled against him]. He [then] fled alone from the rebellio[n that his servants had incited against him and he took to the mountain(s)]. From the mountain(s), [his] place of refug[e where he had always fled, I caught him] like a falcon [and] too[k him] alive [to Assyria].

vi 2828

ša [ul-tu ul-la taq-bu-u a-na e-peš ARAD-ti-ia]

vi 2929

ina -[bi-ti-ka ṣir-ti šá la in-nen-nu-u]

vi 3030

EGIR-[nu KUR-su UGU-šú ib-bal-kit-ma]

vi 3131

la-pa-an saḫ-maš-ti [ARAD.MEŠ-šú šá ú-šab-šú-u UGU-šú]

vi 3232

e-diš-ši-šú ip-par-šid-[ma iṣ-ba-ta KUR-ú]

vi 3333

ul- KUR-e É mar--ti-[šú a-šar it-ta-nap-raš-ši-du]

vi 3434

ki-ma SÚR..MUŠEN [a-bar-šu-ma]

vi 3535

bal-ṭu-us-su al-qa-áš?-[šú a-na KUR AN.ŠÁR.KI]

vi 3636


vi 3737

mum-man-al-da-si LUGAL KUR.ELAM.MA.KI

(vi 37) (As for) Ummanaldašu (Ḫumban-ḫaltaš III), the king of the land Elam whom from the distant past you had commanded to do obeisance to [me] by your exalted command, which cannot be chang[ed], (vi 40) afterwards his land rebelled against him. He then f[led] alone from the rebellion that his servants had incited ag[ainst him and] he took to the mounta[in(s). ...] ... [...]

vi 3838

ša ul-tu ul-la taq-bu-u a-na e-peš ARAD-ti-[ia]

vi 3939

ina -bi-ti-ka ṣir-ti ša la in-nen-nu-[u]

vi 4040

EGIR-nu KUR-su UGU-šú ib-bal-kit-ma

vi 4141

la-pa-an saḫ-maš-ti ARAD.MEŠ-šú ša ú-šab-šu-u UGU-[šú]

vi 4242

e-diš-ši-šú ip?-[par-šid-ma] iṣ-ba-ta KUR-[ú]

vi 4343

[x] x [...] x x [...]



1Or possibly translate the line as “(As for) the people of the land of the Arabs, he made (them) hostile (towards me), (along) with him, and.”

2zik-ru u sin-niš “male and female”: M. Worthington (Textual Criticism p. 184) has pointed out that this orthography is an enriched sandhi spelling for zi-kar u sin-niš.

3R. Borger (BIWA p. 78) — along with earlier editions — treated these two lines together as line 20, and instead read: áš-šú a-de-e?AN.ŠÁR [...] “Because ... the treaty (sworn) by [(the god) A]ššur” (compare Streck, Asb. pp. 378–379 and Weippert, WO 7/1 [1973] p. 77). Lines 1–20 come from VAT 5600 and lines 21–62 come from K 2802+. The location of the damaged AN sign — which is written much wider than the normal-sized AN signs of this tablet — on K 2802+ makes it impossible for the signs áš-šú a-de-e to fit into the space at the beginning of the line. There is only room for about one and a half signs here, and with what looks to be a long tail from the top part of a vertical wedge, it seems that a large ŠA sign was the first sign of the line. Text no. 11 (Prism A) ix 72 has um-ma áš-šú a-de-e GAL.MEŠ šá AN.ŠÁR la ni-iṣ-ṣu-ru “(The other answered): ‘Because we did not honor the great treaties (sworn) by (the god) Aššur,’” and since this tablet is generally following that prism’s account in this section, it appears that the final line of VAT 5600 and the initial line of K 2802+ contain that account divided over two separate lines.

4ina x (x) “in ...”: The signs at the end of the line are difficult to construe. The sign is clear and not in question, but the final traces of the line are slightly effaced. G. Smith (Asb. p. 287; 3 R pl. 35 no. 6) copied and read these traces as NENNI and translated the phrase as “or anyone.” M. Weippert (WO 7/1 [1973] pp. 77 and 83) read them as GU.ZA for “on the throne,” but without the determinative GIŠ this is unlikely. R. Borger (BIWA p. 78) rightly pointed out that the traces most closely resemble mim-ma for “in something.” Given that the inscription is likely a draft, he suggested that this phrase — whether it is ina NENNI “in such-and-such” or ina mim-ma “in something” — was meant to be filled in later with some kind of geographical location over which Uaiteʾ had been made king. No additional element initially appeared after the name of Uaiteʾ in the parallel accounts of the prism inscriptions (see, for example, text no. 3 [Prism B] viii 28), but the later account of text no. 11 (Prism A) viii 46 has DUMU mḫa-za-DINGIR “son of Hazael” in apposition to Uaiteʾ.

5For the translation of ṭè-en-šú tu-šá-an-nu-u as “you deranged his mind,” see the on-page note to text no. 11 (Prism A) viii 6.

6<<ma>> la ba-šu-u “no ... exist”: In adapting the account from text no. 11 (Prism A) viii 88–90, the scribe accidentally wrote out the common and similar-sounding phrase ma-la ba-šu-u “as many as there are” instead of simply the intended negated verb.

7reš-te₉-e “the el[de]st”: One expects the orthography reš-tu-u/ú (see, for example, text no. 11 [Prism A] iv 111), but the damaged final sign is e and the few traces of the sign before it most closely conform to te₉ (the TI sign).

8Lines 24 and 26 follow one another in text no. 11 (Prism A) ix 21–22. Apparently, the scribe of the present tablet inserted line 25 as an accidental repetition of line 22. After realizing this mistake, he almost completely erased the name ma-bi-ia-te- “Abī-Yateʾ,” and there are lighter erasure marks throughout the rest of the line, indicating that the entire line should be deleted. “the city Madaktu”: The signs ma?-dak?-? are written very tightly together.

10The translation assumes that the last line of col. v contained mpa-ʾe-e šá -eḫ-ret mum-man-al-daš “Paʾê, who in opposition to Ummanaldašu (Ḫumban-ḫaltaš III)”; see text no. 11 (Prism A) vii 51.

11Lines 27–32 are tentatively restored from lines 37–42, which appear to duplicate this account, but due to damage in the former, this is not certain. Although lines 37–42 are separated from lines 27–35 by a blank space, there is no other scribal notation on the tablet that might reveal why the scribe appears to have included a duplicate account here or whether this might have been some kind of mistake. For the contents of both of these sections, compare the parallel account in text no. 11 (Prism A) x 6–16.

Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-22. Lemmatized by Joshua Jeffers, 2018-22, for the NEH-funded RINAP Project at the University of Pennsylvania. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as