Ashurbanipal 191

o? 1o? 1

[...] se-de-ru mit-ḫu-ṣu-u-[?]

(o? 1) [... I know how to fo]rm a battle line (and do) comba[t. ...] I gra[sped] the ... of kingship [...]. Nobles (and) eu[nuch(s)] rejoiced [(and) they heeded the pronouncement(s) from my lips. Before the king, the father who had engendered me, I would intercede on their behalf (and)] I would [an]nul [their] sin(s). (obv.? 5) [... I regularly appo]inted governo[rs ...]. The great gods constantly looked [with pleasure upon my good deeds and, by their exalted command, I gladly sat on the thron]e of the father who had engendered me.

o? 22

[...] x-ib LUGAL-u-ti a-ḫu?-[uz?]

o? 33

[...] i-ri-šú NUN.MEŠ? .šu-[ut SAG]

o? 44

[... pu]-us?-su-sa-ku ḫi-ṭi-[šú-nu]

o? 55

[... áš]-tak?-ka-na šak-ka-nak-[ki]

o? 66

[...] it-tap-la-su DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ

o? 77

[... GIŠ.].TI a-bi ba-ni-ia1

o? 88

[...]-ma ú-na-áš-šá-qu GÌR.II-ia

(o? 8) [... a]nd they kissed my feet. [...] they placed in my hands [... (obv.? 10) ...] they relented. I completed [... (and) made (it) shine] like daylight. [...] in Egašanḫiliku[ga ...] which I (just) built [... (and) I made (Šarrat-Kidmuri) dwell on (her)] ete[rnal d]ais.

o? 99

[... ú]-mal-lu-u ŠU.II-u-a

o? 1010

[...] ir-šu-u sa-li-mu

o? 1111

[...] ú-šak-lil

o? 1212

[...] x GIM u₄-me

o? 1313

[...] ina? é*-gašan-ḫi-li--[ga]2

o? 1414

[...] x e-pu-šú (erasure?) x [...]

o? 1515

[...] pa-rak da-ra-[a-ti]

r? 1r? 1

[...] x x (x) [...]

(r? 1) [...] ... [...] ... [... to ma]ke dec[isions ...] quarters (of the world) (rev.? 5) [... bel]oved by his lordly majesty [...] they ... the city [...] the gods Šamaš and Adad [... belo]ved by his heart [...] the road to Šuanna (Babylon) (rev.? 10) [...] ... the corners [...] ... a joyful procession [... insid]e it (Esagil) he (Marduk) took up residence on (his) eternal dais. [...] ... I returned (them) to their places (of worship) [...] I made [regular offerings (and) contributions] more plentiful [than those of distant days].

r? 22

[...] x x [...]

r? 33

[... pa?]-ra-as ?.[BAR.MEŠ?]

r? 44

[...]-ú kib-ra-a-ti?

r? 55

[... na]-ram be-lu-ti-šú?

r? 66

[...] x URU i-da-ad-du-ú?

r? 77

[...] dUTU u dIŠKUR

r? 88

[... na]-ram lìb-bi-šú

r? 99

[...] ú-ru-uḫ šu-an-na.KI

r? 1010

[...]-ḫu?-zu tub-qa-a-ti

r? 1111

[...]-mu?-ru ḫar-ra-an ḪÚL.MEŠ

r? 1212

[... ]-reb-šú ir-ma-a pa-rak da-ra-a-ti

r? 1313

[...] x KI a-na áš-ri-šú-nu ú-ter

r? 1414

[...] ú-šá-tir-ma ú-kin [(x)]

r? 1515

[... iṣ]-ṣi da-re-e šá šit-nu-nu šá-[ma-meš]

(r? 15) [I had a canopy], which rivals the he[avens, made from musukkannu-wood, a] durable [woo]d.

1Given the parallel in text no. 220 (L4) ii 11´b of ú-šib ṭa-a-biš ina GIŠ.GU.ZA AD -ia “I sat gladly on the throne of the father who had engendered me,” one expects GIŠ.GU.ZA before a-bi ba-ni-ia. However, the damaged traces before a-bi are clearly the upper portion of a vertical and a winkelhaken, and so they cannot be the end of ZA. Although this could be a scribal error (such as ḪA for the visually similar ZA), the traces are treated here as the rare writing of GIŠ..TI for kussû (see .TI in Grayson and Novotny, RINAP 3/2 p. 231 no. 162 iii 15´; compare also GIŠ..TE Tadmor and Yamada, RINAP 1 p. 142 Tiglath-pileser III no. 53 line 27).

2é*-gašan-ḫi-li--[ga] “Egašanḫiliku[ga]”: The é lacks two vertical wedges. For the connection of the goddess Šarrat-Kidmuri with this structure, see Novotny, Eḫulḫul pp. 216–217.

Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-22. Lemmatized by Joshua Jeffers, 2018-22, for the NEH-funded RINAP Project at the University of Pennsylvania. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as