Ashurbanipal 181

o?o? Lacuna


o? 1'1'

[šá ina -bit AN.ŠÁR] dNIN.[LÍL] ik-šu-[du ṣu-me-rat ŠÀ-šú]1

(o? 1') [I, Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, who by the command of (the god) Aššur] (and) the goddess Mu[llissu a]chi[eved his heart’s desire: Um]manigaš (Ḫumban-nikaš II) [dispatched them (his forces) to Undasu, a s]on of Teum[man a (former) king of the land Elam Zazaz, the city ruler of the c]ity Pillatu, (and) [Parr]û, the [city ruler of the land Ḫilmu, to help] Šamaš-šuma-ukīn [(my) unfaithful] b[rother (and) to fight with the troops of Assyria]

o? 2'2'

[ṣe-er mun-da-si] DUMU mte-um-[man LUGAL KUR.ELAM.MA.KI]

o? 3'3'

[mza-za-az .EN.URU] URU.pil-la-ti m[par-ru]-u .[EN.URU KUR.ḫi-il-mu]

o? 4'4'

[a-na re-ṣu-ut md]GIŠ.NU₁₁-MU-GI.NA ŠEŠ? [NU GI.NA a-na mit-ḫu-ṣi]

o? 5'5'

[ERIM.ḪI.A KUR -šur.KI mum]-man-i-gaš [ú-ma-ʾe-er-šú-nu-ti]



r?r? Lacuna


r? 1'1'

[...] x ḪU x [...]

(r? 1') (No translation possible)

r? 2'2'

[a-na-ku] mAN.ŠÁR--[A MAN KUR AN.ŠÁR.KI]

(r? 2') [I], Ashurbani[pal, king of Assyria, who b]y the command of (the god) Aššur (and) the goddess Mullissu a[chieved his heart’s desire: (rev.? ) They paraded before me the zaqi]ptu-standard (and) šakirūtu-standard, clothing (and) j[ewelry, all of the royal appurtenances of] Šamaš-šuma-ukīn [(my) unfaithful] brot[her] his [pal]ace women, his eunuchs, [his battle troops, chariotry], a processional carriage, the vehic[le of his lordly majesty, horses], his [harn]ess-broken (steeds), every nec[essity of his palace, as much as there was, (and) people] male and [female, young and old].

r? 3'3'

[šá] ina -bit AN.ŠÁR dNIN.LÍL ik?-[šu-du ṣu-me-rat ŠÀ-šú]

r? 4'4'

[za]-qip- GIŠ.šá-ki-ru- lu-bul- šu-[kut- mim-ma si-mat]

r? 5'5'


r? 6'6'

[MUNUS].sek-re-ti-šú .šu-ut SAG.MEŠ-šú .[ERIM.MEŠ .(MEŠ)-šú]

r? 7'7'

[GIŠ.GIGIR.(MEŠ)] GIŠ.ša šá-da-di ru-kub [EN-ti-šú]

r? 8'8'

[ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ ṣi]-mit-ti GIŠ.ŠUDUN-šú mim-ma ḫi-[šiḫ-ti É.GAL-šú]

r? 9'9'

[ma-la ba-šu-u UN.MEŠ] zik-ru u [sin-niš]2



1The translation assumes that the lacuna contained a-na-ku mAN.ŠÁR--A MAN KUR AN.ŠÁR.KI “I, Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria” from rev.? 2´.

2The translation assumes that the lacuna contained TUR u GAL ú-še-ti-qu ina IGI-ia “They paraded before me ..., young and old”; see, for example, text no. 175 ii 22´.

Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-22. Lemmatized by Joshua Jeffers, 2018-22, for the NEH-funded RINAP Project at the University of Pennsylvania. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as