Ashurbanipal 170

o?o? Lacuna


o? 1'1'

[x x (x)] x x [...]

(o? 1') [...] ... [... I marched again]st Teu[mman, the king of the land Elam who, concerning Ummanigaš, Ummanappa, (and) Tammarītu the so]ns of Urtaku Kudurru (and) [Parrû the sons of Ummanaldašu (Ḫumban-ḫaltaš II), the brother of Urtaku, (former) king of the land Elam] them, together with sixty members of the royal (family), [count]less [archers, (and) nobles of the land Elam who had fled to me and grasped my feet] concerning (all) those people, [he had regularly sent his] env[oys (asking me) to send (them back) ...].

o? 2'2'

[x (x)] UGU? mte-um-[man MAN KUR.ELAM.MA.KI lu-u? al-lik? ša UGU mum-man-i-gaš mum-man-ap-pa mtam-ma-ri-tu]

o? 3'3'

DUMU.MEŠ mur-ta-ki mku-dúr-ru [mpa-ru-ú DUMU.MEŠ mum-man-al-da-še ŠEŠ mur-ta-ki MAN KUR.ELAM.MA.KI]

o? 4'4'

šu-nu a-di 60 NUMUN MAN ina la [-ni ERIM.MEŠ GIŠ.PAN DUMU ba--e ša KUR.ELAM.MA.KI šá in-nab--nim-ma iṣ-ba- GÌR.II-ia]

o? 5'5'

UGU ERIM.MEŠ šá-tu-nu .MAḪ.[MEŠ-šú -ta-nap-pa-ra ana še-bu-li ...]

o? 6'6'

šu-ú mte-um-man a-na ÍD?.[ú-la-a-a? ...]

(o? 6') He, Teumman, to the [Ulāya] Ri[ver ...]. I trusted in (the god) Aššur and the goddess [tar ...]. Before me, the U[lāya] River [... I brought about his defeat] inside (the city) Tīl-Tūb[a ...]. (obv.? 10´) I cut off his h[ea]d i[n] the a[ssembly of] his [troo]ps. [I placed] U[mmanigaš (Ḫumban-nikaš II) (...) on his (Teumman’s) throne (...). Chariots], wagons, (and) mules [I counted as] boo[ty ...].

o? 7'7'

at-kil a-na AN.ŠÁR u d-[tar ...]

o? 8'8'

el-la-mu-u-a ÍD.ú-[la-a-a ...]

o? 9'9'

-reb DU₆-URU.tu-ba [x x] (x) x [...]

o? 10'10'

SAG.DU?-su? ina? UKKIN? ERIM.ḪI.A-šú ak-kis mum-[man-i-gaš (...) ina GIŠ.GU.ZA-šú ú-še-šib (...)]

o? 11'11'

[GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ GIŠ].ṣu-um-bi ANŠE.KUNGA.MEŠ šal-la-[tiš am-nu ...]

o? 12'12'

[mdu-na-nu] DUMU mEN-BA-šá KUR.gam-bu-la-a-a ša? [...]

(o? 12') [Dunānu], the son of Bēl-iqīša, the Gambulian, w[ho ...], I overwhelmed his land like a fog (and) I c[on]quered the city Ša-pī-[Bēl, his fortified city, whose location is situated between rivers]. I carried off him, his brothers, [his] family, [...] (and) people [...].

o? 13'13'

KUR-su GIM MURU₉ as-ḫu-up URU.šá-pi-i-[dEN URU dan-nu-ti-šú ša -reb ÍD.MEŠ na-da-at šu-bat-su]

o? 14'14'

ak-šud (erasures) šá-a-šú ŠEŠ.MEŠ-šú qin-nu-[šú ...]

o? 15'15'

UN.MEŠ (erasures) áš-lu-la [...]

o? 16'16'

x x x x x (x) bi-re-tu? [...]

(o? 16') (No translation possible)

o? 17'17'

[...] (x) BI? x [...]



r?r? Lacuna


Traces of the beginning of about 8 lines

Traces of the beginning of about 8 lines



Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-22. Lemmatized by Joshua Jeffers, 2018-22, for the NEH-funded RINAP Project at the University of Pennsylvania. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as