Ashurbanipal 166
Obverse | ||
Lacuna | ||
1'1' | [... KUR].⸢ELAM⸣.MA.⸢KI⸣ [...]1 | (1') [... the land E]lam [...] his [...] the bow, the b[asis of his strength ...]. |
2'2' | [...]-šú GIŠ.PAN ⸢tuk?⸣-[lat Á-šú? ...] | |
3'3' | [ADDA.MEŠ qu]-ra-di GURUŠ.MEŠ ⸢ša⸣ [KUR.ELAM.MA.KI ÍD.ú-la-a-a as-ki-ir ÚŠ.MEŠ-šú-nu ku-um A.MEŠ]2 | (3') [I blocked up the Ulāya River with the corpses of the wa]rriors (and) young men o[f the land Elam. For three days], I [made] that [ri]ver, [at its crest, flow with their blood instead of water]. |
4'4' | ||
5'5' | [...] ša ⸢qé⸣-reb KUR.e-lam-⸢ti⸣ [...] | (5') [...] who inside the land Elam [...] the might[y] deeds [... the land Ela]m [...] |
6'6' | [...] x ep-šet da-na-⸢an⸣ [...]3 | |
7'7' | [... KUR.e]-⸢lam⸣-ti [...] | |
Lacuna |
1Compare text no. 161 ii 8–10 (epigraph no. 16). The reading of the traces after GIŠ.PAN, “the bow,” in line 2´ tentatively follows the suggestion of J.M. Russell, Writing on the Wall p. 196 n. 54. If this epigraph is in fact epigraph no. 16 as E. Weidner (AfO 8 [1932–33] p. 189) raised the possibility and as J.M. Russell suggested, it is unclear how all of the content from that epigraph is to be distributed over these two lines, especially if there should possibly only be a handful of signs restored in the break at the beginning of the lines (see the on-page note to lines 3´–4´).
2The distribution of the restored material in these lines must be considered tentative since no edges of the tablet are preserved. The present restoration is based on the spacing of the extant signs and the fact that there can only be three signs in the break at the beginning of line 3´ given the expected content of the epigraph.
3Compare text no. 23 (IIT) line 107.
Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-22. Lemmatized by Joshua Jeffers, 2018-22, for the NEH-funded RINAP Project at the University of Pennsylvania. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as