Ashurbanipal 165

o 1o 1

si-id-ru šá m--A MAN KUR šá-kin BAD₅.BAD₅ KUR.ELAM.KI

(1) Battle line of Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, the one who established the defeat of the land Elam.

o 22

si-id-ru šá mte-um-man MAN KUR.ELAM.MA.KI

(2) Battle line of Teumman, the king of the land Elam.

o 33


(3) The (decapitated) head of Teumman, the king of the land Elam.

o 44

ana-ku m--A MAN ŠÚ MAN KUR

(4) I, Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, the one who conquers his enemies: My battle troops quickly brought to me the head of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, that they had cut off through the might of the deities Aššur, Sîn, Šamaš, Bēl (Marduk), Nabû, Ištar of Nineveh, Ištar of Arbela, Ninurta, (and) Nergal, and they threw (it) down before my (chariot) wheels in front of the gate “May the Vice-Regent of (the God) Aššur Endure.”

o 55

ka-šid .KÚR.MEŠ-šú SAG.DU mte-um-man MAN KUR.ELAM.MA šá ina da-na-ni

o 66

šá AN.ŠÁR d30 dUTU dEN dAG d15 šá NINA.KI

o 77

d15 šá LÍMMU-DINGIR dMAŠ dU.GUR KUD- ERIM.MEŠ -ía ḫa-an-ṭiš

o 88

-šú-nim-ma ina IGI .GAL lil-bur ÉNSI AN.ŠÁR id-du-u

o 99

(blank) ina IGI GIŠ.ma-gar-ri-ia1

o 1010

ana-ku m--A MAN ŠÚ MAN KUR 2

(10) I, Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria: Nabû-damiq (and) Umbadarâ, the envoys [whom Teumman, the king of the land Elam, sent with] insolent [messages ...] ...

o 1111

mdMUATI-SIG₅ mum-ba-da-ra-a .MAḪ.MEŠ

o 1212

[ša mte-um-man MAN KUR.ELAM.MA.KI ši-pir] me-re-eḫ-te

o 1313

[-pu-ra-áš-šú-nu-ti ...]-qu-u?





r 1'1'

ù KUD-is SAG.DU mte-um-man MAN KUR.ELAM.MA3

(r 1') I paraded into (lit. “performed an entry of”) the city Arbela in (the midst of) celebration [in the company of Dunānu, Samgunu, Aplāya], and the decapitated head of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, which the goddess Ištar, the Lady, delivered into my hands.

r 2'2'

ša d15 GAŠAN im-nu-u ŠU.II-u-a

r 3'3'

e-reb URU.LÍMMU-DINGIR e-pu- ina ḪÚL.MEŠ

r 4'4'

mdu-na-nu msa-am-gu-nu mA-a-a

(r 4') I bound Dunānu, Samgunu, (and) Aplāya, together with a bear, at the “Gate of the Rising Sun (and) Setting Sun” to be a spectacle for the people.

r 5'5'

ina .GAL ṣi-it dUTU e-reb dUTU

r 6'6'

a-na tab-rat UN.MEŠ it-ti a-si ú-rak-kis-šú-nu-ti

r 7'7'

it-ti ni-kis <<DIŠ>> SAG.DU mte-um-man MAN KUR.ELAM.MA

(r 7') With the decapitated head of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, I took the road to the city Arbela in (the midst of) celebration.

r 8'8'


r 9'9'

a-na-ku m-šur--A MAN KUR -šur .MAḪ.MEŠ mur-sa-a4

(r 9') I, Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria: Rusa, the king of the land Urarṭu, sent envoys to me to inquire about my well-being. I made Nabû-damiq (and) Umbadarâ, the envoys of the land Elam, stand before them [with] writing [boa]rds (inscribed with) insolent messages. [Oppo]site them (in the relief) (are) Mannu-kī-aḫḫē, the deputy of Dunānu, and Nabû-uṣalli, a city overseer of his. I ripped out their tongues (and) flayed them.

r 10'10'

MAN KUR.ur-ar-ṭa a-na šá-ʾa-al šul--ia -pu-ra

r 11'11'

mdMUATI-SIG₅ mum-ba-da-ra-a .MAḪ.MEŠ šá KUR.ELAM.MA.KI

r 12'12'

[it-ti] GIŠ.ZU.MEŠ ši-pir me-re-eḫ-te ul-ziz ina IGI-šú-un

r 13'13'

[ina] tar-ṣi-šú-un mman-nu-ki-PAP.MEŠ .2-i mdu-na-ni5

r 14'14'

mdMUATI*-ú-ṣal-li .šá UGU URU-šú EME-šùn áš-lu-up6

r 15'15'

áš-ḫu-ṭa KUŠ-šú-un

1The scribe indented this line about one-third of the way onto the tablet, starting it under the GAL sign of .GAL “the gate” from the previous line.

2This line is omitted in the parallel passage of text no. 161 i 4´–10´.

3The translation assumes that the lacuna before rev. 1´ contained ina ŠÀ mdu-na-ni msa-am-gu-nu mIBILA-ia “in the company of Dunānu, Samgunu, Aplāya”; see, for example, text no. 161 iii 21´a.

4For this epigraph, compare text no. 6 (Prism C) vii 20´–35´, text no. 7 (Prism Kh) vii 11–27, and text no. 35 lines 3b–8. For the last two lines, compare text no. 161 iii 2´–4´ (epigraph no. 28) and text no. 162 obv. 1´–2´.

5[ina] tar-ṣi-šú-un “[Oppo]site them (in the relief)”: As pointed out by J.M. Russell (Writing on the Wall p. 196), it is likely that this phrase served as a “visual location reference” in the relief itself (compare text no. 161 i 8). Note, however, that rev. 13´–15´ do not appear in the version of this epigraph (text no. 35) that was inscribed on slab 6 of Room XXXIII of Ashurbanipal’s South-West Palace.

6mdMUATI*-ú-ṣal-li “Nabû-uṣalli”: The MUATI sign lacks a horizontal wedge, making it look like MAŠ (“Ninurta”).

Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-22. Lemmatized by Joshua Jeffers, 2018-22, for the NEH-funded RINAP Project at the University of Pennsylvania. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as