Ashurbanipal 163



o 1'1'

[msi-im-bu-ru .NÍMGIR ša KUR.ELAM].MA.KI ma-[lak ERIM.ḪI.A-ia]

(1') [Simburu, the herald of the land Ela]m, [heard about] the ad[vance of my troops and became fri]ghtened at [the mention of my name. He] then [came] before [my messenger and] kissed m[y] feet.

o 2'2'

[-me-ma zi-kir MU-ia ip]-làḫ-ma ina IGI .[A KIN-ia]

o 3'3'

[il-lik-am-ma] ú-na-šiq GÌR.II-ia

o 4'4'

[mum-ba-ki-den]-nu .NÍMGIR šá URU.ḫi-da-lu1

(4') [Fear] of my royal majesty covered [Umbakidin]u, the herald of the city Ḫidalu; he then cut off [the hea]d of Ištar-Nandi (Šutur-Naḫūndi), the k[in]g of the land Ḫidalu, [...] ... and (then) car[r]ied (it) and cast (it) down [before] my magnates. He then grasped the feet of my royal majesty.

o 5'5'

[pu-luḫ]-ti LUGAL-ti-ia ik-tùm-šu-ma

o 6'6'

[SAG].DU m-tar-na-an-di LUGAL KUR.ḫi-da-lu

o 7'7'

[x x] x x NÍG? KUD-is-ma -šam-ma

o 8'8'

[ina IGI] .GAL.MEŠ-ia id-di-ma iṣ-bat GÌR.II MAN-ti-ía

r 1r 1

[m]zi-ni-ni .šá IGI KUR mGIŠ-TAR-ta?-x [(x)]2

(r 1) [Fear of] my lordly majesty covered [Z]inēni, the palace supervisor, (and) GIŠ-TAR-ta[..., ...] of the land Elam, [...] they came here to do obeisance to me. [...] my camp.

r 22

[x x (x)] NAM ša KUR.ELAM.MA.[KI]

r 33

[pu-luḫ-ti] EN-ti-ia ik-tùm-šú-nu-ti

r 44

[...] ir-du-ni a-na e-peš ARAD-ti-ia

r 55

[...] x KARAŠ-ia

r 66

[mdu-na-nu DUMU m]EN-BA-šá

(r 6) I captured [Dunānu, son of B]ēl-iqīša, [alive. My warriors] th[rew him into iron fette]rs [and]

r 77

[bal-ṭu-us-su ina] ŠU.II aṣ-bat

r 88

[qu-ra-di-ia bi-re]- id-[du-šú-ma]



1The restorations to these lines are based on text no. 162 10´–11´; compare text no. 161 i 6–11 (epigraph no. 3).

2Compare text no. 161 i 6–11 (epigraph no. 3).

Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-22. Lemmatized by Joshua Jeffers, 2018-22, for the NEH-funded RINAP Project at the University of Pennsylvania. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as