Ashurbanipal 161
Obverse | ||
Column i | ||
i 1i 1 | (i 1) The troops of Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, that I sent to conquer the land Elam with Ummanigaš (Ḫumban-nikaš II), the son of Urtaku — the king of the land Elam — the fugitive who grasped the feet of my royal majesty. | |
i 22 | ||
i 33 | mun-nab-tu ša iṣ-ba-tu GÌR.II LUGAL-ti-ia áš-pu-ru a-na ka-šad KUR.ELAM.KI | |
i 44 | msi-im-bu-ru LÚ.NÍMGIR ša KUR.ELAM.MA.KI ma-lak ERIM.ḪI.<A>-ia iš-me-ma2 | (i 4) Simburu, the herald of the land Elam, heard about the advance of my troops and became frightened at the mention of my name. He then came before my messenger and kissed my feet. |
i 55 | zi-kir MU-ia ip-làḫ-ma ina IGI LÚ.A KIN-ia il-lik-am-ma ú-na-šiq GÌR.II-ía | |
i 66 | (i 6) Umbakidinu, the herald of the land Ḫidalu, who is carrying the (decapitated) head Ištar-Nandi (Šutur-Naḫūndi), the king of the land Ḫidalu. Zinēni, his palace supervisor, is likewise depicted in the lower register. The might of (the god) Aššur, my lord, (and) fear of my royal majesty overwhelmed them (and) (i 10) they cut off the heads of the nobles of the land Elam who had not submitted to me and cast (them) down before my magnates. They grasped the feet of my royal majesty. | |
i 77 | ||
i 88 | mzi-né-e-ni LÚ.šá IGI KUR-šu am-mu-ri ina sid-ri KI.TA-i e-ṣir | |
i 99 | ||
i 1010 | SAG.DU.MEŠ NUN.MEŠ ša KUR.ELAM.MA.KI la kan-šú-ti-ia ik-ki-su-nim-ma | |
i 1111 | ||
i 1212 | (i 12) The battle line that Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria (lit. “the land Elam”), formed opposite Teumman, the king of the land Elam, (and with which) he brought about the defeat of the land Elam. | |
i 1313 | it-ti mte-um-man MAN KUR.ELAM.MA.KI is-di-ru iš-ku-nu BAD₅.BAD₅ KUR.ELAM.KI | |
i 1414 | mte-um-man MAN KUR.ELAM.MA.KI taḫ-te-e ERIM.ḪI.<A>-šú e-mur-ma | (i 14) Teumman, the king of the land Elam, saw the defeat of his troops; he (then) fled in order to save his (own) life and tore out his (own) beard. |
i 1515 | ||
i 1616 | m(blank) DUMU mte-um-man MAN KUR.ELAM.MA.KI šá ina dáb-de-e ip-par-ši-du4 | (i 16) (PN), the son of Teumman — the king of the land Elam — who had escaped from the massacre, torn his garment, (and) was shouting to the father who had engendered him: “Defeat (the enemy)! Do not delay!” |
i 1717 | ||
i 1818 | ||
i 1919 | m⸢te⸣-um-man MAN KUR.ELAM.MA.KI ša ina MÈ-ia dan-ni muḫ-ḫu-ṣu | (i 19) Teumman, the king of the land Elam who had been struck during my mighty battle, fled in order to save (his) life and slipped int[o] the forest. The axle of the wagon, the vehicle of his royal majesty, broke and it overturned upon him. |
i 2020 | ||
i 2121 | ⸢bu-bu-ut⸣ [GIŠ].⸢ṣu-um-bi⸣ ru-kub LUGAL-ti-šú iš-še-bir-ma ip-pal-síḫ EDIN-uš-šú | |
i 2222 | [mte-um-man MAN KUR.ELAM.MA].⸢KI ša GIŠ⸣.ṣu-um-bu id-⸢du?⸣-šú-ma | (i 22) [Teumman, the king of the land Elam], whom (his) wagon had cast down and [whom Tammarītu, his son, had helped up, g]raspi[ng] his [ha]nds. |
i 2323 | [mtam-ma-ri-tú DUMU-šú id-ku-šú-ma] ⸢iṣ-ba⸣-[tu] ⸢ŠU⸣.II-su6 | |
i 2424 | [...] x | |
Lacuna | ||
i 1'1' | [ina IGI KÁ.GAL lil-bur ÉNSI AN.ŠÁR id]-⸢du⸣-u ina ⸢IGI⸣ GIŠ.ma-gar-⸢ri-ia⸣ | (i 1') they (Ashurbanipal’s troops) [thr]ew (the head of Teumman) down before my (chariot) wheels [in front of the gate “May the Vice-Regent of (the God) Aššur Endure].” |
i 2'2' | [SAG.DU? mte-um-man? MAN? KUR.ELAM.MA.KI? ina? qu?]-⸢up⸣-pé-e ma-at-nat bu-un-na-ni-šú7 | (i 2') [The (decapitated) head of Teumman, the king of the land Elam: I cut through] the tendons of his face [with a kn]ife [and s]pat upon it. |
i 3'3' | ||
i 4'4' | (i 4') [Nabû-damiq (and) Umbadarâ], the envoys whom Teumman, [the king of the land Elam], sent [with insolent messages ... F]illed with rage concerning their lord, [... I] detained them. They saw [the (decapitated) head of Teumman, thei]r [lord], which had been brought before me. [Umbadarâ] pulled out his (own) beard (and) [Nabû-damiq] stabbed his (own) stomach [wit]h his iron belt-dagger. | |
i 5'5' | [MAN KUR.ELAM.MA.KI ši-pir me-re-eḫ-ti] ⸢iš⸣-pu-ra-áš-šú-nu-ti | |
i 6'6' | [...-qu-u? ina] ⸢ma⸣-le-e lib-ba-a-ti EN-šú-nu | |
i 7'7' | ||
i 8'8' | [SAG.DU mte-um-man EN-šú]-⸢nu⸣ ša iš-šú-u-ni ina maḫ-ri-ia e-⸢mu⸣-ru | |
i 9'9' | ||
i 10'10' | [mdMUATI-SIG₅] ⸢ina⸣ GÍR AN.BAR šib-bi-šú is-ḫu-la kar-as-su | |
i 11'11' | [a-na-ku m]⸢AN⸣.ŠÁR-DÙ-A MAN KUR aš-šur.KI it-ti ni-kis SAG.⸢DU m⸣[te]-⸢um⸣-man | (i 11') [I, A]shurbanipal, king of Assyria, joyfully entered Nineveh with the decapitated head of [Teu]mman, [the king of] the land Elam, whom I had defeated with the support of (the god) Aššur. |
i 12'12' | ||
i 13'13' | ||
i 14'14' | ⸢a⸣-na-ku mAN.ŠÁR-DÙ-A MAN KUR aš-šur.KI SAG.DU mte-um-man [MAN] ⸢KUR⸣.ELAM.MA.KI | (i 14') I, Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, [di]splayed the (decapitated) head of Teumman, [the king of] the land Elam, in front of the Citadel Gate as a spectacle. It has been said from ancient times through extispicy, as follows: “You will cu[t off the hea]ds of your enemies, (ii 1) you will pour wine [over] them, that [...].” No[w], the gods [Šam]aš and Adad, during my time (as king), [...], I cut off the heads of my [enemi]es (and) pour[ed] wine [over them]. |
i 15'15' | ||
i 16'16' | ||
i 17'17' | ||
Column ii | ||
ii 1ii 1 | GEŠTIN.MEŠ [UGU]-⸢šú⸣-nu ta-naq-qí ša x [...] | |
ii 22 | ||
ii 33 | SAG.DU.MEŠ [LÚ.KÚR].⸢MEŠ⸣-ia ak-kikis GEŠTIN aq-⸢qa⸣-[a UGU-šú-nu] | |
ii 44 | (ii 4) (PN) (Urtaku, an in-law of Teumman) who had been struck b[y an a]rrow (but) had not (yet) die[d], call[ed out] to the Assyrians to cut off his (Urtaku’s) own h[e]ad, saying “Come here (and) cut off my head. Carry (it) before the king, [your] lo[rd], and obtain [f]ame.” | |
ii 55 | a-na na-kas ⸢SAG⸣.DU ra-me-ni-šú DUMU.MEŠ KUR aš-šur.KI i-⸢šá-as⸣-[si] | |
ii 66 | ||
ii 77 | ||
ii 88 | (ii 8) Itunî, a eunuch of so-and-so, the king of the land Elam, whom he (Teumman) insole[ntly] sent again and again before me, saw m[y mighty] battle array an[d], with his [ir]on belt-dagg[er], cut with his own hand (his) bow, the basis of his strength. | |
ii 99 | šá er-ḫa-[niš] ⸢iš⸣-tap-pa-raš-šú EN IGI-ia MÈ.⸢MU⸣ [dan-nu] ⸢e⸣-mur-⸢ma⸣ | |
ii 1010 | ina ⸢GÍR⸣ [AN].⸢BAR⸣ šib-bi-šú GIŠ.PAN tuk-lat Á-šú ik-si-⸢ma ŠU⸣.II ra-ma-ni-⸢šú⸣ | |
ii 1111 | (ii 11) The fugitive U[mman]igaš (Ḫumban-nikaš II), a servant who had grasped my feet. B[y] my [c]ommand, in (the midst of) celebration, a eunuch of mine whom I had sen[t] (with him) ushered (him) into the land Susa and the land Madaktu and placed him o[n the th]rone of Teumman, whom I had defeat[ed]. | |
ii 1212 | ||
ii 1313 | ⸢ù⸣-dak-te LÚ.šu-ut SAG-ia <<A>> šá ⸢áš-pu⸣-[ru] ⸢ú⸣-še-rib-ma ú-še-šib-šú | |
ii 1414 | ||
ii 1515 | ⸢ERIM⸣.[ḪI.A].⸢MEŠ⸣-ia ša ge-er-ri KUR.ELAM.MA.KI ⸢il-li⸣-ku | (ii 15) My tro[op]s, who ha[d g]one on campaign to the land Elam, were not allowed to recover from their fatigue; I directed them (at once) to the city Ša-pī-Bēl, against Dunānu. They pitched camp against th[a]t city, surrounded (it), (and) cut off his escape route. |
ii 1616 | ||
ii 1717 | a-na URU.⸢šá⸣-pi-i-dEN ma-ḫar mdu-na-ni áš-ku-na pa-ni-šú-un | |
ii 1818 | UGU URU šú-⸢a-tú uš⸣-man-nu id-du-u ni-i-tú il-mu-u ú-ṣab-bi-tú mu-ṣa-a-šú | |
ii 1919 | mdu-na-nu ⸢DUMU⸣ [m]⸢EN⸣-BA-šá LÚ.gam-bu-la-a-a ḫat-tu im-qut-su-ma | (ii 19) Fear fell upon Dunānu, s[on of B]ēl-iqīša, the Gambulian, and he aba[ndon]ed his city. He then came out before m[y] messenger an[d] kissed my feet. |
ii 2020 | ||
ii 2121 | ||
ii 2222 | a-na-ku mAN.ŠÁR-DÙ-⸢A⸣ [MAN] ⸢KUR⸣ aš-šur.KI qé-rebí-a | (ii 22) I, Ashurbanipal, [king of] Assyria, offered sump[tuous] offerings inside the city Milqīʾa (and) performed the festival of the goddess Šatru (Ištar of Arbela). At that time, Dun[ānu] was bound [ha]nd and foot (in) iron fetters and they brought (him) before me. |
ii 2323 | UDU.SISKUR.MEŠ taš-⸢ri⸣-[iḫ-ti] ⸢aq⸣-qí DÙ-uš i-sin-ni dšat-ri | |
ii 2424 | ina u₄-me-šú mdu-⸢na⸣-[nu] ⸢ŠU⸣.II u GÌR.II bi-re-tú AN.BAR na-di-ma | |
ii 2525 | ||
ii 2626 | [x (x)] x (x) [...] x ú-šal-li-mu mdu-na-nu DUMU mEN-BA-šá11 | (ii 26) [...] properly carried out [...], I threw Dunānu, son of Bēl-iqīša, [the Gambulian, f]ace down and [s]et up [...] over hi[m]. |
ii 2727 | ||
ii 2828 | [... az]-qu-pa ṣe-ru-uš-⸢šú⸣ | |
ii 2929 | (ii 29) [Dunānu, son of Bēl-iqī]ša, the Gambuli[a]n, [.... hand] and foot, to the city R[uʾ]uʾa, [...] b[efore m]e. [...] ... [...] | |
ii 3030 | [...] ⸢ù?⸣ GÌR.II a-na URU.⸢ru-u⸣-a12 | |
ii 3131 | [...] x-a a-⸢di⸣ [IGI]-⸢ia⸣ | |
ii 3232 | [...] x x [...] x | |
Lacuna | ||
ii 1'1' | x [...] | (ii 1') (No translation possible) |
ii 2'2' | KI x [...] | |
ii 3'3' | ⸢DIŠ?⸣ x [...] | |
ii 4'4' | x [...] | |
ii 5'5' | mdu-[na-nu ...] | (ii 5') Du[nānu, ...], m[y] lady [...]. |
ii 6'6' | GAŠAN-⸢ia?⸣ [...] | |
ii 7'7' | SAG.⸢DU⸣ [...] | (ii 7') The hea[d of ....] and the he[ad of ...] heir desi[gnate ...]. |
ii 8'8' | ||
ii 9'9' | DUMU ⸢ri-du⸣-[ti ...] | |
ii 10'10' | (ii 10') [I bound] Dun[ānu, Samgunu, (and) Aplāya, together with a bear], at the “Ga[te of the Rising Sun (and) Setting Sun”] t[o be a spectacle for the people]. | |
ii 11'11' | ||
ii 12'12' | ||
ii 13'13' | URU.[...] | (ii 13') The city [...] th[at ...] |
ii 14'14' | ⸢ša⸣ [...] | |
ii 15'15' | x [...] | |
ii 16'16' | [...] | |
Column iii | ||
iiiiii | Lacuna | |
iii 1'1' | [...] x x x (x) [...] | (iii 1') (No translation possible) |
iii 2'2' | [m(blank) m(blank) UGU] ⸢AN⸣.ŠÁR DINGIR ba-ni-⸢ia⸣13 | (iii 2') [(PN₁ and PN₂) uttered grievous blasphemies against (the god) A]ššur, the god who created me. I tore out their [tong]ue(s and) [flay]ed them. |
iii 3'3' | ||
iii 4'4' | ||
iii 5'5' | (iii 5') I slaughtered [Dunā]nu, son of [Bēl-iq]īša, the Gambulian, [the one who had di]sturbed my (exercising the) kingship, [o]n a s[laughte]ring block like a lamb and I dis[m]embered him. | |
iii 6'6' | ||
iii 7'7' | ||
iii 8'8' | ||
iii 9'9' | (iii 9') [Um]manigaš (Ḫumban-nikaš II), son of Urtaku — the king of the land Elam — who had grasped the feet of my royal majesty: I sent m[y] forces w[i]th him to help him. | |
iii 10'10' | ||
iii 11'11' | ||
iii 12'12' | (iii 12') Battle line of Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, the one who established the defeat of the land Elam. | |
iii 13'13' | ||
iii 14'14' | (iii 14') Battle line of Teumman, the king of the land Elam. | |
iii 15'15' | (iii 15') The defeat of the troops of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, which Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, had brought about (by inflicting) countless (losses) at (the city) Tīl-Tūba (and during which) he had cast down the corpses of his (Teumman’s) warriors. | |
iii 16'16' | ša qé-reb DU₆-tu-ú-bu mAN.ŠÁR-DÙ-A MAN GAL MAN dan-nu MAN ŠÚ MAN KUR AŠ | |
iii 17'17' | ||
iii 18'18' | a-na-ku mAN.ŠÁR-DÙ-A MAN KUR ⸢aš-šur⸣.KI ul-tu UDU.SISKUR.MEŠ dšat-⸢ri⸣ | (iii 18') I, Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, after I made offerings (to) the goddess Šatru (Ištar of Arbela), performed the akītu-festival, (and) (iii 20´) seized the reins (of the chariot) of the goddess Ištar, paraded into (lit. “performed an entry of”) the city Arbela in (the midst of) celebration in the company of Dunānu, Samgunu, Aplāya, and the decapitated head of Teumman, the king of the land Elam, which the goddess Ištar, the Lady, delivered into my hands. |
iii 19'19' | ||
iii 20'20' | ||
iii 21'21' | ina ŠÀ mdu-na-ni m⸢sa-am-gu⸣-nu mIBILA-ia ù KUD-is SAG.⸢DU mte-um⸣-man | |
iii 22'22' | ||
iii 23'23' | ||
iii 24'24' | (iii 24') I blocked up the Ulāya River with the corpses of the warriors (and) young men of the land Elam. For three days, [I made] that river, at its crest, flow with their [blo]od instead of water. | |
iii 25'25' | ||
iii 26'26' | ||
iii 27'27' | ||
iii 28'28' | [a-na-ku mAN].⸢ŠÁR⸣-DÙ-A MAN KUR aš-šur šá ina tukul-ti AN.ŠÁR ⸢EN-ia na⸣-ki-ri-⸢ia⸣ | (iii 28') [I, As]hurbanipal, king of Assyria, who with the support of (the god) Aššur, my lord, [conquered] m[y] enemies (and) achieved [my] heart’s desire, (iv 1) had a (siege) ramp trodden down against the city Ša-pī-Bēl, the city upon which the Gambu[lu] rely, [and] the brilliance of m[y] royal majesty [co]vered Dunānu, son of Bēl-iqīša, and he broke his bow. (iv 5) [He, togethe]r with his nobles, then [came out] before my messenger to (make) entreaties [and] kissed my feet. |
iii 29'29' | ||
Column iv | ||
iv 1iv 1 | ||
iv 22 | ||
iv 33 | ||
iv 44 | ||
iv 55 | [šu-u? a?]-⸢di?⸣ LÚ.GAL.MEŠ-šú a-na te-me-qi ina IGI LÚ.A KIN-ia | |
iv 66 | ||
iv 77 | [mdu-na-nu DUMU m]EN-BA-šá bal-ṭu-us-su ina ŠU.⸢II⸣ aṣ-⸢bat⸣ | (iv 7) I captured [Dunānu, son of] Bēl-iqīša, alive. [My warriors] threw him into iron [f]etters and promptly sent (him) [to Nineveh, b]efore me. |
iv 88 | ||
iv 99 | ||
iv 1010 | [a-na-ku mAN.ŠÁR-DÙ-A MAN] ⸢KUR⸣ aš-šur.KI šá ina qí-bit DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ EN.MEŠ-šú | (iv 10) [I, Ashurbanipal, king of] Assyria, who by the command of the great gods, his lords, [conquered his enemies (and)] achieved his heart’s desire, [... Dunānu, son of] Bēl-iqīša, Samgunu, [the second brother of Dunānu], Nabû-naʾid, (and) Bēl-ēṭir, [sons of Nabû-šuma-ēreš, the šan]dabakku (governor of Nippur), (iv 15) [...] his brothers, [...] king of the Gambulians |
iv 1111 | ||
iv 1212 | [(...) mdu-na-nu DUMU] ⸢m⸣EN-BA-šá msa-am-gu-nu | |
iv 1313 | ||
iv 1414 | ||
iv 1515 | [...] ⸢ŠEŠ⸣.MEŠ-šú | |
iv 1616 | [...] MAN LÚ.⸢gam-bu-li?⸣ | |
Lacuna | ||
iv 1'1' | [...] x (x) [...] | (iv 1') (No translation possible) |
iv 2'2' | (iv 2') Copy of the writing board that was read aloud before the king. |
1⸢um⸣-ma-<na>-a-ti “the troops of”: The text has ⸢um⸣-ma-a-ti, which is presumably a scribal error for ummānāti “the troops of”; see the comments of M. Streck (Asb. p. 322 n. g). Streck considered the A sign to be an error for NA (thus ⸢um⸣-ma-na*-ti) in order to reflect the more common orthography of the word.
2ERIM.ḪI.<A>-ia “my troops”: The scribe omitted A from ERIM.ḪI.A here and in i 14. Since he did this twice relatively closely on the same tablet, it is unclear if this was a simple scribal error or he deemed them to be unnecessary. Note, however, the orthography ERIM.ḪI.A.MEŠ in iii 15´.
3MAN KUR.ELAM.MA.KI “king of Assyria (lit. ‘the land Elam’)”: This writing is clearly an error for MAN KUR aš-šur.KI “king of Assyria,” possibly influenced by the appearance of the title MAN KUR.ELAM.MA.KI “king of the land Elam” in the next line.
4m(blank) DUMU mte-um-man “(PN), the son of Teumman”: The scribe left the name at the beginning of the line blank (see also ii 4 and iii 2´). However, this epigraph is presumably referring to Teumman’s son, Tammarītu, who was present when Teumman’s chariot overturned and they fled into the forest in order to escape the Assyrian army, although they were both ultimately captured and decapitated (see i 22–23 and text no. 164 obv. 6´–7´ [epigraph no. 8], and text no. 164 obv. 8´–12´ [epigraph no. 9]).
5ku-uš-šid la ta-kal-⸢la⸣ “Defeat (the enemy)! Do not delay!”: For this translation, see CAD K p. 281 sub kašādu 5.c.
6The tablet appears to lack the horizontal ruling after this line that appears on the other tablets preserving this epigraph.
7The restorations to these lines tentatively follow Weidner, AfO 8 (1932–33) pp. 180–181; also compare text no. 187 line 4´.
8Restorations are based on text no. 165 obv. 11 and text no. 3 (Prism B) vi 48-56. The present tablet omits ana-ku mAŠ-DÙ-A MAN ŠÚ MAN KUR AŠ “I, Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria,” which is the first line of the epigraph in text no. 165 obv. 10.
9m(blank) “(PN) (Urtaku, an in-law of Teumman)”: Although the scribe has left the name at the beginning of the line blank, the parallel epigraph that was inscribed on a slab in the South-West Palace (text no. 28) gives the name as mur-⸢ta⸣-ku ḫa-ta-nu mte-um-man “Ur[t]aku, an in-law of Teumman.”
10⸢LÚ⸣.šu-ut SAG NENNI ⸢MAN⸣ KUR.ELAM.MA.⸢KI⸣ “a eunuch of so-and-so, the king of the land Elam”: The scribe did not name the Elamite king here, but the parallel epigraph that was inscribed on slab 1 of Room 1 in Ashurbanipal’s North Palace identifies him as mte-um-man “Teumman” (text no. 29 line 1).
11[x (x)] x (x) [...] x ú-šal-li-mu “[...] properly carried out [...]”: J.M. Russell (Writing on the Wall p. 162) has reported that E. Weissert (personal communication) suggested the translation “[After] I had completed [the rite of the bīt akī]ti” for the beginning of the line. If this reading is correct, the orthography for akītu would have to be [á-ki]-⸢it⸣ (see, for example, text no. 11 [Prism A] x 28) instead of [á-ki]-⸢ti⸣ since the x before ú-šal-li-mu is a single vertical wedge after the break and thus cannot be a TI sign.
12URU.⸢ru-u⸣-a “the city R[uʾ]uʾa”: J.M. Russell (Writing on the Wall pp. 162–163) challenged this reading of the name, suggesting instead URU ŠÀ.⸢URU⸣-a “the city Aššur.” However, there is insufficient room in the small break after his proposed ŠÀ for an URU sign, and it is unclear what purpose the final -a in such an orthography would serve. A. Bagg (Rép. Géogr. 7/3–1 p. 490) read the name as URU.⸢ru⸣-[ʾu]-a, although he noted that it could also be restored as URU.⸢ru⸣-[u]-a. Again, based on considerations of space, there is not enough room for an Aʾ sign in the break, but there are also traces of the upper right portion of a winkelhaken visible on the clay after the break that confirm the reading of an u sign here.
13[m(blank) m(blank)] “[(PN₁ and PN₂)]”: It is unknown if the names in the break at the beginning of the line were left blank by the scribe, but the parallel epigraph that was inscribed on a slab in the South-West Palace (text no. 36) does not have the names filled in. Based on text no. 3 (Prism B) vi 71–74, the two individuals mentioned here should be Mannu-kī-aḫḫē, the deputy of Dunānu, and Nabû-uṣalli, a city overseer of the land Gambulu.
14Text no. 162 l.e. 2 adds mun-nab-tú, “a fugitive,” at the beginning of its parallel line.
15[ú-ṣu-nim?-ma] “[came out and]”: The restoration is based on ii 21. E. Weidner (AfO 8 [1932–33] pp. 184–185) instead restored il-li-ku-ma “went and,” but one expects a ventive marker on the verb (see i 5) and there is insufficient room in the break to restore il-li-ku-nim-ma or il-lik-ú-nim-ma “came and.”
Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-22. Lemmatized by Joshua Jeffers, 2018-22, for the NEH-funded RINAP Project at the University of Pennsylvania. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as