Ashurbanipal 156

o 1o 1

a-na ddil-bat [...] na-mir-tu šá x [...]

(1) For the goddess Dilba[t (the planet Venus) ... the l]ight of [...], who had become angry with Haza[el, the kin]g of the land of the Arabs, [...] ... [...], (who) had placed hi[m] in the hands of Sennacherib, the father of the father who had engendered me, [and had b]rought about [his] def[eat], (and who) had said she did not (want) to reside (any longer) with the people of the land of the Arabs (and) had ta[ken the road] to Assyria

o 22

ša it-ti mḫa-za-[DINGIR] LUGAL KUR.a-ri-bi tas-bu-su [x x] x x Á [x x (x)]

o 33

ina ŠU.II md30-PAP.MEŠ-SU AD AD -ia tam-nu-šu-[ma] taš-ku-na BAD₅.[BAD₅-šú]

o 44

la a-šá-ab-šá it-ti UN.MEŠ KUR.a-ri-bi taq-bu-ú a-na KUR AN.ŠÁR.KI ta-aṣ-ba-[ta ḫar-ra-nu?]

o 55


(5) (As for) Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, the father who had engendered me, the favorite of the [great] gods, who had achieved [his] de[sires] through the reverence of gods and goddesses, [...], (who)[m] the gods Aššur and Šamaš had p[laced] on the throne of the father who had engendered him [...], (and who) had returned (the statues of) the plundered gods of the lands [to their] plac[e(s) ...] Hazael, the king of the land of the Arabs, with hi[s] audience gift [...] (10) came before him and kissed [his] f[eet ...]. He appealed to him to give (back) his goddess, and he (Esarhaddon) had mercy on him and agr[eed ... He ...] Teʾelḫunu, her former priestess, to [...]. Regarding Tabūʾa, he inquired of Šamaš, saying, [Should] she [...]? He returned (her/them) with his goddess and [...].

o 66

ša ina pa-làḫ DINGIR.MEŠ u d15.MEŠ ik-šu-du ni-iz-[mat-su ...]

o 77

AN.ŠÁR ù dUTU ina GIŠ.GU.ZA AD ba-ni-šú ú-še-[ši-bu-šú ...]

o 88

DINGIR.MEŠ KUR.KUR šal-lu-tu ú-ter-ru áš-ru-[-šú-un ...]

o 99

mḫa-za-DINGIR MAN KUR.a-ri-bi it-ti ta-mar-ti-šú [...]

o 1010

a-di maḫ-ri-šú il-lik-am-ma ú-na-áš-šiq še-[pi-šú ...]

o 1111

áš-šú na-dan d.TAR-šú im-ḫur-šú-ma re-e-mu ir-ši-šu-ma im-gu-[ur ...]

o 1212

fte-ʾe-el-ḫu-nu MUNUS.ku-mir-ta-šá maḫ-ri-tu a-na x [...]

o 1313

ina UGU fta-bu-a dUTU -al-ma um-ma ši-i x [...]

o 1414

it-ti d.TAR-šú ú-ter-ma [...]

o 1515

ú-še-piš-ma MUL-tu .GI ḪUŠ.A ša ni-siq-ti NA₄.MEŠ za--na-at ša [...]

(15) He had a star of reddish gold made that was adorned with precious stones o[f ...]. To preserve his life, lengthen his days, ensure the well-being of his descendants, [...], make his kingship endure, overthrow his enemies, [...], those gods of the lands whose sanctuaries he had trodden down, good things [...], may they constantly pronounce a blessing of long days for his posterity (and) over the black-headed (people) [...].

o 1616

a-na TI.LA ZI.MEŠ-šú GÍD.DA UD.MEŠ-šú šá-lam li-pi-šú ka-[...]

o 1717

šul-bur LUGAL-ti-šú sa-kap .KÚR.MEŠ-šú [...]

o 1818

DINGIR.MEŠ KUR.KUR šá-a-tu-nu šá áš-ra-te-šú-nu ú-šak-bi-su dam-qa-ti [...]

o 1919

ik-rib UD.MEŠ .MEŠ lik-tar-ra-bu EGIR-su UGU ṣal-mat SAG.DU [...]

o 2020


(20) I, Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria, [...] the great gods, wh[o ...], (who) marched at my [side] and let (me) achieve [my] de[sires, ...], (who) killed my enemies, made [me] stand [over my foes, ...]. Uaiteʾ, the king of the land of the Arabs, who agai[nst ...], who had not respected the kindness that I had done for him [...], changed and he abandoned me (and) [sided] with Šama[š-šuma-ukīn ...].

r 1r 1

[Á.II]-a-a il-lik-ú-ma ú-šak-ši-du ni-[iz-ma-ti ...]

r 22

.KÚR.MEŠ-ia i-ni-ru ú-šá-zi-zu-[in-ni EDIN ga-re-ia ...]

r 33

-ni-ma mú-a-a-te- MAN KUR.a-ri-bi ša UGU [...]

r 44

ša MUN e-pu-šu- la iṣ-ṣu-ru [...]

r 55

ia-a-ti ú-maš-šir-an-ni it-ti mdGIŠ.NU₁₁-[MU-GI.NA ...]

r 66

d-tar be-el-tu šá-qu-tu [...]

(r 6) Ištar, the sublime lady, [...] by the words of her exalted command: I, Ashurbanip[al ...] by the command of the deities Aššur, Mullissu, ... [...] I c[aptured] him alive. (rev. 10) I pierced his jaw [with the ... of the ... that my (own) hands hold. I put a lead-rope] through [his] gu[ms, placed him in a dog collar, and (then) made him guard the door of] the eastern gate of the cit[adel of Nineveh, whose] name is [the “Entrance to the Place Where the World Is Controlled” ...].

r 77

ina a-mat -bi-ti-šá ṣir-ti a-na-ku mAN.ŠÁR--IBILA [...]

r 88

ina -bit AN.ŠÁR dNIN.LÍL d(traces) [...]

r 99

šá-a-šú bal-ṭu-us-su ina ŠU.II ú?-[ṣab?-bit? ina GIŠ.ḫu-ut--e ma-še-ri ṣi-bit ŠU.II-ia]

r 1010

UZU.ME.-šú ap-lu- ina la-aḫ-[ši-šú at-ta-di ṣer-re- ul-li UR.GI₇ ad-di-šú-ma]

r 1111

ina .GAL ṣi-it dUTU-šú ša MURUB₄ [URU NINA.KI ša -reb mas-naq-ti ad-na-a-te]

r 1212

na-bu-u zi-kir-[šá ú-šá-an-ṣir-šú GIŠ.ši-ga-ru ...]

r 1313

ina u₄-me-šú MUL-tu šu-a-tu [...]

(r 13) At that time, that star [...] concerning her grea[t] divinity [...] (rev. 15) my entreaties [...]. Wherever I [call out to you, ... my] days [... my] years [...] ... [...] ... [...].

r 1414

UGU? DINGIR-ti-šá GAL-[ti ...]

r 1515

ni- ŠU.II-ia [...]

r 1616

e-ma a-[šá-as-su-ki? ...]1

r 1717

UD.MEŠ-[ia ...]

r 1818

MU.MEŠ-[ia ...]

r 1919

(traces) [...]

r 2020

(traces) [...]

r 2121

[...] ddil-bat [...]

(r 21) [... of] the goddess Dilb[at ...].

1The restoration is based on text no. 224 line 34.

Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-22. Lemmatized by Joshua Jeffers, 2018-22, for the NEH-funded RINAP Project at the University of Pennsylvania. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as