Ashurbanipal 145
Obverse | ||
oo | Obverse completely missing | |
Reverse | ||
rr | Lacuna | |
r 1'1' | [... DINGIR].⸢MEŠ GAL.MEŠ⸣ x [...] | (r 1') [...] great [god]s [... which the deities Aššur, Sîn, Šamaš, Adad, Bēl (Marduk), Nabû, Ištar of Nineveh, Šar]rat-Kidmuri, Ištar of Arbela, Ninurta, [Nergal, and Nusku ...], who support me, to ... [...]. |
r 2'2' | [ša AN.ŠÁR d30 dUTU dIŠKUR dEN dAG d15 šá NINA.KI dšar]-⸢rat-kid⸣-mu-ri d15 ša LÍMMU-DINGIR.KI ⸢dMAŠ d⸣[U.GUR u dnusku] | |
r 3'3' | [...] x [...] ⸢tik⸣-le-ia a-na da-⸢ba?⸣-[x x (x)] | |
r 4'4' | [mtam-ma-ri-tú mpa-ʾe-e m]⸢um-man⸣-[al-daš ša EGIR] ⸢a⸣-ḫa-meš e-pu-šú be-lut KUR.⸢ELAM⸣.[MA.KI] | (r 4') [(As for) Tammarītu, Paʾê, (and)] Umm[analdašu (Ḫumban-ḫaltaš III), who] had exercised dominion over the land Elam [after o]ne another, [(and) Uaiteʾ, the king of the land of the Arabs whose defeat I had brought abo]ut (and whom) I had taken to As[syria], together with plunder from his land — [I made the]m [take hold of the yoke of (my) processional carriage]. They pulled (it) up to the gate of the temple while I was seated above them (lit. “while (they were) below m[e]”). [(There), I humbled myself (lit. “I stroked my nose”) (and) paid careful attention to their divinity]. In a rally of m[y] troops, [I] made visible their (the god’s) strength, [(through) which the deities Aššur, Sîn, Šamaš, Adad, Bēl (Marduk), Nabû, Ištar of Nineveh], Šarrat-Kidmuri, Ištar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal, and [Nusku ... made] me [stand] over my enemies. |
r 5'5' | [mú-a-a-te-eʾ MAN KUR.a-ri-bi ša BAD₅.BAD₅-šú áš-ku]-⸢nu it⸣-ti šal-⸢lat⸣ KUR-šú al-qa-áš-šú a-na KUR ⸢AN⸣.[ŠÁR.KI]1 | |
r 6'6' | [GIŠ.ŠUDUN GIŠ.šá šá-da-di ú-šá-aṣ-bit-su-nu]-⸢ti⸣ a-di KÁ ⸢É.KUR⸣ iš-du-du ina šap-li-⸢ia⸣ | |
r 7'7' | [al-bi-in ap-pi at-ta-ʾi-id DINGIR-us-su-un ú]-⸢šá⸣-pa-a dan-⸢nu-us⸣-su-un ina ⸢UKKIN⸣ ERIM.ḪI.A-⸢ia⸣ | |
r 8'8' | [ša AN.ŠÁR d30 dUTU dIŠKUR dEN dAG d15 šá NINA.KI] ⸢dšar⸣-rat-kid-⸢mu⸣-ri d15 ša LÍMMU-DINGIR.KI ⸢dMAŠ d⸣U.GUR u [dnusku] | |
r 9'9' | [... ú-šá-zi-zu]-⸢in-ni EDIN LÚ.KÚR?.MEŠ-ia ú⸣-šá-⸢áš-ṭir⸣ EDIN-⸢uš⸣-[šú]2 | (r 9'b) I had (this) inscribed upon [it]. |
r 10'10' | (r 10') [In the future, may one of the kings], m[y descendant]s, [whom (the god) Aššur and the goddess Ištar no]mina[te for ruling over the land and people, ...] ... [...] | |
r 11'11' | [šá AN.ŠÁR u d15 a-na be-lut KUR u UN.MEŠ i]-⸢nam⸣-bu-u ⸢zi⸣-[kir-šú] | |
r 12'12' | [...] x Ú [...] | |
r 13'13' | [...] x [...] | |
Lacuna |
1⸢it⸣-ti šal-⸢lat⸣ KUR-šú “together with plunder from his land”: Text no. 11 (Prism A) x 23 was reconstructed as [ul-tu] ⸢KUR⸣-šú “[out of] his (own) [lan]d,” although the present text might suggest a different restoration.
2Text no. 11 (Prism A) x 36b–39a have šá la kan-šu-ti-ia ú-šak-ni-šú a-na GIŠ.ŠUDUN-ia ina li-i-ti ù da-na-a-ni “I made those insubmissive to me bow down to my yoke (and) in mighty victories” before the ú-šá-zi-zu-in-ni “made me stand,” but there is insufficient room in the break at the beginning of the line of the tablet to restore all of this.
Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-22. Lemmatized by Joshua Jeffers, 2018-22, for the NEH-funded RINAP Project at the University of Pennsylvania. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as