Ashurbanipal 133
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oo | Obverse completely missing | |
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r 1r 1 | [a-lak? LÚ.A KIN-ia ša a-na BÀD.AN].⸢KI⸣ áš-pu-ru iš-mu-u qé-reb KUR.ELAM.MA.⸢KI⸣ | (r 1) Inside the land Elam, they (the Elamites) heard about [the progress of the messenger of mine whom I had sent to (the city) Dēr. With the support of the deities Aššur, Sîn, Šamaš, Bēl (Marduk), Nabû], Ištar of Nineveh, Ištar of Arbela, [Ninurta, Nusku, (and) Nergal (...), fear of] my [royal majes]ty overwhelmed the land Elam and (then) [the people of the land Elam] rebelled [against Indab]ibi (and) killed him with the sword. They placed [Ummanaldašu (Ḫumban-ḫaltaš III), son of Atta-metu], on the throne of the land Elam. |
r 22 | [ina? tukul-ti? AN.ŠÁR d30 dUTU dEN dAG] ⸢d⸣15 šá NINA.KI d15 šá LÍMMU-DINGIR.KI | |
r 33 | [dMAŠ dnusku dU.GUR (...) pu-luḫ-ti] ⸢LUGAL⸣-ti-ia KUR.ELAM.MA.KI is-ḫu-up-ma | |
r 44 | [UN.MEŠ KUR.ELAM.MA.KI ṣe-er min-da]-⸢bi⸣-bi ib-bal-ki-tú i-na-ru-uš ina GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ | |
r 55 | [mum-man-al-da-si DUMU mat-ta-me-tu] ú-še-ši-bu ina GIŠ.GU.ZA KUR.ELAM.MA.KI | |
r 66 | [mtam-ma-ri-tú áš-šú e-peš de-e-ni-šú ù a-lak Á].⸢TAḪ⸣-šú ina qí-bit AN.ŠÁR ú-ṣal-la-a EN-u-ti | (r 6) By the command of (the god) Aššur, [Tammarītu] made an appeal to my lordly majesty [to decide his case and to come to] his [a]id. [I, Ashurbanipal, the magnanimous (and) forbea]ring one, with the support of (the god) Aššur (and) the gods who supported me, [mustered my troops for a second time (and)] gave the command to march [against Ummanald]ašu (Ḫumban-ḫaltaš III), the king of the land Elam. [I drove away Ummanaldašu, the king of the land Elam, (and)] he fled [f]rom my weapons and took to the mountains (lit. “ascended his mountain”). |
r 77 | [a-na-ku mAN.ŠÁR-DÙ-A lìb-bu rap-šú la ka-ṣir] ik-ke-ti ina tukul-ti AN.ŠÁR DINGIR.MEŠ tik-le-ia | |
r 88 | [šá-ni-a-nu ad-ke ERIM.ḪI.A-ia ṣe-er mum-man-al]-⸢da⸣-si MAN KUR.ELAM.MA.KI aq-ba-a a-la-ku | |
r 99 | [aṭ-ru-ud mum-man-al-da-su MAN KUR.ELAM.MA.KI la]-pa-an GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-ia in-na-bit-ma KUR-šú e-li | |
r 1010 | [mum-ba-LAGAB-u-a ša mé-eḫ-rat mum-man-al]-⸢da⸣-si áš-bu ina GIŠ.GU.ZA KUR.ELAM.MA.KI | (r 10) [(As for) Umba-LAGABua, who] sat on the throne of the land Elam [in opposition to Ummanald]ašu, [he ab]andoned [the city Bubilu, a city that was a lordly residence of his], and took to the depths of far away waters. |
r 1111 | [URU.bu-bi-lu URU mu-šab EN-ti-šú ú]-⸢maš⸣-šir-ma iṣ-bat šu-pul A.MEŠ ru-⸢qu⸣-u-ti | |
r 1212 | [mtam-ma-ri-tú šá in-nab-ta iṣ-ba-ta GÌR.II]-⸢ia⸣ qé-reb URU*.šu-šá-an áš-kun-šú a-na ⸢LUGAL⸣-u-ti1 | (r 12) [(As for) Tammarītu, who had fled to me (and) grasped m]y [feet], I installed him as king inside the city Susa. |
r 1313 | [SIG₅-tu e-pu-šú-uš šá áš-pu-ru Á.TAḪ]-⸢su⸣ im-ši-ma iš-te-né-ʾa-a ḪUL-tú a-na ka-šad ERIM.ḪI.A-ia | (r 13) He forgot [the kindness that I had done for him, in having sent aid to h]im, and constantly sought out evil (ways) to conquer my troops. [(The god) Aššur, king of the gods, who marc]hes [before me] (and) allowed me to stand over my foes, (rev. 15) saw [the dangerous (and) rebelli]ous [thought(s) of Tammarītu] and delivered him into my hand: [They removed him from his royal throne and (then) made] him [r]eturn and bow down at my feet. |
r 1414 | [AN.ŠÁR LUGAL DINGIR.MEŠ ša ina maḫ-ri-ia il]-⸢la⸣-ku ⸢ú⸣-šá-zi-za-an-ni ṣe-er ga-re-ia | |
r 1515 | [lìb-bi mtam-ma-ri-tú ek-ṣu ba-ra]-⸢nu⸣-u ib-ru-ú-ma im-nu-šú qa-tu-u-⸢a⸣ | |
r 1616 | [ul-tu GIŠ.GU.ZA LUGAL-ti-šú id-ku-niš-šum-ma ú]-⸢ter⸣-ru-ni-šum-ma ú-šak-ni-šu-uš a-na GÌR.II-⸢ia⸣ | |
r 1717 | [šal-ši-a-nu AN.ŠÁR EN ṣi-i-ru ú-tak]-⸢kil⸣-an-ni a-na KUR.ELAM.MA.KI iq-ba-a a-la-⸢ku⸣ | (r 17) [For a third time, (the god) Aššur, the exalted lord, encour]aged me (and) commanded me to march to the land Elam. [(Like) the city Bīt-Imbî, which] I had conquered [during a p]revious [campaign of mine], I [now] conquered [(the rest of) the land Rāši (and) the city Ḫamānu, along with] its district. [Moreover he, Ummanaldašu, the king of the land Elam], heard about [the conquest of the land Rāši and the ci]ty Ḫamānu a[nd] |
r 1818 | ||
r 1919 | [e-nen-na KUR.ra-a-ši URU.ḫa-ma-nu a-di] ⸢na-ge⸣-šú ak-šu-⸢ud⸣ | |
r 2020 | [ù šu-ú mum-man-al-da-si MAN KUR.ELAM.MA.KI ka-šad KUR.ra-a-ši u] ⸢URU.ḫa⸣-ma-ni ⸢iš-me⸣-e-⸢ma⸣ | |
Lacuna |
1URU*.šu-šá-an “the city Susa”: The URU sign appears to be lacking its second upper horizontal wedge (thus looking like the ḪAL sign) before the two vertical wedges.
Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-22. Lemmatized by Joshua Jeffers, 2018-22, for the NEH-funded RINAP Project at the University of Pennsylvania. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as