Sîn-šarru-iškun 18
Obverse | ||
11 | [a-na dša-la] ⸢GAŠAN⸣ šur-bu-tú ḫi-rat dIŠKUR šá-ga-pí-ri šá KAŠ₄ mur-ta-aṣ-nu | (1) [For the goddess Šala], supreme [lad]y, wife of the god Adad — the majestic, the runner, the roaring one — [...] the great gods who determine the <fat>es of flood water, the one who creates everything, [who ...] grain and abundance, who supports life for the people, who keeps everything alive, [who exterminates] all of the wicked, who rips out all enemies, who marches at the side of the king — [he]r favorite — [...] might[y] victories, who inte[rce]des on (his) behalf, who speaks favorable thing(s) (about him), [who resides i]n Baltil (Aššur), the great lady, [his lady]: |
22 | [...] (x) x DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ mu-šim*-mu* (over erasures) <ši-ma>-a-ti ILLU DÙ-at DÙ.A.BI | |
33 | [x x (x)]-⸢at⸣ aš-na-an u ṭuḫ-di mu-kil-lat ZI-tì UN.MEŠ ⸢mu⸣-bal-liṭ-ṭa-at | |
44 | ||
55 | [...] kul-lat rag-gi na-si-iḫ na-gab za-ma-ni a-⸢li⸣-kàt Á.II LUGAL mi-gir-⸢i-šá⸣1 | |
66 | [...] x da-na-⸢ni u⸣ li-i-ti ṣa-bi-⸢ta⸣-[at] ⸢ab⸣-bu-ti qa-bat MUNUS.SIG₅ | |
77 | [a-ši-bat qé]-reb ⸢bal-til⸣.KI GAŠAN (erasure?) GAL-tú [GAŠAN-šú md]⸢30⸣-MAN-GAR MAN KUR AŠ | (7b) [S]în-šarra-iškun, king of Assyria, [son of Ashurbani]pal, son of Esarhaddon, [son of] Sennacherib, [had] a table [made] of musukkannu, a [dura]ble wood, [an]d c[lad (it)] with shining ešmarû-metal, [and] (then) had (it) firmly placed before her (Šala) [to prepare] pure [m]eal(s) befitting her divinity so that [her] grea[t divinity] may constantly (and) unceasingly receive (meals) [for]ever. |
88 | ||
99 | [ú-še-piš]-⸢ma⸣ GIŠ.BANŠUR GIŠ.MES.MÁ.KAN.NA ⸢GIŠ⸣ [da]-⸢re⸣-e eš-ma-ra-a eb-bu ú-⸢šal⸣-[biš-ma] | |
1010 | [a-na ra-kas] ⸢nap⸣-tan eb-bi si-mat DINGIR-ti-šá ⸢ša⸣ ka-a-a-an la na-par-ka-a i-maḫ-ḫa-ru ⸢GAL⸣-[tum DINGIR-ut-sa] | |
1111 | ||
1212 | [a-na] ⸢šat-ti⸣ dša-la GAŠAN GAL GIŠ.⸢BANŠUR⸣ šú-a-tú ḫa-diš ina nap-lu-si-⸢ki⸣ | (12) [On ac]count [of] this, O Šala, great lady, when you look with pleasure upon this table, make successful harvest(s) (and) the pr[osperi]ty of grain, occur for me — Sîn-šarra-iškun, the <king of> Assyria — yearly, without ceasing. By your exalted command, in Ešarra, the palace of the gods, let me always safely shepherd the subjects of (the god) Aššur with abundance (and) plenty. |
1313 | ||
1414 | ⸢SI⸣.SÁ BURU₁₄ ⸢na-pa⸣-áš*(text: PA) dnisaba šat-ti-šam ⸢la⸣ na-par-ka-a šu-tab-ri-i ina re-ši-ia4 | |
1515 | ina qí-bit-ki ṣir-⸢ti⸣ ina ḪÉ.NUN ṭuḫ-di šal-meš la-ar-te-ʾa-a ba-ʾu-lat aš-šur | |
1616 | ina é-⸢šár⸣-ra É.⸢GAL DINGIR⸣.MEŠ (blank) | |
1Possibly restore at the beginning of the line mu-bal-lat “who exterminates.” Compare Jeffers and Novotny, RINAP 5/2 p. 337 Asb. 224 line 6 (mu-bal-lu-u nap-ḫar rag-gi).
2For the missing reference to Sargon II, who appears in the genealogies of every other inscription of Sîn-šarra-iškun, see the on-page note to Ssi 17 line 5.
3There is a blank space of about one line separating lines 13 and 14.
4⸢na-pa⸣-áš* “the pr[osperi]ty of”: The text has ⸢na-pa⸣-PA.
Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-22. Lemmatized by Jamie Novotny, 2018, for the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation-funded OIMEA Project at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as http://oracc.org/rinap/Q003879/.