Sîn-šarru-iškun 17
Obverse | ||
11 | a-na an-tum GAŠAN ⸢DINGIR⸣.[MEŠ ...] | (1) For (the goddess) Antu, lady of the go[ds, ...], the one who created everything there i[s, ...], who resides in the city Aššur, the grea[t] lady, [his lady]: |
22 | ||
33 | a-ši-bat URU.aš-šur GAŠAN GAL-⸢tú⸣ [GAŠAN-šú md]⸢30⸣-[MAN-GAR MAN KUR AŠ] | (3b) [S]în-[šarra-iškun, king of Assyria]; son of Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria; son of Esar[haddon, king of] Assyria; son of [Sennacherib, king of Assyria]; had a table made of musukkannu-wood, a durable wood, and clad (it) with shining eš[marû-metal], and (then) had (it) firmly placed before her (Antu) to set out pure meal(s) befitting [her] di[vinity] so that [her] great divin[ity] may constantly (and) unceasingly receive (meals) forever. |
44 | DUMU maš-šur-DÙ-A MAN KUR AŠ A maš-⸢šur⸣-[PAP-AŠ MAN] ⸢KUR⸣ AŠ A [md30-PAP.MEŠ-SU MAN KUR AŠ] | |
55 | ŠÀ*.BAL*.BAL* (x*) (erased) (blank) [(...)]1 | |
66 | ú-še-piš-ma GIŠ.BANŠUR GIŠ.MES.MÁ.⸢KAN GIŠ⸣ da-re-e eš-[ma-ra-a] | |
77 | eb-bu ú-šal-biš-ma a-na ra-kas nap-tan eb-bi si-⸢mat DINGIR⸣-[ti-šá] | |
88 | ša ka-a-a-an la na-par-ka-a i-maḫ-ḫa-ru GAL-tum DINGIR-[ut-sa] | |
99 | ||
1010 | a-na šat-ti an-tum GAŠAN GAL-tú GIŠ.BANŠUR šú-a-tu ḫa-diš ina nap-lu-si-⸢ki⸣ | (10) On account of this, O Antu, great lady, when you look with pleasure upon this table, with your bright countenance (also) look with pleasure upon me, Sîn-šarra-iškun — the governor who is the favorite of your heart, the ruler who reveres you — so that good ... is on (my) mind, prolong my days, increase my years, make my name (and) progeny firm for eternity, kill my enemies, (and) make the neck of those insubmissive to me bow down at my feet. Make my life, which you have granted (me), as pleasing to a widespread population as the finest oil. Make my walking about [befor]e the gods and before your great divinity endure for eternity. Intercede on my behalf (and) speak <favor>ably about me [to the god Anu], the father of the gods, your beloved husband. |
1111 | ia-a-ti md30-MAN-GAR GÌR.NÍTA* mi*-gir* ŠÀ*-ki* NUN* pa*-liḫ*-ki* ina* bu*-un-ni-ki nam-ru-ti ḫa-diš nap-lis-in-ni x.A.AN ⸢SIG₅⸣ lib-šá-a kar-ši?2 | |
1212 | ur-ri-ki UD.MEŠ-ia šum-dili MU.AN.NA.MEŠ-ia MU na-an-na-bi ki-in-ni ana ṣa-a-⸢ti⸣ | |
1313 | LÚ.KÚR.MEŠ-ia né-e-ri ki-šad la ma-gi-re-ia šuk-ni-⸢še⸣ ana GÌR.II-⸢ia⸣ | |
1414 | ⸢na?⸣-piš-ti šá ta-qí-še GIM ú-lu-ú Ì.GIŠ ṭib-bi UGU UN.MEŠ DAGAL.[MEŠ] | |
1515 | [ina? ma?]-⸢ḫar?⸣ DINGIR.MEŠ u ina ma-ḫar DINGIR-ti-ki GAL*-ti* šul-biri tal-lak-ti ana u₄-me da-ru-te3 | |
1616 | [...] ⸢AD⸣ DINGIR.MEŠ ḫa*-ʾi-i-ri na-ra-mi-ki ab-bu-ti ṣab-ti qí-bi-i <dum>-qí4 | |
1In approximately half of the inscriptions of Sîn-šarra-iškun, the scribes have enumerated the king’s genealogy down to Sargon II. Oddly, the scribe of VAT 9975 began to write the expected ŠÀ.BAL.BAL mLUGAL-GI.NA MAN KUR AŠ in this line, but then erased the first word of the entry and left the rest of the line blank. Later, in line 8 of the second inscription that is recorded on this tablet (Ssi 18), the same scribe simply omits the entry for Sargon II in Sîn-šarra-iškun’s genealogy altogether.
2The scribe wrote mi-gir ŠÀ-ki and NUN pa-liḫ-ki with smaller signs and wrote mi-gir ŠÀ-ki in the upper half of the line with NUN pa-liḫ-ki underneath it in the lower half of the line. All of these signs, including NÍTA of GÌR.NÍTA and ina bu- of ina bu-un-ni-ki, are written over erasures in the middle of the line.
3GAL-ti is written with smaller signs underneath the -ti-ki of DINGIR-ti-ki.
4ḫa*-ʾi-i-ri “your husband”: The text has visially similiar ZA-ʾi-i-ri.
Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-22. Lemmatized by Jamie Novotny, 2018, for the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation-funded OIMEA Project at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as http://oracc.org/rinap/Q003878/.