Sîn-šarru-iškun 06
Obverse | ||
o 1o 1 | [a-na-ku mdEN.ZU]-⸢LUGAL⸣-GAR-un LUGAL GAL LUGAL dan-nu LUGAL ŠÚ ⸢LUGAL⸣ [KUR AN.ŠÁR.KI] | (1) [I, Sîn-šar]ra-iškun, great king, strong king, king of the world, k[ing of Assyria, favored by the deities Aššur], Enlil, (and) Mullissu; pious governor, [... of Ešarra, humble ruler; chos]en by the steadfast hearts of the deities Sîn, Ningal, Šamaš, and Aya; beloved of [the deities Marduk, Zarpanītu, Nabû, (and) Tašmētu; the one chosen by the goddess Ištar who res]ides in Nineveh (and) the goddess Ištar who resides in Arbela, favorit[e of the gods Nergal and Nusku; (5) the one whom (the god) Aššur, the goddess Mulliss]u, and the great gods, my lords, steadfastly l[ooked upon] among my brothers [and selected for kingship]; they [command]ed me to perf[orm] the roles of pro[vision]er of all cult centers, priest [of all san]ctua[ri]es, (and) she[p]her[d of] the totalit[y of] the black-headed (people); |
o 22 | [ni-iš IGI.II AN.ŠÁR] ⸢d⸣EN.LÍL dNIN.LÍL GÌR.NÍTA mut-nen-nu-ú ⸢LÚ⸣.[x x é-šár-ra] | |
o 33 | [ma-al-ku šuk-nu-šu i-tu]-ut kun lìb-bi d30 dNIN.GAL dUTU u da-a na-ram [dAMAR.UTU dNUMUN-DÙ-tum dAG dPAPNUN] | |
o 44 | [ni?-šu-ut diš-tar a]-⸢ši⸣-bat ⸢NINA⸣.KI diš-tar a-ši-bat LÍMMU-DINGIR.KI mi-⸢gir⸣ [dU.GUR ù dnusku]1 | |
o 55 | [šá AN.ŠÁR dNIN].⸢LÍL ù⸣ DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ ⸢EN⸣.MEŠ-ia ina bi-rit maš-ši-ia ⸢ke-niš ip⸣-[pal-su-ni-ma is-su-qu-ni a-na LUGAL-u-ti]2 | |
o 66 | za-⸢ni⸣-[nu]-⸢ú⸣-ti kiš-šat ma-ḫa-zi ⸢É⸣.BAR-ú-⸢ti⸣ [gi-mir eš]-⸢re-e-ti⸣ | |
o 77 | re-⸢ʾu-ú-ut⸣ nap-⸢ḫar⸣ ṣal-mat ⸢SAG⸣.DU e-⸢pe⸣-[šu iq]-⸢bu⸣-u-ni | |
o 88 | ki-⸢ma AD⸣ u [AMA] ⸢it⸣-ta-⸢nar⸣-ru-in-ni-ma i-na-⸢ru⸣ [a-a-bi-ia ú-šam-qí-tú] ga-re-ia3 | (8) they guided me like a father and [a mother], th[ey] killed [my foes (and) cut down], my adversaries; they g[l]adl[y] placed me on the [royal throne of the father who had enge]ndered me; (10) the god Ea (and) the goddess Bēlet-ilī created m[e] for dominion over the world (and) they [made] my form [surpassing among all ...]; the god Sîn, king of the crown, crowned m[e] with [the crown of lordsh]ip (and) [he made] m[y] hand [grasp] the scepter of kingship to make the foundation of the land firm (and) to di[rect the people; the goddess Mullissu who resides in Nineveh, (the goddess) Antu, [... raised up] my hea[d]; resplendent [yo]ung man, sup[erb] man, [who comprehends reason and counsel, who speak]s elo[qu]ent (words), (15) [magn]animous, discerning, [whose words] are as sweet [to the people as the arm]annu-fruit; [to whom ...] assistance and succ[or ... as] his [good fo]rtune; [...] ... [...] their [wor]ds; [...] ... [...] ... [...] his [head]; |
o 99 | ⸢ṭa-biš ú⸣-še-šib-u-in-ni ina ⸢GIŠ⸣.[GU.ZA LUGAL-u-ti AD] ⸢DÙ⸣-ia | |
o 1010 | ⸢d⸣é-a d⸢be-let⸣-DINGIR.MEŠ a-na e-nu-ti kiš-šá-ti ib-nu-⸢in⸣-[ni ina nap-ḫar x x ú-šá-ti?]-⸢ru⸣ nab-ni-ti | |
o 1111 | d30 LUGAL a-ge-e a-na kun-ni SUḪUŠ KUR šu-[te-šur ba-ʾu-la-a-ti a-ge-e EN-u]-ti e-pir-an-[ni] | |
o 1212 | ||
o 1313 | dNIN.LÍL a-ši-bat NINA.KI an-tum x [...] x ⸢SAG⸣.[MEŠ]-⸢ia?⸣ | |
o 1414 | ⸢eṭ⸣-lu šu-pu-ú a-a-ru šu-⸢tu⸣-[ru a-ḫi-iz ṭè-e-me ù mil-ki mu-ta-mu]-⸢u⸣ dam-[qa]-a-ti | |
o 1515 | [lìb]-⸢bu⸣ rap-šú ka-raš ta-šim-⸢ti⸣ [šá at-mu-šú UGU UN.MEŠ ar]-⸢ma⸣-niš DÙG.GA | |
o 1616 | ||
o 1717 | [...] x x [... zik]-ri-šú-un | |
o 1818 | [...] x [...] MA? ŠU? BI | |
o 1919 | [...] LU x [... SAG].⸢MEŠ⸣-šú | |
o 2020 | [DUMU mAN.ŠÁR-DÙ-IBILA LUGAL GAL MAN dan-nu LUGAL ŠÚ MAN KUR AN.ŠÁR.KI MAN] ⸢KUR⸣ EME.GI₇ u ⸢URI⸣.[KI MAN] ⸢kib-rat⸣ [LÍMMU]-⸢tim⸣ | (20) [son of Ashurbanipal, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, king of the l]and of Sumer and A[kkad, king of] the [fou]r quarte[rs (of the world); son of Esarhaddon, great king, strong king, king of the world, king of Assyria, governor of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer] and Akkad; |
Lacuna | ||
Reverse | ||
rr | Lacuna | |
r 1'1' | [NUN EGIR-ú i-na LUGAL.MEŠ-ni DUMU.MEŠ-ia e-nu-ma BÀD šu-a-tú in]-⸢na?-ḫu?-ma?⸣ | (r 1') [May a future ruler, one of the kings, my descendants, renovate its dilapidated section(s) when that wall becomes dilap]id[a]ted a[nd old]. May he find [an inscribed obje]ct [bea]ring my name [and an inscribed object bearing the name of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, the (grand)father of the father who had enge]ndered me, and (then) anoint (them) with o[i]l, [make an offering], (and) place (them) [with an inscribed obje]ct bearing his name. (rev. 5´) (The god) Aššur (and) the goddess M[ullissu] will (then) hear his [pray]ers. |
r 2'2' | [il-la-ku la-ba-riš an-ḫu-us-su lu-ud-diš MU].⸢SAR-ú⸣ [ši]-ṭir MU-ia | |
r 3'3' | [ù MU.SAR-ú ši-ṭir šu-me ša md30-PAP.MEŠ-SU MAN KUR aš-šur.KI AD AD] ⸢DÙ⸣-ia ⸢li⸣-mur-ma | |
r 4'4' | ⸢Ì.GIŠ lip-šu-uš⸣ [UDU.SISKUR BAL-qí it-ti MU].⸢SAR⸣-e ši-⸢ṭir⸣ MU-šú liš-kun | |
r 5'5' | ||
r 6'6' | (r 6') (As for) the one who removes an inscribed object bear[ing my name f]rom its place (and) does not place (it) with an inscribed object be[aring] his name, may the deities Aššur, Mullissu, Sîn, Šamaš, [Mardu]k, Zarpanītu, Nabû, Tašmētu, Ištar of Nineveh, Šarrat-Kidmuri, (and) Ištar of A[rb]ela, the great gods of heaven and netherworld, (rev. 10´) overthrow his throne, curse his reign, take away his scepter, bind his arms, (and) make him [s]it bound at the feet of his enemy. May they curse him angrily and make his name, his offspring, his dynasty, (and) his progeny disappe[ar] from al[l of the la]nds. | |
r 7'7' | ||
r 8'8' | AN.ŠÁR dNIN.⸢LÍL⸣ d30 dUTU d[AMAR].⸢UTU⸣ dNUMUN-DÙ-tum dMUATI d⸢PAPNUN⸣ d15 šá NINA.KI | |
r 9'9' | dšar-rat-kid-mu-ri d15 šá ⸢LÍMMU-DINGIR⸣.KI DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ šá AN-e u KI-tim | |
r 10'10' | ||
r 11'11' | GIŠ.GIDRU-šú li-ṭi-ru Á.II-šú lik-su-u ina KI.⸢TA⸣ LÚ.KÚR-šú li-⸢še-ši⸣-bu-uš ka-mì-iš | |
r 12'12' | ag-giš li-ru-ru-šú-ma MU-šú NUMUN-šú BALA-šú na-⸢an-nab⸣-šú ina nap-⸢ḫar⸣ [KUR].KUR li-ḫal-li-⸢qu⸣ | |
r 13'13' | (r 13') Inscription concerning the wall of Nineveh. | |
Date | Date | |
r 14'14' | (r 14') Ulūlu (VI), eponymy of Bēl-aḫu-uṣur, [pala]ce overseer. |
1[ni?-šu-ut] “[the one chosen by]”: See the on-page note to Ssi 1 (Cylinder C) line 4 for the interpretation of the first word of this line.
2maš-ši-ia “my brothers”: See the on-page note to Ssi 1 (Cylinder C) line 5 for the interpretation of maššîya.
3⸢it⸣-ta-⸢nar⸣-ru-in-ni-ma “they guided me“: Or possibly “they picked me up again and again.” See the on-page note to Ssi 1 (Cylinder C) line 7.
Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-22. Lemmatized by Jamie Novotny, 2018, for the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation-funded OIMEA Project at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as http://oracc.org/rinap/Q003867/.