Ashurbanipal 2002

o 1o 1

[a-na d... (...) GAŠAN] GAL-tum GAŠAN-šá1

(1) [For the goddess ..., (...) the grea]t [lady], her lady:

o 22

[f... MUNUS.É.GAL šá m-šur]--A MAN ŠÚ MAN KUR 2

(2) [..., the queen of Ashurba]nipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, [had a ... made of] reddish gold.

o 33

[tu-še-piš-ma x x] x .GI ruš-ši-i3

o 44

[a-na TI.LA šá] m-šur--A na-ram-i-šá

(4) She set up and presented (this object) [for the life of] Ashurbanipal her beloved [to prolong his days (and) to length]en (his time on) his throne, and, for her very own life, to lengthen her days, (and) to firmly establish her reign, (so that) you (the goddess to whom this object is dedicated) make her (the queen’s) speech pleasing to the king, her husband, and allow (them both) grow old with each other.

o 55

[GÍD.DA UD.MEŠ-šú la]-bar GIŠ.GU.ZA-šú u šá-a-šá

o 66

a-na TI.LA-šá GÍD.DA UD.MEŠ-šá kun-nu BALA-e-šá

o 77

UGU LUGAL ḫa-ʾe-e-ri-šá at-mu-šá šu-ṭu-bi-ma

o 88

it-ti a-ḫa-meš lu-ub-bu-ri -ma BA-ìš



1On the reading of the line, see Deller, OrAnt 22 (1983) p. 23: “Die bisher allgemein angenommene Ergänzung [a-na d.Taš-m]e-tu₄ GAŠAN*-šá ist nach der Kollation I. L. Finkels in hohem Grade unwahrscheinlich, da vor dem vermeintlichen M]E-tu₄ Raum verfügbar ist für wenigstens sieben Zeichen durchschnittlicher Länge. Die obige Ergänzung folgt einem Vorschlag I. L. Finkels; es darf jedoch als so gut wie sicher angenommen werden, dass fGN = Tašmētu ist, wie unten zu Z. 7 nachzuweisen sein wird.”

2f...: K. Deller (OrAnt 22 [1983] p. 23) tentatively restored the royal name at the beginning of line 2 as fURU.ŠÀ.URU-šar-rat “Libbāli-šarrat.” See the commentary for further information. MUNUS.É.GAL “queen”: The restoration is based on Asb. 2001 line 3. As Deller has suggested (ibid.), one could restore MUNUS.KUR instead of the more commonly-attested MUNUS.É.GAL; compare Leichty, RINAP 4 p. 314 Esarhaddon 2001 line 2.

3tu-še-piš-ma “she had ... made”: The reconstruction of this verb is taken from similar dedicatory texts (see Leichty, RINAP 4 pp. 319-320 Esarhaddon 2005 obv. 4 and Esarhaddon 2006 rev. 4).

Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-22. Lemmatized by Joshua Jeffers, 2018-19, for the NEH-funded RINAP Project at the University of Pennsylvania. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0.. Please cite this page as