Ashurbanipal 125



A 1'1'

[...] x x x [...]

(A 1') [...] ... [... saying: “Grasp the feet of Ashur]ba­ni­pal, king of [Assyria, and conquer your enemies through the mention of his name.” On the (very) day] he saw [thi]s [dream, he sent his mounted messenger to inquire about my well-being. (As for) this dream that he had seen, he sent (a message about it) by the hands of a messenger of his and he reported (it) to me. From the da]y that he grasp[ed the feet of my royal majesty, he conquered the Cimmerians, who were disturbing the people of his land, (A ) had never fea]red [my] ancestors, [and, with regard to me, had not grasped the feet of my royal majesty. With the support of (the god) Aššur and the goddess M]ullissu, [he (Gyges) clamped two city rulers] from among the [city rulers of the Cimmerians that he had conquered in manacles, iron handcuffs, (and) fetters and sent (them) before me, together with] his s[ubstantial aud]ience gift(s).

A 2'2'

[... mAN.ŠÁR]--A MAN KUR [AN.ŠÁR.KI ...]

A 3'3'

[... an-ni]-? e-mu-ru [...]

A 4'4'

[... u₄]-me ša iṣ-ba-[ ...]

A 5'5'

[... la ip-tal]-la-ḫu AD.MEŠ-[ia ...]

A 6'6'

[... d]NIN.LÍL TA ŠÀ .[EN.URU.MEŠ ...]

A 7'7'

[... ta]-mar-ti-šú ka-[bit-ti ...]

A 8'8'

[... URU.šá-pi-i-d]EN URU tukul-ti KUR.[gam-bu-li ...]

(A 8') [... Ša-pī-B]ēl, a city upon which the land [Gambulu] relied [... the son]s of Bēl-iqīša [...]

A 9'9'

[... DUMU].MEŠ mdEN-BA-šá x [...]

B 11

[...] (traces) [...]

(B 1) (No translation possible)

B 22

[...] (traces) [...]

B 33


B 44


B 55

[...] x [...]

B 66

[...] x x (x) [...]

B 77

[...] x x x (x) [...]

B 88

[...] x x x (x) [...]

B 99

[...] (x) [...]



Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-22. Lemmatized by Joshua Jeffers, 2018-22, for the NEH-funded RINAP Project at the University of Pennsylvania. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as