Ashurbanipal 119



o 1'1'

[LUGAL.MEŠ .NAM.MEŠ .qe-pa-a-ni šá -rebṣur ú-pa--du AD] ba-nu-u-[a]

(1') [... the kings, governors, (and) officials whom the father w]ho had engendered [me had appointed in Egypt, who had ab]andoned [their post(s) in the face of Taharqa’s tactical advance], (and) had gone to (lit. “filled”) the countryside, [where their post(s) were] I permitted them to serve [in t]heir [(former) positions again].

o 2'2'

[šá la-pa-an ti-bu-ut mtar-qu-ú pi-qit-ta-šú-un ú]-maš-ši-ru im-lu-u EDIN

o 3'3'

[ú-ter-ma a-šar pi-qit-ti-šú-un ina maš-kán-i]-šú-un ul-zi-is-su-nu-ti

o 4'4'

[... ú]-maš-ši-ru-in-[ni ...]

(4') [... who had ab]andoned [me ...] I plunde[red ...].

o 5'5'

[...] áš-lu-la šal-[lat-...]

r 1r 1

[... at-tal]-lak-ma x [...]

(r 1) [... I constantly marc]hed and [...].

r 22

[...] (blank) [...]

r 33

[...] (blank) [...]

r 44

[...] (blank) [(x x)]

(r 4) [... he (Urtaku)] started a battle with me [...] my [...]s had traveled, he set out (and) came to [...].

r 55

[...] ig-ra-an-ni a-na qab-li

r 66

[...] x.MEŠ-ia ir-ta-du-u it-ba-a il-li-ka a-na x

r 77

[...]-ki (rest of line erased)

r 88

[...] (erased line)

r 99

[... d15 šá LÍMMU]-DINGIR.KI dMAŠ dU.GUR u dnusku

(r 9) [... the deities ..., Ištar of Arbel]a, Ninurta, Nergal, and Nusku, [...] he was struck with an incurable wound. [...] ... me [...] him the covering of death [...] ... he returned to his land. [...]

r 1010

[...] x im-ma-ḫi-iṣ -ḫi-iṣ la nab-la-ṭi

r 1111

[...] x-pi-sa-an-ni

r 1212

[...]-up?-šú se-ḫe-ep mu-u-ti

r 1313

[...] x-li? i-tur a-na KUR-šú

r 1414




Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-22. Lemmatized by Joshua Jeffers, 2018-22, for the NEH-funded RINAP Project at the University of Pennsylvania. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as