Ashurbanipal 108
Obverse | ||
Column i | ||
o? io? i | Lacuna | |
o? i 1'1' | AN.ŠÁR ⸢d⸣[...] | (o? i 1') the deities Aššur, [...], Ninurta, Ner[gal, ...] ... [...] |
o? i 2'2' | ||
o? i 3'3' | x x x [...] | |
Lacuna | ||
One or two columns likely completely missing | ||
Reverse | ||
r?r? NaN | One or two columns likely completely missing | |
Column i | ||
r? i'r? i | Lacuna | |
r? i' 1'1' | [...] x [...] | (r? i' 1') [... I advanced and marched] against [Ummanaldašu (Ḫumban-haltaš III), the king of the land Elam who had n]ot bowe[d down to my yoke]. |
r? i' 2'2' | ||
r? i' 3'3' | ||
r? i' 4'4' | (r? i' 4') [In the c]ours[e of m]y [campaign], I conquered the city Dūr-Undās[i], a royal city of his. | |
r? i' 5'5' | (r? i' 5'b) My troops saw the Idide River, a raging torrent (and) were afraid to cross (it). [During the n]ight, the goddess Ištar who resides in Arbela showed a dream to my troops [and] said [the f]ollowing [to them], saying: “I myself will go before Ashur[banipal], (rev.? i´ 10´) the king that my (own) two hands created.” My troops trusted [this dream (and) they safely crossed] the Idide River. | |
r? i' 6'6' | ||
r? i' 7'7' | d15 a-ši-bat LÍMMU-DINGIR.⸢KI⸣ [ina] ⸢šat⸣ GE₆ a-⸢na⸣ ERIM.ḪI.A-ia | |
r? i' 8'8' | ||
r? i' 9'9' | ||
r? i' 10'10' | ||
r? i' 11'11' | ||
r? i' 12'12' | 14 URU.MEŠ ⸢mu⸣-šab LUGAL-ti-šú ⸢a⸣-di URU.MEŠ ⸢TUR⸣.[MEŠ šá ni-i-ba la i-šu-u] | (r? i' 12') [I conquered], dest[royed], demolished, (and) burne[d] with fire fourteen cities, his royal residence(s), together with s[mall(er)] settlements, [which were without number], and twelve districts that were i[n the land Elam, all of it. I turned (them) into mounds of ruins (lit. “mound(s) and ruin(s)”). I slew] his [w]arriors [without number. I struck down his elite fighting men] with the [sword]. |
r? i' 13'13' | ⸢ù⸣ 12 na-ge-e šá qé-⸢reb⸣ [KUR.ELAM.MA.KI ka-li-šá ak-šu-ud] | |
r? i' 14'14' | ⸢ap-pul⸣ aq-qur ina dGIŠ.BAR aq-⸢mu⸣ [a-na DU₆ u kar-me ú-ter ina la mì-ni a-duk] | |
r? i' 15'15' | [LÚ].⸢qu⸣-ra-a-di-⸢šú⸣ ina ⸢GIŠ⸣.[TUKUL.MEŠ ú-ras-sib mun-daḫ-ṣe-e-šú MAḪ.MEŠ] | |
r? i' 16'16' | (r? i' 16') [Umma]naldaš[u (Ḫumban-haltaš III), the king of the land Elam, fled n]ake[d and took to the mountain(s)]. | |
r? i' 17'17' | ||
r? i' 18'18' | (r? i' 18') [I conquered the city B]anun[u, together with the district of the city Tasarra, a]ll [(of it). ...] | |
r? i' 19'19' | [ka]-⸢la-mu⸣ [ak-šu-ud ...] | |
Lacuna |
Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-22. Lemmatized by Joshua Jeffers, 2018-22, for the NEH-funded RINAP Project at the University of Pennsylvania. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as