Ashurbanipal 099

Column i
o io i Lacuna


o i 1'1'

[DINGIR-ti-šú] ṣir-ti1

(i 1') [(As for) the throne-dais, the seat of his (Marduk’s) exa]lted [divinity, I cast fifty talents of shiny zaḫ]alû-silver [into] bricks and (thereby) [enlarge]d it.

o i 2'2'

[50 GUN za]-ḫa-lu-u

o i 3'3'

[eb-bu a-na] a-gúr-ri

o i 4'4'


o i 5'5'

[ú-rab-ba]-a EDIN--šú

o i 6'6'


(i 6') [I had a canopy, which rival]s the heavens, [ma]de from musukkannu-wood, [a dur]able [wood. (i 10´) I] clad [its perimeter with thirty-four talents (and) twenty min]as of reddish gold

o i 7'7'

[GIŠ.er-me a-nu] GIŠ.MES..KAN.NA

o i 8'8'

[iṣ-ṣi da]-re-e

o i 9'9'

[šá šit-nu]-nu šá-ma-meš

o i 10'10'

[34 GUN 20 MA].NA .GI ḪUŠ.A

o i 11'11'

[kip-pat-su ú]-šal-biš



Column ii
o iio ii Lacuna


o ii 1'1'

e-li [ša LUGAL.MEŠ AD.MEŠ-ia]

(ii 1') I [added (temple appurtenances)] to [those of the kings, my ancestors]. I made the [great] gods who sup[port me reside] in [their exalted] inner sanctum[s. I offered sumptuous] offerings before [them (and) presented (them) with my gifts. I made] re[gular offerings (and) contributions more plentiful than those of distant days].

o ii 2'2'


o ii 3'3'


o ii 4'4'


o ii 5'5'

ina at-ma-ni-[šú-nu ṣi-i-ri]

o ii 6'6'


o ii 7'7'

UDU.SISKUR.MEŠ [taš-ri-iḫ-ti]

o ii 8'8'

ma-ḫar-[šu-un aq-]

o ii 9'9'

ú-[šam-ḫi-ra kàd-ra-a-a]

o ii 10'10'

sat-[tuk-ku gi-nu-ú]2



One column likely completely missing

One column likely completely missing

rReverse completely missing

Reverse completely missing

1The translation assumes that the lacuna contained BÁRA.MAḪ-ḫu šu-bat “(As for) the throne-dais, the seat of”; see, for example, text no. 10 (Prism T) i 27.

2The translation assumes that the now-missing text contained e-li ša u₄-me ul-lu-ti ú-šá-tir-ma “I made more plentiful than those of distant days”; see, for example, text no. 10 (Prism T) iii 47b–48.

Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-22. Lemmatized by Joshua Jeffers, 2018-22, for the NEH-funded RINAP Project at the University of Pennsylvania. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as