Ashurbanipal 092
Obverse | ||
Column i | ||
ii | Completely missing | |
Column ii | ||
iiii | Lacuna | |
ii 1'1' | (ii 1') [(and) placed gold bracelets (around their wrists). I made the]m [stand before me]. | |
ii 2'2' | (ii 2') [(As for) Gyges, the king of the land Lydia — a region on the opposite shore of the se]a, [a remote place, the mention of who]se [n]ame [none of the kings, my ancestors, had (ever) heard — (the god) Aššur, the g]od who created me, [made him see in a dream my royal name. (ii 5´) On the (very) day he saw this dream], he sent his [mounted messen]ger [to inquire about my well-being]. | |
ii 3'3' | [áš-ru ru-u-qu ša LUGAL.MEŠ AD.MEŠ-ia la iš-mu-u zi-kir] ⸢MU⸣-šú | |
ii 4'4' | [ni-bit LUGAL-ti-ia ina MÁŠ.GI₆ ú-šab-ri-šú-ma AN.ŠÁR] ⸢DINGIR⸣ ba-nu-u-a | |
ii 5'5' | ||
ii 6'6' | (ii 6'b) [(As for) the C]immerians, a dangerous enemy [who had never feared] my ancestors, [and, with regard to me, had not grasped the fee]t of my royal majesty, | |
ii 7'7' | ||
ii 8'8' | ||
Column iii | ||
iiiiii | Lacuna | |
iii 1'1' | [30 ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ UGU ma-da-at]-⸢ti-šú maḫ⸣-[ri-ti ú-rad-di-ma e-mì-is-su] | (iii 1') [I added thirty horses to] his f[ormer paymen]t [and imposed (it) upon him]. |
iii 2'2' | [ina 4-e ger-ri-ia] ⸢a⸣-na ⸢KUR⸣.ELAM.MA.KI uš-te-eš-še-⸢ra⸣ [ḫar-ra-nu] | (iii 2') [On my fourth campaign], I took the direct [road] to the land Elam. [By the command of the deities Aššur, Sîn], Šamaš, Bēl (Marduk), Nabû, Ištar of Nineveh, Iš[tar of Arbela, Ninurta, Nergal], (and) Nusku, (iii 5´) [in the month Ulūlu (VI) — “the work of] the goddesses,” the month of the king of the gods, (the god) Aššur, the father of the go[ds, the god Nunnamnir — like the assault of a] fierce [stor]m, I covered the land Elam i[n its entirety. I cut off the head of] Teumman, their presumptuous king who had plo[tted evil (deeds). I slew] his [w]arriors [without number]. I captur[ed his fighting men] alive. I filled [the plain of the city Susa] with [their bodies] like baltu-plant(s and) ašāg[u]-plant(s). I made the Ulāya [River] flow [with their blood]; I dy[ed] its water [red like a red-dyed wool]. |
iii 3'3' | [ina qí-bit AN.ŠÁR d30] ⸢dUTU⸣ dEN dAG d15 šá NINA.KI d⸢15⸣ [šá LÍMMU-DINGIR.KI] | |
iii 4'4' | ||
iii 5'5' | [ina ITI.KIN-dINANNA ši-pir] ⸢d15⸣.MEŠ ITI LUGAL DINGIR.MEŠ AN.ŠÁR AD ⸢DINGIR⸣.[MEŠ dnun-nam-nir] | |
iii 6'6' | [GIM ti-ib me-ḫe]-⸢e⸣ ez-zi ⸢ak⸣-tùm KUR.ELAM.MA.KI ⸢a⸣-[na si-ḫir-ti-šá] | |
iii 7'7' | [ak-kis SAG.DU] ⸢m⸣te-um-man LUGAL-šú-⸢nu⸣ mul-tar-ḫu šá ⸢ik-pu⸣-[da ḪUL-tu] | |
iii 8'8' | [ina la mì-ni a-duk] ⸢qu-ra⸣-di-šú ina ŠU.II.MEŠ TI.MEŠ uṣ-ṣab-⸢bit⸣ [mun-daḫ-ṣe-e-šú] | |
iii 9'9' | [šal-ma-a-ti-šú-nu] ki-ma GIŠ.DÌḪ GIŠ.⸢KIŠI₁₆⸣ ú-mal-la-⸢a⸣ [ta-mir-ti URU.šu-šá-an] | |
iii 10'10' | [ÚŠ.MEŠ-šú-nu ÍD].⸢ú⸣-la-a-a ú-šar-⸢di⸣ A.⸢MEŠ-šá? aṣ?⸣-[ru-up GIM na-ba-as-si] | |
iii 11'11' | [mum-man-i-gaš DUMU m]⸢ur⸣-ta-ki MAN KUR.ELAM.⸢MA⸣.[KI ša la-pa-an mte-um-man] | (iii 11') [I took Ummanigaš (Ḫumban-nikaš II), a son of U]rtaku — a (former) king of the land Elam — [who h]ad fled [from Teumman to Assyria] (and) ha[d grasped my feet, with me] to the land El[am (and) I placed him on Teumman’s throne]. I instal[led Tammarītu], his third [br]other [who had fled to me with him, as king in the city Ḫid]alu. |
iii 12'12' | ||
iii 13'13' | [it-ti-ia ú-bil]-⸢šú⸣ a-na KUR.⸢ELAM⸣.[MA.KI ú-še-šib-šú ina GIŠ.GU.ZA mte-um-man] | |
iii 14'14' | [mtam-ma-ri-tu] ⸢ŠEŠ⸣-šú šal-šá-a-⸢a⸣ [šá it-ti-šú in-nab-ta] | |
iii 15'15' | ||
iii 16'16' | [ul-tu GIŠ.TUKUL] ⸢AN⸣.ŠÁR u d15 [UGU KUR.ELAM.MA.KI ú-šam-ri-ru] | (iii 16') [After I had made the weapon(s) of] (the god) Aššur and the goddess Ištar [prevail over the land Elam (and) had continually esta]blished might[y victories, on] my [retu]rn march, [I set out towards] Dunā[nu, a Gambulian who] had put his trust [i]n the land Elam. (iii 20´) [I conquered the city Ša-p]ī-Bēl, a city upon which the land Gambul[u] relied. [I entered that city (and)] slaughtered [i]ts [people] like lambs. (As for) D[unānu (and) Samgunu, the ones who had distu]rbed my exercising the kingship, I c[lamped (their) hands and feet] i[n iron manacles (and) handcuffs (and)] iron [fett]ers. (iii 25´) [I carried off people, ox]en, sheep and goats, d[onkeys, horses, (and) mules ou]t of the land G[ambulu to Assyria. (As for) Ša-p]ī-Bēl, the city upon which he (Dunānu) relied, I d[estroyed, demolished, (and) dissolved (it) with water]. |
iii 17'17' | ||
iii 18'18' | ||
iii 19'19' | ||
iii 20'20' | [URU.šá]-⸢pi⸣-i-dEN URU tukul-ti KUR.gam-bu-⸢li⸣ [ak-šú-ud qé-reb URU šu-a-tu e-ru-ub] | |
iii 21'21' | ||
iii 22'22' | [mu-nàr]-⸢ri⸣-ṭu e-peš LUGAL-ti-ia ⸢ina⸣ [GIŠ.ṣi-iṣ-ṣi iš-qa-ti AN.BAR] | |
iii 23'23' | ||
iii 25'25' | [ul]-⸢tu qé⸣-reb KUR.⸢gam⸣-[bu-li áš-lu-la a-na KUR AN.ŠÁR.KI] | |
iii 26'26' | [URU.šá-pi]-⸢i-dEN URU tukul⸣-ti-šú ⸢ap⸣-[pul aq-qur ina A.MEŠ uš-ḫar-miṭ] | |
iii 27'27' | ⸢mum⸣-man-i-gaš šá MUN ma-aʾ-as-su ⸢e⸣-[pu-šú qé-reb KUR.ELAM.MA.KI] | (iii 27') (As for) U[m]manigaš (Ḫumban-nikaš II), for who[m] I ha[d performed] many act(s) of kindness (and) whom I had installed as king [in the land Elam], w[ho did not honor my treaty (and) sided] with Šamaš-šuma-ukīn — (my) [hostile] br[other] — (iii 30´) Tamm[ar]ītu rebel[led] against him [and s]truck him, [together with his family], down [with the sword]. |
iii 28'28' | ||
iii 29'29' | ||
iii 30'30' | mtam-⸢ma-ri⸣-tu EDIN-uš-šú ib-bal-⸢kit⸣-[ma šá-a-šú ga-du kim-ti-šú] | |
iii 31'31' | ||
iii 32'32' | mtam-⸢ma-ri⸣-tu šá EGIR mum-man-i-[gaš ú-ši-bu ina GIŠ.GU.ZA KUR.ELAM.MA.KI] | (iii 32') (As for) Tamm[ar]ītu, who [sat on the throne of the land Elam] after Ummani[gaš (Ḫumban-nikaš II) (and)] who ca[m]e t[o the a]id of Šam[aš-šuma-ukīn — (my) unfaithful brother — he hastily sent his weapons] to fight with [my] troops. (iii 35´) As a result of the supplications [th]at I had address[ed to] (the god) Aššur and the goddess Ištar, [they listened to my prayers]. Indab[ib]i, a servant of his, [rebelled] against [him and] brought about his [defe]at in a pitched battle. [He sat on his throne]. |
iii 33'33' | ||
iii 34'34' | il-⸢lik-am⸣-ma a-na mit-ḫu-ṣi ERIM.⸢ḪI⸣.[A-ia ur-ri-ḫa GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-šú] | |
iii 35'35' | ina su-up-⸢pe-e šá⸣ AN.ŠÁR u d15 ú-sap-pu-[u iš-mu-ú un-ni-ni-ia] | |
iii 36'36' | ||
iii 37'37' | ina MÈ EDIN [BAD₅].⸢BAD₅⸣-šú iš-kun [ú-šib ina GIŠ.GU.ZA-šú] | |
iii 38'38' | mtam-ma-⸢ri⸣-[tu] ⸢ŠEŠ⸣.MEŠ-šú qin-nu-⸢šú⸣ [NUMUN É AD-šú it-ti 85 NUN.MEŠ] | (iii 38') Tammarī[tu], his [br]others, hi[s] family, [(and) the seed of his father’s house, together with eighty-five nobles] who marc[h at his side, (fled) f]ro[m Indabibi — his (Tammarītu’s) servant — (iv 1) crawled] nak[e]d on [their] belli[es and (then)] fle[d to Assyria] and grasped [my] feet. |
iii 39'39' | ||
Column iv | ||
iv 1iv 1 | mi-ra-⸢nu⸣-[uš]-⸢šú⸣-nu UGU lìb-⸢bi⸣-[šú-nu ip-ši-lu-nim-ma a-na KUR AN.ŠÁR.KI] | |
iv 22 | in-nab-⸢tu⸣-[nim]-⸢ma⸣ iṣ-ba-tu ⸢GÌR.II⸣-[ia mtam-ma-ri-tu a-na e-peš ARAD-ti-ia] | (iv 2b) [Tammarītu handed] himself [ov]er [to do obeisance to me] and, [by] the com[mand of (the god) Aššur and the goddess Ištar, he made an appeal to my lordly majesty] to dec[ide his case (and) to come to his aid. He stood before me and] |
iv 33 | ⸢ra⸣-man-šú [im-nu]-⸢u-ma⸣ áš-šú ⸢e-peš⸣ [di-ni-šú a-lak Á.TAḪ-šú] | |
iv 44 | [ina] ⸢qí-bit?⸣ [AN.ŠÁR u d15 ú-ṣal-la-a EN-ú-ti ina maḫ-ri-ia i-zi-iz-ma] | |
Lacuna | ||
Column v | ||
v 1v 1 | [re-še-e-ti a-na DINGIR.MEŠ-ia áš-ruk] ⸢LÚ.ERIM⸣.MEŠ GIŠ.⸢PAN⸣ [GIŠ.a-rit] | (v 1) [I gave the best (of them) to my gods. I added th]e arch[e]rs, [shield bearers, artisans, (and) engineers whom I had carr]ied off from [the land Elam to my royal contingent. I divided up th]e res[t like sheep and goats among my governors, my nobles, my cult centers, (and)] my [entire ca]mp. |
v 22 | [LÚ.um-ma-ni LÚ.kit-kit-tu-u šá áš]-⸢lu⸣-la ul-tu ⸢qé-reb⸣ [KUR.ELAM.MA.KI] | |
v 33 | [UGU ki-ṣir LUGAL-ti-ia ú-rad-di] ⸢si-it-tu-ti⸣ [a-na LÚ.NAM.MEŠ-ia] | |
v 44 | [LÚ.GAL.MEŠ-ia ma-ḫa-za-ni-ia gi-mir] ⸢KARAŠ-ia⸣ [GIM ṣe-e-ni ú-za-iz] | |
v 55 | [ina u₄-me-šú É ri-du-ti te-né-e É.GAL] ⸢ša qé⸣-[reb NINA.KI URU ṣi-i-ru] | (v 5) [At that time, the replacement House of Succession, the palace th]at is in[side Nineveh — the exalted city loved by the goddess Mullissu — which Sennach]e[rib, king of Assyria, the father of the father who had engendered me], |
v 66 | [na-ram dNIN.LÍL šá md30-PAP].⸢MEŠ⸣-[SU MAN KUR AN.ŠÁR.KI AD AD ba-ni-ia] | |
Lacuna | ||
Column vi | ||
vivi | Completely missing |
Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-22. Lemmatized by Joshua Jeffers, 2018-22, for the NEH-funded RINAP Project at the University of Pennsylvania. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as