Ashurbanipal 091
Obverse | ||
Column i | ||
ii | Lacuna | |
i 1'1' | (i 1') [I constricted (and)] cut sho[rt their lives. I made] them (the people of Tyre) [b]ow down [to my yoke]. | |
i 2'2' | ||
i 3'3' | (i 3') He (Baʾalu) brought before me [(his) daughter], his [own offspring], and the daughters of his brothers [to serve as housekeepers. (i 5´) He sent at the same time his son, who] had n[ever] crossed the sea, to do obeisance to me. [I received from him his daughter and the daughters of his brothers, tog]ether with a large marriage gift. [I had mercy on him and (then)] I gave (his) son, his offspring, back to him. | |
i 4'4' | ||
i 5'5' | ||
i 6'6' | ||
i 7'7' | [DUMU.MUNUS-su ù DUMU.MUNUS.MEŠ ŠEŠ.MEŠ-šú] ⸢it⸣-ti ter-ḫa-ti ma-aʾ-a-si | |
i 8'8' | [am-ḫur-šú re-e-mu ar-ši-šú-ma] ⸢DUMU⸣ È lìb-bi-šú ú-ter-ma a-din-šú | |
i 9'9' | [mia-ki-in-lu-u LUGAL URU.a-ru-ú]-⸢ad⸣-da a-šib MURUB₄ tam-tim | (i 9') [(As for) Yakīn-Lû, the king of the city Arw]ad, who resides in the middle of the sea, [Mugallu, the king of] the land Tabal, (and) [Sanda-šarme of the land Ḫi]lakku (Cilicia), [who had not bowed down to the kings, my ancestors], they [b]owed down to my yoke. They brought [(their) daughters, their own offspring, to Nineveh to serve as housekeepers, together with a] substantial [dow]ry, and (i 15´) [they kissed] my f[ee]t. [I imposed upon Mugallu an annual payment of lar]ge [horses]. |
i 10'10' | ||
i 11'11' | ||
i 12'12' | [ša a-na LUGAL.MEŠ AD.MEŠ-ia la kan-šú] ⸢ik⸣-nu-šú ⸢a⸣-na GIŠ.⸢ŠUDUN⸣-ia | |
i 13'13' | [DUMU.MUNUS.MEŠ ṣi-it lìb-bi-šú-nu it-ti nu]-⸢dun-né⸣-e ma-aʾ-⸢di⸣ | |
i 14'14' | ||
i 15'15' | ||
i 16'16' | ||
Lacuna | ||
Column ii | ||
iiii | Lacuna | |
ii 1'1' | (ii 1') [I dispatched my messenger] wi[th (a message of) goodwill to him (Uallî). He sent me] (his) dau[ghter, his own offspring], t[o serve as a housekeeper. (As for) his former] paym[ent], (ii 5´) which [they had discontinued] i[n the time of the kings, my ancestors], th[ey] carri[ed (it) before me]. I [added] thirty [horses to his former payment and imposed (it) upon him]. | |
ii 2'2' | ||
ii 3'3' | ||
ii 4'4' | ||
ii 5'5' | ||
ii 6'6' | ||
ii 7'7' | ||
ii 8'8' | ||
ii 9'9' | (traces) [...] | (ii 9') (No translation possible) |
ii 10'10' | (traces) [...] | |
ii 11'11' | (traces) [...] | |
Lacuna | ||
Column iii | ||
iiiiii | Completely missing | |
Column iv | ||
iv 1iv 1 | (iv 1) The people of the cities Ḫil[mu (and) Pillatu] h[eard about] the assault of my mighty battle array [as I was marching to the land Elam]. The awe-inspiring radiance of (the god) Aššur and the goddess Ištar, [my] lo[rds], (and) fear of my royal majesty over[whelmed them]. (iv 5) They, their people, their oxen, (and) [their] sh[eep and goats], arrived in As[syria] to do obeisance to me and they grasped the f[eet of my royal majesty]. | |
iv 22 | ti-ib MÈ-ia dan-ni ⸢iš⸣-[mu-u šá al-la-ku a-na KUR.ELAM.MA.KI] | |
iv 33 | ||
iv 44 | ||
iv 55 | ||
iv 66 | ||
iv 77 | ||
iv 88 | (iv 8) In the course of my campaign, [I conquered] the city Bīt-I[mbî, a royal city (and)] residence upon which the land Elam relied. (iv 10) (As for) the people living inside it, who had not [come out and] inquired about the well-being of [my] royal majest[y, I killed (them)]. I cut off their [h]eads, [sliced off their] lips, [(and) took (them) to Assyria t]o be a spectacle for the people of [my] lan[d]. | |
iv 99 | ||
iv 1010 | ||
iv 1111 | ||
iv 1212 | ||
iv 1313 | [a]-⸢na⸣ ta-mar-ti UN.MEŠ ⸢KUR⸣-[ia al-qa-a a-na KUR AN.ŠÁR.KI] | |
iv 1414 | (iv 14) [(As for) Im]bappi, the chief [archer of the land Elam, who was stationed as a guard in the ci]ty [Bīt-Imbî], | |
iv 1515 | ||
Lacuna | ||
iv 1'1' | (iv 1') I brought o[ut and I counted (them) as booty]. | |
iv 2'2' | mum-man-⸢al⸣-[da-si LUGAL KUR.ELAM.MA.KI e-reb ERIM.ḪI.A-ia] | (iv 2') (As for) Ummana[ldašu (Ḫumban-ḫaltaš III), the king of the land Elam, he heard about the entry of my troops], who [had entered] inside the land Elam; [he abandoned] the city Madaktu, a ro[yal] city [of his, and] (then) fled and [took to] the mo[untains] (lit. “[ascended his] mo[untain]”). |
iv 3'3' | ||
iv 4'4' | ||
iv 5'5' | ||
iv 6'6' | (iv 6') (As for) Umba-LAGABua, who [sat on] the throne of the land Ela[m] in opp[osition to Ummanaldašu, like him (Ummanaldašu) ...] ... [...] | |
iv 7'7' | ||
iv 8'8' | [...] x x [...] | |
Lacuna | ||
Column v | ||
v 1v 1 | ⸢bi⸣-rit ⸢ÍD⸣ ka-la-mu⸢dak⸣-[tú URU LUGAL-ti a-di na-ge]-⸢šú⸣ KUR-⸢ud⸣ | (v 1) (As for) the entire (area) between the (Ulāya and Idide) river(s), I conquered the city Madak[tu, a royal city, along with i]ts [district. I con]quered the city Ḫaltemaš, a royal city [of his. I conqu]ered the city Susa, a royal city [of his. I conquer]ed the cities Dinšarri (and) Sumunt[unaš, royal cit(ies) of his. (v 5) I conquered] the city Pidilma, a royal city [of his]. I conquered the city Bubilu, a royal city of his. [I conquered] the city [Kabinak, a royal city of his]. |
v 22 | ||
v 33 | ||
v 44 | URU.di-in-LUGAL⸢tu⸣-[na-áš URU LUGAL-ti-šú ak]-⸢šud⸣ | |
v 55 | ||
v 66 | URU.⸢bu⸣-bi-lu URU LUGAL-ti-šú ak-⸢šud URU⸣.[ka-bi-in-ak URU LUGAL-ti-šú KUR-ud] | |
v 77 | ina ⸢tukul⸣-ti AN.ŠÁR u d15 ar-de-e-ma al-⸢lik⸣ [ṣe-er mum-man-al-da-si]4 | (v 7) With the support of (the god) Aššur and the goddess Ištar, I advanced and marc[hed against Ummanaldašu (Ḫumban-haltaš III)], who had not bowed down to my yoke. |
v 88 | (v 8b) In the cou[rse of my campaign, I conquered] the city Dūr-Undāsi, a royal city of [his]. | |
v 99 | ||
v 1010 | (v 10) I did not wait one day (or) two days, [nor did I wait for] the rea[r guard]. I crossed the river on the (very) day (I reached it). | |
v 1111 | ina ⸢u₄⸣-me-šú-ma e-bir ÍD 14 ⸢URU⸣.MEŠ mu-⸢šab⸣ [LUGAL-ti-šú]5 | (v 11b) I conquered, destroyed, de[molished], (and) burned with fire fourteen [ci]ties, [his royal] reside[nce(s)], together with small(er) settlements, which were without number, and [twelve districts] that were in the land Elam, all of it. I [turned (them)] into mounds of ruins (lit. “mound(s) and ruin(s)”). (v 15) I slew his warriors without number. [I struck down] his elite [fi]ghting men with the sword. |
v 1212 | ⸢a⸣-di URU.MEŠ TUR.MEŠ šá ni-ba la ⸢i?⸣-šú-u ⸢ù⸣ [12 na-ge-e] | |
v 1313 | šá qé-reb KUR.ELAM.MA.KI ka-⸢li-šá ak-šud⸣ ap-⸢pul aq⸣-[qur] | |
v 1414 | ||
v 1515 | ina la-a mì-ni ⸢a⸣-duk qu-ra-di-šú ina GIŠ.⸢TUKUL⸣.MEŠ [ú-ra-sib] | |
v 1616 | (v 16b) Ummanald[ašu (Ḫumban-haltaš III), the king of the land Ela]m, fl<e>d naked and t[ook to the mountain(s)]. | |
v 1717 | [LUGAL KUR.ELAM].⸢MA⸣.KI me-ra-nu-⸢uš⸣-šú in-na-<bit>-ma iṣ-[ba-ta KUR-ú] | |
v 1818 | (v 18) [I conquered the cities Bašimu (and) Banu]nu together with the dist[rict o]f the city Tasa[rra, all (of it). (v 20) I conquered] twenty villages in the distri[ct of the city Ḫunnir], (which is) on the border of the city [Ḫidalu]. | |
v 1919 | ||
v 2020 | ⸢20⸣.ÀM URU.MEŠ ina na-⸢ge⸣-[e ša URU.ḫu-un-nir] | |
v 2121 | ||
v 2222 | ⸢60⸣ KASKAL.GÍD qaq-qa-ru ina a-mat AN.ŠÁR u d⸢15 ša⸣ [ú-ma-ʾe-(e)-ru-in-ni] | (v 22) (Over) an area of [si]xty leagues, by the command th[at] (the god) Aššur and the goddess Ištar [had given to me], I marched about tr[iumphantly in]side the land Elam. |
v 2323 | ||
v 2424 | [ina] ⸢ta⸣-a-a-ar-ti-ia šá AN.ŠÁR u d15 ú-šá-⸢zi⸣-[zu-in-ni] | (v 24) [On] my return march, (during) which (the god) Aššur and the goddess Ištar made [me] sta[nd over] my [fo]es, I conquered the city Susa, a great cult center, the residence of [their] gods, [a place of] their [se]cret lore. By the command of (the god) Aššur and the goddess Ištar, I entered its [palace]s (and) stayed (inside them) during celebrations. [I opened up] their [tre]asuries, inside which silver, gold, [possessions, (and) property had been s]tored — (v 30) [which the] former [kings of the land] Elam [...] ... |
v 2525 | [EDIN ga]-⸢re⸣-ia URU.šu-šá-an ma-ḫa-zu GAL-u mu-šab ⸢DINGIR.MEŠ⸣-[šú-un] | |
v 2626 | ||
v 2727 | ||
v 2828 | [ap-te-e-ma É] ⸢na⸣-kam-a-te-šú-nu šá KÙ.BABBAR.MEŠ KÙ.GI.MEŠ | |
v 2929 | ||
v 3030 | ||
v 3131 | [...] (traces) | |
Lacuna | ||
Column vi | ||
vi 1vi 1 | (vi 1) [my battle troops en]tered [inside them, saw their secrets, (and) bu]rned (them) with fire. | |
vi 22 | ||
vi 33 | (vi 3) [I destroyed (and) de]molished [the tombs of their earlie]r and later [kings, (men) who had not re]ver[ed the goddess Ištar], my lady, (and) who [had distur]bed the kings, [my ancestors]; I exposed (them) to the sun (lit. “the god Šamaš”). I t[ook] their [bon]es [to] Assyria. I prevented [their ghosts] from sleeping (and) deprived them of funerar[y libat]ions. | |
vi 44 | ||
vi 55 | [mu-nàr]-⸢ri⸣-ṭu LUGAL.⸢MEŠ⸣ [AD.MEŠ-ia ap-pul] ⸢aq⸣-qur dUTU ú-kal-lim | |
vi 66 | ||
vi 77 | [e-ṭém-me-šú-nu] la ṣa-la-lu e-mid ki-⸢is-pu⸣ [naq] ⸢me-e⸣ ú-za-⸢am⸣-me-šú-nu-ti | |
vi 88 | [ma-lak] ⸢ITI 25⸣ UD.MEŠ na-ge-e ⸢KUR⸣.[e]-⸢lam⸣-ti ú-šaḫ-rib | (vi 8) [On a march of one mont]h (and) twenty-five days, I devastated the districts of the land [Ela]m (and) scat[te]red [salt] (and) cress over them (lit. “it”). |
vi 99 | ||
vi 1010 | (vi 10) I cut of[f the clamor of] humans, (the sound of) the treading of [ox]en, sheep and goats, (and) [the cr(ie]s) of pleasant work song(s) (and so) ruined his harvest. | |
vi 1111 | [ši-si]-⸢it⸣ da-la-la DÙG.GA ap-ru-⸢us ú⸣-ḫal-li-⸢qa e-bur⸣-šú | |
vi 1212 | [dna-na-a] ⸢ša⸣ 1 LIM 5 ME 30.ÀM ⸢MU.AN⸣.[NA].ME ta-as-bu-su tal-li-ku8 | (vi 12) [(As for) the goddess Nanāya], who 1,530 ye[ar]s (ago) became angry (and) went [to live i]n the land Elam, [a plac]e not befitting her, [then, at that time (when) she nominated me for ruling over the lands, (vi 15) she entrusted me with the r]eturn of her lordly majesty, [saying: “Ashurbani]pal [will bring me out] of the [evil] land Elam [and make me enter E]anna (again).” |
vi 1313 | [tu-ši-bu qé]-⸢reb KUR⸣.e-lam-⸢ti⸣ [a]-⸢šar⸣ la si-ma-te₉-e-šá | |
vi 1414 | [ù ina u₄-me-šú tab-bu-u šu-mì a-na be-lut KUR.KUR] ⸢ta⸣-a-a-rat EN-ti-šá9 | |
vi 1515 | [tu-šad-gi-la pa-nu-u-a um-ma mAN.ŠÁR-DÙ]-A ul-tú qé-reb KUR.ELAM.KI | |
vi 1616 | [lem-né-ti ú-še-ṣa-an-ni-ma ú-še-rab-an-ni qé-reb é]-⸢an⸣-na a-mat qí-bit | (vi 16b) The word(s) of [her divine] command [...] ... |
vi 1717 | [DINGIR-ti-šá ...] x x | |
Lacuna |
1The translation assumes that the lacuna contained ma-da-at-tu šat-ti-šam-ma ú-kin EDIN-uš-šú “I imposed upon him an annual payment”; see text no. 9 (Prism F) i 76.
2The translation assumes that the now-missing text contained LÚ.A šip-ri-ia “my messenger”; see text no. 9 (Prism F) ii 48.
3The tablet lacks šá GIM BÀD GAL-e pa-an KUR.ELAM.MA.KI par-ku “that blocks the approach to the land Elam like a great wall” that appears after KUR.ELAM.MA.KI “the land Elam” in text no. 9 (Prism F) iii 48.
4Given the lack of space in the line, the tablet appears to omit MAN KUR.ELAM.MA.KI “the king of the land Elam” after mum-man-al-da-si “Ummanaldašu (Ḫumban-haltaš III).”
5The tablet lacks dan-nu-ti “fortified” after ⸢URU⸣.MEŠ “settlements” following the first version of text no. 9 (Prism F); see the commentary.
6These lines contain the shorter report of Ashurbanipal’s victories in Elam that matches the account presented in the first version of text no. 9 (Prism F); see the commentary.
7The tablet lacks lines 57–69 of col. v of text no. 9 (Prism F) that appear immediately before this line of text in the prism inscription; M. Cogan classified K 3404 as his F₇ recension of Prism F because of this absent material (JCS 29 [1977] p. 101). ap-ru-⸢us ú⸣-ḫal-li-⸢qa e-bur⸣-šú “I cut of[f] ... (and so) ruined his harvest”: Text no. 9 (Prism F) v 71b instead ends the line with ú-za-am-ma-a A.GÀR.MEŠ-šú “I deprived his fields of ....” These two variant traditions might suggest that this text contains a slightly earlier version of the Prism F material (see the commentary); these variants are also represented in text no. 198 rev. 5´ (the latter variant probably appeared in text no. 199 rev. 1´, although this line is almost completely restored).
81 LIM 5 ME 30.ÀM ⸢MU.AN⸣.[NA].ME “1,530 ye[ar]s (ago)”: The number of years given here for Nanaya’s departure matches the one presented in the first version of text no. 9 (Prism F); see the commentary.
9There is insufficient space for the tablet to have included ši-i ù DINGIR.MEŠ AD.MEŠ-šá “she and the gods, her fathers,” before tab-bu-u šu-mì “she nominated me,” and thus this account would match the one in the first version of text no. 9 (Prism F); see the commentary.
Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-22. Lemmatized by Joshua Jeffers, 2018-22, for the NEH-funded RINAP Project at the University of Pennsylvania. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as