Ashurbanipal 089

Column i
i 1i 1

[ina 8-e ger-ri-ia] UGU mdu-na-ni

(i 1) [On my eighth campaign], I marched [agai]nst Dunānu, [son of Bēl-iqīša, to the land Gambulu, which h]ad put its trust [in the king of the land Elam (and) had not bowed down to my yoke]. With my mighty [bat]tle array, (i 5) I covered [the land Gambulu in its entirety] like a fog. I conquered [the city Ša-pī-Bēl], his fortified [cit]y, [who]se location is [s]ituated [between rivers].

i 22

[DUMU mdEN-BA-šá a-na KUR.gam-bu-li] lu al-lik

i 33

[ša a-na MAN KUR.ELAM.MA.KI] it-tak-lu

i 44

[la ik-nu-šú ana GIŠ.ŠUDUN-ia ta]-ḫa-zi dan-nu

i 55

[KUR.gam-bu-lu a-na si-ḫir-ti-šú] ki-ma MURU₉ ak-tùm

i 66

[URU.šá-pi-i-dEN] URU dan-nu-ti-šú

i 77

[ša -reb ÍD.MEŠ] na-da-at šu-bat-su ak-šu-ud

i 88

[mdu-na-nu ŠEŠ.MEŠ-šú] ul-tu -reb URU šú-a-

(i 8) I brought [Dunānu (and) his brothers] out of that city [alive. I brought out his wife, his sons], his [daughter]s, [his (palace) women, male singers, (and) female sing]ers [and] I [count]ed (them) [as booty].

i 99

[bal-ṭu-us-su-un] ú-še-ṣa-a

i 1010


i 1111


i 1212

[ú-še-ṣa-am-ma šal-la-tiš am]-nu



i 1'1'

[ša ina -bit AN.ŠÁR ik]-šu-da ŠU.II-[a-a]1

(i 1') [With the spoils of the land Elam (and) the booty of the land Gambulu, which] I [captu]red [by the command of (the god) Aššur, with singers perfo]rming mus[i]c, [I ent]ered [Nineveh] in (the midst of) celebr[at]ion.

i 2'2'

[it-ti .NAR.MEŠ e]-piš nin-gu-ti

i 3'3'

[a-na NINA.KI e]-ru-ub ina ḪÚL.MEŠ

i 4'4'


(i 4') [(As for) Umb]adarâ (and) [Nabû-d]amiq, the envoys [of] Teumman the king of the land Elam by [wh]ose hands Teumman sent insolent message(s), whom I had detained before me (i 10´) by making (them) wait for the issuing of my decision, they saw the decapitated head of Teumman, their lord, in Nineveh (and) madness took hold of them. Umbadarâ pulled out his (own) beard (and) (ii 1) Nabû-damiq stabbed [himself in the stomach] wi[th his iron belt-dagger].

i 5'5'

[mdAG]-SIG₅-iq .MAḪ.MEŠ

i 6'6'

[ša] mte-um-man MAN KUR.ELAM.MA.KI

i 7'7'

ša mte-um-man ina ŠU.II-šú-nu

i 8'8'

-pu-ra ši-pir me-re-eḫ-ti

i 9'9'

ša ina maḫ-ri-ia ak-lu-u

i 10'10'

ú-qa-ʾu-ú pa-an ši-kin ṭè-me-e-ia

i 11'11'

ni-kis SAG.DU mte-um-man EN-šú-nu

i 12'12'

-reb NINA.KI e-mu-ru

i 13'13'

šá--e ṭè-e-me iṣ-bat-su-nu-ti

i 14'14'

mum-ba-da-ra-a ib-qu-ma ziq-na-a-šú

Column ii
ii 1ii 1

mdAG-SIG₅-iq ina [GÍR AN.BAR šib-bi-šú]

ii 22

is-ḫu-la [kar-as-su]

ii 33

ni-kis SAG.DU [mte-um-man]

(ii 3) (As for) the decapitated head of [Teumman], I displayed (it) opposite the Citadel Gate [of Nineveh as] a spe[ctacle] in order to s[how] the people the might of (the god) <Aš>šur and the goddess [tar, my lords] the decapitated head of Teumm[an, the king of the land Elam].

ii 44


ii 55

ú-maḫ-ḫi-ra maḫ-[ḫu-riš]

ii 66

áš-šú da-na-an <AN>.ŠÁR u d15 [EN.MEŠ-ia]

ii 77

UN.MEŠ kul-[lu-me]

ii 88

ni-kis SAG.DU mte-um-man [MAN KUR.ELAM.MA.KI]

ii 99

mIBILA-a-a DUMU mdAG-[sa-lim]

(ii 9) (As for) Aplāya, son of Na[bû-salim], grandson of Marduk-[apla-iddina (II) (Merodach-Baladan)], whose father had fled to the land Elam before the father of the father who had engendered m[e] after [I had installed] Ummanigaš (Ḫumban-nikaš II) [a]s king in the land Ela[m],

ii 1010


ii 1111

ša la-pa-an AD AD ba-ni-ia

ii 1212

AD-šú in-nab-tu a-na KUR.ELAM.MA.KI

ii 1313

ul-tu mum-man-i-gaš -reb KUR.e-lam-[ti]

ii 1414

[áš-ku-nu a]-na LUGAL-ú-ti



ii 1'1'

ú-bil a-[na ta-mar-ti ma-ti-tan]

(ii 1') I brought (Dunānu and Aplāya’s bodies) out t[o be a spectacle in all of the lands].

ii 2'2'

mdAG-[I mdEN-KAR-ir]

(ii 2') (As for) Nabû-[naʾid (and) Bēl-ēṭir], sons of [Nabû-šuma-ēreš, the šandabakku (governor of Nippur)], whose fat[her, the one who had engendered them, (ii ) had stirred up] Urt[aku] to fi[ght with the land Akkad] the bon[es of Nabû-šuma-ēreš], which th[ey] had take[n] o[ut of the land Gambulu to Assyria], (ii 10´) I made [them (lit. “his sons”) crush those] bon[es] opposi[te the Citadel Gate of Nineveh].

ii 3'3'


ii 4'4'

ša AD [ba-nu-šú-un]

ii 5'5'

mur-ta-[ki id-ka-a]

ii 6'6'

a-na mit-[ḫu-ṣi KUR URI.KI]

ii 7'7'


ii 8'8'

ša ul-[tu -reb KUR.gam-bu-li]

ii 9'9'

il-qu-[ú-ni a-na KUR -šur.KI]

ii 10'10'

GÌR.PAD.DU.[MEŠ šá-a-ti-na]

ii 11'11'


ii 12'12'

ú-šaḫ-[ši-la DUMU.MEŠ-šú]

ii 13'13'

mum-[man-i-gaš ...]2

(ii 13') (As for) Um[manigaš (Ḫumban-nikaš II), ...]

Column iii
iiiiii Completely missing


Column iv
iviv Lacuna


iv 1'1'

si-[it-tu-ti im-...]

(iv 1') (As for) the r[est, ...] th[ey] (the gods) [put (them) to shame].

iv 2'2'

ú-[BI-šú mdGIŠ.NU₁₁-MU-GI.NA ...]

(iv 2'b) [(As for) Šamaš-šuma-ukīn, ...], and [the people of the land Akkad, as many as ...], who [had abandoned me ...] wi[th Ummanigaš (Ḫumban-nikaš II) ...]

iv 3'3'

ù [UN.MEŠ KUR URI.KI ma-la ...]

iv 4'4'

ša [ia-a-ti ú-maš-ši-ru-in-ni ...]

iv 5'5'

it-[ti mum-man-i-gaš ...]

iv 6'6'

x [...]



Column v


v 1'1'

ina šam-[mu pi-i-šú-nu ig-mu-ru MUŠ GÍR.TAB]

(v 1') [They ate] g[rass. (As for) the snake(s and) scorpion(s), as many] creatu[res that there are on earth], (and) rodents th[ey brought them to an end. They gnawed] on animal hides, (leather) stra[ps, shoes and sandals]. (v ) To (fight) [their] hunger, [they slaughtered (their) sons, daughters], brothers, [sisters, ...]

v 2'2'

nam-maš-[ti qaq-qa-ri ma-la ba-šú-u]

v 3'3'

zer-man-du iq-[ti-šú-nu-ti ik-su-su]3

v 4'4'

gi-il-du ku-ru-[us-su KUŠ.DA.E.SIR.MEŠ u KUŠ.E.SÍR.MEŠ]

v 5'5'

a-na bu-ri-[šú-nu ú-ṭa-ab-bi-ḫu DUMU.MEŠ DUMU.MUNUS.MEŠ]

v 6'6'




v 1''1''

[ÍD.MEŠ-šú-un ša ú-šaḫ-bi-ba A.MEŠ] ḪÉ.NUN

(v 1'') [their watercourses, which had (once) gushed with an] abundance of [water, were (now) filled with si]lt.

v 2''2''

[im-la-a sa]-ki-ki

v 3''3''

[md]GIŠ.NU₁₁-MU-GI.NA ŠEŠ nak-ri

(v 3'') [(As for) Ša]maš-šuma-ukīn, (my) hostile brother [w]ho had planned murder against Assyria (v 5´´) and uttered grievous blasphemies against (the god) Aššur, the god who created me, [he (the god Aššur) determined for hi]m a crue[l] death; [he consigned him] to a conflagration [and] destroyed [his] l[ife].

v 4''4''

ša a-na KUR -šur.KI ik-pu-du -er-

v 5''5''

ù e-li AN.ŠÁR DINGIR ba-ni-ia

v 6''6''

iq-bu-u šil-la- GAL-

v 7''7''

mu-ú-tu lem-nu [i-šim]-šu-ma

v 8''8''

ina mi-qit dGIBIL₆ [id-di-šu-ma]

v 9''9''

ú-ḫal-li-qa nap-[šat-su]

v 10''10''

.ERIM.MEŠ e-piš si-ḫi [bar-ti]

(v 10'') (As for) the soldiers who had perpetrated sedition (and) [rebellion], as many as [had made common cause] with him, not a single one (of them) e[scaped]; not one es[caped my grasp]. With the rest [...] (v 15´´) as many who had been spared [... (As for) clo]thing (and) precious jewelry, every royal appurtenance, (his) [p]alace women, his eunuchs, and (other) people [ass]ociated with his palace, silver, gold, possessions, property, [the nece]ssities of the palaces, as much as there was, (v 15´´E) [chario]ts, a processional carriage, the vehicle of his lordly majesty, [hor]ses, his harness-broken (steeds), (and) people [mal]e and female, young and old I took (them) to Assyria.

v 11''11''

ma-la it-ti-šú [šak-nu]

v 12''12''

e-du ul ip-[par-šid]

v 13''13''

a-a-um-ma ul ú-[ṣi ina ŠU.II-ia]4

v 14''14''

it-ti si-it-ti [...]5

v 15''15''

ma-la in--ez-ba ḪU? [...]

v 15''A15''A

[lu]-bul-tu šu-kut- a-qar- mim-ma si-mat LUGAL-u-ti6

v 15''B15''B

[MUNUS].sek-re-ti .šu-ut SAG.MEŠ-šú ù UN.MEŠ

v 15''C15''C

[li]-me-et É.GAL-šú .BABBAR .GI NÍG.ŠU NÍG.GA

v 15''D15''D

[ḫi]-šiḫ-ti ŠÚ* É.GAL.MEŠ ma-la ba-šú-u7

v 15''E15''E

[GIŠ].GIGIR.MEŠ GIŠ.šá šá-da-di ru-kub be-lu-ti-šú

v 15''F15''F

[ANŠE].KUR.RA.MEŠ ṣi-mit-ti ni-ri-i-šú UN.MEŠ

v 15''G15''G

[zi]-kar u sin-niš TUR u GAL al-qa-a a-na KUR -šur

v 16''16''

UN.MEŠ EN ḫi-ṭi an-nu kab-[tu e-mid-su-nu-ti]

(v 16'') (As for) the people who were guilty, [I imposed] a ha[rsh] punishment [upon them]. I destroyed the<ir> faces, [flayed them, (and)] c[hopped up their flesh].

v 17''17''

bu-un-na-an-ni-šú-<nu> at-bal [KUŠ.MEŠ-šú-nu áš-ḫu-uṭ]

v 18''18''

(blank) ú-nak-[ki-sa UZU.MEŠ-šú-un]8

v 19''19''

min-da-bi-bi šá EGIR [mtam-ma-ri-tu]

(v 19'') Indabibi, who [sa]t on the throne of the land Elam a[fter Tammarītu], saw the might of my weapons that had p[rev]iously prevailed over the land Ela[m] and (as for) the Assyrians whom I had sent (vi 5) to aid Nabû-bēl-šumāti, (grand)son of Marduk-apla-iddina (II) (Merodach-baladan), with whom they used to march about <prot>ecting his land like a friend (and) ally (and) [wh]om Nabû-bēl-šumāti (vi 10) had seized by gu[i]le [during the n]ig[h]t (and) c[onfined in pr]ison, [Indabibi], the ki[ng of the land Ela]m, [released t]hem [from prison. So that (they) would intercede (with me), say goo]d [thing(s) about] him, [(and) in order to prevent (me) from doing harm to the territory of] his [land],

Column vi
vi 1vi 1

[ú-ši]-bu ina GIŠ.GU.ZA KUR.ELAM.MA.[KI]

vi 22

da-na-an GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ-ia i-mur-ma šá ul-[tu]

vi 33

re-e-ši ú-šam-ri-ru e-li KUR.ELAM.[MA.KI]

vi 44

DUMU.MEŠ KUR -šur.KI šá áš-pu-ra

vi 55

a-na kit-ri mdAG-EN-MU.MEŠ

vi 66


vi 77

ša ki-ma ib-ri tap-pe-e a-na <na>-ṣar KUR-šú

vi 88

it-ta-na-al-la-ku it-ti-šú

vi 99

ša mdAG-EN-MU.MEŠ ina pi-ir-[ṣa]-a-ti

vi 1010

[ina] šat? mu-ši? ú-ṣab-bi- ik-[lu-u ina] ki-li

vi 1111

[min-da-bi-bi] LUGAL [KUR.ELAM].MA.KI

vi 1212

[ul-tu É ṣi-bit-ti ú-še-ṣa-áš]-šú-nu-ti

vi 1313

[ki-i ṣa-bat a-bu-ut-ti qa--e MUNUS].SIG₅-šú

vi 1414

[la ḫa-ṭe-e mi-ṣir KUR]-šú



1The translation assumes that the lacuna contained it-ti ki-šit-ti KUR.ELAM.MA.KI šal-la-at KUR.gam-bu-li “With the spoils of the land Elam (and) the booty of the land Gambulu”; see, for example, text no. 3 (Prism B) vi 43–44.

2Although only two signs are preserved on this line, the presence of Ummanigaš after the horizontal ruling indicates that the tablet is following the textual tradition found in text no. 3 (Prism B) vi 86–vii 5, which begin the new narrative by referencing this Elamite king and then describing how he turned against Ashurbanipal. In contrast, text no. 6 (Prism C) vii 48´ and text no. 7 (Prism Kh) vii 36–45 start the narrative with a reference to mdGIŠ.NU₁₁-MU-GI.NA “Šamaš-šuma-ukīn,” and the latter, better preserved inscription provides a description of Šamaš-šuma-ukīn’s role in destroying the peace between him and Ashurbanipal before the account turns its attention to Ummanigaš specifically, but this section of the prism inscription is unfortunately poorly attested. If the present tablet does represent a draft of text no. 6 (Prism C) as noted in the introduction, it is possible that this additional content that only appears in prism accounts written after text no. 3 (Prism B) had not yet been incorporated into the Prism C inscription.

3iq-[ti-šú-nu-ti]th[ey brought them to an end]”: For this verb, see the on-page note to text no. 7 (Prism Kh) viii 14´.

4a-a-um-ma ul ú-[ṣi] “not one es[caped]”: Compare text no. 7 (Prism Kh) viii 64´, which has mul-taḫ-ṭu ul ú-ṣi “(anyone) who tried to get away did not escape,” employing mul-taḫ-ṭu instead of the more generic word a-a-um-ma “anyone” here.

5These lines probably correspond in some way to text no. 6 (Prism C) ix 4´´-7´´a and text no. 7 (Prism Kh) viii 72´b–74´a, which are a part of the list of plunder taken from Babylon that describe the captured people as: šá la-pa-an mit-ḫu-ṣi GIŠ.TUKUL.MEŠ di-ʾu šib-ṭu NAM.ÚŠ.MEŠ ù -eb-re- i-še-tu-ni “who had escaped from the clash of arms, diʾu-disease, plague, pestilence, and hunger.” This statement does not appear in the parallel list of plunder in line 15´´G of the present tablet, possibly indicating that the contents of lines 14´´–15´´ were moved from here and then worked into the description of the people in the list of plunder for the prism inscriptions.

6These lines are written in the blank space at the end of col. vi, after the scribe had rotated the tablet ninety degrees counter-clockwise, causing the lines to face the left side of the tablet. However, the scribe then drew two horizonal lines from the top of v 15´´A — crossing the margin between cols. v and vi — to the space in between v 15´´ and 16´´, thus indicating that the lines should be inserted there; this is the location of that material in the prism inscriptions. Portions of these lines are slightly out of order in comparison to those of the prism inscriptions and have a few different readings; compare text no. 7 (Prism Kh) viii 65´–74´.

7The ŠÚ sign after [ḫi]-šiḫ-ti “[the nece]ssities of” appears to have been erased by the scribe.

8This line is indented almost halfway into the column, starting under the bal sign of at-bal “I destroyed” from the previous line, and is written in a smaller script than the rest of the lines, making it appear as if the scribe initially omitted this material and then inserted it in the space between v 17´´ and 19´´ as a correction.

Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-22. Lemmatized by Joshua Jeffers, 2018-22, for the NEH-funded RINAP Project at the University of Pennsylvania. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as