Ashurbanipal 085

Column i
o io i Lacuna


o i 1'1'

x [...]

(i 1') (No translation possible)

o i 2'2'

x [...]

o i 3'3'


o i 4'4'

a-na [...]

o i 5'5'

mum-[man-i-gaš ...]

(i 5') Um[manigaš (Ḫumban-nikaš II) ...] who had fl[ed ...] inside the city S[usa ...] I made h[im] enter [... I placed him] on the throne of Teu[mman ...] (With) the chariots, wagon[s, ...]

o i 6'6'

ša in-nab-[tu ...]

o i 7'7'

-reb URU.šu-[šá-an ...]

o i 8'8'

ú-še-rib-šú? [...]

o i 9'9'

ina GIŠ.GU.ZA mte-um-[man ú-še-šib ...]

o i 10'10'

GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ GIŠ.ṣu-um-bi [...]

One or two columns completely missing

One or two columns completely missing

rr NaN One or two columns completely missing

One or two columns completely missing

Column i
r i' 1r i 1

ŠEŠ nak-ri [...]

(r i' 1) [... of Šamaš-šuma-ukīn, (my)] hostile brother, [...] took [the] direc[t road ...] until they ... [...] his command [...] (that) Elamite [...] ... [...]

r i' 22

-te--še-ru-[ni ḫar-ra-nu ...]

r i' 33

a-di šú-nu it-ti-[...]

r i' 44

e-peš pi-i-šú x [...]

r i' 55

.e-la-mu-ú x [...]

r i' 66

ú-x [...]



Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-22. Lemmatized by Joshua Jeffers, 2018-22, for the NEH-funded RINAP Project at the University of Pennsylvania. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as