Ashurbanipal 084
Obverse | ||
Column i | ||
i'i | Lacuna | |
i' 1'1' | [kal u₄-me uš-ta-ni-iḫ a-na qí-it BALA.MEŠ MAN KUR].⸢ELAM.MA.KI⸣ [ZÁḪ KUR-šú]1 | (i' 1') [it (an eclipse) lasted like this the entire day, (thus signifying) the end of the reign of the king of the land] Elam [(and) the destruction of his land]. |
i' 2'2' | (i' 2') [“The Fruit” (the god Sîn) revealed to me his decision], which cannot be chang[e]d. [At that time, a mishap befell him]: His lip became paralyzed and his eye became small. (i´ 5´) [He was not ashamed by thes]e [measures] that the deities Aššur and Sîn, [Šamaš, Bêl (Marduk)], Nabû, Ištar of Nineveh, [Ištar of Arbela, Ninurta], Nusku (and) Nergal had taken against him, [(and) he mu]stered his troops. | |
i' 3'3' | [ina u₄-me-šú-ma mi-iḫ-ru im-ḫur-šu]-⸢ma⸣ NUNDUM-su uk-tam-bil-ma IGI-šú iṣ-ḫi-ir2 | |
i' 4'4' | [it-ti ep-še-e-ti an-na-a]-⸢ti⸣ ša AN.ŠÁR u d*15*(erased) d303 | |
i' 5'5' | ||
i' 6'6' | ||
i' 7'7' | ||
i' 8'8' | (i' 8') [During the month Abu (V) — the month of the heliacal] rising of the Bow Star, [the festival of the hono]red [queen], the daughter of the god Enlil (the goddess Ištar) — [to revere her great divinity, I resided in the city Arbe]la, the city that he[r] heart loves, | |
i' 9'9' | ||
i' 10'10' | [a-na pa-laḫ DINGIR-ti-šá GAL-ti áš-ba-ak ina URU.LÍMMU]-⸢DINGIR⸣ URU na-ram ŠÀ-⸢šá⸣ | |
Lacuna |
1The translation assumes that the lacuna contained ki-ma šu-a-tu-ma “like this”; see, for example, text no. 3 (Prism B) v 7b.
2IGI-šú iṣ-ḫi-ir “his eye became small”: The prism inscriptions have IGI.II-šú is-ḫur-ma, “his eyes turned back, and”; see, for example, text no. 3 (Prism B) v 12b. Does the eye becoming small here mean that his pupil closed up or that his eyelid became droopy due to his trauma? It is possible that iṣḫir is a scribal error for the isḫur of the prism inscriptions, or maybe it represents a variant reading that was rejected when the prism accounts were crafted.
3i´ 4´a: Given the spacing on the tablet, it is doubtful that ga-ba-ṣu iš-šá-kin ina lìb-bi-šu “(and) a seizure had taken place inside him” from the prism inscriptions appears in i´ 4´; compare, for example, text no. 3 (Prism B) v 13. If it did, this line would contain twenty-eight signs; the longest line on this tablet is twenty-three signs (i´ 3´), but those signs are written fairly tightly together, while those of i´ 4´ are not. Moreover, the verb iṣ-ḫi-ir “became small” at the end of the previous line does not have -ma “and” affixed to it as the verb in the prism accounts does, possibly indicating that the third physical symptom of the Elamite king from those inscriptions was not mentioned here. i´ 4´b–6´a: The list of gods recorded on the tablet is significantly longer than the lists of the prism accounts. Text no. 3 (Prism B) v 14b has AN.ŠÁR u d15 “(the god) Aššur and the goddess Ištar,” while text no. 7 (Prism Kh) v 81a has d30 u d15 “the god Sîn and the goddess Ištar.” Note that in i´ 4´b of the tablet, the d15 has been erased, but the signs are still partially visible since the scribe did not erase them well.
Created by Jamie Novotny and Joshua Jeffers, 2015-22. Lemmatized by Joshua Jeffers, 2018-22, for the NEH-funded RINAP Project at the University of Pennsylvania. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as